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Chapter 17 chapter eight

why are we in vietnam 诺曼·梅勒 11085Words 2018-03-18
Rusty had studied the map.Both he and the DJ are good at reading maps (at your pleasure, coordinates) and compasses.He even bought DJ a Kofer-Esser measuring theodolite with tripod and measuring tape for his fourteenth birthday.He knew they had eleven miles to go before dark, another five or six hours--in the silent, long twilight, the fucking long, endless, Alaskan summer twilight, and he didn't know anything about it. Don't worry, he's free, man, free, as free as Fool Henry, from the corporate planners, the boring shit desk jobs, the guttural shit machines, the six key phone, bullshit buzzer (alcohol on the conference table - where is your beep), nasty work hours, and now he's got rid of Luke the bum, got rid of everything Washington, and he's a Bad Rusty, man, for years he'd dreamed of saying hello to a grizzly bear, no matter how big the dog thing might be.

They went on for miles, father and son separated by about ten yards, crossing the bare ridgeline, when they decided they were far away from Luke and could try their luck.Then they heard "Officer Ted" circling over another hill, and they hid in the woods.Yes, Luke is calling, looking for these two "lost" people in a circle, shit, no one is looking for them in circles.An hour later, the father and son were sweating profusely. The situation of the two was both the same and different.Rusty felt a sweet decadence in his own body odor, and when the thing in his crotch drooped like it was now, he secretly relaxed.Old Rusty looked heroic at this time, they were like two brave war wolves, their eyes looked around, after a scan, they relaxed a bit, observed and listened to the surrounding environment at any time, dude, every time they heard a sound, such as the sound of squirrels jumping , they stepped carefully.They walked against the wind in the woods, skirting alders, briars, and stumbling bushes, fighting the wind as if they were about to smell a grizzly bear.Sometimes they stop to rest for a while, two knights, man, they are as vigilant as soldiers.They picked a place to rest, with an overhanging rock above their backs, so that the grizzly bears would not attack from behind, and they would not be in too much danger.You know, a grizzly bear can approach from anywhere, this is by no means nonsense, when you actually encounter a fatal attack, you will know that she is waiting for you, ho ho, ho ho, in this beautiful Texas At night, beside the railroad tracks, have a sweet encounter.Rusty started talking, and they looked along a protruding ridge. Twenty miles ahead, there was a snow-covered mountain peak. It might be Colorado, but it should not be Alaska in September. The lines are like a fat bastard husband, the undulating green vegetation is like the fur on the buttocks of a grizzly bear, yes, those soft peaks are like sleeping grizzly bears, Hiram.Rusty started pointing and telling the DJ the names of the flora: those tall saxifrages that looked like boykins, this one was wild lettuce, that one was horsetail.Along the way, he kept teaching DJ in a low voice: "That's Bailing Heather over there, DJ." Beautiful." "Purple rhododendrons, they grow in the arctic circle! Wait, I'm going to tell your mom, I saw purple rhododendrons in the arctic circle." And parsnips, trailing bellflowers, yellow arctic poppies , and a small white flower, which he also called saxifrage. "Do you know what saxifrage means, son?"

"You tell me." "It's a rock breaker. That little white flower is a rock breaker. Saxifrage is tenacious. It can grow even on rocks, and it can split rocks." DJ couldn't help but feel shocked when he heard the thought. Green buds (or is it white? In the ground, only small nipple-shaped tender tips burst out), and the white protrusions penetrate into the tiny crevices of the rocks, deep, deep, and the rocks try their best to block them, so it gradually grows Big, gradually expanding, trying to break the rock apart, and the rock will not crack, how can a soft shoot shake the rock?Yes, it whispered a message to the rhizome, and the rhizome tried its best to go deep into the earth, and then absorbed the power of the earth, the thunderous force of the underground, the earth has become its womb, oh, oh, oh, womb, and once it broke through the ground, In that one millionth of a second, the tenacity of the bud was far beyond that of the rock. The extremely hard bud pushed forward, pushed forward, Herbert, and the rock opened his pussy and burst open, Boykin's Grass - the local saxifrage - it turned out.This is the rock breaker. The DJ is immersed in blissful meditation.Damn it!

