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Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Seven

Shanna took the school bus home, carrying a pile of books, and got off two blocks from her house.After walking a short distance, she felt very tired, and sat down on a curbstone by the side of the road. She wakes up at four or five o'clock every morning and can't sleep anymore. She often dozes off lying on the desk in class, with her head resting on her arms, and she hasn't woken up until the bell rang for the end of get out of class several times. The sun was shining brightly, and she raised her face to let the warm sunlight pour over her body.A car passes her, and she exhales exhaustedly, as a group of teenage boys come cheering.

"Would you like to see a picture of my mom's breasts?" a boy said. "You won't have pictures of your mom's breasts, you're lying." "No, I have," the boy said. "She had her breasts enlarged. The doctor took her before and after pictures. I found them in her room. Want to see them?" Shanna turned to stare at the boys, and they ran away quickly.These toads, she thought, nasty little "toads."The school she went to was full of these scrawny, stupid-looking little boys and silly girls, it was disgusting to watch! She stood up, dusted her trousers, and picked up her book.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on the front yard, which was simply a huge bed of tulips!She plucked one, took it to her nose and smelled it, and then threw it into the gutter. What I hate is her family, even more than school.Her room was right on the street, and anyone could easily climb in through the window; hated the disgusting yard most; hated the ugly brown tiles in the kitchen; hated the quarrel between her parents; Nothing like seeing the expression on her mother's face. She herself was so stupid, so childish, so selfish, so pampered before she was raped, and she thought to herself, that's probably why it happened—to punish her.She should have told her mother from the beginning that her father had a girlfriend, she should have told her that she was going to live with her, and that she was now determined to fix herself, no matter the cost.

You can see her house, she took out the key, opened the door and went in. She walked straight to her room and looked at her dick.One by one, she flipped on all the light switches in the house, even though the sun was streaming in through the windows, and the puppy ran after her. Then she turned on the TV and stereo in the small room.I checked the safety lock of the gate and other locks to make sure they were all locked. Every day, she repeats the same procedure.It's not fear or anything, she thought, not me.She had never been afraid of anything in her life, she was just in case. The phone rang and it was Sally.

"Are you coming to practice?" she asked sharply. "Of course!" she replied, kicking off her shoes. "I always come to practice. My dad is the coach. Did you forget?" "Did you hear about Hesse Stanfield? Davy Smith asked her out and she broke it off an hour after she told everyone. Isn't it pretty Poor? You should go and see her, she's been crying and..." Shanna put the microphone on the bed and began to undress. David Smith might be one of those boys with pictures of her mother's or sister's breasts.If she listened carefully, she could hear a buzzing sound coming from the microphone.She could imagine Sally huddled up on the other end of the phone.As if all the kids she'd ever known came out of a compressor, and she looked more and more like a bumbling giant.

Picking up the microphone, Sally said: "...so she bought me the suit we saw on the boulevard, and a new pair of shoes, but the new shoes hurt my toes It's..." "Oh, really!" Shanna said, throwing the microphone back on the bed. She went into the bathroom and turned on the faucet in the bathtub.Back in the room and picking up the phone from the bed, she said, "I have to go, goodbye." So she reached out and unplugged the phone. In the bathtub, she soaked her whole body in hot water, only her nose was exposed, and she heard her rapid breathing and heartbeat.

If she could move out of the house with her mother and just the two of them, she could make her mother smile again, even laugh out loud.As her mother said, their new home is like a dormitory, clean and tidy; they will eat healthy food.No more obnoxious cigarette butts from his father in the ashtray; no stupid, boring girls like Sally, who thought a new dress and a new pair of shoes were better than everything in the world, bothering her. The room suddenly darkened, only a ray of silvery white light shone in through the blinds of the small window in the bathroom. Shanna jumped up from the bathtub, splashed a lot of water on the floor, and grabbed the curtains to hide. Clinging to her body, her heart beat like a big drum.

There he is, in this house.Just like in the movie, he was the one who turned off the light.Deathly silence.She rushed to the bathroom door and checked the lock again with her fingers. This time, he couldn't get her without a fight, she thought, opening the closet desperately, groping in the dark for something that could be used as a weapon.She heard a "crack", a whistling, and the music started again. Her image appeared in the foggy mirror as the electric lights came back on.She saw herself standing there, holding a suction handle tightly in her hand. It was just a sudden power outage, a goddamn power outage.She growled towards her own shadow, pointed the suction handle at the mirror, and stuck the suction handle to the mirror, her fear turned into hysterical laughter.

Sitting on the toilet, she laughed and bent down to hold her stomach.Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but she couldn't help laughing, and everyone was so serious-looking at her with those weird eyes-her father, her mother, the psychiatrist, and With all her friends, they're driving her crazy.They took it for granted that there was something wrong with her mind, and they were waiting for her to do something weird and abnormal. The convulsive laughter died down at last, and she rubbed her temples, remembering the face in the photo.Suddenly something in her mind expanded and contracted.She knew it was him and she would never forget it.Her mother couldn't see clearly without glasses.

