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Chapter 166 Chapter Thirty-Nine

charlotte's dead 诺曼·梅勒 718Words 2018-03-18
The New Republic, December 7, 1963 By Jane Daniel At three o'clock, Castro announced that the tragedy has happened and we can't change it, but we must use our time wisely.He wanted to accompany me personally to visit an Indian village in Granja, where we were conducting some experiments. We drove there with the radio on: the police in Dallas were now on the hunt for the assassin, and the live announcer said the assassin was a Soviet spy; five minutes later, he corrected it to say a spy married to a Russian.Castro said: "Look, didn't I tell you? It should be me." But no, the broadcast said it was a Marxist deserter, and then said it was a young man. A member of the Fair Play organization governed by the Cuban Commission, a supporter of Castro.Castro said: "If they have evidence, then they must say that he is an agent, an accomplice, a hired killer. The most important thing is that he is a Castro admirer, which makes people Associating the anger with the name Castro. It's a PR thing, a propaganda tool, it's horrible. But you know, I'm pretty sure it's going to die down soon, because there's a history of American history Too many competitors, each fighting to make their mark last.”

When we got to the village, the peasants welcomed Castro.That's when word came over the radio that the assassin was a "Castro Marxist."The broadcasts came one after the other, and their comments started to get extremely emotional, extremely ferocious.Finally Castro said, "Looks like we'll have to give up visiting this state farm." So we continued on to Matanzas, where he could call President Dotiegos.On the way, he asked: "Who is Lyndon Johnson? What is his reputation? What is his relationship with Kennedy? What is his relationship with Khrushchev? What was his position on the impromptu raid on Cuba?" Finally , and most importantly, "What is his authority in the CIA?" Then he suddenly turned to check his watch, knowing that we were half an hour away from Matanzas, so he squinted .

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