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Chapter 46 chapter Five

ancient night 诺曼·梅勒 8303Words 2018-03-18
"The square room in which her altar was kept was windowless, the ceiling was about as high as the floor, and in the center of the floor the honey-balls were inlaid with patterns, that is, in a broad circle with narrow bands. Lapis-shaped lapis lazuli, and against the four walls are low ivory tables, on which are some tall chests containing her clothing. The only opening other than the door is a vent in the roof , the smoke from the altar can rise directly into the air through the vents. "On the night when Miqiu asked me to join her secret ceremony, I remember every movement she taught me, but I will not describe the specific procedure of the ceremony now, because I am afraid of being abused by others. I know, noble and great God , you may be upset if I fail to tell you all the truth in an orderly manner, but there is no truth to speak of if there is no magic ritual performed. Just as I have trusted you and confessed to you that in my four rounds of life No one knows, so you must now trust me too, and know that my best hope when I say all this is to defend your throne, and the lands of Egypt that you hold."

Puta-Nemu-Hotep nodded, "Although what you said sounds very polite, it is actually a bit disrespectful, because they will think that we are equal, so we must trust each other, but you should know better than me , It is you who trust me. However, I am still willing to hear what you said about the magic ceremony, maybe I will not ask again after that, the magic I am looking for is a higher realm than you The kind that is being told now. By measuring the secrets of the past that you have brought into my mind (the secrets of the past are now in my extremities, like my blood), I know that your future work is It is honorable to practice higher-tech magic. Therefore, even if you concealed the specific order in which you joined the magic ceremony, I will not blame you at this time."

Menehet kowtowed seven times, and then said: "I thank you for your wise thought, and this ritual can be safely said: Honeyball used many preparatory rituals to purify her lapis lazuli. circle, then summoned many friendly deities to be our witnesses (some deities whose names I had never heard before though). Then, before we started the ceremony, she asked me 'are you ready to join my temple ?' I said yes, and then I felt my chest swell, bigger than the hatred suffocated in my chest during the war. Then she asked me twice, and after listening carefully, it seemed that my A heartbeat told her more than my voice could tell her, and finally she said to her god, 'Three times he was asked the question, and three times he said the same answer.'

"Now we're standing in the lapis lazuli circle and she consecrates my nudity in a very formal order. I'll also tell about this part: she scented my navel, forehead, feet, neck, knees and chest , and finally through the private part of my groin, and then she used the light from the flame of a candle to apply a small amount of salt water and a few drops of oil to the above places, and the whole time she kept the candle close to my body so that Keep me warm. The consecration is over and I'm ready. "She took a knife from the altar. The handle of the knife was made of delicate white marble. The point was so sharp that if you continued to look at the blade, your eyes would bleed. Now she took off her white body. robe, standing in front of each other as naked as I was, and with that knife she punctured my belly below the navel, and she punctured her own in the lower abdomen, and mixed my blood with hers. She repeated the steps of each consecration, and then took a few drops of blood from my forehead, my big toe, my right shoulder, and my private parts. brought to the same part of her body. So when we finished the ceremony, the blood from those seven parts was mixed together, and we ended up standing together at the altar, the same mark, the same nakedness, the same dignity.

