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Chapter 113 Chapter Twenty Seven

charlotte's dead 诺曼·梅勒 4066Words 2018-03-18
After receiving my father's instructions, I planned to meet with Fortes, but Howard Hunter suddenly flew back to Washington, and obtained the permission of the intelligence eye to bring Frandy back to Miami.Since Carl authorized this event, I guess my letter contributed to his decision to some extent; although I later learned that it was because a safe house in Mexico had been discovered by the Mexican police, and the other safe houses As a result, security has been greatly compromised. Generally speaking, Mexico is no longer suitable for Frandi's development. Howard therefore brought the group back to Miami.But he was very depressed, because he didn't get any honor, and the harm to his children caused by such a toss also caused Dorothy's dissatisfaction-the children had to change schools again.In addition, Howard was forced to use his personal time to work.Would he ask his daughters to change their surnames in order to protect his pseudonym of Don Edward?This is simply not possible.Therefore, the Hunter family had to endure a temporary separation.Dorothy rented a house near Washington, and Howard lived in his Miami apartment.Of course, they will now have to invent new reasons to explain their separation to relatives in the United States.

His plight has not softened his temper.I remember mentioning how ineffective he was at work, and then he was quick to get down on his vanity - my records are all real and workable.When it comes to money laundering, Howard is not satisfied with the amount of remuneration I distribute to intelligence agents (the reason why I send remuneration in cash instead of checks is to eliminate traces, so as not to be used by people with ulterior motives).Of course, the crux of the problem is that there are very few reliable correspondents worth my big bucks, and usually I am the "high-priced" intelligence officer, so I have a lot of cash in my hand, and I like to have it in my pocket Contains a large amount of cash.Indeed, when I slung my fanny pack one night, it felt like undressing for Modena, and the pleasure was indescribable; The love between her and him-well, I am very happy to be such an intelligence agent.

Hunter had nothing, which was too unreliable, and very dangerous. If anyone dared to leak it, this person would be robbed or murdered.There are many other ways to transfer funds by written order, but this again confuses records.For that, he had a more experienced medium, a guy named Bernard Barker, and Hunter would introduce me to him. I also made other mistakes.During Edward's absence, I had dealt with a small number of Frandi members who had begun to plan some military projects, and the process and details were quite exhaustive.In the meantime, I've browsed through reams of Cuban maps, and the entire 800-mile coastline has been riddled with logistical and tactical problems.However, Hunt explained to me that the military discussion with Frandy must be viewed as a healthy exercise in the joy of irony. "I know," said Hunt, "that it's sad for these Cubans to be ignorant of their own strategic disadvantage, but I have no interest in explaining the situation to them even if the time came. But, Harry , we still have to face it. At present, the most critical element is the DGI spies sent by Castro. Their role is to implement Frandi's plan and spread it to Havana. Therefore, we must be highly vigilant against false information. This Action is too important to fall into the hands of the Cubans."

"I know you're doing the right thing," I said, "but I still don't quite get it." "Harry, morality must bow to the mosaic." Then I thought of the fishermen.Part of my job is liaising with various shipyards in the bay area from Maryland to Key West and Galveston to Tampa and we are in the business of buying used power boats.Every night, Cuban exiles go out on boats, some of which are loaded with explosives, and some of them secretly transport people back to Cuba to establish contact with underground organizations. Maybe some fishermen on board have died now.I sigh, it's so hard to figure out whether history is a chapter to learn from or just a torrent that washes everything away.

One morning not long after Hunter came back, Dix Butler called me and said he was coming to Miami for a short visit and wanted to invite me to dinner. When I heard his voice, my first reaction was that Modena must not have met him.I firmly believe that if love is firm enough, it can inspire a person's courage.I postponed my date with Modena just to keep her away from Dix. Butler, however, disembarked the plane calmly and did not rush to explain his mission in Miami.In fact, we never left the airport at all, just had a drink or two at the nearest bar. "How long will you be here?" I asked.

"Two days. I'm checking on some people." "May I ask who you work for?" "The answer is no." We drank for a while, during which there was hardly any conversation, and neither of us brought up the subject of Berlin, and the two of us stayed as if nothing had happened between them.However, his calm expression made the atmosphere inexplicably tense. I broke the silence by saying, "Are you still with Bill Harvey?" "Maybe," he paused, "maybe not." "What is Bill up to?" "You can't tell," he said, "whatever he's doing is crazy enough for King William."

We both burst out laughing. "I guess," I said, "he's in Washington right now." "Good guess." "Are you working for him?" "Is your name Arnie Rose?" I almost forgot how great Butler's job is. "Actually," said Dix, "I found you through 'Arnie Rose.' You ask 'him' what I'm doing, and 'he' might know." "I guess you're working for Bill Harvey." "I can also say no, my job is very carefree." He was wearing an expensive gold watch and a five-hundred-dollar silk suit.

