Home Categories foreign novel stealing heart case

Chapter 7 Chapter VII

stealing heart case 多娜·柯莉丝 6198Words 2018-03-18
"There really aren't any more burglaries, I have to admit that," Shanna said. Inspector Zhan nodded: "The news has spread, and everyone knows that you have hired an expert, which is enough to scare away some thieves who play tickets." Shana glanced at him sideways: "That's what he said." The two of them were walking through the halls of Bourbon.She managed to keep her tone light-hearted: "Tell me, what exactly do you think of him?" "Considie? How many times are you going to ask me?" Shanna refused to show embarrassment. "We're betting a lot," she reminded the detective.

She should say that she puts a lot of bets on herself.For the past week she had seen Sidi so rarely that she often wondered if he was still working here.When she did see him, she just nodded hastily, and never had any contact outside of official business.In fact, Shanna wasn't sure how she felt about him, she just knew that he was becoming more and more of a mystery. "Besides," she added, "you've given me his background and references and facts, but never your opinion. I want to know your thoughts and opinions." He muttered, "Honey, you're talking to a guy who's been a police officer for nearly thirty years. My idea is that Considy's kind of guy just gives me headaches."

"Oh? Why?" Shanna felt her heart sink. He shrugged. "He's too smart, too used to tricks, and too good at it. He'll be tempted again sooner or later, just because he wants to see if he can beat it again. It's like he's addicted to it." "You don't seem to believe he's going to change his ways," Shanna said cautiously. He smiled softly: "Yes, I don't believe he will. Personally, I like Kang Sidi quite a lot, and I would recommend him as a first-class master to anyone. But, I will not trust him. Can you understand what I mean ?”

Shanna sighed: "I do understand." He took a quick look at her and seemed to suspect that she had a personal interest in Sidi.Shanna managed to put on a businesslike look again. "What happened that made him decide to change his career?" she asked, "Do you know?" "Several things happened. First, he had a little trouble in Belgium. He ran into an undercover policeman." "I thought he was never caught." Detective Zhan showed a moment of uneasiness. "It's true that he hasn't been in jail, but that's because he has assisted the police in cracking down on a large criminal syndicate and he has performed very well."

"You said a few things happened," Shanna urged. Detective Zhan frowned thoughtfully: "Yes, another matter was never mentioned, but I think this is the real reason why he accepted the police conditions, and it even has something to do with Botby." "Tebi!" Shanna exhaled softly. "Yeah. Tebby took Sidi under his wing, taught him everything, and took care of him. I guess you could say he was the only father to that kid. Of course! He's a hunchback, but, still He has a great reputation in the world of thieves. Anyway, he died accidentally on one of his jobs. It is said that Sidi was very upset. After the police told him that Turby was related to Interpol, Sidi has since taken our side. "

Shanna found that the more she knew everything about him, the more curiosity and fantasies she had about him. "However, you're right that he's really doing a good job here," Inspector Zhan continued. "Of course, the peak season may still attract a lot of thieves, but if you ask me what I think, I think The trouble is over." The door opened at this time, and a large group of people walked in. The scene was very luxurious and magnificent. Six men entered with carts full of luggage, followed by two secretaries and a maid.Behind them, there are three neatly dressed young people pushing a cart full of flowers, followed by a team of waiters holding boxes and boxes.

After this procession is an iron cage for display, in which sits a very graceful and luxurious cat, whose name is Cleopatra written on the name plate above the iron cage.Of course, it cannot be compared with that charming historical figure, but it does look like the rather plump lady in the back.Dressed in fur, she appeared arrogantly in front of everyone. "My God," Detective Zhan cried, taking a step back in shock, "is it some nobleman?" "No," Shanna smiled wryly, "It's Ellie Bai. I'm sorry, Inspector, I have to go back to work." Detective Zhan glanced at the boxes and boxes containing jewelry and wealth again: "Me too."