"That's aconitum," Rusty said. At this time, they sat down, overlooking the canyon, there is a long and narrow tundra, colorful, red and yellow, and a pioneer tree stands in it. "Man, would you like to be a tree and stand alone?" Rusty asked. "What you know now, I really don't know," DJ said.It was the first time he had admitted his ignorance since he was thirteen. "My grandmother, your great-grandmother, Eura Spicer Jethro, was a witch, everyone said so. She told me once, when I was a three-year-old kid in slit pants, never Can't sleep under the Pioneer Tree because at midnight it's full of sadness and loneliness and bat piss, so it's always standing alone to get information, all kinds of weird information, if you sleep under it, you will be tortured Give witchcraft, and get that information."

"What kind of information is it?" "I don't know. Old Eura Spicer Jethro won't tell." And they laughed loudly. DJ said, oh, though they were already wary, "Rusty...sir...how do you know the names of these grasses...plants...all of that." "Oh, I spent half an hour asking Luke, who told me the names. That half hour was the only good time I had with him. I used to have this habit, when I was your age, it used to be It's a living 'Texas Wildflower Profile'." "Really, you never revealed it." "Haha, DJ, you know, my dad has more time, he is very close to me, you know, it was the Great Depression, the years of the Great Depression in East Texas, it was almost a desperate time. He lost his job, So we went hunting and got some meat to eat. Two years later he hit his luck and the Jethroes flourished again. But I saw a lot and learned a lot in those two years. We used to be on the plains Pitch camping, heard coyotes howling, oh, howling."

"I heard it when I was hunting." "Yes, but we're staying in a poncho built to keep out the rain, and we're lighting a fire in the rain. Do you know how?" "I don't know, sir." "Well, you've got to find a stump first, and you've got to have something protruding over it, or right at the bottom of a rotten branch, and you've got to find the dry wood, the fragrant rot inside the tree, and that's yours. Tinder and lighter paper, two in one. If it's dry wood, it can lead wet twigs. That's what we used to do, my dad and I, we used to go camping there, and we went there continuously For four days, we tracked the plains until an animal came into view. You know, if the plains are bare and barren, it is not easy. We have to count and see how many shots were fired. I followed Dad Learned a lot, he taught me one thing, and now I'm going to teach you - the only danger a good hunter with a good gun is going from the sun into the shade, because there will be two or three The eyes are invisible for a second."

"I know that, Dad," DJ said. "Yeah, but you never took it as a hunting principle, that's the difference." "Got it, sir, got it, sir." "Listen, you know the worst thing I've ever seen? A poor deer was killed by an eagle. The deer had already been wounded by some hunter - the eagle finally made it, or was about to make it, I couldn't bear to watch any more, so I shot the hawk to save the poor deer from its misfortune. But the hawk swooped in and pecked out one of the deer's eyes, and then Fly away like a nigga showing off his shit feathers and pecking out the other eye. Then it's time for other vitals. That eagle is a horrible creature. I heard They can even pull entrails out of dead bodies like a sailor pulling a rope with his beak. I was so disturbed when I found an eagle with a 'many in one' in its beak, I almost gave the U.S. Congress writes an open letter. Can you imagine your dad when he sees that shit? But I think it's a secret crime. America is the greatest country that ever existed. Better read more history and see Is this an absolute shit proposition to be represented by an eagle, in fact, it is indeed an eagle symbolizing America, the most despicable and cruel of scavengers, worse than crows."

They walked for half an hour, talking intimately as they walked, and the DJ even got used to Rusty's normal tone.This seemed to indicate that, after twenty years of vain and perfunctory, middle-aged Rusty was exhausted, and the acidity in his body had been exhausted.It also shows that twenty years of garlic, onions, tobacco, and feasting have made his stomach smell sour for a long time, and he even has some mild caries, and one tooth on the non-carious side is already decayed (face it Well, my fellow Americans, if a rotten tooth starts to smell foul, some weird bird will surreptitiously pull it out (after all, the nose is so close to an active nerve).However, despite these unsightly problems, young Nick, such as exhaustion, drinking, garlic and tooth decay, his tone is still normal, it is the tone of a big, strong, happy man, it is the tone of a white American. Odor fresh breath. (hey jerk over there, does DJ call you a texas teen, or is he a lame spade genius from harlem who made up all this shit? Better question it and move you Bronze brain, this is indeed a question - where does your current consciousness come from, is it a frequency overlap, Percival? Shit, before you start speculating on his thoughts, DJ has already put your ass in the sky, can you understand DJ Thoughts, that's love, Texan youth, believe it, because it's a breeze for a DJ to imitate a high-intelligence Harlem nigger now and then, who knows New York, yes, he's been there, you in Wait and see on McDougall Street, he knows New York better than any Harlem nigger who knows this secret Texas shit.

