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Chapter 108 Chapter Twenty Two

charlotte's dead 诺曼·梅勒 3619Words 2018-03-18
By mid-September, I had sublet an apartment, and Modena and I had our first emotional crisis. The crisis started with a little change in her schedule when, due to the short-term shortage of flight attendants in the Southwest, she informed me that she was going to serve on a flight to Dallas for a few days and would not be in Miami for four nights in a row. Even if I sensed that she was lying to me, I would try to avoid it as much as possible.She called me every night at my new apartment to give me a detailed itinerary of her day: New York one day, Dallas the next, Memphis, and the same day. Returned to Dallas within days.She says the passengers she serves these days are either particularly gentle or brutal.

By the fourth day, I couldn't trust her anymore and checked what she said was the itinerary for the past few days.I looked up the number of everyone in our agency who was traveling to New York, Washington, New Orleans, Mexico City, and other southern locations, not to mention Miami had alerts of Castro spies infiltrating South Florida, our intelligence agency The number of contacts with the airport can be described as countless.So it only took fifteen minutes and two calls from our secretary to let me know that Modena Murphy, a flight attendant on Eastern Airlines, has taken four days off work and will be returning tonight, the night of September 14th. .

My jealousy was burning, and I decided that I must meet Modena in Miami.Even though it was late, we immediately headed to my new apartment, the second floor of a small but elegantly converted Spanish Colonial building in Coconut Grove, and we chatted after a while.If the bridges between us have crumbled, it's especially important to build new pontoon bridges, so I know what it's like when love dies.This time, I have hatred in my heart for the joy of cloud and rain.In this gorgeously furnished modern apartment - even though I can't even pay the rent - I feel like I'm in love with the other half of myself, because that half has merged with the Modena half.Speaking of being in love, I remember staring at her long nails with resentment because those gorgeous looking nails had ruined so many of our evenings.She fantasizes that she is a little dragon girl, and these long nails are her dragon scales. She doesn't want to share her beautiful existence with others, and she loses her temper after losing to me on the tennis court. This is an "α - girl" ah. "α" had to wear gloves to protect his nails at all times, and even had protective tape on his nails. He had to change his gloves every two games.I suspect that she shed more tears for her nails than for me; but in the candlelight of the hotel, how beautiful is her beautiful nails holding a cigarette!I feel her soul-roots are compared to other mortals as orchids are compared to weeds.

When she got home tonight, I didn't talk about what I learned.Just like I have the ability to kill her, but I absolutely can't do it.This is desperate love!She just finished four days and four nights of exhausting travel and was supposed to take a break, but instead, she was flying to and back from DC every day for the next three days (seven days in a row!). Here's why Woolen cloth?She didn't even bother to explain it!No, she must have known, smart as I already knew she was on vacation.However, I didn't know that Modena spent these four days in Chicago with Sam Giancana until a week later, when the transcript from Blue Beard-Olar came to my hands.From this transcript, I can see that Willy shares my curiosity: Did Modena and Giancana have an affair?

No, Modena insists she hasn't slept with Sam, but she already kind of likes him. "Honestly, Willie, he's just way too headstrong." "Do you feel sorry for him?" "No, he wouldn't care, but there's still pain in his life." "for example?" "Stop questioning me." Their exchange became repetitive, and I compressed their conversation to a suitable length and offered Charlotte a portrait of Giancana. Willie: Did he take you to his house? Modena: Of course. Willie: Is his home a magnificent mansion? Modena: No, but it looks elegant from the outside, and the structure is solid, like a fortress, and one of the exits leads to Oak Park.

Willie: On the north side of Chicago? Modena: Yes, Oak Park.When I said, "This is the town where Hemingway grew up," Sam looked surprised and asked me, "Who is Hemingway? One of your many boyfriends?" And I said, "You wouldn't be interested in knowing Yes." Sam said: "You think I'm an ignorant person, don't you? Well, we happen to have a newspaper here, and I've seen this guy's name, Hemingway, and Hemingway and I are two of the most famous people in Oak Park I did." Then he laughed.He always laughed the loudest at his own jokes.I guess he must have lived alone for a long time.

Willy: Inside the house, what happened to you guys inside the house? Modena: Can't you just wait a while?The inside of the house is really nothing special, it's small and the furniture is heavy Italian style.There's a windowless room in the basement that's his office, and I guess there's a long table for meetings in it, and he's kept a sectional cupboard in there with some gorgeous shards of glass still on it.He is a collector, and every time he puts out a collection, you can appreciate a different side of him.He has nimble fingers, Willy, and that's where he'll seduce me if I'm having sex with Sam.

