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Chapter 100 Chapter Fourteen

charlotte's dead 诺曼·梅勒 4253Words 2018-03-18
I wake up sad and heavy with last night's hangover.Yesterday morning at 10:32 there was a message from Charlotte from the low-privileged circuit of the Apex, and luckily—drunk or not, I was there to receive Charlotte's message. Serial number: J/38,761,709 Line: "vertex" private - public To: Robert Charles July 12, 1960 at 10:29 am Sender: Galileo Theme: Babylonian Market Your Babylonians are as strange to me as the Quarter Islanders, have they indulged too much in the gift of oral language?I have always classified spoken language as language.In my experience, responsible people allow only a slight deviation in the ancient compass; but to wise men, this ancient invention is a waste.Ephemeral pollution can also accumulate monumental power (an old agricultural equation).Apparently your Babylonians lived in other alpine climate zones.I usually think of colloquial talent as a strawberry sundae, keep up the good work.Hang everything high on the hay cart, and when the vicissitudes of life enter this white mansion, will they decorate the hall with hay?

I sat at my desk for half an hour, wondering if I should act.The image of Kitteridge on his knees, erect before Hugh Montague's penis memorial ceremony has even begun, haunts my already angry mind, and I don't know whether to be angry or not. It's time to worry about Hugh's mental state, or realize that this is just Hugh's unique style of joking. I still have a lot of work to do today, and I have to deal with Hidelis tonight.I ignored Charlotte's message, one has to live with the feeling of being teetering on the long-term balance board.Hugh Montague taught me to be tough, uplifting, kind, graceful, giving, and mastering my mind, but his penis was up!

And I'm mad at myself because Modena is so sexual.My past is so miserable!Could all I have done was go find a whore in Montevideo, or be Sally's poor concubine?Modena's evaluation of Sinatra as "gentleman, active, and strong" made me a coward, and I didn't even bother to ask myself: Am I a good lover?I am afraid the answer is no.How disgraced I am to the Hubbards! I took a good look around me, this is the program code I used to fix my attention.I've never introduced the office I work in over the years, and that's because there really isn't much to say.The furniture is made of iron and the color is gunboat gray; the color of the walls is usually white, off-white, yellow, brown or light green; the color of the office chair is white, brown, gray and black, and there is a cushion on it , and the chairs are swivel, allowing you to swivel from the printer to the paper; visitor chairs are plastic and come in yellow, red, orange, and black; the floor is carpeted in brown if not gray linoleum; You can put photos on the table, of any kind, but even if I had a great photo of Modena, I wouldn't put it there because it would stand out more than a bottle of jam.I have a map of South Florida on one wall in my office, a map of Cuba on the opposite wall, and a calendar with twelve pictures of the ports of Maine on the partition wall between the two. .I also have a dark green wastebasket, an oak table with an ashtray on it and a mirror by the door, a metal bookshelf with four shelves, and a cast iron safe.The desk lamp is fluorescent, and the light shines on the hanging shelf that is one person high.That's what my office looks like, all the offices I use in the CIA look like this, but none of them have walls that reach the ceiling.There are as many as eighty such rooms on the floor where I work in "Apex."

Sometimes I think that the purpose of such devices in the office is to help you focus on work, especially when the brain is tired.My gray dividing wall looks like a whitened blackboard that has been written on and wiped countless times.I'm back to work, and I don't reply to Montague until evening. Serial number: J/38,762,554 Route: "Ghost" Route - Special Diversion Recipient: "Ghost" A Sender: Field July 12, 1960 at 11:41 pm Subject: Hidelis Seeing what you mean, I'll be more concise. There were calls on March 4th, 5th, 8th, and 11th, from Lotta to Bluebeard, in Concord, New Hampshire, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Indianapolis, and Detroit.A bouquet of eighteen long-stem roses is sent to Bluebeard every day.The conversation involves the next date between the two.

However, on March 17th, the tone of the two suddenly changed.Bluebeard received a call from Lotta at the Willard Hotel in Washington, but the transcript of the call was probably too confusing. Lotta: Did Frank call you? Bluebeard: Not recently. Lotta: I wanted to take you to Miami Beach last night. Bluebeard: I'm sorry, I just happened to be out. Lota: I hope you are with a good friend. Bluebeard: Oh, just a fellow flight attendant. Lotta: (garbled characters) Bluebeard: (garbled characters) Lotta: (garbled characters) Bluebeard: (garbled characters) Lotta: Of course it is.Why don't you want to go to Frank's public show at Fontainebleau?

Bluebeard: I've wanted to go for a long time. Lotta: How many days will Frank be in Miami? Bluebeard: Ten days. Lotta: What a chance to meet him! Bluebeard: (garbled characters) Lota: I would like to arrange for you and me to meet at the Waldorf Astoria on the 26th, can you adjust your time? Bluebeard: Of course, it's just... Lotta: What is it? Blue Beard: The days are so far away. Lotta: (garbled characters) The rest are gibberish. (March 17, 1960) From March 18th to March 31st, Sinatra's public show was held at the Fontainebleau Hotel as scheduled.During this period, Bluebeard went back and forth between Miami and Washington four times, stayed in Fontainebleau when he was not working, and never spoke to the "candidate" on the phone.However, on the 31st day, Bluebeard called Olar, from which we learned that not long after Bluebeard arrived at the hotel, Stonehenge brought a man into Bluebeard's room and called him "the exorcist." , and he disassembled the phone and reassembled it.Bluebeard expressed doubts about this, and Stonehenge explained: Caution is the best thing to do.We suspect that Hoover's phone taps have been removed, and this is likely why Lotta's call with Bluebeard was missing between March 18 and 31.