"Now, I am ready to join in the consecration of her temple. In that circle, lighted only by a wick burning in a saucer of oil, she lays me on a stone and holds a whip aloft , whipped me twice, three times, four times, until the fourteenth time. "I was whipped a lot as a kid, and I used to be beaten to the ground and crawl to find dirt to stop the bleeding. During my first life, no matter how high my title was, no one would think I was a Noble, because I have too many whip marks on my back. The taste of being whipped is not unfamiliar to me at all, but the feeling of being whipped by a honey ball is different from being whipped by other people. Although she waved lightly The whip, but the pain on me didn't lessen. She kept whipping me like you throw a pebble into a pond and then throw a second pebble into the ripples of the first pebble Center, doing this doesn't soften the ripples from the first pebble, it just deepens them—every time the honeyball whips me, it's like throwing a pebble into the water, always increasing my pain. This pain The sensation spreads all over my body, like balm spreads to every corner of the cloth. On other nights, she has taught me a lot of kissing skills, and I feel such a thrill, and understand why kissing is noble A necessary pleasure. Originally I could hardly bear the pain, and I would have leaped into the air because of her violent whippings, although she accompanied each whipping with a gentle sound. But now, I finally passed the whipping, feeling a kind of dizziness almost drunken, that is to say, I have entered a state of reverence for my pain, so it seems to me that these pains wash away all my shame. , how should I deal with this conflicting emotion? In fact, she whipped the whip very accurately. First, she hit my naked buttocks once, twice on both sides, and then whipped all fourteen parts of Osiris' body again, I say this because my body and the body of Osiris are now one. I close my eyes and she whips me in the face once, and when I open her eyes she whips me again. Once in the face. She whipped my shoulders, fists, feet, back, stomach, chest and neck, and finally she whipped my private parts. When her whip fell At that moment, it became like a limp snake again. Clouds of fire floated overhead, and I even heard Ma-Kuret chant in a clear voice after each whipping, 'I sanctify you with oil! ’ Then she anointed the oils on the fourteen welted flames until the flames had cooled to about the same temperature as mine. Then she intoned, ‘I consecrate you with wine!’ Then the bitter The wine smeared the fourteen flames on my body, which made me scream continuously. She gently washed me with cold water until the steam of the calming flame rose from my body. , and then she intoned, 'I consecrate you with torches!' But all she did was use the smoke from an incense bowl to smoke every sore spot on my body. At last she said, 'I will consecrate you with my lips You sanctify!' Between my eyes opening and closing she had kissed my forehead twice, then the soles of my feet, the muscles of both arms, the knuckles of both fists and back, belly, chest, neck, long lick at the endLick my pussy until it's as hard as an alligator's head.At last she said, 'I will make you the first priest of Osiris in the temple of Ma-curit, please swear that you must be faithful, and swear that you will do your duty. 'I swear aloud, and this oath heralds my future tasks and powers.Then she lay on me like a magical temple, her sweet flesh trembling, then she softly called my mysterious name, with the sweat pouring out of my fourteen pain-swallowed parts, My flood started to flood.

"This is the end of the ritual, and the end of the ritual is the beginning of our lovemaking. Now, it's my turn to whip her ass, and when I finish, her ass on both sides are swollen as red as the sun and as big as the moon .I can say that I have learned the art of whipping. It is not my arm that controls the whip, but her heart attracts the whip to her body, so I feel that I am whipping her swollen heart. But it makes me To my amazement and disgust—for I had never done such a thing for anyone before, not even for a king—I grabbed those whipped buttocks and pressed my face against the Above, greedily kissing her sensitive parts, with these urges, she smells worse than a mare. Of course she did the same to me, and we rolled together, through this ritual Even if we got married, our life would be changed forever. In the following time, she kissed me crazily countless times. Through her caress, I finally felt like a pharaoh lying flat, It is both noble and great. Continuing this lingering beauty, I once again feel those intentions that she did not express, and I am being enslaved by a large number of her intentions.

"The word 'substantial' is the best word, and the rest of the night I lay beside her as blissfully as a man asleep in a boat. Yet in the dream our boat was resting on a high cliff We woke up, clutching at the rock. Then I learned that the purpose of our magic - now our own magic - was only to weaken the king's power. When I looked at her face , I can see that noble wisdom in the eyes of Osiris, the most serious god, that makes me feel like Horus of the north. In fact, looking into the eyes of another, you can see yourself past and future." "What is your mysterious name?" asked Puta-Nemu-Hotep.

