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Chapter 96 chapter Ten

charlotte's dead 诺曼·梅勒 2111Words 2018-03-18
Two Cuban exiles to report to me on the undisclosed activities of their political organization were to meet in two different safe houses on the same morning and afternoon, twenty miles apart.The second meeting couldn't be done ahead of schedule, so I told Charlotte I wouldn't be leaving for Washington until the afternoon.Once there, I took a taxi from the international airport to his home in Georgetown.In the old-fashioned restaurant, we had burgers and thawed French fries, a small detail I remember because he cooked them himself in a pan.The chef is off tonight, explained Charlotte, who, as a lad from Colorado, basically eats these for dinner.This is one of the few things he told me about his childhood.

"Who do you eat with?" I asked him. He shrugged: "I eat by myself." He got up and took me to his office, opened a double-decker briefcase containing three feet of paper, locked the briefcase, and handed me the key. "These are yours from now on," he said. "You must protect these documents in Zanet." "Okay, sure." "Remember not to leave papers on the table during the day, or in the hotel." During this not-so-comfortable dinner, he also asked me about Zannit's security and my time at the Palm Royal Hotel. accommodation. "Well," he said, "how do you feel about the situation?"

"incredible." "Kennedy's role is clear enough to me. If he wins, he'll be the first great president since Grover Cleveland. But what about the other one, Gargantua, you're thinking Put it in the telegram!" "I am too careless." "You're so self-indulgent, it's the equivalent of typhus in our line of business." "Who else understands me like that?" I asked. "John Edgar Hoover was one. You're not at the level of a public telegram." "Okay, I understand." "Make that mistake again and you won't have to work for me again."

"Okay, I understand." He cleared his throat as if announcing the rally: "For security purposes, this event is codenamed HEEDLESS, Giancana for RAPUNZEL, JFK for IOTA, Sinatra is called Stonehenge (STONE-HENGE), as for this woman, she should have a man's name BLUE-BEARD, how about it?" I nodded, an unhappy nod. "Her old high school friend, Wilma Rhea, is a talkative, you'll find out, just call her AURAL." "Okay, I understand." "I don't have time to read through this damn four-inch thick document, I just glanced at it. You're going to digest everything in this folder and give me a summary without missing any important information. These It was all done by the FBI. Although it has been machine-trimmed, it is still a bit messy. Isn’t it like this in all government departments! So I need you to organize it for me. I want to see important things. If the files are too scattered, I will summarize the key points. For example, look at what this shopping girl has bought, and can you draw some conclusions from it.”

He looked at me and asked seriously, "Can you handle that little girl?" "Fifty percent," I burst out the answer, "I doubt I'm qualified." "I'm sure all Soviet teenagers think this way before they get sent out by the KGB. Listen to me: Be her confidant. Of course, you have to be careful not to leave your marks on the FBI tapes, every time you take her Go to a different hotel." "That's expensive." He does look depressed. "Would you allow me to use those safe houses?" I asked. "I can think of a few in Miami that are okay."

"Oh my God, we're going to break the law, aren't we?" He considered the possible danger. "Let's start with the hotel," he said. .” "Okay, understand," I paused, "assuming I find these high-level places, we have to face some other difficulties." "speak out." The FBI tapped her phone at Fontainebleau, and sooner or later she would hear her mention Harry Field as she chatted with friends.She has even suspected that Field is a CIA agent. Although this is not a rare thing in Miami, I am afraid that the FBI will be eyeing me. He nodded and said, "Is there any way to make this girl not talk about you?"

"Maybe I can make her think that if she doesn't protect me, Rapunzel will break my leg." "Well, that might heal the grief and that wound," he blinked. "You know what? If it weren't for my job responsibilities, I might be as talkative as she is." "You?" I said, "like her?" "In our line of work, we have the same desire to give away secrets as a priest has a strong sexual desire." He patted me on the back with interest, and I wondered if he would strangle my legs again. "Old man," he said, "there's a midnight flight to Miami, let's take you back."

He drove me to the airport with rare courtesy.On the way to the airport, I mustered up the courage to ask how Kittredge and Christopher were doing. "I visit them once a month," he said slowly, as if wondering if I was trustworthy. "We love our moments of togetherness in Miami, but, yeah, we can be alone, but we have to. She's writing a book right now." "Did that go well?" "I think the part that Kitteridge is quite compelling is that she thinks narcissism is a good thing. She has a new theory that I've never come across and it's been working. In her mind, narcissism Love usually happens to people with strong relationships. Talented, and I hope others think so. She needs validation, as do girls." He stared straight ahead, hands on the steering wheel. "Kitteridge has been a wonderful mother to Christopher too. The little boy has been brilliant and I can't put into words how much I miss him."

The car stopped at the entrance of the airport, and he shook my hand: "Let's make our work more interesting, our work will be cruel, so we must learn to find fun in our work." I slept on the plane, and when I arrived in Miami, I still felt very tired and wanted to catch up on some sleep, but I went to the office first, put the contents of the briefcase in the safe, and then lay on my desk. Sleeping at the desk for hours, however, the desk is sadly too short.I dreamed that Rapunzel had fifty thousand giants bind me with spider webs.
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