Well, you bet, watch your heads, DJ listeners, there is no security in this consciousness, one day you will pay with your life for it, there is no security, well, before you buy yourself a coffin , Mr. Roth Gert, wait a moment, first get to know Turks and his father, Gottfried Heide, the undertaker, who will court you, auditor.So the current question, the obvious question is, the DJ surrounded by love can bear the tone of his father and still love him, that is love - you can be harassed by the tone of others, but you are still willing to forgive that person .If you are in such a passive position as a husband or a wife, but you can’t be content with it, then you can just shrug your shoulders, everything is by no means hopeless, maybe facing the husband’s impotence and the wife’s dry "secret garden" , but you are still true love as before.Wow - shit! ) DJ regained consciousness, and under the action of willpower, he quickly activated his brain like a superman, and cast his thoughts on the rock ridge, and returned to the rock. At this time, Rusty pointed to a reindeer on the other side of the valley, which was in their upwind of , standing near a pioneer tree.Rusty raises the gun, catches his breath, and feels the DJ's emotions as he waits. He waits a moment, then puts the gun down and says, "Did we let it go?"

"Ok." "Okay, son. Damn it, we let the old reindeer go. He suffered a lot, too." The old reindeer stood there with his nose in the moss, deep, deep, his rear end twitching silly, his short tail bouncing back and forth like a baby's snot.The flies in Alaska are infesting, and it stands there, suffers, then runs two hundred yards to get rid of the flies, stands again, sniffs the moisture in the tundra, takes a deep breath, and is harassed by the flies, it runs away again, Continue running to the ridge, where there may be wind, there may be wind, it can temporarily save the head from the relentless bite of thirty flies.Rusty and DJ watched quietly for fifteen minutes. They were peaceful and calm. They were far away from the frenzy of hunting and realized the true meaning of hunting. To get close to the grizzly, they believed that there was a kind of radar between the man and the bear, and it seemed that they were only beginning to understand it, because a tune had been whispered to a crescendo, telling them: the grizzly is coming, the giant is coming.They stood up and walked half a mile before they saw the grizzly bear's fresh prints looming in the wetlands beside the mountain stream.They watched with bated breath: huge footprints, Rusty could have stepped into one footprint at the same time with his two feet wearing huge hunting shoes, and the front paw print was also extremely long, a full two inches long.It was a grizzly, a baby grizzly, not a black bear, which doesn't have two-inch claws.At this point they could already feel the grizzly's enormous size, and they imagined the bear as a colossal giant, as terrifying as a stone-black, seven-foot black man weighing three hundred pounds.But the grizzly is bigger than the man, and there he is, with a herd of hippos, baby elephants, elephants, yes, that's what he conveys.At this moment they felt alone and helpless, in the middle of the forest, there was a huge black beast as big as a train freight car, and it was coming towards them at high speed, somewhere in the surrounding area.Oh shit!At this time, "Officer Ted" appeared above his head, and his deafening voice broke the silence, but he did not notice them in the forest.Rusty whispered in a voice that was half hoarse and half clear (clear as a glade): "Hey, look, DJ, we're on the Grizzly train now." The trail, which seems to have been made by many grizzlies walking and trampling along the same route in the bush, has bark rubbed off everywhere, just like close family members rubbing each other over itchy skin, and the grizzly in the stupid hat Itched and rubbed against the husk of the old cob.Yes, a mountainous, furry grizzly slowly moved here with its bulky body. DJ seemed to smell the breath of death—for the first time in his life—seeing such a bear trail, DJ’s heart trembled, as if being clamped by the jaws of a vise, the grizzly might come out of the bush suddenly, then it Will it show up soon?

