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Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Seven

Gospel of the Son 诺曼·梅勒 4100Words 2018-03-18
They came back that day, and they felt sad when they talked about their attempts to heal others.They often ask me, "Why can't we cast out the demon? Anything is possible for someone who believes in the demon." I tell them that even when a man prays for his perfect faith, there is still a part of his soul that has no faith. "I once asked a man if he could believe in God. He replied, 'My God, I believe in you, please help the part of my mind that doesn't believe in you.' That," I told them, "is wisdom !" MY disciples are still frustrated because they cannot heal the sick.

I decided to go back to the Sea of ​​Galilee with them.Levi was always able to find a boat for us, and he knew many captains who flattered him as he calculated and collected their taxes, so we quickly escaped our followers within a few hours.But some saw us go, and followed us on foot.They continued to follow us until we reached the shore and up a hill. When we set off, I was tired from lack of sleep, but now I am filled with compassion and ready to preach again.How can I not do it?I know all the mistakes I've made and MY people are like sheep without a shepherd and can only be healed if I give them hope soon.But they don't love my God enough, I know that.In fact, I don't love them enough, not enough.I don't trust them enough to ask my followers to give me just as much trust.So I had to remove all doubts, I had to convince everyone who listened to me of my love for him.During those days on the mountain, what I taught them most was the story of the loss of John the Baptist.

Later, those who became my scribes, most notably Matthew, spoke in his Gospel of my preaching on the mount.He recorded all kinds of things I said, and some even opposed things.Matthew puts so many things together, in fact, he also said that I preached day and night, non-stop for two months, and didn't listen to anyone.I can only describe what I know: I wish to pass on all the wisdom God has given me. I began to realize what a huge task it was and that I couldn't carry all of God's messages alone.Too many people are against me, I need an army of believers.If my twelve disciples could find their own twelve disciples, and those disciples would find their own twelve disciples, then I would have an army of believers.So I knew I had to send MY disciples again and let them come back with their own disciples.

But too large an army brings riots.If belief is simple to some, it will soon be incomprehensible to the children of men.Every time I change direction, I start to wonder if I'm one step closer to the light or one step closer to the darkness.Perhaps because of this—for me, my faith remained simple, and my stronger discourse filled me with admiration for the work of God.In fact, I am now filled with confidence that God's love is ready to forgive anyone who will go to God's side.So I lead them to approach God's love instead of continuing to appreciate my healing power.At this moment, my words resounded through the valley.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit," I told them that day, "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the mourners, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the humble, for they shall possess the land." Saying so, so did I Believe it. "Blessed are the hungry and thirsty, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." I see hope in all who listen, and the rise of hope is as bright to me as the dawn gathers at dawn.So I told them: "You are the light of this world, and the city on the mountain will not be covered by you. Just like a person who lights a candle and hides it in his clothes, the light will not be covered. If you put it on a candlestick, Then it will bring light to the whole house."

If I'm going to give them more love, I know I have to say something that maybe they don't like to hear, say something that disrupts faith, as I have had faith issues.The desire for vengeance is not only in the very essence of their souls, it is in mine as well.If I can love God in this way, then they can love him in this way, so they must worship him as I do now.So I said something that might be hard for them to bear: "If anyone," said I, "slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the left cheek as well. If a man wants your coat, give him your cloak too." I Feel the desperation they feel when they try to believe the words. "You have heard the words," I told them, "love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say this: Love your enemy and bless him. Do good to those you hate and those who hate, pray for those who persecute you. Only in this way can you be a good people of God. He created his Son and increased the power of demons and good people at the same time. Everywhere sends rain. If you love only those who love you, how much do you get in return? So be perfect, as your God is perfect in heaven." I know they are like me, born A great desire to believe this.

For these reasons, I try to explain how powerful God's generosity is: "Don't think about your life, and don't think about what you should eat, what you should drink, what you should wear. Life should be more than eating meat, right? Shouldn't the body just be clothed? The birds of the air don't sow, and they reap nothing, but your God feeds them. Think of the lilies of the field: they don't work, they don't spin, None of Solomon was as beautifully dressed as they were. If God could dress the grass in the field, why not you? So don't think about these things, don't keep asking, 'What shall we eat?' or 'Shall we drink What?' or 'What shall we wear?' because your God knows all these things you need. Go seek God's Kingdom and His integrity, and then you'll have everything. Don't think about tomorrow, Because tomorrow has its own worries, and it is enough to bear the difficulties of the day."

I said to them, "Let's pray together." Then I heard them repeating my words.I am full of strength, like a Leviathan leaping from the depths of the sea. Together we pray: I said "Amen" many times when we came down from the mountain.When it was getting late, my disciple said, "It is wise to send them away now, they must go back to their villages and buy some bread, because here is the desert and they have nothing to eat." But it is not my idea to send away these listeners, these people who walked over sharp stones to join us, they came to hear me preach.I could feel God's hand on my elbow, and I said, "Give them something to eat."