"Can you tell me where you've been for the past three years?" "Laos." "Golden Triangle?" "People who keep asking questions are not attractive," Dix said. "Tell me what you're here for," I said, "and I might be able to help you." "You can't help," he said. "I'm looking for Cubans who can handle weapons, steer a boat, survive in the jungle, be fearless. Do you have someone suitable?" "you will find it." "Let's wrap up our conversation for today. I have other plans."

"Ok." I said. He stretched out his hand, and I held it up. He didn't hold my hand tightly, but stared at mine without blinking.I suspect he has been drinking since morning. "We're all going to give it our all, right?" "say to me. "Do you respect Castro?" he asked. "I think it is." "I hate him!" he said. "why?" "He's a year younger than me, but he's already done a lot more than me." I thought he was joking, but he looked very serious. "You see," he said, "at any given time, there are twenty brilliant men on earth, and Castro is one of them, and so am I. God, or whoever—probably someone I loathe." committee members—and always berate twenty of us."

"Why?" I asked, "To torture you?" He laughed, with the joy of a lion smelling carrion on the wind. "You," he said, "are trying to stay out of the world of fools." Well, indeed, I'm glad I didn't bring Modena. "But it's the opposite," he said. "We're on this earth to please God by competing with each other. I respect Castro, but not a cult of personality. I pray that Castro and I was put together in the jungle, and the one who came out alive must be me." After speaking, he fell silent, and then he began to become moody.When I finished my drink and started to leave, he barely nodded.

I called Ross from the nearest payphone and woke him up. It was midnight, and he must be asleep, but he didn't mumble; on the contrary, he responded quickly, asking, "What Did the big guy find you?" "Of course I did, and he didn't want to mention many things." "Yes." Ross said. When he stopped talking, I paused and said, "Can you tell me what information you have?" "Yes," Rose said, "but why should I? Harry, our relationship is becoming a one-way street." It turned out that I also drank a little too much, and I almost gave a long speech to Ross. The content of the "speech" was nothing more than that in our work, a little information would cause tension and endless curiosity; so, We are gifted with gossip and are eager for more truth.If we laugh at Arnie, that's jealousy, and yes, Ross, in my mind it's another form of respect—we ask you to find out, but all I try to say is, "Arnie, I feel like if you If you don't tell me, I won't be able to sleep." "So you woke me up," he said, which made him laugh, "and the big guy had to leave Berlin because he fell out of favor." "Because of Bill?" "No, it was because of an attorney general. Bill did save his life and send him to Laos." "that's it?" "That's all I know." "surely not." "How can you draw this conclusion with such certainty?" "Because I know you well enough, and I know he was in Laos." Ross thought it was kind of funny, too. "My God, are you drunk?" he asked. "Yeah, butler and I drank cup after cup." "Oh, that's not a good thing to do. Butler's a stubborn guy, you know what I mean." "I mean, what the hell is this big guy doing now?" "I won't tell you, at least not in this situation. All I can say is that he had more than one contact with King William and it's too confidential. So please don't ask me again gone." "I won't ask any more because you simply don't have that much information." "you are right." "Then tell me about the Attorney General who went to Berlin." I could feel his relief that the subject was less sensitive after all. “This hunk had a former Nazi spy, only to lose faith in him; he turned him on and put turpentine on his genitals. That’s supposed to be closer to the truth.” Ross laughs . "I know, it hurts like hell, but I couldn't help laughing because the big guy said: 'I made this German hop on one foot! Think of all the Jews, Ross, this Nazi once Hopping on one foot all the time.' Exactly, according to Dix - jeez, I said his name anyway, but I'm pretty sure my phone is confidential, and your payphone isn't bad, yes. Right? Dix said he personally always follows a double standard, so also against spies who have gone bad, his sympathy for ex-Nazi spies is less than that of spies who follow the rules. It's just that Dix made a mistake, these ex-Nazi spies internally There was an invisible net of protection, and the pine resin victim complained about it to an important BND friend of his, and Dix was out of luck. In Berlin there was a prosecutor general with a burn on the left cheek, Naturally, he felt sympathy for another poor fellow who was burned, and Dix had a hard time, until Bill Harvey took him personally to Laos." Ross sneezed. "You managed to induce me again, well, I've told you everything I know." "Thank you so much," I said. Later that night, when I told Modena all about Dix and admitted that I didn't want him to meet her, she was perfectly satisfied and said, "You don't have to worry about a man like that, I never will." develop a fondness for him." "Can you tell me why?" "If he is what you say, he is already fixed in his own life pattern, and I can't change him at all. I really have no interest in a man that I can't change." I was about to say, "Can you change Jack Kennedy or Sam Giancana?" But I swallowed it and said, "Do you think you can change me?" "Well," she said, "it's too difficult."
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