Home Categories Internet fantasy Wall Street Feng Shui Master 2
Wall Street Feng Shui Master 2

Wall Street Feng Shui Master 2


  • Internet fantasy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 265214

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Feng Shui master sneaks into Japan

Wall Street Feng Shui Master 2 红尘 10898Words 2018-03-11
"Because of the seriousness of the matter, I used the King Wen hexagram which is more complicated than Plum Blossom Yishu. Your first inferred target is Japan, and I also have the same idea; The Earthly Branch of Najia is 'Xu', and the analogy of Xu is the capital of the empire and the place of Xingsheng, so the location can be accurate to the capital Tokyo and the vicinity of the emperor's palace." The headquarters of South New Energy Development Co., Ltd. is in Beijing, China. Several people are surrounding a computer in the company's president's office. A Schnauzer puppy named Koukou is facing the door of the office, lying on the carpet with its paw pads drooping head.

A battle video was played repeatedly on the computer screen.It was pitch black in the video, only the sounds of fierce fighting and gunshots were heard, and occasionally a mellow female voice shouted and exerted strength. An Liang could easily recognize the voice of his mother, An Yun, a New York feng shui master. Not long after, a hand appeared on the screen, removing a pair of night vision goggles from the head of the man in black who had fallen to the ground. An Liang pressed the Enter key to freeze the screen, turned his head to his sister An Jing and said, "See, this is a military night vision goggle, and the other party is completely equipped with special agents required by the military."

An Jing was wearing a black professional suit, with neat long hair, and stood behind An Liang with her hands crossed. Next to her stood two tall men, Liu Zhongtang and Sheng Weiguo.An Jing stood among them and looked very petite. Her appearance was eerie and playful, just like the host of a children's show that children like. This was very inconsistent with her dark clothes, but as a nun, professional suits were already worn. bottom line. The video continued, and as the camera panned slowly across the steep slopes of the surrounding mountains, they heard a conversation. An Yun called in English and Japanese respectively: "Mr. Changyu? Is it Mr. Changyu?"

A middle-aged male voice full of magnetism came out from the earphones, and he said to An Yun in Japanese: "I am Nagayo Rentaro, Master An, this is the first time we meet, please give me your advice." "Can you speak English? I don't speak Japanese very well." "Okay, I was so offended just now, in fact, I just want to ask seniors for advice." An Yun laughed twice: "Your Taoism and Fengshui skills are very good, are Chang Yu You Lang your father?" "He's my grandfather." "Is the old man okay?" "Thank you for your concern. Grandpa has passed away. Master An, I sent someone to pick you up, please don't refuse."

As soon as the voices of the two parties fell, there was the roar of a jet engine.With the sharp turn of the camera, a girl in black clothes floating in the air appeared in the picture.She is carrying a single-person jet aircraft, surrounded by seven small floating plates, these seven small plates rushed towards the camera in an instant, and the picture stopped abruptly. The tall and majestic Sheng Weiguo is wearing a decent suit, which makes him look like a man of promise. He is the president of the South New Energy Development Company and An Yun's old friend for many years.In this world, the new energy industry is always a sunrise industry. His company has its own research and development strength and products, and it has been developing rapidly in recent years. However, he believes that Feng Shui master An Yun cannot be missing. The enterprise is even more powerful, not to mention that he has a special affection for An Yun.

Sheng Weiguo sat down on the sofa and took a sip of tea and said: "This is the flying saucer we saw. It is not difficult to use the shape of a saucer to generate flying power, but it is already as small as a teacup and saucer and can be controlled so flexibly. It is already better than the current flying saucer." Technology was five years ahead of schedule." An Liang watched the last shot repeatedly. He turned his head and said to everyone: "The dynamic coordination between these small flying saucers and the women in the air is as coordinated as hands and feet running. It seems to be operated by that girl... There is no remote control, and one person operates seven Flying saucers, and as soon as the flying saucers came over, all Mr. Sheng's men passed out, these things are at least ten years ahead of the current technology."