Shanna straightened her jacket, smoothed her hair, and adjusted the chains around her wrists, then walked up to the honored guest with the kindest smile. After exchanging pleasantries, Ellie Bai went upstairs accompanied by Wegery, while Shanna stayed behind to deal with Ellie Bai's pile of luggage.Even before the distinguished guest arrived, she was always nervous, because Bai Nutu always casually left those priceless jewels aside. When she was struggling to deal with the difficult luggage, Considy suddenly appeared.She watched in amazement as he took a radio out of his pocket: "Stan, you'd better send another guy down here in the lobby. We have to make sure this bag doesn't get stolen in the lobby, and the counter is pretty busy. We're 15 Meet at Ms. Bai's suite within minutes."

Shanna suddenly understood that the two men had teamed up and worked together perfectly.She looked at Sidi in shock. "You do have the situation under control, don't you?" He held out a finger for her to be quiet, then switched the radio to another channel. "Time is precious, Mr. Shi," he whispered.Shanna saw the head waiter at the other end of the hall raise his hand to show he knew.The other 3 waiters showed up almost immediately and started loading the luggage into the elevator. Xi Di looked at Shana: "You seem surprised." She shook her head, suppressing an indignant sigh: "I won't be surprised by anything you do, Mr. Kang. I've come to believe that you are the most unpredictable man I know."

"Most men would be flattered to hear that. But why do I think that's not a compliment?" Shanna opened her mouth to retort, but she felt that she had no chance of winning in this verbal battle.So instead, she said, "Why don't you keep doing your job and I'll do mine?" "That's one of the wisest things you've said since I've known you," he answered. She had half turned around and was about to leave, but this sentence made her stop again: "What do you mean by this sentence?" "I think that sentence is clear enough in itself."