DJ sniffed the terrible breath of death, as if stepping into the dark and smelling pig feces, a burst of dizziness suddenly struck, his internal organs and every pore were permeated by fear, and the inner walls of the loose and drooping organs were filled with mucus, He was gripped by terror, like a man in disarray, almost mad, on a chariot drawn by eight wild boars, pulling the reins with all his strength to escape death. For the first time in his life, DJ understood his own vague desires: to turn the gun, point it at Rusty's disgusting fat pig face, let it bloom, and then use his damn Remington 721 gun Slam it on his skull a few times, bam!boom! DJ trembled all over, feeling and breathing the breath of death in this dreary valley, he tiptoed and followed the trail quietly, but it seemed that every nearly silent footstep issued a note, which was the musical note of memory, ten hours Toes like an angel's harp, playing the sound of Rusty slapping his back with a belt, and at the age of five he screamed heart-piercingly, because his father's face was like a madman's ass, he hit The ruthlessness seemed to be to kill the son - I can't remember why - the screams of the child came out just as Harley and Rusty were copulating, disturbing their excitement?Now no one knows, DJ only remembers beatings, screams, pleadings, the smell of pig shit in the crotch of a five-year-old, and death, the death that hits like an electric wave, and the red and green waves released by the electric wave Volatility, death comes with red, green, hold on, go, Rusty's eyes are fixed on DJ, wanting to kill him - the five-year-old kid is inserted in the air, ruining the wonderful ecstasy between the couple Huanqing, hello, Oula Tunji, the breath is farewell, the heart is clamped by the vise, this is the first germ of danger, think about it, is it just like this? ——a seed of kindness passed from the ass-control valve in Rusty's heart to DJ's brain, because at this moment Harry rushed in, picked up the glass bottle of whiskey, and threw it towards the window , the wine bottle came out straight through the glass, and suddenly the sickle-shaped glass burst like lightning, the terrible spell disintegrated immediately, and the crackling sound was like thunder, this is the weather for killing, the DJ smells like pig shit, the ass of a five-year-old child He and his back were in hot pain, as if his body was being roasted in hell, he rushed into Harry's arms screaming again and again, the little man was finally rescued by the slut, the masculinity grew with the stain, and the stain was on his genitals on the armor of the catapult.If that's what's in DJ's head, let's call it a "tumor," because splendor and carnage live next to each other, man, splendor is the green and gold light that shines on the Gadfly's body and wings, and The gadflies were hovering over a pile of gray-gold and red rotting flesh.aha!Death has joined him, the memory of his father is almost connected with the murder of his son, the blood of killing still runs down his fingers, his big hands.All the killing stopped temporarily, and then the killing appeared on the path again, but the fear of death was no longer there, and instead the focus on death appeared. The killing between the two men came to an end temporarily, because the killing was not in their hearts at this time , while at the side.When DJ thinks about his father's murder, the same murderous thought suddenly hits DJ's mind.The two men turned to think about the beast. What kind of animal is there?Was it there before?No, nothing can be seen.There is silence all around, as if they are stepping into the quietness and tranquility of the shit shown by the quiet sea. Every step they take, they go deeper. With every breath, their bodies are immersed in it in different ways. The purple light poured into the sea colorfully, deep, deep, and finally entered the depths of the deep forest at this time, condensed into a piece of purple, every step they took, this illusion led them into a foreign land, DJ's nose shivered slightly, as if Your Majesty the King is inspecting his principalities and won't let you bleed, Sigismund, they follow the trail calmly, every step is like walking on a rock that God put on the water, nonsense, the sea Chris, they sniffed the breath in the forest, the two "king companions", they stepped into the pine forest kingdom, surrounded by crazy genius pine trees, which brought fragrant preservatives