Sheng Weiguo received An Yun's call for help that day, and immediately led the company's security team to Cuiweiling in the western suburbs of Beijing. Defeated without a fight, the whole army passed out and slept on the mountain until dawn.When Sheng Weiguo woke up, he found that An Yun had disappeared, and he only had a mobile phone that An Yun gave him when they met. With this mobile phone, Sheng Weiguo found An Liang and An Jing, and at the same time brought the secretary of the Chinese American Organization—the loyal and upright Hongmen white paper fan Liu Zhongtang. Through the dialogue left by An Yun, they already knew that An Yun's disappearance must be related to the Japanese, and now all the information has been sent to the world's best computer hacker Daniel.Daniel was sentenced for computer crimes. After he was released from prison, he became a special employee of Anliang's Fengshui office. He sat in Anliang's position every day and helped Anliang operate funds. After all, hyping the capital market is Daniel's old business. Anliang Talent will not be wasted.An Liang opens the video of the conversation with Daniel, and the hacker is about to give him the answer.

A black figure appeared on the screen, and An Liang complained to Daniel, "Dada, can you turn up the lights in the office, I can't see you at all, you are dark like a ghost... ..." "I'll go to court tomorrow and sue you for racial discrimination. The word nigger has been legislated as a discriminatory term..." Daniel didn't even look at An Liang, and argued with An Liang while operating another computer: "And your office lighting is not enough, I will also sue you for mistreating employees, I think the office lighting should be bright enough to see purebreds clearly Negro faces."

"Shit..." An Liang cursed silently. At this time, the phone on the desktop rang, and Sheng Weiguo heard the call from the technical department, and immediately turned on the hands-free function, so that everyone in the office could hear the report from the technical department. It turned out that An Liang brought to Beijing the "little alarm clock" that Li Xiaoxian gave him when he was fighting at the Gumucun base in Malaysia. One of them was dismantled and studied by Sheng Weiguo immediately, and the button was brought back to New York by courier and handed over to Daniel. With the strong technical support of the United States and the United States, the mystery of this mysterious weapon will definitely be revealed.

According to the report of the technical department, this is a super-powerful radiation emitter. Using it at close range can seriously damage the human brain, and using it at a long distance can dull the brain's nerve perception. The most direct symptom is coma.It doesn't need very high technology to do this, but what the technical department can't understand is that there is an extraordinary remote control fine-tuning device in the transmitter, which means that this is a radiator that can attack a specific wave frequency. An Liang picked up the teacup and saucer to cover his head and said: "David died like this. This radiator is fastened on the ceiling of the meeting room on the 23rd floor, and another one is installed on the roof of the decoration unit on the 22nd floor. Clamp David's seat up and down, and send an attack wave at the same frequency as his brain waves to David during the meeting. Other people in the meeting will not be affected, but he will suffer from severe brain shock and cause Cerebral haemorrhage... the same goes for the death of the MP."

An Jing said: "But the congressman died of cerebral edema and went mad, which is different from David's situation!" Sheng Weiguo said: "It may be that the killer didn't know where the parliamentarians would sit fixedly, so he used another wider frequency to forcibly attack, so he did it more cruelly." On the other side of the screen, Daniel called Anliang: "YOHO, Liang, I found out the background of Nagato Rentaro. His grandfather is Nagato Mataro, who was the president of the University of Tokyo in 1934; his father is Nagato Toshishin, from Tokyo A well-known philosophy scholar at the university; he also has a deep relationship with the University of Tokyo, he once presided over the Institute of Engineering ten years ago, and then resigned and disappeared." An Liang looked through the information sent by Daniel, and a small photo of Nagao and Rentaro appeared on the screen. This is a young and capable face, and the short hedgehog hair gives people an extremely energetic feeling.An Liang said to Daniel: "I want to find him, I want to know his family situation, address, and the location of his parents. Can you hack into the Japanese Police Department?" "Oh..." Daniel screamed, "Half of the programs written by the Japanese are in Japanese, which is for the Japanese to read. Don't be kidding, even if you enter the database, I will not look at the Japanese language." know what to look for." "waste……" "what?" "I said you're trash. What happened to my money?" An Liang handed over all his private money to Daniel to operate in the