He stuffed the walkie-talkie into his pocket and watched as Mrs. Bai's last piece of luggage was sent to the elevator.Shanna couldn't help admiring their amazing efficiency from the bottom of her heart.She took a step towards him and lowered her voice because the hall was fairly quiet: "I hope you're not implying that my treatment of you isn't entirely businesslike." "Of course you are," he replied easily. "Since we met, you have not maintained a businesslike attitude. You plotted to get rid of me, asked the police to investigate me undercover, tried to encourage employees to rebel against me, and refused to cooperate with me. You do your best to hinder my work. And all because you can't handle my attraction to you. I think this is the most unprofessional behavior, don't you think?" Shana opened her mouth angrily, not knowing where to start?Should we refute his absurd accusations first, or condemn his incredible conclusions first.His attraction to her?Not professional?Refuse to cooperate?How dare he!She struggled for a while, but found that she could not speak. The bell from the elevator showed that an elevator had arrived. He looked at his watch and said in a polite tone, "Please allow me to leave first, I still have something to do." She caught up with him in three steps and followed him into the elevator silently.After the elevator closed, she burst out: "Me? I'm unprofessional? Who broke into my office—and—and took advantage of me while I was sleeping? Who broke into my house? And I didn't Get the police to investigate you secretly." "I know that Inspector Zhan is only assisting you in private." If she hadn't been so angry, she might have noticed the corner of his mouth and the sparkle in his eyes, and understood how much he enjoyed it.She couldn't notice anything, though, because she had to vent the frustration and confusion that had accumulated over the week. "Let's get this straight, look! Who can't handle whose attraction!" she continued angrily, her hands clenched into fists. "You may remember that I never abandoned you!" "That was the biggest mistake I've ever made," he admits, turning sharply to wrap her in his arms. Shanna didn't even have time to gasp in shock, his lips were on hers, his tongue was in hers, heat and dizziness hit her, melting her into his arms.Passion burned her, Shana struggled to swallow back a moan, and pressed herself against him helplessly, his breath was mixed with mint and sea breeze, the complete masculinity and unruliness fascinated her like hallucinogenic drugs, making her whole body Filled with uncontrollable cravings.What surprised her was not the intensity of the passion, but its intensity. She vaguely heard the bell of the elevator and knew they were about to arrive.Sidi reluctantly let go of her lips, his breath hot towards her neck. "What the hell are you doing?" she whispered. "I thought we were arguing." "You just don't want to be seen through," he replied hoarsely, making her quiver with joy as he slid his tongue into the hollow between her collarbones. "You're crazy!" she gasped, clinging to him even though she knew she should back off. He pressed one last deep kiss on her throat. "You must never forget this," he murmured. The elevator door opened, Shana quickly backed away and took a deep breath, she stretched out her hands to smooth her hair, straighten her coat and skirt, while Sidi held the elevator door for her calmly and with a smile all the time. When she walked into the aisle, her head was still dizzy, and her nerves seemed like tangled wires.She didn't even wonder where they were going, and why she was here, until she reached the end of the passage and heard Ellie Bai's cheerful, high-pitched laughter. Wegerie was in the luxury suite, so was Gesten, and there were six waiters and two maids.Ellie ordered them cheerfully, regardless of their status or class.The suitcases were opened one by one, and the contents were scattered on the chairs and the floor.The shiny jewels and silk satins attracted Jing Shana's attention, and she temporarily forgot the passionate scene in the elevator. "Honey, honey, come in!" Ellie raised her fat arms and waved at Shanna. "You can suggest me what to wear tonight. Did I tell you that Piccolo is coming to dinner? I must Pick a nice dress, but don't be too pushy." "Then it can't be too flirtatious, right?" Shanna walked into the door, trying to keep a smile on her face. Ellie let out a childlike laugh and began to search through boxes and boxes. "I must show you my latest collection! It's beyond words." Shanna felt the two security men wince as she took out the jewel box, and she opened it immediately because it wasn't locked at all. "Ms. White," Sidi stepped forward as Ellie rummaged through the pile of rings, bracelets, and necklaces. "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Considy. I have just been hired as a security consultant for this hotel." Ellie raised her head, and the annoyed look disappeared immediately. "My God," she held out her hand to him, "you're so pretty, aren't you?" Sidi broke into a smile and leaned down to kiss her hand, and Airi almost moaned in contentment. "Very polite too," she said, admiring Sidi happily, as if he were a delicious dessert, "what do you say you work here? Young man." Stan stepped forward and cleared his throat abruptly: "I believe Mr. Kang is going to suggest that you should perhaps store these beautiful jewels in a hotel safe, ma'am." "Bullshit!" Ellie turned her attention away from Sidi displeased, "I moved all this shit from New York, why do I have to bury it in some dark safe? The only pleasure is wearing them, and I'm sure this handsome young man will agree, won't he? My dear." "I do have to agree," Sidi replied tactfully, "that a beautiful woman like you should certainly wear beautiful jewelry, but since you can't wear so much jewellery, perhaps you can store the rest in a safe place. " Ellie turned to Shanna, her eyes still on Sidi from the corner of her eye: "If this was a department store, I would definitely order 10 of him. Isn't he the most precious and priceless treasure? Honey." She turned back and put Pushing the jewel box into Sidi's hands, she added, "I don't see what I'm looking for. Where the hell did I put it..." Shanna couldn't help but notice the way Sidi glanced at the jewels: he quickly assessed their value.Calculating