I figured my great-grandfather wouldn't be quick to reply, but to my surprise, he was quick to answer: "Oh, it's 'Helper who twisted the king's neck.' I got my comeuppance, so I had to give it up." "Will you tell us what happened?" "I will, but I think I'll say it later. I know it's a dangerous name, but she's been very candid about it. If I'm going to be a servant of her great spell, I must be prepared to die. She often says that to I say, and always add, 'Can't be like a farmer anymore.' No, now I must learn to die in entirely purpose-made embalming material, and death is as much a privilege of nobility as learning the art of kissing. I often laugh She, do I need to strengthen this privilege and will?—I have seen thousands of people die under the ax—in fact, she knows better than I. She understands that it is most dangerous if I die soon. Yes, because everyone must be well prepared for the journey through hell.

"She wanted to reassure me time and time again that her body and mind (including me, of course) were not yet owned by Ma-Kurit, neither in this life nor in the next. I told her , when I was a child in our village, we knew that only the nobles and the very rich could pass through the gloomy kingdom of the underworld and hope to reach the holy land. For a poor peasant, he could only encounter fierce snakes and hot flames repeatedly. And steep cliffs, a timid and cautious person dare not even try or even think about it. A poor person can only be buried in the barren sand. Of course, I also remembered that our village Many dead people did not accept this way of resting, so they became ghosts, they always passed the village at night, and talked to us in dreams. Until later, the burial method in our area became very cruel, and people chopped up the corpse We cut off the head of the dead body and cut off the feet, so that the ghost will not follow us. Sometimes we even bury the head of the dead body between the knees or put the feet next to the ears of the dead body, so that the ghosts can be haunted. I was so dizzy. She laughed happily after I said this to her, and the moonlight poured on her soft thoughts, wherever they were wandering at the moment.

"That's when she got up from the bed and took out a small sarcophagus no longer than my fingers, and Ma-Kuret's face and body were carved on the lid. Inside was a mummy, just a short caterpillar So big, so tightly wrapped in fine linen, it doesn't need resin, in fact, it's as lovely to the touch as a rose petal. I'm holding the mummy of her embalmed little toe Looking closely, I haven't been able to decide whether it is worthwhile, she told me how her little toe passed through the gates and fiery gates of hell, and I muttered that I didn't even know how my whole body passed through. Knowing, let alone a toe, she let out a pleasant laugh. 'It's a ritual that only people in our part of the world know about,' she said. 'Sometimes those who come from Sa The people of Yith know a lot,' she said with a smile again, 'my family betrothed the soul of this toe to the soul of a fat and rich businessman in Saith. Yes, the two souls Even earned some expensive rolls of papyrus for my family.' I knew her well so I believed she was telling the truth, and she later told me the whole story - after receiving a note from her mother After writing the letter, Honeyball learned that the night when the businessman died was the night when she lost her toe. When her toe was lying in the small bowl of natron, the businessman was also lying in his bathtub. Both were soaked for seventy days. So she and her family kept up a correspondence with each other, made sure they were both wrapped up on the same afternoon, and put them both in their respective sarcophagi on the same night, one big and one small, One is the toe of Thebes, and the other is the fat merchant of Sais. The two souls spent ten days crossing the Nile River. Of course, it does not care about any length of distance for the soul. So the two souls are ready to go together Travel far to Kat-Nata.