financial market. Daniel quickly multiplied his little fund five times in a row, which made An Liang happy. Now he sees Daniel as if he saw a lot of money. Dollar. "Sterling plummets..." "Ah?" An Liang immediately felt his mouth go dry.But Daniel laughed evilly, and only saw a big black shadow shaking constantly on the video. Daniel said triumphantly: "I backhanded short, and now I have made five times more profit. But I haven't closed the position yet, so this is just a paper profit. Oh! But I'm a piece of trash, and I don't know how to calculate the closing price, Liang, you Take a look at the disk yourself when you have time..." "No!" An Liang immediately stopped Daniel's low self-esteem, and he said sincerely, "You are a black diamond, dear Dada, you are the best trader, you are not a waste." "I'm not trash?" An Liang pleaded and said, "Yes, my brother, do you like any Chinese gifts? I'll bring you one." After coaxing Daniel, An Liang immediately said to An Jing: "Sister Jing, because the Japanese haven't contacted us yet, it is estimated that he is not trying to blackmail us. His target is Sister Yun, so it is useless for us to wait. .Now we want to take the initiative to attack, so it's time for you to show your strength again, let's make a fortune teller about Sister Yun's whereabouts." The safety of her mother is of paramount importance. An Jing did not dare to make up her mind. She took a pen and paper and walked into a small meeting room by herself. After closing the door, she closed her eyes and prayed to God.The function of prayer is equivalent to the effect of burning incense and bathing in ancient China. It can make one's spirit highly concentrated and ensure the accuracy of hexagrams. After a while, she came out with a piece of paper. When everyone saw it, it said "Wonderful Followers" was written on the paper. An Liang and Liu Zhongtang looked at the hexagram and said in unison: "Japan?" An Jing said: "Tokyo, Japan, is in the northwest near the imperial palace." An Liang immediately found a map of Japan on the computer, and Liu Zhongtang asked: "The hexagram Wuwang represents the disaster of Wuwang, which is definitely not a good hexagram, and the next hexagram representing the direction is 'Zhen', and 'Zhen' represents the east, which is the east of Beijing. Either South Korea or Japan, of course we will think of Japan, but how did Sister Jing calculate such a detailed location?" An Jing frowned and said: "Because of the seriousness of the matter, I used the King Wen hexagram which is more complicated than the Plum Blossom Yishu. Your first inferred target is Japan, and I also have the same idea; on the other hand, there are nine lines in the Wuwang hexagram. changes, and the Najia earthly branch of the upper nine lines is 'Xu', and the type of Xu is like the capital of the emperor and the place of Xingsheng, so the location can be accurate to the capital Tokyo and the vicinity of the emperor's palace." An Liang also saw that the hexagram was extremely ominous, so he asked An Jing worriedly: "How is Sister Yun doing now? Will her life be in danger?" Anliang would never have asked such a question in the past.Everyone who has had a fortune teller knows the date of his own death. An Liang also knows that his mother is not a short-lived person, but what he has experienced in the past month has made him break this belief. Die, but he who was destined to die has survived until today, which made him have to re-examine every emergency. An Jing quickly calculated on the paper, and explained to everyone: "This hexagram uses the parental palace of the first line as the god, and the first line is also the corresponding position. This line is in a strong state in the hexagram, that is, It is said that Sister Yun has a strong vitality and may gain the upper hand at any time. However, the hexagram of "Wu Wang" eventually evolved into the hexagram of "Sui", which is a hexagram representing passive taming and following, which means that the other party will eventually transfer Sister Yun. , if we go late, we may never find Sister Yun again." An Liang stood up nervously and said, "Then book a ticket to go to Japan, and first go to the University of Tokyo to find out the eight generations of Rentaro's ancestors. It's too obvious that such a celebrity wants to do bad things in the future, and we can definitely find out." Liu Zhongtang said in a low voice with his arms crossed: "Actually, this is just looking for a needle in a haystack. If the other party disappears, even the police will not be able to find him." An Jing sat on the sofa weakly and said, "We'll talk about it when we get there first. At this time, we have to try any method." At this moment, Anliang's mobile phone rang an exciting rock and roll ringtone, and the caller ID was Elena, a blonde beauty engineer from David Group. Elena gave An Liang a message over the phone: news of Danny's death had reached Wall Street, and the stock of David Group collapsed rapidly that day, falling by 70% in one morning, but before the market closed in the afternoon, a huge amount of mysterious funds