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Chapter 130 third chapter

charlotte's dead 诺曼·梅勒 2596Words 2018-03-18
I have a few questions of my own, the first of which is what should I do next in my career.Every time I think about cutting off contact with my father and grandfather, I think back to those early days in the snake's lair, and it's been hours like this, and I still don't know where I can go on my own. Regardless, the question remains: what should I do next?My father had told me before leaving for Japan that the campaign against Castro would continue, but would I continue to be involved in the assassination of Castro?Am I willing to go back to that Miami without Modena? Of course, I could apply for a residency in Paris, Rome, Vienna or London, but those places are probably too prestigious and I might just do odd jobs there.In addition, I can hide my preferences and find my own foothold in Iceland or Palma.

Of course, whether my performance in the Intelligence Bureau has been recognized by everyone is also a very important question, and the answer is not 100% sure.I recently heard that Bollinger was brilliant, but it pissed off Howard because Bollinger applied to go to branch, branch, and even planning command, and he was buried in intelligence command until now.In fact, if you are applying for a personnel transfer, this is often the result. Nevertheless, I decided to go and see Howard, since my father's reputation was in doubt and my godfather, Charlotte, had always been a gregarious one.I don't know what kind of work Howard will offer me, but what else can I do?I don't want to go to David Phillips, Richard Bissel is not a good fit, it's a bit difficult for me to meet him, if I can manage these things intelligently, maybe I can find Richard Hu Holmes helped.It was said (and I called Arnie Ross, who told me) that once Bissel was forced to resign, Helms would be at the head of the DDP. After all, Helms knew what happened at the Bay of Pigs.

Well, at the end of the day, I don't have the intelligence to know that Richard Helms may soon be picking his right man among the young officials, and Ross seems ready to accept this. A mission to betray Charlotte. This shrewdness went beyond my simple nature, and as far as I could ask Howard Hunter for an after-get off work drink, I was content. After completing the urgent assignment Dulles had given him, Howard went to work for Tracy Barnes in the domestic operations department on Pennsylvania Avenue, which he called "an interesting proposition."When I told him that I didn't quite understand, he said, "Let me put it this way, the establishment of the domestic business department has gone through a bloody battle."

"Can you go into more detail?" I asked. Obviously he can.The U.S. Department of Defense has already begun to take over the project. "The CIA doesn't pay much attention to the project," he said. "I am the head of the Department of Defense's covert operations team." "Can you tell me what such a job really looks like?" "It doesn't matter, what we desperately need now is the support of books and publishers." Seeing that I didn't speak, he continued: "For example, Milovan de Geras's "New Class" is published by Praeger Press."

"It doesn't sound too difficult," I said. "It's really easy. These days I spend my time with friends and family and my side hustle. Victor Weybright has been courting me lately and, you might not know it, he's the editor-in-chief of New American Library Press, and he Wish I could write something similar to the James Bond novel series. After discussion, Helms felt that this would not necessarily be bad for public relations. I have already started writing, which I call the 'Peter Ward series ’. Of course, I will use my pseudonym: David St. John.” "It's a good name."

"It is named after my sons, David and St. John Hunter." "Well," I swallowed, "is that all you do in the Department of Defense?" "That's it for now." Shall we order some more wine?Of course, I'm the one paying the bill, so of course I want to get my money's worth. "Someone wants to know what you're waiting for." "I can only say it again," Howard said, "we are taking over unimportant CIA programs." We left after speaking.It wasn't until I woke up in the middle of the night that I realized that Hunter conveyed more than that.If I guessed correctly, the Domestic Operations Department must have been involved in special operations involving Cuba.

Two days later, a telegram arrived at my apartment saying, "Don't be a thief, globetrotter." It occurred to me that Howard had talked to Tracy Barnes, and that Tracy must have discussed my merits with Montagu.I don't know whether to be glad or cautious that people haven't lost interest in Herrick Hubbard. This year's spring and summer have been a bit of a disappointment, so I've been feeling a bit down.But there was a moment of relief—what I call a “bang bang”—just because of a phone call. The morning after I received the Globetrotter telegram, on my way to work in Langley, my phone rang and a woman's low voice, who must have put a handkerchief over her mouth, It was slurred like a slow-playing recording, so I wasn't sure I knew her.I was barely ready to listen carefully when the phone was hung up.

"Please call me within twelve minutes at this number: 623-9257. Please repeat." "623-9257." I couldn't believe it, but I pictured an orange wall in front of which was a green table with a blue lamp; a man in a black jacket, green pants, and red The man in the shoes is sitting in a brown chair. "623-9257," I said again. "It's 7:51, and you're going to call me at 8:03, on the 'sanitation line.'" "Got it," I repeated, "8:03, 'Health Call.'" "Goodbye." Then, the phone hung up. I can not believe it.When training that year, everyone dreamed that one day they would be able to usher in such a moment.

I started laughing—the woman couldn't be anyone but Kitteridge.I haven't been happier since I came to Langley and saw that bulletin about how to use the bushes. There was a public phone booth two blocks from the apartment, and at 8:02:50, I dropped a coin.The sound coming this time is no longer the effect of a handkerchief. "Harry?" "exist." "I'm Kittredge." I was still a little surprised when I heard her voice. I didn't know what to say for a while, so I just replied: "Yeah." "Harry, have you ever heard of a girl named Modena Murphy?"

"Why do you ask?" My throat betrayed me as soon as I opened it. "Harry, you're Field, aren't you?" "I will not answer." "I've known all along. Hugh Montague has chosen me to be your successor, Harry, whether you like it or not, and I'm reading your report." "All of them?" "Well, all, no, more. You don't know what's going to happen next." Well, this could be the beginning of our next year and a half of contact. "Kitteridge, can I see you?" I asked. "Not yet." "why?"

"Because I don't want to see you behind Hugh Montague's back, and I certainly don't want to look at both of you at dinner at home." "How is Christopher?" "He's fine. I could die for that kid." "I'd love to meet him, after all, I'm his godfather." She sighed: "Do you have a mailbox?" "Have." "Give me the number," she said.I gave her my email address, and she went on, "I think we're colleagues again, so I'll send you a long letter." "How long will it take to receive it?" "It will be sent by tomorrow. I have a rough draft of the letter in my head." "Then how should I write you back?" It turns out that Kitteridge also has a dedicated mailbox. "You sound like you're doing well," I said. "Be patient," she said, before hanging up.
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