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Chapter 26 Chapter VII

love story 朱川湊人 3715Words 2018-03-18
For some reason, I always miss Mr. M. Although we chatted a lot in all directions, it was nothing more than a money transaction to put it bluntly.Even if you feel the joy of mind-to-heart connection, you will return to strangers after separation. However, Mr. M is special. I often think of him, and regret from the bottom of my heart why I didn't ask him for his phone number.I always felt like he was the only one who could save me. So when I got his call ten days later, I couldn't describe the joy I felt.He carefully considered his words as if testing my mind, and I actively invited him to meet him next time.Perhaps, I haven't said enough, "After you left, I'm very lonely" such coquettish words.

We met on the same day, and we were together regardless of money.That time he also tied my hands behind my back. "Why... do you like this?" When it was over, I asked him. Mr. M smiled awkwardly and didn't answer me directly. Not long after that, I stopped taking clients because Mr. M told me not to. He was thirty-eight years old and ran a large chain of coffee shops.If you say the name, maybe you will also have the impression that you have had coffee once or twice in his branch.I also like his Mocha float very much, and I often drink it during work breaks. I never imagined that the founder of that coffee shop would be so young, sweet and single.

"The current achievements are not only due to my hard work, but more importantly, I have met many excellent people. It is the hard work of the staff in each store that makes the company grow stronger." He didn't have the arrogance of a successful person at all, and sincerely said those words that sounded like a scene.Just being by his side makes me feel special.No kidding, his whole body is like a cup of warm coffee. Because of this, I find the fact that he has neither a lover nor a marriage to be unbelievable.Strange, what are the women around him doing... I honestly explained to Mr. M my life in the past twenty years, including my obsession of course.When you hear this, you must already know very well how my life has been affected by it.

After listening to my confession, Mr. M hugged me tightly. "It's pathetic...the church must have put a lot of burden on you when you were a kid. Those family members who valued doctrine above all else, unknowingly put a lot of pressure on you. But it doesn't matter Already. You will have me in the future." Hearing this, I cried like a child.I thought to myself, from now on, this person will be my god. Mr. M put me in a small apartment, from where I went to high school part-time.He wanted me to finish my high school dropout and go to college later if I could. Admittedly, this is too much favor for me, but there is still a trace of dissatisfaction in my heart.Because he kept saying that he loved me the most, but for some reason, he never took me to his apartment in Roppongi where he lived alone.

Of course, I am very self-aware. It is absolutely wishful thinking for a person like me who has a terrible past to want to be his wife.Considering his social status, he should also find a better woman. I don't care about those social statuses, but I want to be her favorite woman (women are indeed animals with deep desires)... In fact, even if I am his mistress, I have no complaints, as long as he loves me the most. It's just me. You also understand that women are eager to know everything about the man they fall in love with.What kind of room did he live in, what kind of life did he lead?What color are the walls?What is the style of the decoration? What records are on the CD rack?

Although not knowing these will not cause any trouble, but it is human nature to always want to know. "Please show me your room." Every time he comes, I beg him so. "My room is nothing fancy. It's a mess where single men live." He always said that to get away with it. However, the more he behaves like this, the more uneasy I become.Maybe there was another woman living there too.Even if they didn't live together, they might go in and out there occasionally and leave traces there. Loving someone is the coexistence of happiness and anxiety.I forgot that I was not qualified to say such things, and became even more suspicious.

One day, he was very relaxed in my room. After listening to my request, he said helplessly: "There's really nothing I can do about you. Since you're so worried, I'll take you there." That day, I accidentally said all the suspicion I just said about him having other women. "It's not that I don't understand your worries, and I think this matter will be explained to you one day." After getting into Mr. M's car, we headed for the apartment in Roppongi.At that time, I was in a panic, worried that my repeated pestering would make him lose his temper.But he didn't look angry.On the contrary, like me, I was a little uneasy.

"R, let me tell you first...don't be surprised no matter what you see in my room." As the car slowly approached the apartment, he repeated this sentence several times. "You also feel a little bit, I am different from others in some ways. However, this does not mean that I am an anti-social person." Not bragging, but I'm more like an anti-social person who sold my body.How could such a man of high character be anti-social? The car finally arrived at the apartment and he took me into the room. The room is on the top floor of a high-rise apartment, and as far as living alone is concerned, the space is a bit extravagant.He often said that this is a place where single men live, it is a mess, but the whole room is clean and spotless.Because it lacks the breath of life, it gives people the impression of being in a hotel.

"I entrust the cleaning of the room to a special person. She comes to clean it once every two days." I'm a little disappointed.Such a clean room cannot reveal his living habits at all. "It's nothing surprising. The night view here is very beautiful." After listening to my evaluation, he said: "Actually, I have a room that even the nanny is not allowed in...that's my recreation room." He gently put his arms around my shoulders and led me to the room next to the bedroom.It seemed real that the nanny was not allowed in, and he took the key out of his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole in front of me.