appeared The acquisition was carried out, and the price stabilized fifteen minutes before the close, but there was no intention of rebounding. Anliang knew that this was expected. Matvey told him that the David Group’s research on the resonance machine had almost been exhausted, and the funds for the last year were maintained entirely by secret loans and fraudulent accounts. Once David And Danny are dead, the new boss will take over immediately.However, judging from the financial resources used by the new boss to save the David Group, he attaches great importance to the company where this person went to the empty building. Elena's words to An Liang are still obviously provocative, An Liang doesn't know if she treats every man like this, but Elena's teasing is full of spicy but not obscene, which makes An Liang very useful. An Liang knew that Elena didn't care about the company, but cared about her own research. For a person like her, it didn't matter which company she was in. As long as there was a place to provide funds and a project she was interested in, she could change jobs at any time.An Liang will not forget Elena's hidden qualifications behind her back. She is a colleague of herself. Every project of the David Group is determined by her inspection of the geographical location. The research centers on the two hills are all hidden Fengshui layouts, which can only lead to one conclusion: Elena is a geographer who studies genes, and she deliberately conceals from An Liang that she knows Chinese Fengshui. What An Liang paid most attention to was that the Feng Shui bureau that Elena set up in her bioengineering research center gave priority to women's rights everywhere, and Feng Shui supports women in the management of the company. So how much power does Elena hold now?An Liang asked nonchalantly: "Who is the new boss? Will they lay off a large number of employees? Generally, this is what happens when a new boss takes over..." Elena's voice was as lazy as ever, like a young woman who just woke up and was smoking her first cigarette of the day. In fact, Elena had a habit of never leaving her cigarette: "Pfft—the new boss is the United American Investment Corporation. , They are laymen, not to mention layoffs, they don't even know who should be laid off, hehe... They think that the company will make a lot of money for them in the future, who knows, maybe it will be like this. Liang, you Where are you, may I buy you a drink?" Anliang couldn't let her invite her for a drink, and she couldn't let her know that she was in China, so she had to send her off and say, "Oh... I'm going to sleep. What's the progress of your research? Do you know the cause of David's death?" "I have done many kinds of experiments and found that using low-frequency radiation will produce a relatively similar effect, but there are many types of radiation and wave frequencies. I think different radiation will have different results. And David died in the conference room and was radiated together. Why don't the other people die? So I want to chat with you, and seeing you always makes my mind full of passion..." "Oh!" An Liang exclaimed and laughed when he heard Elena's blatant tease, "It's really exciting, ha ha. I will find you before Christmas. To make up for my faux pas, I will treat you to dinner. Then we can talk again." "What about after dinner?" "Hahaha..." An Liang laughed loudly, he felt that Elena was just joking with himself, an overconfident woman thinks she can control everything, and always provokes men wantonly, "You can arrange it after dinner, if I still I don't want to go home and sleep... well, I'm going to rest, sorry..." "OK, good night." Elena tactfully hung up the phone. "American dogs can't enter Japan?" An Jing was wearing a black nun's robe and stood at the exit of Tokyo International Airport angrily. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when she walked out of the customs. Liu Zhongtang was dragging two suitcases in his hands, and a briefcase with a laptop on his shoulder. These were the luggage that Sheng Weiguo organized temporarily before they set off.An Liang and his party traveled and fought in Malaysia, and then flew non-stop to Beijing. They didn't have any luggage for daily use, and it was quite good to keep their passports close to them. An Liang rubbed his face in the cold evening wind and said, "Fortunately, the dog was sent back to the United States. If there is a dangerous situation, no one can save it, and the dog has to be rescued? It's really..." An Jing said unhappily: "Don't forget, Koukou saved your life in the end?" An Liang immediately retorted: "So we can't let it take risks anymore." Liu Zhongtang said while moving his lumbar spine: "Forget it, it takes half a year for animals to enter Japan, and you can't bring them with a buckle if you want. It's best to send them back to the United States now. Find a taxi and go to the hotel." An Liang said to himself: "It would be great if Xiaoxian was here, she will definitely arrange everything." An Jing pursed her mouth as if she was about to cry: "I want to buckle up."
