Home Categories foreign novel safflower

Chapter 49 Section 3

safflower 渡边淳一 3142Words 2018-03-18
There are thick clouds outside and a little wind.After three o'clock in the morning, there was no one in the residential area. Dongzi walked quickly to the main road.After walking a small path, we should be able to reach the main road by walking another 300 meters. There is a car approaching from behind, it may be someone who is going home late at night! Dongzi turned back while walking.In an instant, the headlights shot at her.There was no light on the roof, so it shouldn't be a taxi. She leaned towards the side of the road, but the car stopped beside her, and a man poked out from the driver's seat. "If you don't mind, get in the car!"

The light from the street lamps was obscured, making it difficult to see clearly, but the man was wearing a white shirt and seemed to be very young.Next to the driver's seat sat another man wearing sunglasses. "We'll take you home." "No." Dongzi shook his head. "We have no other intentions. We just came to play nearby and are preparing to return to Shinjuku." The man's voice was surprisingly gentle. "..." Dongzi didn't answer, and started to walk forward. In the middle of the night, this kind of man who took the initiative to talk to Shanshan was very dangerous.Anyway, after walking another hundred meters, we will reach the main road.Dongzi jogged, and the car caught up with him.

"Miss. You dropped something." "Huh?" Dongzi stopped and turned around. The door opened and the man jumped out of the car. "Now you know?" "It's you." The two men quickly stood in front of Dongzi.Man in sunglasses smiles and approaches.Dongzi turned around, and there was a man in a shirt standing behind him. "What are you doing?" Dongzi wanted to run away, but his legs didn't work. "I just want you to stay with us." "stop……" While Dongzi was yelling, the two men had held her back and forth, and they seemed to be very used to doing this kind of thing, covering Dongzi's mouth with one hand, holding a knife to her back with the other, and whispered: "If you scream again, I will kill you. "

At the same time, Dongzi's shirt was torn, and the man wearing sunglasses continued, "Be good and you'll be fine!" Seeing the glowing knife, Dongzi lost all strength to resist, covered her torn shirt chest with her hands, and was pushed into the car. The man next to her looked to be around twenty-five despite wearing sunglasses.The other man driving was wearing a white shirt and had long hair. "Let's go!" The car moved forward.Dongzi looked out the window, wanting to know where he was going, but the man angrily said, "Don't look outside!" The man seemed afraid of being known where he was going.After driving for about two or three minutes, the car stopped. "Close your eyes!"

Dongzi closed his eyes as he said, and the man quickly covered Dongzi's eyes with a belt, and got out of the car like this, and was pulled into the elevator, then the corridor, and then he heard the sound of the door opening. "Go in!" Monzo's eye straps were undone only after Dongzi was attached to her shoulders. It seems to be a room in an apartment somewhere. After entering the door, there is a living room of about ten tatami mats, and the inside is a room with tatami mats. Except for the futon in the center, there is no furniture. It seems to be lived by a single man.

"You should know what to do next!" The man wearing sunglasses smiled and stroked Dongzi's chin. "If you resist, I will cut you twice immediately!" The cheek was pressed against the blade, and Dongzi closed the upper limit. "Take it off now!" "hurry up!" When Dongzi hesitated, the man wearing sunglasses immediately slapped her across the face. "Do you dare to be disobedient?" There is no way to escape. If you take off your clothes and sacrifice your body as the other party said, maybe you will let yourself go home, otherwise, it won't be worthwhile to hurt your face.

"Get off!" As a last resort, Dongzi walked to the corner of the room and took off her coat.Immediately afterwards, Toko was stripped of her underwear in a room illuminated only by a dimly lit lamp.Due to fear and shame, Dongzi twisted her body, but she was still forced to lie on her back! While enduring the insult, Dongzi's heart was unexpectedly calm, thinking, how long will it take to end everything?It seems that now that things have become like this, fear and anxiety are useless. It was the man wearing sunglasses who raped Dongzi first.Maybe he is an old hand, he stroked Dongzi's breasts for a while, and then said "too small", then tried to penetrate, violently vented his desire, and finally hugged Dongzi's shoulders tightly, and did not move .

Next came the man in the white shirt. He was trembling all over, and he almost ended the invitation just after entering. After the two had vented their desire, Dongzi lay down on the quilt.At this time, the man wearing sunglasses patted her on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you are very obedient and I can let you go back." Dongzi slowly picked up her face, and the man threw her the underwear and clothes she had taken off to her. "Although you are thin and small, you have a lot of feeling, not bad." Dongzi didn't answer, walked to the corner again and wiped her body.I just felt that there was no strength in my waist, and my lower body was as hot as a fire.She staggered to put on her clothes, but the torn shirt couldn't be pulled together no matter what.

After getting dressed, the man in sunglasses blindfolded her from behind. "I believe you are very knowledgeable about current affairs. If you call the police, you will never be let off easily!" "Send her back." The man wearing sunglasses ordered. Dongzi was taken into the elevator, then held hands, and returned to the car parked outside.After the engine started and the car moved forward, the man in the white shirt seemed relieved and said, "It's all right." After the blindfold was untied, Dongzi found that there was only a man in a white shirt in the car.Looking carefully, the man seems to be about twenty years old, with well-proportioned facial features and a youthful appearance.