a total efficiently seems to have become second nature to him.Shanna felt suddenly uneasy, and she was clearly not alone. Stan approached calmly and took the jewelry box from Xi Di: "I will be responsible for sending this box of jewelry into the safe." Sidi smiled: "Of course." "I've found it!" Ellie announced, triumphantly clutching a long box. "Can you imagine? I thought I left it at home." Without further ado, she opened the lid of the box and showed everyone the necklace inside.Shanna has never seen such a dazzling combination of emeralds and diamonds. The emerald in the center is big, green, and bright, supported by a pure gold flower shape; the leaves on the side are decorated with perfectly carved small diamonds, and the chain is also in the shape of a flower. The design is composed of soft and small emeralds and broken diamonds.The whole workmanship is so exquisite, and the gemstones are so perfect, even in gold, they are so shining that it is impossible to look at them, which is breathtaking. "Isn't it beautiful?" Ellie said brightly. "It's by McFeely, one of the most prestigious jewelry designers who has won awards of all kinds. This necklace has an interesting history too." Some of them are antiques, it is said that these emeralds once belonged to—" "Josephine," Siddie whispered, "was her wedding present." Shanna stared at him, she had never seen such naked desire on any man's face.Every feminine instinct in her stirred with jealousy.However, the more rational side is immediately alert and uneasy. Bai Aili seemed surprised, and then showed a look of approval: "God, it's her! As soon as I saw you, I knew you were a gentleman with good knowledge and a good education." Sidi stared at the necklace. "May I have a look?" Ellie didn't hesitate. "Of course, honey." She took out the necklace from the box and said to Stan rather haughtily, "You see, that's what beautiful things are for - to be enjoyed and admired, not locked away in a A safe place in sight." She handed the necklace to Sidi, who took it with awe and joy, touching each gemstone in fascination.Shanna looked at him and couldn't help but think of those magical moments when fingers touched her skin, and feel that weird mix of jealousy and excitement all over again. "It is a work of excellence," he said hoarsely at last, "and you must be congratulated on having it, ma'am." Allie's lids light up. "You know, I'm so proud of myself. I'm like a kid. When I get something new, I can't wait to show it off to everyone." "I can really see why you're showing off something so perfect," Sidi agreed. "But, Ms. Bai," Shanna quickly interrupted, "you don't want to wear it tonight!" Ellie frowned in confusion: "Shouldn't it be tonight?" "Oh, I think you should save it for some special occasion," Shanna insisted.The proximity of such a rare and expensive necklace made her break out in a nervous sweat, and she could see Vigrey feeling the same way. "Indeed," Agreed Gray, "a necklace as fine and perfect as this deserves the most special occasion, and until then, I really think you would be wise to deposit it in our safe." Shana could see that Ms. Bai was about to object, so she quickly took a step closer: "Ms. Bai, please do this. That necklace is worth at least 1 million—" "Its value is 2.3 million." Sidi said softly. Shanna looked at him sharply.He still held the necklace, still stroked it. "The safe in our guest room is not used to store such expensive items," Shanna said anxiously. "Oh, it's annoying!" Ellie said savagely. "I never use those stupid things. What do you want me to do, young man." Sidi looked up at her and smiled. "Madam Bai, this is your necklace, you have the right to appreciate it as you like." He returned the necklace to her obviously very reluctantly, and continued: "But something so rare and beautiful...well, It should be entitled to extra care, right? If I have a vintage car, when not in use, I park it in a specially fitted garage; if I have a nice bottle of wine, I put it It’s kept in temperature-regulated cellars. Can you take such a perfect work of art lightly?” Bai Aili gave him a smile, showing that his eyesight is really extraordinary. "I know you're not suggesting that I should store the necklace in the cellar..." She sighed exaggeratedly, putting the necklace back in the box and closing the lid. "Okay! Take it to your dusty old safe!" "You have made the right choice, ma'am," said Stan. "I will put the jewels in the safe at once and give you a receipt." "Okay! You just do it!" The moment of annoyance lasted only a moment, as Ellie's attention was diverted to another matter. "I believe I'm supposed to be wearing that gown tonight, and you're right, my dear, that emeralds don't suit it at all." "It's a pleasure to be of service to you, ma'am," Sidi said. "If you have any needs, please feel free to let me know." Wegre added. Now that the necklace thing is settled, everyone who isn't expecting a tip is ready to run away.Luckily, Gray and Sidi left, and Shanna almost reached the door, but Ellie called her in time: "Oh, honey, don't rush away. We have a lot of time now, and I'm going to tell your fortune, I recently Just learned to read palms. Please come over here and sit down." "Oh! I really don't want to disturb you. You just arrived, so you must be busy with a lot of things." Shanna declined, and continued to step back to the door, "Maybe we will see later." "Nonsense! I'm in the right mood right now, and I'm most suitable for fortune-telling." "But your luggage hasn't been packed yet, and Cleopatra is about to have her nails trimmed." "Come here," Ellie ordered.Shanna had no choice but to obey obediently. "Just a quick look," Ellie led Shanna to the brightest window, giggling, "I admit I'm really curious... Aha! I guessed it!" She took Shanna's palm triumphantly and pointed to its center. "Here's the lovely young man, just as I suspected. God, if you're not careful he'll steal your heart without you knowing it!" Instead of looking at her palm, Shanna stared at her wrist.She pursed her lips tightly and slowly put her hands together. "It's not my heart that I'm worried about," she murmured, pulling back her hand and forcing a smile. "Please allow me to leave, Mrs. Bai, I have to catch a thief." Then, she left the surprised lady behind and strode out of the room.
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