However, we still intercepted two calls (March 18-31), both from Bluebeard to Olar, possibly because Watts) was bugged.The phone call between the two on March 21 can be studied in detail. Modena: I didn't know that Frank chose to do Doctor Who this time around, but once he got into it, Willie, he lit up all over Alabama.You know, I've been in a dark corner for so long with my underground relationship with Jack, and now it's beautiful to be in the spotlight.I love Jack, but Frank on stage has become a different person, and I can't stop.During the dinner, a few of his friends and I sat quietly watching him perform, and all eyes were on Frank.

Willie: Who are you sitting at the table with? Modena: Well, Dean Martin, Desi Arnaz, these two are stars you know, but what the hell, everybody's watching Frank.In order to create a chaotic fighting scene, he bit off his own finger, and every woman on the scene—married and unmarried—willed to elope with him; when the music of love sounded, all the men on the scene were so moved Cried. Willie: What is he singing about? Modena: I sang many songs, such as "Shali's Love Letter", "Maria", "Deep Ocean", "Just Right" and so on.It was very well sung!Finally he sang "The World Is in My Hands".

Willie: So did you rekindle your relationship with him? Modena: Miss omniscient, I'm sorry you were wrong this time.He was infatuated with Juliet Pross, and they were always inseparable. Willie: That doesn't stop him from saying hello to both of you at the same time. (March 21) Speaking of this, Modena suddenly hung up the phone.A minute later, the phone rang again. It was Willy calling the Fontainebleau Hotel, and the front desk told her that Miss Murphy ordered that all calls outside the hotel should not be answered. On March 31, we listened to another long phone call from Modena to Willie.I think it should be reported to you.

Willie: Where are the candidates these days? Modena: Leave.political campaign. Willie: Did you see him in New York? Modena: No. Willie: I thought you went to see him on March 26th. Modena: I have not. Willie: Did he cancel the meeting? Modena: I missed the plane. Willie: what? Modena: I missed the plane. Willie: So what did he say? Modena: He asked me what was wrong and I said, "I missed my flight. I was so busy with work that I missed my flight when I got ready." Willy: Then you and Jack must be screwed. Modena: No.The two of us were on the phone after that day, and we planned to meet in Washington on April 8, right after he wrapped up his Wisconsin caucuses on April 5.

Willie: Wasn't he upset that you didn't show up this time? Modena: He acted quite calmly, but I think he might be like you, thinking that Frank and I are together again.I sometimes suspect that he's only dating me because he wants to get Frank's woman. Willy: So you bet you didn't go back to Frank? Modena: This is not true, why do you make me swear. (silence) Willie: What were you wearing at the farewell party for Frank at Fontainebleau? Modena: A turquoise blue dress, and a pair of matching shoes. Willie: Oh please, with your black hair?That must have amazed everyone!I can just imagine your green eyes with your emerald blue dress. Modena: I did put a little thought into matching it. Willie: I'm so jealous.Did you meet any new friends at the party? Modena: Frank introduced me to a guy named Sam Flood, he seemed super confident, and the people at the table with him respected him, and I loved that table, it felt like they were putting on a show A musical comedy. Willie: Are they all handsome? Modena: No, I mean musicals like Guys and Dolls.One of them was 6-foot-6 and weighed more than 300 pounds, another looked shabby than a jockey, and the rest were just average.But when Sam sat next to me, no one else seemed afraid to look up.Then he indicated that he would sit at this table, and all the people greeted him, and he sat there like a king.Sometimes he didn't want to talk to people at all, like when Sammy Davis came over with a smile on his face, Sam just waved his hand, and Sammy just ran away.I asked him, "Don't you know who he is, Mr. Flood?" He said, "I know who it is, and it wasn't the two of spades. Never mind." Willie: What does this Sam Flood look like? Modena: Medium height, even a little ugly, but still attractive.He was well dressed, and his bronzed skin made him look manly, but understated.Maybe he's the president of General Motors. Willie: Hahaha... Modena: When Frank walks into the room, everyone cheers, except for Sam, who sits there like a pope, must be so heavy on his ass!He is both attractive and repulsive. Willie: Obsessed! Modena: Exactly. Willie: Did he ask you out? Modena: Well, but I told him that I had to fly back to Washington at 11 am because of work, and he said to change a better flight for me, and I said I wanted to go back on time, but I didn’t tell him about China Eastern Airlines. Everyone hated me to the bone because my flying schedule was too free. Willie: You rejected him so much, what did he say? Modena: He said, "I've been turned down once, but no one's reason was as witty as yours." Then he was amused by his own joke.Willie, I swear this man must be a narcissistic gentleman. Willie: That's all you think about him? Modena: This is just the beginning.I went back to Miami two days later and found 12 dozen yellow roses in my room, half for yesterday and half for today. Willy: Don't yellow roses represent jealousy? Modena: If that is the case, then his attitude is too obvious, because I have been receiving half a dozen yellow roses every day since that day. Willy: Do you think Frank told him about you and Jack? Modena: For what else but this! (March 31, 1960) After get off work I went back to the Royal Palm Hotel.It's almost midnight, and if it wasn't for the lingering pain of a hangover, I'd definitely like to think about Giancana's yellow roses right now.The drowsiness has already made me hallucinate. The clumsy old air conditioner blows out the wind, as if a group of hippos are jumping. Only by turning off the air conditioner can the group of "hippos" calm down, but the room is hot again.In this way, the air conditioner was cold and hot, and I fell into a dream in a daze.Waking up early in the morning in terror as I realized it was time to call my dad.
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