After staying in a reserved hotel for one night, the three hurried out early in the morning and went straight to the University of Tokyo.This is an internationally renowned institution of higher learning with a history of hundreds of years. It originated from the scientific and technological institutions of the shogunate and the Institute of Medicine. Later, it paid more attention to the development of liberal arts and became a model for Japanese universities.Being able to study at the University of Tokyo is equivalent to stepping into a large company with one foot and stepping into Japanese politics with half a foot. But Anliang and the others stepped in like a blind man feeling an elephant. The three people who didn't understand Japanese at all, faced with the talented Japanese students who were not good at English, they basically didn't know what to ask.They wrote it in Chinese on paper and showed it to Japanese students, and the Japanese students wrote it in Japanese and showed it to them in Chinese. In the end, neither of them understood what they were doing. Those who can understand will understand. They also tried to search for information on the Nagayo clan in Internet cafes, but in the archives of the University of Tokyo, Nagayo Rentaro and his father and grandfather only left one name, and there were no new ones ten years ago. data of. After a whole day of running around, they returned to the Ginza Hotel exhausted. After a short rest, An Liang took Liu Zhongtang to drink.Liu Zhongtang coyly asked An Jing if she would go, An Jing sternly rejected this kind of debauchery, how could a nun go to that kind of place?So An Liang dragged Liu Zhongtang to Roppongi. Anliang noticed this place when he was looking for information in an Internet cafe. He didn’t want to come here to vent because of excess energy, but he saw that Roppongi’s entertainment industry economy was brought about by the US military stationing after World War II. A place where people gather and relax.At night, Roppongi comes back to life like a gorgeous show. There are bars and nightclubs under the cracks of high-rise buildings, neon lights flashing coquettishly to attract customers, and traditional and obscene shows are unscrupulously staged all night long.Information that cannot be found at the University of Tokyo may be found here.Moreover, the waitresses here deal with foreigners every day, and their English level is better than that of the students in the university, but the bunny girl sitting next to An Liang is a student of the University of Tokyo. On the stage there was a vulgar and lively show, a folk sketch called "Kyogen", in which a male entertainer sang and danced in kimono geta.Anliang drank sake and asked Sha Yezi, "Did you come to work here because your English is good, or did your English become so good because you worked here?" Sha Yezi wore two long and soft rabbit ears on her head and a flesh-colored low-cut swimsuit. She tilted her head and smiled at An Liang, revealing two cute little canine teeth.An Liang liked this one the most, and immediately opened his mouth wide and laughed. Sha Yezi said, "You really look like a teacher in school." "Aren't you mocking me for being like an uncle? I know that Japanese girls like to make fun of uncles the most." "Where, I think you are like a high school physical education teacher." An Liang smiled gratifiedly: "Aha, really healthy." "Looking obsessively at the female student's volleyball pants with a whistle in his mouth...hahahaha..." Sha Yezi's smirk was exchanged for Anliang's slap on her ass hard. Liu Zhongtang was surprisingly relaxed in this environment, which was a bit beyond An Liang's expectation. He asked Sha Yezi: "We want to find the Department of Literature of the University of Tokyo. Do you know where it is?" Sha Yezi looked at Liu Zhongtang's mature and stable Chinese character face and laughed again: "You want to sneak into the university to find a girl with literary and artistic temperament to take pictures?" "Am I like that?" Sha Yezi giggled again: "Like the uncle covering his face with a newspaper in the subway..." "Huh?" Both An Liang and Liu Zhongtang looked at her suspiciously.Sha Yezi said: "Look at the short skirts of the female students from under the newspaper..." Liu Zhongtang immediately raised his head and shouted: "Miss Boss, change!" "Ah! No!" Sha Yezi screamed and covered Liu Zhongtang's mouth and said, "The University of Tokyo no longer has a Faculty of Letters, and now it is renamed the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences." The two of them were dumbfounded when they heard it. After searching for so long all day, it turned out that there was no such place at all. At this time, An Liang's phone rang