"Are you okay?" the man asked, staring ahead. It's ridiculous to ask "does it matter" after raping a woman.Dongzi was silent. The man pointed to Dongzi's handbag and said, "I left the change for you." It was almost dawn, and milky white mist slowly rose on both sides of the road. "Would you like to meet me alone next time?" the man said while driving. Dongzi didn't answer, looking at the eastern sky that was beginning to glow red. Where is this?The road is very wide, and a pedestrian bridge emerges in the smog. There is a sign below it, which says "Right. Meguro, Center. Kouenji, Left. Jiyugaoka".

Maybe it's the outer ring road of Ring Road No. 7! After crossing the pedestrian bridge, the man said, "Can you tell me your phone number?" Dongzi was silent. The man's voice raised slightly: "I won't let you go back without telling me!" After pondering for a moment, Dongzi gave out the phone number of the store, but changed two or three numbers. "Last name?" "Zhongshan." "Really?" The man stopped the car and wrote it down on the back of the matchbox with a ballpoint pen. "I'm not a hooligan, I'm a student." Dongzi has been able to observe the other party quite calmly. "If it's just the two of us, I won't be rough." The man said, pause—yes. "At seven o'clock tonight, you'll wait for me at the Shimokitazawa intersection where you were walking just now. It's seven o'clock, okay?" It is impossible for a woman to get close to the place where she was kidnapped and raped, but the other party seems to be sincere. "Are you sure?" The man looked at Dongzi. "It's just me this time." "..." "I don't really want to do that." However, it is useless to say these things now, Dongzi has already been raped. "do you know?" Dongzi nodded slightly.She didn't agree, but she was afraid of offending the man who had finally calmed down again. "Okay, then I'll take you home." "No, I'm getting off here." "I won't do anything to you anymore." "Please let me get off here." After the man looked around, he went on for about two or three hundred meters.Then I stopped the car, pointed to the small road on the left, and said, "After you get off here, immediately go to the left, wait for two or three minutes, and then come back to take a taxi." He was probably afraid that Dongzi would see his license plate number. Dongzi nodded and got out of the car. "Go!" Dongzi started walking towards the path.The surrounding houses are still sleeping in the morning dew. "Seven o'clock tonight, you know?" A man's voice came from behind. However, the sound of the car speeding away was heard again immediately. Dongzi stopped, waited for the sound to disappear, then turned around and returned to meditation.The morning sun climbed in the milky white mist, and there were no cars in the direction where the man left. In another case, two large trucks approached one after another. Dongzi was standing on the national highway waiting for a taxi, holding a handbag in her left hand and holding the torn part of her shirt with her right hand.People who don't know may think that it's too cold early in the morning, so they cover their chests with their hands. Soon, a taxi came, and Dongzi waved. "Sangong Bridge." She got into the car and said, leaning on the back of the chair. Maybe it’s unbelievable to wait for a taxi alone at dawn!"Are you in a hurry?" the driver asked. "Yes..." Dongzi replied vaguely.She has no strength to speak or think, and just wishes to go home and rest sooner. The car was speeding on the wide road in the early morning, only trucks would pass by occasionally, and there were no other vehicles. About ten minutes later, the car arrived in front of the apartment. Just now, the man said that he had left change, but Dongzi opened the handbag at this moment and looked, but there was only one 500-yen bill and four 100-yen copper coins left.Dongzi remembered that when he went out, he should have brought three ten-thousand-yen bills, but those two men seemed to have taken them away as well. Barely enough to pay the fare of 730 yuan.After Dongzi paid, he got out of the car, the fog had disappeared, and the streetlights on Luqiong's telephone poles were also extinguished.A milkman's bicycle leans against the stone wall of the apartment building, and a man is jogging early in the morning on the path ahead. The occupants of the apartment seemed to be still asleep. It was after eleven o'clock last night that I left here, but Dongzi felt that Fangfu was very far away, as if he had completed a long journey and finally returned home.She walked through the downstairs hall and boarded the elevator. On the way, she was still afraid that the men would appear from the dark place, but she immediately told herself: Come if you should come! There was no change at home, just like when I went out, there was a finished brandy glass on the table, and the nightgowns I took off were stacked on the sofa.Seeing all this, Dongzi took a deep breath and lay down on the sofa. The feeling of sadness and anger is not strong, just very tired, even if I feel still, I can sleep like this. Soon, Dongzi stood up, took off her clothes and went into the bathroom.Rush across the body, smear the whole body with foam and then rinse, but it is still not enough, then fill the bathtub with hot water and soak it. About an hour later, when she walked out of the room, she heard the sound of newspapers being stuffed into the mailbox. However, she did not go to get the newspaper.Put on a new shirt and go to bed. The curtains are still drawn, and the sun shines in through the cracks.It's time for everyone to wake up and get ready for work. It doesn't matter if you don't wake up like this!He remained in a coma for several days, and was only discovered by someone a few days later... Dongzi imagined himself turned into a corpse, and closed his eyes.
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