The detective told her they would find him, bring him for identification, and then her mother would identify him too. She stood up, pulled the suction handle from the mirror, imagined him standing naked in front of her, and the stupid thing stood up.Her mother and Maggie would grab him, and she would take the suction handle and poke it in his place, pull it hard, and his thing would catch on the suction handle. She threw the suction handle against the wall, but the suction handle was not attached, and it bounced to the tile floor and rolled.Then, she unscrewed the lock on the bathroom door, opened the door, glanced into the hallway, ran quickly into her room, got her softball uniform, and ran back to the bathroom to lock herself inside.

Shanna wasn't ready until her father came home, locking the bathroom door and drying her hair with a blow dryer.John knocked on the door three times, telling her to come out quickly. "We're going to be late!" She finally opened the door and he said, "Come on, you know I like to be there on time." During the training, she was sullen and absent-minded all the time. When the girls surrounded her, she left them and walked aside. The girls were all stunned, with puzzled expressions on their faces. John told her to line up for batting practice. "I don't want to practice batting today." She said stubbornly. She just felt sore all over her body, and she really wanted to curl up like a ball and lie down on the ground and sleep soundly. "I just want to practice pitching." Noticing several girls standing nearby, John grabbed her arm and pulled her away several feet. "It's a team sport, Shanna. I can't let you pitch by yourself. The other girls need to practice pitching too. You know how we practice." She turned her head and returned to her position. Ever since the rape incident, he had treated her strangely, always avoiding her as if she was suffering from an infectious disease, for fear that he would be infected.Glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, she saw him pat a girl on the back and smile at the girl. She no longer let him fumble with her like a baby and kiss her all the time, but that didn't mean she didn't need his love any more. Her eyes narrowed, thinking that maybe that was the way he smiled at his girlfriend, everyone but her.In the past, no matter what, he always followed her.And now, when she really needed him, when she was barely making it through the difficult transition to school, he stopped caring about her and caring about others. The first time it was her turn to bat, she hit the ball to center field and ran to first base. In the second round, she pushed so hard that the ball flew over the outfield and over the home run wall.She was so annoyed that she threw the bat vigorously, and it happened to hit a girl who was getting ready for the leg with a "huh".John ran over to the girl, and Shanna stood there, watching. The girl fell to the ground in pain, holding her leg and screaming.The hem of her jeans was so tightly packed that John had to run to his jeep, get a pocket knife from a small storage locker in the car, and cut open the leg of her trousers to see the damage.All the girls gathered around her, and the girl yelled at Shanna: "You did it on purpose, I know you did it on purpose! Called my mom, my leg is broken! I know my leg is broken!" There is a large lump and bruise on the leg. "Thank God the leg isn't broken," John said, telling a girl to call the kid's mother, before turning to Shanna angrily. "You've never thrown a bat! You know the rule, no way!" he growled. Shanna yanked the helmet off her head and dropped it to the ground, standing next to the girl, her face contorted in disgust as she stared at the wound. "You're a spoiled little baby, you cry all the time, what do you know? If someone really hurt you, don't you want to die?" She stomped her feet, turned her head and shouted, "I quit! With your team of idiots, get out of here!" Shanna got in the car and waited.John told the other girls to keep practicing until their parents came.As soon as the injured girl's mother had arrived and he was about to leave, Charlotte approached him. "Shall I take the exercise equipment home?" "Of course that's all right, thank you, dear," he said. "What happened to Shanna? Is she really quitting?" the girl asked, shaking her head. "She doesn't even have lunch with us anymore." John glanced over his shoulder in the direction of the jeep, then turned back. Looking at Charlotte, "Then who is she having lunch with?" "I don't know, I think she doesn't eat lunch at all." On the way to a local restaurant, John tried to talk to his daughter: "Shanna, what made you want to quit? Those girls are yours." Friend. How can you yell at that girl when you hurt her?" "She's just got a lump on her leg, and she's talking nonsense that I did it on purpose, as if I did it on purpose. What a stupid crybaby, they all do! A brat!" "But they've been your friends for years. They all love you!" Shanna glared at her father: "What do you know? Everyone hates me now! I'm not 'Miss Perfect' anymore! They always Chasing me like a hound and driving me nuts. Everyone running up and asking the same stupid things over and over: 'What's wrong? What's wrong? You hate me?' I can't take it anymore This! Why can't they just leave me alone for a while?" "They don't understand because they don't know what's going on, and you can't blame them." "Well! Nothing happened to them, did it? It didn't happen to you either. It happened to me and Mama. That's all. Let me tell you, Mama isn't very it is good." John pulled the car into the cafeteria parking lot and opened the door to get out: "Your mother is a strong woman and she will be fine." "You bet? She'll be fine? Because I won't let her go on like this. I'm going to transfer schools and move out with my mother." He closed the car door, leaned back in the driver's seat, and turned his face to his daughter: "Shanna, I can't say yes! Look, you just went to visit once, and that happened! Besides, your mother is busy with her career." , no time to take care of you." Shanna moved closer to his face and opened her eyes: "Then you won't be entangled with your girlfriend all the time, will you?" She snapped back to her seat, her face flushed with anger. "You always tell me Mum is too busy to care about me. It's just because she has important work, Dad, I'm too busy with homework, doesn't that make me a nasty kid too? I love you, but I don't want to hear you say bad things about mom any more!" After finishing speaking, Shana got out of the car and slammed the door.
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