again, and the caller ID was still Elena. An Liang opened the phone and said: "Good morning... I woke up, what's the matter...Drinking? Going to drink now? I haven't brushed my teeth yet..." He turned his head to look at Liu Zhongtang, Liu Zhongtang pointed towards the depths of the bar, An Liang turned his head to look again, and suddenly saw a blond beauty in a vest and short skirt looking at him with a mobile phone, Elena's face With a playful smile in front of his eyes. An Liang looked at her and said, "Eileen, is your jet lag reversed?" "No, that's why I'm here. If I get drunk, I might beat the jet lag quickly." Eileen said as she picked up the red wine on the table and took a sip. An Liang’s question was not meaningful, because she must have been unable to sleep at night due to jet lag for three to five days when she first flew from the United States to Japan. Danny's death was directly related, and business trips must not be used as an excuse. "Who is arranging for us to meet?" An Liang walked up to Elena while talking on the phone, and two Japanese youths beside her stared at An Liang until An Liang sat opposite Elena. Elena gave a hundred dollars to each of the two young Japanese who accompanied her. They kissed her on the cheek and left.Elena put down the phone and said, "Do you like geisha or stewardess?" An Liang also asked cryptically, "Do you like bearded or beardless?" Elena lit a cigarette and said with a half-smile: "A man with a beard looks like a man..." Then she looked at Liu Zhongtang from a distance. An Liang understood what she meant, and she wanted Liu Zhongtang to come and talk together. Elena's sudden appearance was beyond An Liang's expectations. Not only did this woman control the David Group very well, she even knew her own whereabouts clearly.Although it is not difficult to find someone in this era, it is not easy for a scientist who squats in the research institute every day to chase him from the United States to Japan and drink sake by himself. An Liang picked up the cigarette on the table, took out one and lit it for himself. In front of Elena, he felt that whatever he did was natural, and a little presumptuousness seemed to be more to her taste. Liu Zhongtang also sat down, and after he greeted Elena, An Liang said straight to the point: "You just arrived in Japan, and you came to see me this time, do you want to study Fengshui or genetics with me?" Elena lightly flicked the ashtray on the ashtray and said: "We don't have time to study those now. Matvey may have been kidnapped by a terrorist organization. The company wants to rescue Matvey. I fully recommend you to participate in the rescue operation..." An Liang looked surprised: "Oh? Is there such a thing?" Elena didn't seem to know that Anliang saw Matvey kidnapped with her own eyes, and she didn't know the purpose of Anliang's coming to Tokyo. She nodded and said, "This happened a few days ago. On the same day that Danny died, Matvey disappeared. Guess he was kidnapped by a group." "He won't die with Danny? Why must he be kidnapped?" Elena squinted at An Liang and said, "I didn't say they were together, how did you know?" Knowing what Elena said, An Liang made a helpless expression, shrugged his shoulders slightly and said, "I guess so." Elena continued: "As far as we know, you also just came to Beijing from Malaysia, and then from Beijing to Tokyo, don't you know about them?" An Liang shook his head foolishly: "I'm traveling to visit relatives, so how do I know what's going on?" Elena thinks that An Liang is playing stupid, but she has no evidence to prove that An Liang had contact with Danny before his death, so she said to An Liang: "Matvey is very smart, he radioed a set of motorcycles in one place. Stein code to the channel dedicated to the Rift Valley R&D center, which was originally his project base, equipped with a super satellite receiver, so we know he is still alive. No further news, but the company has a certain degree of where he is. guess..." An Liang and Liu Zhongtang glanced at each other, and their minds began to work rapidly. An Yun is currently at a loss, and Nagao and Rentaro have no clues. Every day this matter drags on, the danger will increase infinitely, but now there is no other feasible way except to go back to the University of Tokyo to conduct a person-to-person carpet investigation; if you help If Elena saves Matvey, firstly, it can prevent the mysterious organization from using the earthquake machine, and secondly, it may meet Li Xiaoxian because of it.If An Jing's hexagram is accurate, An Yun's life will not be in danger in a short period of time. Helping Elena may be a breakthrough, and she can even learn more about Elena and the things behind her. An Liang took