"Then she said that her mother, who helped the fat man's family in the preparation process, reminded the widow of what type of figurines to arrange, and who was the best craftsman in Delta.' A small man The figurine may not be as heavy as your finger, but it must be properly erected on its corresponding wooden boat. When he was buried in the tomb, the poor woman didn't even know where the figurine should be placed. It can be seen that if a family becomes rich so quickly, but does not bring any knowledge because of wealth and wealth, it is a very terrible thing. They can't even name the papyrus rolls they want to buy. The widow No idea. But no matter how much it costs, she has to buy the confession.' "'Confessions?' I asked suspiciously, thinking I was as ignorant as the fat man's family. "'Yes,' she answered, 'the widow complained so much about the expense that she was so mean that my mother had to pay for it herself, because she didn't want the soul of my little toe alone in Kat-Nata wandering, and unless he had a confession, his soul could be with mine. The night before the funeral my mother had to hire two priests who prayed till dawn and properly inscribed the confession in the On the papyrus that has been consecrated three times, at this point at least the merchant can prove to the gods, devils and animals that he is a good man, this papyrus proves that he has never committed any crime, that he has not killed anyone , did not steal anything from the temple. He never violated Amon's property, never told a lie or cursed anyone; no woman would claim that he had an affair with her, no man would say that he had a relationship with Another man had sex; he lived without being filled with rage, he never overheard his neighbors, he never stole land he coveted, he slandered no one, he masturbated; he never will refuse to hear the truth, and swears that he will never stop the fat water that is destined to flow into other people's pockets; any of those crimes. And most certainly, he never cast any spells on the king.' "Now Honeyball is laughing like before, 'Oh, Kazama, what a horrible man we're helping, there's no crime he hasn't committed. He's got such a bad reputation that Everyone in Sais calls him Fick-Forti, though not to his face.'” Haysfertiti and Nefer-Hepp-Occham froze for a moment at the name, but neither of them spoke, and Meinehet went on, almost without a pause: "'You understand ’ Honeyball said to me, ‘The power of this confession is so strong, so the soul of my toes is safe.’ She nodded, ‘I have been told this in my dreams all the time. Fick-Forte flourished in Hades, and my little toe was by his side.' "'Flourish?' I asked her, baffled by it. The night before, when she tried to convince me that she had acquired quite a bit of wisdom from this series of passages of her toes, she said no priest could Like, can so clearly tell me what to say to the angry animals and gatekeepers of the underworld. She knows not only the names of the snakes, but also the apes and crocodiles on the banks of the underworld, and her soul used to bite the teeth The flaming lion and the lynx with claws like swords have spoken. She can use powerful spells to take you through lakes of oil, and knows how to go through every door in the dark and what to eat before getting to the quicksand on the other side. herb. "Also, she can consecrate all the amulets I may need in Kat-Nata, for example, the amulet of the heart (if the amulet of the heart is consecrated, it will give new power to my soul), or two the golden finger amulet (which will help me climb the ladder to heaven), she even knows how to purify the amulet of the nine steps (the nine steps leading to the throne of the god Osiris). In addition, she is going to put The incantations of the many chapters I needed were written on papyrus, and I was told their respective titles: Appearance by Day, Rebirth after Death, Beyond the Serpent Apep's Back, Hymns of the West "The chapter that makes a man remember his name in the underworld" "The chapter that repels the crocodiles" "The chapter that does not allow a man's heart to be taken away". I don't know if I can fully understand, there are indeed too many chapters Already: "Live on Air," "Don't Dying Again," "Don't Eat Dirt," "Catch the Sailboat" (so that one's soul's ship might sail through that awful stench). Also There are "How to Become a Prince with Power", "Lily Chapter", "Eagle Chapter" and "Ram Chapter", which are not over yet, and there are also "chapters that drive away a person's evil memories" and "chapters that do not allow the soul to be imprisoned" ", and "Worship of Osiris", "Recitation on the Night of the Full Moon", every time I thought she was going to finish, she remembered other chapters again, "Chapter Emerging from the Grid", "Building Osiris Reese's Spine Chapter." She whispered to me, but the names became as loud in my head as the shouts of a peddler. "'You are the king's royal library,' I boasted. "'I would do it all for you.' She told me I could hear the love in her voice. In fact, she will really take care of me in Hades, and she wants me not to be afraid That place. So I don't have as much fear in her ritual. "But I still don't understand, she has told me all the talismans and chapters I need to have, and even then, Fick-Forti was given a small papyrus full of lies, written by two people. a drunken priest who has been fondling each other all night to consecrate them. "'Oh,' she