to everything around them, the fragrance hit, I'm everything, I'm the siren of the north, I'm the nerve of the arctic circle, creeping down to the equator, I'm the wise man, man, the pine needles are my calling card. One step further, they stumbled over some rotting, low birch stump, the bark scratched and mottled, perhaps by a bear eight years earlier, or by reindeer antler!Over the years, the birch tree has been dying, and a ring of bark has been stripped off. Under the trunk, the skin of this dying tree is rotten and mottled.The gaping mouth of the stump is filled with years of snow, sunlight, treasures of guano, the cry of rotten root sap, the obsessive electric yodeling of insects, rotten wood rotting, clawing, leaving Remnants of dust, damp and rotten smell, broken branches and broken arms spread between the sky and the earth, yes, DJ can smell the smell of bad maggots in the forest, the rotten smell is stronger than the smell of rotten meat, disgusting feces and corrupt human flesh red, warm blood, but the trees are maggoted, Burbank, like the smell at the edge of a wound, and there is no smell worse than the smell of half-life, dead, and it doesn't know it Love—thank you, Mr. Philosopher, for showing me the hemorrhoids of the Academy, on that rock! ...one step forward, the sweet smell of the land rushes towards you, telling of the continuous, unthinking power, this is the hotbed of rest, the vitality, the spring of life, the masculinity produced by smelling that breath Manna, yes, DJ smells it, he's in the valley of breath, every little smell means something, it's the sweetest fucking moment of his life so far, because when a horrible ashes When a bear approaches you, some people know it clearly, and some people don't know it (the final split of human nature), DJ knows very well that DJ has fallen in love with him, because he doesn't want to scream or beg, he just wants to meet Dasha Mr. Grizzly D.One step further, and his nose is in the fragrant corridors of a forest, the vanilla is their high priest, here is the secret temple of knowledge, here is the cold fire in the temple, the wet leaves are moldy and rot, the wind Bring information, say goodbye to the forest, bring grass seeds to farmers, bring them to farmland, then moss grows, new green appears, the breath of the forest is like talcum powder on the baby's buttocks, and the stamen tip of the delicate flower is the place where life begins , the green moss gives off the stale stench of sweet wine, and there is a tangy smell, like the smell of a dwarf's armpits being wiped with velvet, thank you, ma'am. Grizzly appeared at this time. At the turn of the bear trail, next to the ledge, the grizzly waited intently, listening to the crackling of their boots on the branches, as it came toward them from thirty yards away with a growl that DJ had never heard Such a roar, this roar is like a fire siren that suddenly sounded, the congested hell appeared in the whistling whirlwind, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and rocks flew over. DJ has heard every animal howl and groan as it gets knocked down by a shot, has heard every flesh ripped and popped by Magnum explosives, but what the fuck is this beast making The sound, the sound is terrifying, as if the prisoner was terrified when he saw the searchlight; the sound made people stay in mid-air as if hypnotized, and the air seemed to tremble, as if a .105 howitzer had just exploded.The grizzly bear screamed "Aww" and rushed towards them. Its two fire-breathing eyes looked like burning coals, and its huge furry body moved forward quickly, as if a train was speeding along that track. DJ was shocked and stunned, but Quickly calming down, he got down on one knee and picked up the Remington. The trees above him and the sky were shining brightly. He pulled the trigger and shot at the furry giant, almost calmly, as if there was a gun in the barrel. It was the rock, and he didn't even look at the scope. If he had enough arm strength to raise the gun, it would naturally not miss, and Rusty fired a shot from behind.But the grizzly didn't stop, it kept coming at them like a twelve-foot wave crashing down on your head. DJ was out of his wits, the sweet angel in his soul rushed out of his body in the elevator, and while trembling with fear, he pulled the breech bolt and fired another shot at the grizzly bear ten yards away. The flames spurting out of the bear's bloody mouth met unexpectedly, and