a deep puff of cigarette and exhaled towards the blue light beam of the spotlight, then asked, "When will we act?" "If you agree, we will start right away." "How much?" "One million dollars." An Liang didn't want to bargain right away: "At least ten million dollars." Elena sneered: "Oh, the consulting contract you signed with David Group is only 150,000 a year, and the company's asking price of 1 million to hire a Feng Shui master is already a sky-high price in the world." An Liang put out his cigarette butt and said: "David and Danny, I are good friends, 150,000 yuan is the lowest friendship price in the world, 10,000 yuan a month is paid as usual for 14 months, plus one month is My year-end bonus, and I only go to the headquarters once a year to see Feng Shui, so the price hasn’t increased in ten years, otherwise, how could you have such a high income. I bought 10 million in life insurance, and now I only need one from the United Investment Corporation of America. An insurance... By the way, if you are kidnapped, how much do you want the company to pay me to rescue you?" Elena was amused by An Liang, she breathed a puff of cigarettes on An Liang's face and said seductively: "You are so cute, I like you. But 10 million is too high, I have to ask the company first." She said After she was about to go outside to make a phone call, An Liang stopped her and said, "Pay 20% to my account first, and the company will pay for any miscellaneous equipment." Elena turned her head and walked out with a smile. Liu Zhongtang immediately went to An Liang and said, "Aren't you going to save Sister Yun? It's too risky for you to help her like this. The female soldiers who captured Matvey were all elite secret agents. We Can't beat it." An Liang drew a circle towards the sky with his finger, then spread two fingers apart and pointed in front of his line of sight, which means that there are eavesdroppers and surveillance people everywhere here, and it is inconvenient to speak.Then he picked up the wine glass and touched Liu Zhongtang's glass, signaling him to drink more and talk less. Elena came back and said that the company agreed to pay 2 million up front, but the total amount can only be 8 million, and no more can be added.An Liang immediately said with a smile on his face: "Deal! Our happy cooperation has begun. Now I will listen to the situation first. When the advance payment reaches my account, I will start saving people immediately. This is my account..." An Liang took Ai Linna skillfully pressed a series of numbers on her mobile phone. Elena saved the number and sent a text message, saying to An Liang: "You are so despicable." An Liang took this as a compliment, nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you, it's a great honor to serve you." Elena took out a Tokyo subway map the size of a magazine cover from her handbag. An Liang recognized that it was the kind distributed for free at the subway ticket office. The lines were thick and the colors were bright. It is drawn like a Japanese manga, so that idiots can understand it at a glance.He asked indifferently: "What is this for?" Elena took out a signature pen and drew a small circle on the upper left corner of the map: "The target is here." An Liang and Liu Zhongtang opened their eyes wide and saw that the small circle had Huguoji Temple on the top, Waseda on the bottom, and Higashi Ikebukuro 4-chome in the middle.An Liang pointed his finger in the middle of the map, which is the emperor's palace. He glanced at Liu Zhongtang and slid his finger to the upper left corner.Liu Zhongtang felt the surprise in An Liang's heart, this is exactly the location An Jing calculated, the northwest of the palace. The change of "Xu" to "Wei" in the sixth line of the hexagram "Wu Wang" has completely indicated this place: "Xu" represents the place of Xingsheng and also represents the noble cemetery. Huguo Temple is the burial place in Tokyo. It is a religious holy place with many celebrities, and the "Wei" produced by the change of fortune just represents the dry plain fields in June, which is exactly the analogy of Waseda.Everything already has an answer, but human thinking does not have enough knowledge to explain and see through.Liu Zhongtang no longer questioned An Liang's idea of ​​letting go of his mother, and he also listened to Elena's explanation with great interest. At this time, the proprietress in a gorgeous kimono came over with a smile on her face and whispered something to Elena, and Elena asked everyone to enter the small room at the back of the bar with the proprietress. Outside the small room, there were two Caucasian men drinking beer with the door on the left and the other on the right. An Liang and Liu Zhongtang could tell at