Willie: So did the temptation lead you to the next step? Modena: Stop asking. Willie: Why didn't you tell me? Modena: Nothing to say. Willie: What did you all do tonight? Modena: He likes to go to the piano bar.The more smoky the atmosphere, the more he likes it.He would call a number and sing along with the pianist playing, but Sam just kept changing the lyrics.You know, like "Why don't you take all of me? Me, you and all of me. Turn off the lights and go to sleep!" Hey, pity our pianist!Sam's voice sounded like a broken foghorn.But it's really hard to believe that I actually find this funny.

Willie: Is he serious? Modena: Yes.He told me about his mother's death and I could see the pain he was going through.His mother had saved his life.He grew up in an Italian slum in Chicago. When he was about five years old, he was playing in the corner when a car rushed towards the corner. His mother immediately jumped over to save her child, but he was unlucky. Lost at the wheel and I feel sorry for Sam.Then he told me about his wife, who was a delicate woman.She was born with a bad heart. Although her family also immigrated from Italy, their social status was more or less higher than his, so her family looked down on him. In order to improve the situation, he stole a car car, but was arrested and imprisoned.When he got out, he and his wife lived in an apartment with only cold water, sitting around the stove with their two young daughters in their arms, baking orange peels for dessert; one of them had a bad heart , which does sound impressive.Sam's wife had a fiancé before she met Sam, but unfortunately died young, so she always remembered her ex-husband, and it took a long time for Sam to become her real husband.

Willie: He's so smart. Modena: Why do you say that? Willie: He's implying that he can put up with you and Jack Kennedy. Modena: He always called me "Mademoiselle." Willy: I wonder if he's afraid to come near you—what if he's not as good as he is because of Frank Sinatra? Modena: Willy, you are too unreliable.First of all, Sam knew it was impossible for me to tell Frank about me and Sam; second, Sam and Frank were a completely different type, he was more emotional. Willie: Sorry, but I feel more for Sam. Modena: Well, he is actually not as miserable as we think, he can make you laugh for a long time.He told me a story about Bobby Kennedy, a few years ago, when Bobby was getting ready to mobilize Sam for the McClellan Commission... Do you remember the McClellan Commission?

Willie: Remember, they specialize in crime investigations. Modena: Well, Sam made a point of dressing himself up as the worst kind of hoodlum, you know, in all black and a gold tie.The moment he walked into Kennedy's office, he fell to his knees with a plop, ran his hands through the carpet that covered the entire floor, and said, "This is a really good place to gamble." Then a lawyer entered the room, Sam grabbed him, slapped him on the back and thigh, and yelled, "Don't come near Mr. Kennedy! If Bobby is killed, they'll blame me!" Willie: It's kind of funny. Modena: Yes, my mood really needs to be relieved by jokes. Willie: Excuse me, what happened to Tom? Modena: Nothing, I don't want to talk about him. Willy: Are you going to tell him did you see Sam? Modena: Of course not. Willie: Are you sure you won't?You said that the more jealous Tom is, the better he will be as a lover. Modena: Now it seems that there is no need to talk about this topic. The next day, a message came from the Eye of Intelligence: Please answer the confidential call. "These girls, Harry," said Charlotte, opening her mouth, "are indeed indirectly involved in a lot of things, and it turns out to be useful. I've done a little research, so now I can confirm that Mr. Giancana is a liar— —He was never saved by his mother, it was his stepmother who died in the car accident, and it was Sam's half-brother Charles who was saved, and Giancana's biological mother died of a uterine infection of." "Yes, he's a liar." In fact, I couldn't believe how good he was at lying: a guy who could break your leg at any moment doesn't have to make up a lie about his mother. "Furthermore," Charlotte said, "in Bobby Kennedy's office, Giancana did nothing. My men grilled a former member of the McClellan committee, a Joey Gallo Gentlemen staged this JFK office drama, and Sam was just wearing it." "Well, he's a big liar." "Now, who is this Tom referring to? Did Tom and Harry form Field?" "Yes, that's the way I tell you." "You're implying to me that you've hooked a mermaid, aren't you?" "It's something that happened recently." "Why isn't there any feedback?" "Because our mermaid is not willing to provide any information at all, and I don't want to startle the snake." "Well, boy, let's do it now! Giancana is probably just trying to use her to get information from Kennedy. Play your part as Tom and try to find the clues about this girl." "I'll try." I said. "Do better." "I will," I said, "it will take time and luck." "Add a little cold violence," he suggested, before hanging up.
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