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Chapter 10 Author's note

tough guys don't dance 诺曼·梅勒 323Words 2018-03-18
Provincetown is a real place, on Cape Cod.Some of the names and places mentioned in the book have been adapted, and some houses have also been imagined.One important fact is pure fabrication, that, as far as I know, there has never been an Acting Chief of Police in Provincetown.Incidentally, the police described in this book have nothing to do with the actual police in this town.All the characters in the book are products of my imagination, and all the scenes are fictional.Any similarity to real characters is coincidental. I owe my thanks to John Updike for his gracious permission to borrow a description from "The Neighbor's Wife." "The Neighbor's Wife" is included in the book "People I Know". People I Know was published in 1980 by Lauder John Publishing Company of California.It is inappropriate to quote this description in this book, but it is necessary.In addition, I would like to thank my old friend Roger Donoghue for telling me this anecdote.The title of this book is derived from this anecdote.

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