the grizzly bear was lifted into the air by the shock wave. It leaped and roared, and fled furiously along the trail left by itself, alerting other animals in the cave. But there are many prey.The grizzly bear's fur is close at hand, yes, its precious fur is stained with blood, roaring and speeding away down the slope of the ledge, DJ twists his neck to search, but the grizzly bear is nowhere to be seen. Well, now they're content, aren't they?Old Luke's admonition seemed so kind now: stay in the open when you encounter a grizzly.Now they've got to climb down that damned ledge, down somewhere, down into that bush full of owl shit, and Mr. D the Grizzly is on that steep incline, and the Scarlet Express, dying maybe, Maybe life is safe, but the situation is not good.They tried to stop chattering, joking, chattering like gossips now. "I've never heard a grizzly charge at a hunter like this," Rusty said, in a voice as soft as peeing on a pebble. "Damn it, they really run as fast as old Luke said." The boy's voice sounded hoarse, as if there was phlegm in his throat. "Yes." The other party responded. "Indeed." The other party replied.The voice echoed in the silence. "If only I had my Luger right now," said Rusty, with state trooper goofiness, "the rifle is slower than the Luger when it hits a tight spot." "Didn't you plan to bring it?" "I almost took it today on my departure from 'Dolly Tinker Bat Lake'." The Ruger 44 Magnum was Rusty's double-barreled twelve-inch pistol with a detachable stock, highly recommended for hunting bears in the bush. "Damn it, that Luke," Rusty said, "was always sticking to us in the cleft of the rock—who knew we'd end up here?" They were all waiting for the other to be the first to say, "Let's go back to camp and take Luger out with the group tomorrow." But they couldn't.They were silent, broken only by the echoes from inside of them—they nearly vomited from the shock. DJ felt like there was yellow feces between his toes, his intestines were wriggling, and the filthy air in his body was swaying. The hard feces in his stomach gradually decomposed and almost spewed out, rumbling like phlegm or dishwater.The forest appears to be covered by a coffin.He could only smell the smell of his armpits, like aphrodisiac ammonia.Yes, it was like lightning piercing through the bed of a sleeping person, throwing the sleeping person to the floor, and the memory left by Mr. Grizzly D when he ran wildly was hitting him all his life His nerve chord—you see, it kept coming up in him. Yeah, reminiscing about the past, the memory went back to the scene where the DJ was dining at the mansion in Dallas, and he couldn't help but shudder—every cell in his body will never forget, and if the core of the thing is crazy, then it is also under force The madness, the roar of the grizzly melted into the salt sprinkled on the meat on his plate, into his grief.But it's tolerable.Because they're here for the bears after all -- details below -- 58 percent of DJ just wants to get away from the injured Mr. Grizzly and get away fast, and that 58 percent is literally gut-wrenching.But DJ is a person with a brain. This does not mean that he has the organ of the brain, but that he is dominated by his mind.He is a man of will.At this moment, the will said to the young flesh of sixteen: "Go back and stop looking for this grizzly, the Turks will beat the shit out of you." That's exactly what happened, DJ was facing the wrath of God at this moment, and he hadn't had time to face up to the contempt and arrogance of Texas, represented by Texas. "Hey, Dad, let's follow the animal." "Okay, son," Rusty replied with a smile, his lips moving like soda crackers. The Grizzlies are there.Forty minutes later, they were sweating, warping like galloping horses, their hands slick with cowardly oil (that's copulation love and sweat, you peeping tom), their faces Scratch marks all over them like the work of two vixens scratching with their long fingernails, boy, from the butts of their rifles, and their knees, thighs, ribs, and buttocks are bruised (they're full of bruises) , ghastly, look, nerds), they were terrified, a mixture of fear, exhaustion and foreboding, every step seemed to drag them back to the wounded grizzly.The father and son teamed up and down the steep slope below the ridge, stumbling and shitting through catvine bushes, scrub alder bushes, blueberry and cranberry bushes, and over rocks that slick and sharp Their