said, 'that thrice-consecrated confession wasn't written for Fick-Forte alone, it was written for the soul of my little toe, too.' "'Then can you say that you have not committed the forty-two sins either?' "'The virtue of the papyrus lies not in the truth, but in the power and wealth of the family that purchased it.' she conceded at last. "It dawned on me that Ma-Couret might claim she could do a lot for me, but the more likely truth is that we are all at risk. "I told her these things, and I almost didn't have to say them, because she knew what I was thinking. "'We could be killed together,' she said calmly, as we lay side by side on her bed. "Then why did you tell me the names of all these chapters? Won't you stay and write those chapters for me? "She said, 'So you have to make sure you remember the titles of those chapters.' "'All of it?' "'It can be done.' "'Yeah, you've done it,' I said. "Ma-Couret probably knows how to remember the prayers she needs, because her memory is stronger than my muscles. I don't even want to try this feat, she may be as wise as the royal library , but she is also foolish not to know that there will be no natron bath for my use, and that the king will cut my body into forty-two pieces and scatter them in different places." It was at this point that my mother (whose thoughts had strayed into her own childhood) asked, "Who is this Fick-Ferty?" Menehet, annoyed at her sudden interruption, did not look back at her. "Not the same person," he said, "but another Fick-Forti from before, just as I am not what I was yesterday." Having thus answered her question, he continued, "I tell you, At this time, I thought of the wisdom of the Hebrew Nevsh-Besh, that maybe I should also let myself enter the belly of my woman with my last breath, and be reborn as a new A body and a new life. But as soon as I have this thought, I want to go back to my bed where I can draw circles around my head forty-two times without letting the thought wander .in fact, as soon as i left her and got back to my room, i drank a can of crobies and drank it quickly. and the sad truth is that i don't know if my life in this life wants to Ending up being a child in her womb, do I want to be the son of a woman who has tasted another man's residue? "That's when I realized how much I've bonded with Honeyball and how much I've been overwhelmed by her, and I dare not even think about it in my room. I say to myself Talking to myself with that nearly empty croby jar in my hand as drunk as a noble and great king. I drew forty-two circles around my head and fell dizzy and fell asleep Yes. The judgments of the underworld and the delusions that lurk in the brain have become twisted like intestines. "When I woke up the next day, still delirious because of Croby, I tossed and turned in bed and said to myself, 'The night is full of devils.' In middle age, I still hated Honeyball and was perfectly content to have a few ideas out of her reach. "The cries of children playing outside my house kept ringing in my ears. There were a lot of children out there, and at this point I was throwing up because of Croby's ghost, which I could vaguely hear (I never had it before This feeling) The sound of children playing games is even louder than the singing of birds. The shouts of these children are heard in all directions, and now I can hear them bathing in the pool and chasing the geese in the pool, some Climb high up trees and talk to the birds. Over my head came the inarticulate scolding of the nurses, the scolding of the mothers, the long sobbing, and all kinds of laughter, all of these children were the king's Children. When I think of these children, my eyes fill with tears, as strange and sweet as a drizzle in the desert, and I think of the daughter I had with Rip-Ripter, who is dead After many years, I still fantasized that she should look like a child. Then I suddenly had an idea and thought that Miqiu is one of the very few princesses who have not given birth to the king, maybe because she hardly loves the king's private parts, Does she like my private parts more? At this moment I feel that she is much closer to my heart, so I don't hate her anymore, after all, she is ready to die with me. "I just woke up from all kinds of oppression, and now I can finally breathe freely. I was touched by her generosity, and I seemed to understand for the first time that no one could fill my future with so much hope like this woman Brilliant, and it also opened my eyes to the true power of a family. As Ra sailed across the dark river of Hades in his divine boat, a wife and child passed there in their golden boat. Honeyball and I have passed through the mystic married, we love each other's buttocks, share each other's full bodies, and now we're going to have kids of our own. Yes, I tell myself, we've got to escape the harem, and I'm going to be like Moses, with her Flee together to the deserts of the East, and from there we may go to New Tyr. With her great learning, shall we not prosper in such a strange city?" As soon as the words fell, Menehet looked up at my mother and Puta-Nemu-Hotep to see if they agreed with his views on love and marriage, but both he and I were surprised Yes, they are no longer there.Because we had only been listening to my great-grandfather before, they had left the scene while he was confiding, and my poor father had fallen asleep in a coma.
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