"Listen well, R. You are the first person to enter this room besides me. Remember, everything you see in this room cannot be told to others." After admonishing softly, he gently opened the door. The next moment, a gigantic woman's face appeared in the darkness. I couldn't help being startled, and took a step or two back. "Don't be afraid. It's just a photo." Take a closer look, it is a half-length black and white photo of a white woman.The photo was placed the size of a sliding door, faintly visible under the pale yellow reflected light. That is a very beautiful woman.

She was about twenty-five years old, with a full forehead and curly hair hanging down her neck, giving her a gentle and cultivated appearance.Although it is an old black and white photo, you can still feel the luster of her bright blonde hair. "This is an excerpt from a video tape. Although it has been post-processed, there is no way to make it better. I asked someone to restore this photo with computer digital image technology, and I am waiting for it to be completed as soon as possible. " Mr. M looked at the photo intoxicated. I looked around.The entire room is close to 20 square meters, basically in the layout of a home theater, with a huge screen and a comfortable sofa. It must be very comfortable to watch movies here.Perhaps to enhance the acoustics, the walls were covered with royal blue velvet.There are a few photos on the blank wall, the bookcase is against the wall, and there are 30 cm high doll-like things everywhere. Just looking at these, you can only feel that this is a room for movie enthusiasts.But that is not the case. There were seven photos on the wall, two of which featured the blonde woman in the blown-up photo.The rest of the pictures are also foreign women, some in swimsuits, and some smiling sweetly in beautiful dresses.Everyone's dress and hairstyle give people the feeling of a long time ago. To say it's weird, it's really weird.Because these women have nothing below their shoulders, it's not that someone has repaired the hands in the photos, but that they don't have arms in the first place.Their shoulders are all round. What happened to make them lose their arms? "this is……" I don't know how to react. After looking at those photos, should I sympathize?The women in the photos all have cheerful expressions, and such shallow sympathy would make people feel rude. "R, what do you think after seeing this?" Mr. M asked with his arm around my shoulder. I looked at these photos carefully again, and under their beautiful expressions, sympathy is not worth mentioning at all.Especially the woman in the black and white photo, which makes people feel elegant. "They are very pretty." Hearing my answer, Mr. M nodded happily. "Yes. You think they are beautiful too." I glanced at the profile of Mr. M, and then my eyes fell on the dolls placed everywhere in the room.The dolls all exquisitely reproduced the poses of women, but without exception, they all lacked arms. "This woman's name is Francis O'Connor, who once performed in Sideshow...Although there are actresses with the same name as her, to me, she is the unique Francis O'Connor. There is no such beautiful person in this world. There's a second one." Mr. M speaks with a wonderful warmth.Later I heard people say that the so-called sideshow is a foreign acrobatic troupe. As just said, there are three photographs of Francis O'Connor in the room.One is directly opposite the entrance of the room, and it is a close-up of the chest above.The remaining two are full body portraits.One of them is posing for the camera, and the other is a picture of eating while sitting at a log table.There were plates and drinking glasses on the table, and her right foot was holding the thin handle of the cup.Isn't that how she drinks? "Want to see her in action?" Without waiting for my answer, Mr. M impatiently reached out to pick up the remote control on the table, and pressed a few buttons on the projector opposite the screen.After that, another remote control was used to turn off the lights in the room. After a while, a black and white figure of Francis sitting at the table appeared on the screen in front of him.It's like a clip from an old movie.She was talking softly, and since there were no subtitles, I couldn't understand what she was saying at all. She nimbly picked up the fork with the toes of her right foot and sent the dishes on the plate to her mouth.Then he put down the fork, picked up the glass with his right foot, and drank the beer in it.These two movements are sending things to the mouth, but they are both so elegant.It's slightly offensive to say that, but I don't get the slightest sense that she's eating with her feet.This woman's feet are so flexible and elegant. Not only that, but her feet themselves are also very beautiful, with soft lines (this is the case for women in the past), very feminine.Because it is a black and white image, the original color cannot be seen, but even so, I can feel that her skin must be extremely fair. "This shot of her in Stranger Things. I'm a huge fan of her. This special DVD has all of her scenes together." While speaking, Mr. M operated the remote control to switch to another scene. On the screen, Francis O'Connor is tapping the basin in front of him with a table knife with his right foot.I don't know what she is doing, it seems that she is having a dinner party, and she is wearing a small carnation on her chest. "I re-recorded this part of the movie dozens of times, so it will look a little strange... But you can also feel her beauty." Mr. M looked at Francis with an intoxicated expression. Seeing him like that, I finally understood why Mr. M tied my hands behind my back when he was in bed with me... "That's what you think." He seemed to read my mind. "My hobby is a bit strange... I just like women with no hands like this." At that moment, I felt that the room temperature dropped a few degrees.
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