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Chapter 54 Section 4

safflower 渡边淳一 829Words 2018-03-18
The potted petals on the balcony of Dongzi's house are blooming.Originally, it was considered an early autumn flower, but recently cultivated varieties bloom in summer. On the morning of the trip, four morning glories bloomed, two red and two purple.After Dongzi watered, close the French windows of the balcony and lock them. In the slightly larger suitcase, in addition to underwear, there are also replacement dresses, and a nightgown for wearing when it gets cold in the evening. The flight departs from Haneda Airport at 11 am.Dongzi arrived at the customs hall of the airport 20 minutes ago. It was rare that Guizhi arrived first and was waiting in front of the counter.

"I've been worried that you'll be late!" "Sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road." There is still a little time, and the two have a cup of coffee first. "Professor Zhongshan seems to have left yesterday." "Not together? Great." It's not that seeing the professor will cause any disturbance, but at least there must be something to talk about when we meet, and now Dongzi only hopes to travel alone with Takashi quietly. After the influx of people returning home during the Ghost Festival, the number of tourists has decreased, but it is still close to full.

Toko sat by the window seat, and Kishi sat beside her. "The plum blossoms were just about to bloom at that time!" "Everyone says that summer in Hokkaido is the best, but I don't quite agree with it. The scenery is full of verdant green, lacks variety, and there are many tourists." "But at least it's cool!" "Have you ever been to Hokkaido?" "When I was in college, I used to wander around the Daonan area." "This time, it's just a quick trip to see the flowers!" The time that Fuyuko can be with Takashi is on Saturday and Sunday, and he returns to Tokyo on Monday morning.

"Do you have any good friends in Sapporo?" "A college classmate is currently teaching at Hokkaido University, but he doesn't drink like Fujii." "What happened to Mr. Fujii?" "We met when he came to Tokyo last time, but the relationship with his wife still seems to have not changed." "No change?" "It means that there is no physical relationship with each other." The plane slid slowly on the road, and soon began to accelerate. After a slight impact, the plane lifted into the air, and then rose rapidly, with the seat tilted slightly.

At this time, Dongzi asked: "Can Fujii bear this?" "At present, he himself does not want to ask his wife." "So, the couple really..." "That was the case at first, but recently he seems to have another woman." "Hate!" "However, it's a last resort for men to do this. If a healthy man is in need, won't he?" "Does his wife know?" "She asked him to go outside to find a woman, so what?" "Men are too capricious!" "However, Fujii still loves his wife deeply." In the tilted fuselage, Toko's honest and honest face appeared in front of her eyes.

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