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Chapter 108 Section 12

burnt ocher 戴维·默莱尔 2400Words 2018-03-18
She knew she had to sleep and rest, or her mind would be dulled by fatigue.Also, her purpose was to let Derek know she was asleep. At first, she adjusted the seat to a reclining angle, closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.But some manic thoughts crept into her head, and she was afraid, and she habitually pushed them back. She could only suppress her anger in her heart and turn it into a feeling in her heart.To steady herself, she focused on the roar of the plane's engines.It was dark outside the window.She closes her eyes. A hand shook her vigorously. "Wake up." Potter shook her again.

She blinked, feeling dizzy as her eyes struggled to adjust to the harsh lights in the cabin, realizing it was dark outside. "Go to the bathroom." "what?" "We're about to land," Potter said. "Stay in the toilet. Don't come out until I tell you." As the plane descended, Cissna saw the lights below and realized they were twinkling lights along the port of Nice. "Damn it, do as I say." Potter gritted her teeth as Potter violently pulled her seatbelt off and pulled her up.He dragged her behind and pushed her into the toilet. The door slammed shut in front of her.Sienna remembered that if Potter had treated her like this before, Derek would have killed him.But now Derek doesn't even look at such a move.

The plane was landing, and she held on to the wall of the toilet with her hands.A few minutes later, the plane landed with a gentle bump.Whatever Derek is thinking, it will all be over soon.She prayed that he would not stay away from her to prove his contempt for her.She's going to get close to him and talk to him so she can carry out her plan. She was feeling ill and the harsh light in the toilet made her look sick.The wound on her jaw has been in pain from the moment Ramirez hit her.If there was ever a need to look healthy, she told herself, it should be now.The drawer under the sink holds the most basic cosmetics.Hearing voices in the cabin (possibly immigration officials inspecting the plane), she scrambled to make herself look better.Shaking, she washed her face, wiped away the dried blood, combed her hair as best she could, put some makeup on the injured jaw, and put on lipstick again, her lower lip stinging.

The door was pulled open.Potter glared at her: "Go." She didn't give him a chance to repeat his order.She turned and ran away from him, straight down the aisle.She did her best to hide her nervousness and looked the same as when she was being pampered by Derek. So confident.She changed her mind when she saw that Derek wasn't there and only the guard was at the exit. She stepped down the ladder and headed for the apron.She had no time to enjoy the sweet smell of the sea, though she knew she should—perhaps it was her last chance.She can't let anything divert her attention.The helicopter was already roaring and waiting there, and she felt something was about to happen, so she walked forward quickly.With guards around and behind her, she was herded to the open door of the cabin.She sighed again, feeling that everything was different from before, and no one helped her get on the plane.She climbed up, trying to get Derek's attention, but she failed, but got ahead of the guard before he could sit down beside him.

For a moment she worried that Derek would switch seats, but the guards took other seats, and there was only one seat left in the back row, where Potter sat sullenly.She put on her seat belt. The cabin door closed.With an uncomfortable sinking feeling in my heart, the helicopter took off. Except for the hum of the engine, there was silence in the cabin. "I had a strange dream," she said to Derek, not looking at him. He stared ahead, pretending not to hear. She waited for a while, pretending to be puzzled, "I dreamed that I was falling." Still no response. The plane flew over the mountains and into the darkness.She concentrated on recalling the vivid past.She thought of the locked room next to Derek's bedroom, the pictures of his other wives, the pictures of his sister and their stories, and the scrapbook.

Derek's sister died on June 10th. A newspaper on the plane was dated June 8th. "It wasn't like your usual nightmare of falling," she said. "It was pitch black everywhere and you didn't know where you were falling. It was almost real." The only sound in the silence was the rumble of the plane's engines.Her heart was pounding as if it was about to jump out.She dared to say what she had to say.Since Derek won't answer... "Where?" Derek's voice was calm, and it took her a moment to realize he had spoken, to figure out what he was saying.

"Falling down the street." She remembered that the death certificate stated that Christina had died at three o'clock in the morning. "It was nighttime and I saw streetlights on the street, car headlights and some house lights. A shadow on the pavement came running towards me. Then I hit the guy and then the other lights shone on me, I woke up." "Go down," Derek said. "When I hit someone, the pain is..." She fell silent slowly. Thirty seconds passed. A minute passed. I'm done, she thought. "Where did you fall from?" She didn't answer.

"Isn't that in a dream?" he asked. "Fall off a guard rail." She paused, as if she didn't want to go into details.What she said next was puzzling. "on the balcony." Now Derek finally turned around and looked at her. "A balcony," he said. "On a hotel balcony." She looked at him tremblingly, watching his eyes, trying to make an emotional connection. "I can feel my heart beating fast. It's like it's real." "A balcony." Lights were shining in the valley ahead. The navigator walked in after permission.

The helicopter is descending. "Someone calls me Christina." Derek's gaze grew more intense. "It's a man. I don't understand. Why should I answer someone who calls me Christina?" "Enough!" Derek said decisively. "What do you mean?" "Who told you about her?" "I still don't..." "Is it the CIA?" "You know someone named Christina?" Sienna asked. "There's a way to end this. Describe the balcony." "I……" "If the nightmare was so vivid, you should have seen where you fell from. You told it like a drama. Describe the balcony."

Sienna hesitated.She was going to guess, but if she got it wrong... she remembered the pictures hanging on the walls of the locked room.One was taken of Christina as a teenager on a balcony, leaning against an ornate metal railing with a view of St Peter's in the distance.Was that hotel their favorite? "The hotel is huge. There are black metal railings, very ornate. St. Peter's Church is in the distance." The helicopter descended lower, and the lights of Derek's estate came closer and brighter, illuminating the helicopter pad. "You're playing games with me!" he said.

"game?" "I won't kill you if you think you're playing tricks with me..." "Trick? I didn't..." "Shut up. Shut up for me." "I dreamed that I was riding a pony." "what?" "I dreamed I was a little girl on a pony. I was surrounded by the Alps. But I've never been to Switzerland, and I've never had a pony. How would I feel on that pony What? I love that pony. God, am I crazy?"
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