hands, with their ghostly tree roots half exposed, stand on the cliff of the slope with their teeth and claws open, begging to the north with their witch-like arms-ah, the power, spells and greetings above the Arctic Circle all come from this witch tree. They followed the trail of blood, thick and translucent like Sherwin-Williams red paint. DJ took a step ahead, and Rusty was behind him to cover him—the fighting man trained to become a sniper.Then Rusty would move on, passing DJ, while DJ would carefully scan his father's surroundings, three hundred and sixty degrees with no dead ends, which meant thirty feet of visibility here and a hundred feet there, and then Guess their current situation.The blood trail stretched forward, as if Mr. D had fallen like a cannonball to the bottom of something whose innards must have looked like a masterpiece after a rocket exploded.All the grizzlies are crazy.What if Mr. D kept going, then flanked them and attacked them from behind?So DJ carefully scanned the 300-foot and 60-degree range, waiting for Rusty to signal to him from below, and then followed the bear trail, his face covered with scratches.Then he passed Rusty, wheezing from the exertion, and Rusty was also panting.It's a bloody, sweaty duet of two fucking cowards.boom!That Texas will carry these two Texan cowards to places they never dreamed of going.Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Forty minutes later, they had a date with the Grizzlies.The grizzly bear was lying in a ring of bushes that had been staggered, which must have been caused by the grizzly's trampling forty or fifty times in its agony.Grizzly lay there like a tabby cat, with its front legs tucked in, calm and secure, looking like a stuffed stuffed bear in a giant red dish ten feet in diameter, with its The big pool of blood under it was shocking.They came down a hundred feet above, and Rusty came down first just to be on the safe side, but the grizzly bear was no longer calm and peaceful—as if the seagulls jumped when they landed on the water—and Rusty was satisfied— —Like a sober camera spotlight shining on the Americans—he picked up a rock and threw it at the bearskin.The old grizzly raised his head slightly.It was still alive, and the corners of its mouth seemed to be smiling, as if between the millstones of double pain (or was this pain three great transmissions from three mortal wounds?).Something very funny happened, like it said, "You got all the sweat on that rock, bastard, and now I've got your sweat on me." Rusty raises his gun, but DJ strokes his rifle in what appears to be a gun salute, and starts walking towards the grizzly. "Come back," Rusty whispered, "are you fucking crazy?" DJ was seen dangling a gun in his thigh. "You cover me, Dad," DJ said, trying to avoid a shrew-like family fight, because at this point the poor giant was dying and DJ had to get a closer look at it. Twenty feet away, the DJ's sliver of composure begins to evaporate.Indeed, the beast was massive, seemed to be getting bigger, and was alive - its eyes were fixed on DJ's sly gorilla eyes, and then the grizzly's eyes faded to golden brown and red The color is like the color of the sky seen through a ruby-colored crystal ball.Those eyes were crystal clear, and DJ was watching from twenty feet away, taking a step forward, and another step, and another step, when something in Grizzly's eyes was locked into his eyes, it was A message, man, the intelligence of something far and good, bright and wickedly delightful, as sharp as DJ could ever see in any Texan's eye (or overseas what he sees), those eyes spoke to him, burning, imprinting in them some fragment of his future, so that fragmented messages from the grizzly's shattered entrails reflected distortedly from its eyes, raged, agonized Unbearable.灰熊此时脑袋上扬,却虚弱得无法站起,只是痛苦地抬了抬下巴。 接着,灰熊眼中的狂暴逐渐消退,平静再次回到它的眼中。痛苦也逐渐消退,仿佛最后一个美妙音符的回声正渐次逝去。灰熊眼中那狂野、邪恶、狡黠的神情仿佛在说:“孩子,你还未开始。”面对DJ的微笑,那双眼睛做出如下反应:它们开始变化,似乎它们即将谢幕,似乎临死之时它们依然眷恋这片森林之中的宁静祥和,属于所有动物的宁静祥和:每一棵树的纹理之下都蕴藏着无言的美丽与宁静,是的,那头灰熊被某种静默无声的葬礼进行曲所吸引,而拉斯蒂——瞧他那湿漉漉的裤子,毫无疑问,由于紧张过度——他选择了在那一刹那开枪。灰熊最后抽动了几下,双腿乱蹬,脑袋就像遭到电击,大脑受到严重损坏,最终脑浆迸裂,满口喷血,在最后一声哼哼乐章中气绝身亡。一切宽恕亦随之而去。 回去的路上,DJ没有与拉斯蒂说话。当他们在夜幕中回到营地时,老卢克如释重负,甚至都未解读出来他们先前的暴力大戏,最后众人问是谁打死了灰熊,DJ沉默片刻,然后答道:“嗯,我俩都开了枪,不过我想是拉斯蒂打死了灰熊吧。”拉斯蒂并未反驳——又一阵沉默——然后拉斯蒂说道:“是的,我想是我吧,但是一条熊腿应该属于DJ。”哈哈,令人动容的父子深情啊! 翌日清晨天刚破晓,在拉斯蒂的监管之下,众人将那头死掉的灰熊运来,血迹已经干涸的躯体被支解打包,用绞绳运上直升机。他们估计这头魂归天国的灰熊至少重达九百磅,当然,熊掌更是价值不菲。
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