a glance that these were brought by Elena.When they entered the room, they saw that the interior was decorated in a pure Japanese style. Except for the floral paper walls and tatami mats, there was only a low table in the middle that was less than knee-high. On the table was a large subway map. The cartoon version that came out was completely different. Elena knelt in front of the table, her waist pressed down into a seductive curve, and there was a sense of lust in the slightly loose vest.She pointed at the bottom of Huguo Temple and said, "This is the starting point of the Arakawa Line. It is less than five kilometers away from the Imperial Palace. It only takes one hour to walk to the Imperial Palace. It is located in the north of Tokyo, with a total length of twelve kilometers. Look at this What is the function of the route?" An Liang looked at the map carefully. The Imperial Palace is located in the center of the city. More than a dozen subway lines all follow a semicircle as the main direction. They start and end in different directions and overlap each other, enclosing the Imperial Palace layer by layer.Not to mention not paying attention, there is a very short Arakawa line in the north of the palace, from the northwest corner of the map to the northeast corner, without passing through the central area of ​​Tokyo in the middle, if you want to answer Elena's question honestly, Anliang will say that useless.Because not far from the Arakawa Line, there is an important line around Tokyo, the Yamanote Line. From the Yamanote Line, you can easily reach Tokyo’s commercial districts. Young people will use the Yamanote Line for work and entertainment. Those who use the Arakawa Line will only use the Yamanote Line. It is an elderly resident who lives along the line and just wants to go to the suburbs. It is really difficult to make money by operating such a line. An Liang shook his head and said, "This is a route that loses a lot of money. Unless it is a tourist route, the boss must have committed suicide by lying on the track." Elena straightened her body and said, "I know you can see the problem, otherwise I wouldn't recommend you to earn this money. This line is indeed a ground tram, and there are usually very few passengers, mostly elderly passengers. Lord. I would also like to remind you that the overlapping routes of the Yamanote Line and the Arakawa Line are also surface railways.” "Ah?" Both An Liang and Liu Zhongtang opened their mouths wide in surprise.Liu Zhongtang asked: "The subway runs on the ground, so what's on the ground?" Elena said simply and directly: "Put the military facilities." Then she took the map away, revealing another map stacked underneath.This map is much more complicated than the one just now, with many place names marked in handwritten Japanese.They immediately discovered that half of the routes overlapped with the subway map they just looked at, but between the six and seven floors that formed the circle surrounding the imperial palace, they were already penetrated by more than a dozen radiating lines centered on the imperial palace. At a glance, the whole of Tokyo looked like a Huge spider web. Anliang exclaimed and said: "I thought the Japanese people were so kind to the emperor, and all the subways went around the palace to let the emperor have a quiet time. It turns out that the subway terminal is under the palace!" Elena said: "Before and after World War II, Tokyo has been carrying out major excavations. Under the cover of subway construction, a longer and larger underground network than civilian subways has been built. After Nagasaki and Hiroshima were attacked by atomic bombs, the Japanese were more worried. One day Tokyo is attacked, and the construction of the dungeon continues unabated." She marked out a few blank locations around the four corners of the palace on the map: "These are the underground military fortresses that defend the imperial capital. Every time the subway passes through these places, it will skip a stop or make a sharp turn.地铁线往往深到二、三十米,要转几次电梯才可以从地面到列车,有的地铁站又浅得露出地面,都是为了回避军事设施。” 安良的眼睛睁得大大的看着艾琳娜说:“这么秘密的事你都知道,你是中情局的特工吧。” 艾琳娜笑一笑说:“我不是特工,这些都是公司提供的资料,我哪有时间查这些东西。” 安良的眉头皱得更深,他一脸认真地说:“那更糟,你不是美国政府的人,我们办完事你就要杀人灭口,或者天皇也会派忍者来干掉我们。” 艾琳娜知道安良不是插科打诨,他在分散自己的注意力,方便自己想问题,于是直接说道:“好了,你有什么想法直接说吧,如果你不想去我们可以马上停下来,反正汇款还没有到账……” 刘中堂一直盘脚静静地坐着,这时他托着下巴说:“中央区的皇宫四周都可以把地铁埋到地下,可是北部的荒川线和山手线却露在地面,这只能说地下的工事比中央区更大,更重要。荒川线无所事事地用地面有轨电车这种慢悠悠的老式交通经营,我想不是为了怀旧,而是这条线上的地下设施不能被震动,也不能被重压,更不能被房地产商在上面建大楼,否则往那下面打桩可就出事了。” 安良用拳头轻轻扫着刚长出来的须根说:“下面不会是军用地铁吧?” 刘中堂说:“不会,如果是地铁的话,市政会开放部分给市民使用。就算在战争时期,只要重新封闭和征用就行了,这样可以用经营收入维护设施,为军部省不少钱。而且下面是地铁的话上面还可以打桩建大楼,但是下面是工厂就不行了……”他说完也开始摸着胡子沉思起来。 艾琳娜脸上露出满意的笑容,她小声说:“Bingo!大家都是聪明人,那我们马上可以开始下一步了。”
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