My disciple said, "You are the one who has to feed. Didn't you tell us: don't think about 'what should we eat? or what should we drink?'" I did say that. "How much more toast do we have?" I asked. They looked at it, and there were five pieces of toast and two pieces of dried fish.I said to my disciples let all who follow us sit down on the ground, and I took these five loaves of baked bread and divided them into very, very small pieces until each loaf was divided into a hundred pieces, the two fish Each piece was divided into more than two hundred pieces, and then I personally passed the five hundred pieces of bread and five hundred pieces of fish to each follower, and I gave each one a piece of fish and a piece of bread.As everyone tastes the little pieces, I believe that each bite will be magnified by their faith (as the one grape I tasted was magnified that time in Canaan), so I know that among the hundreds of people Few will say that they have not had enough fish and bread.Of course, this is a spiritual victory, not a real increase in food.It's a small thing for God, considering he created heaven and this world with his bare hands, and surely he could turn our five loaves into five hundred.

Later, the story was exaggerated by Mark, Matthew, and Luke.No angels appeared in the sky, nor did the manna that God gave Moses appear.The power to be so blessed by God pleases my followers.I felt as if I were a carpenter's apprentice again, and I gathered my companions in a green field—not on a rock at the edge of a desert—and we ate happily.In fact, it's a feast.Maybe that's why Mark didn't write in the Gospel that I had five hundred loaves of bread and hundreds of fish so that My disciples would go home with twelve baskets of food.However, there were five hundred of us and we brought home nothing but ourselves.

Hyperbole is a prophecy of Satan and no one can be freed from Satan, not even the Son of God (nor Matthew, Mark, Luke and John for sure), so I know my followers will be amazed by such a feat The number increased greatly.I'm also wondering if my God would prefer miracles to happen one by one, rather than out of necessity.Just as there is waste in many things, so in miracles, avoid frequent miracles.Because of this, I believe I understand my God better now. It's not just me to understand him, not everyone in my miracle is so humble.Soon after, when I landed again with my followers, we rowed to Beit Saida, on the other side of the Sea of ​​Galilee. When we got to the shore, I let them all sleep in the boat and I was going to go ashore alone.I just hope to satisfy the desire to plan things for the day. As night fell, a strong wind blew up.From my perch on the beachfront where I was sitting, I could see our boat pitching and rolling with the waves.So I got back in the water again and swam to our boat.Suddenly, I was standing on the water, and I was walking on the waves!I could even hear my god laughing as I walked on the water, and then his second laugh.He was taunting me, and I could tell right away that there was no exaggeration in his miracle.I forgot how our God went to the back of the sea as described in the Book of Job.I'm walking on water right now, walking like a gentleman.My God came out of the whirlwind and spoke to Job, and told him, "Here let the proud waves be." Yes, and then he "went into the surge of the waves," and "he walked, and searched for the depth."I read these words many times when I was young, and now the waves make a path under my feet, and God is pleased with my admiration.Now I know the breadth of his field.He existed before days existed, before water and earth were formed.He brought my seed from the east and gathered it in the west, and he controls the waters of Chaos.I'm so happy to see such a sight and don't want my joy to stop.I want to go on, past the ship with my disciples.But I didn't do that, I just stopped and looked at them, they were terrified.Who can stride up to them?I heard a lot of people yelling, and someone said, "That's the devil!" I said, "Be brave, it's me, it's me." I'm not a ghost, and I said, "Don't be afraid." Peter said, "God, if it's you, send me to you." "come over." Peter stepped out of the boat and we all thought he could walk on water.But the wind was too strong and he was submerged. "God, help me!" he yelled. I held out my hand, grabbed him and said, "Why are you hesitating?" and took him back to the boat. That's when I knew Peter wanted to be loyal to me, but I also knew he wouldn't be loyal to me.Because his faith is only in his mouth, not in his legs.People's emotions never give away the presence of God, He is only present in their actions.That's fair!Because Satan learned the art of speaking from God, he can express God's values ​​admirably and tug at people's heartstrings, even when nothing good comes out of his mouth. When Peter and I returned to the boat, my disciple asked me, "Are you the Son of God?" They've asked many times before, and every time I hear their voices, I know they're ready to believe.But I can still hear some disbelief in them, every day they might get a little closer, but not quite.So I know how much they want to be loyal to me, and they also have the potential to betray me.I was so happy that night—I felt so happy that I was able to get closer to my God—and their hearts would be stronger because they couldn't share my doubts.
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