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Chapter 12 Chapter Four

love story 朱川湊人 3037Words 2018-03-18
Not once.Their desires seem inexhaustible. In addition to pleasure, there is also an indescribable excitement all over the body. Sahara realized that something in his body was hot like lava, emitting a strong light, burning the boring emotions that had been smoldering until now. This is "Carnival".This is the realm he wants to pursue. Sawara and Alice were immersed in the clouds and rain like machines. Suddenly, Zuo Yuan felt strange on his sweaty back, as if an unknown creature had touched him.He continued his movements with Alice, looking up and around. I saw things like small balloons floating above.Hazy orange sphere.

And not just one or two.Many spheres gathered at some unknown time, floating around the frenzied bed of the two people. They were of different sizes, some were as big as a human head, and some were as big as a speeding marble. What Lihua saw before... Could it be this? This is exactly the same as the balloon.Like a balloon that someone accidentally missed and flew away in the past, it is a pity to lose. Perhaps they are afraid of the sight of living people. After feeling Sahara's gaze, they are like deep-sea fish that flash when they see light, and retreat to the corner in a hurry. If you shine a strong light on the fish school, the balloons will scatter and flee in a hurry.However, they didn't retreat, just guarding the carnival between Sawara and Alice.

You dead people, keep your eyes open and watch honestly... This is a carnival that can only be enjoyed by living people, people with physical bodies. Zuo Yuan's movements became more and more intense and greedy.No fear and no restlessness.His heart is filled with a sense of superiority over the weak. "Sawara..." Under Alice's almost screaming voice, came a soft call.That's right, that's the voice he heard just now. In the wild action, Sahara looked for the owner of the voice. "Have you written a good piece?" The voice came from Alice.Two voices came out from one vocal cord at the same time.

"You're Segawa...Rika?" He didn't think the sound was weird at all. "The one in this woman's body is indeed you!" "Long time no see." Li Hua's voice was choked with sobs, and Zuo Yuan was a little confused about who he was embracing now. "I haven't written a novel recently, so I can't write it." Sahara pressed his cheek against Alice's chest and responded, as if only by speaking in this way could Li Hua in Alice's body hear his own voice. "Come out...I want to see you." "I'm already in your hands."

What Sahara was holding now was Alice's arm.He held her arms subconsciously. But looking carefully, the arm held by his right hand is not Alice's. Behind Alice's arm, like the statue of Asura, there is another hand stretched out.It was a slender arm. Sahara pulled this hand abruptly. "Lihua..." Delicate and smooth touch. Like a fan opened, another woman's upper body slid out from Alice's plump body. Such an abnormal scene made Sahara gasp, two upper bodies branched out of one body in front of him, just like the English letter "r".But Zuo Yuan didn't feel any terror or fear at all.

"We've all changed." Lihua's smile at this time was exactly the same as the one he saw in Shibuya back then.Sahara saw her breasts for the first time, and they were as small and thin as a girl's. "How could you..." Halfway through the question, he swallowed the words again.Now it's pointless to ask anything. Alice seemed unaware of what was happening around her, and she must have never seen the balloons floating in the room.Just catering to Zuo Yuan's movements, gasping for breath as if drowning, his breathing was messy. Zuo Yuan stretched out his hand towards Li Hua, her body was cold and real.Taking advantage of the situation, Li Hua frowned slightly and made a small sound.

"Why are you crying?" Li Hua, who was below him, asked. "I didn't cry!" "You're crying...it must be painful, right?" Cold fingertips caressed Zuo Yuan's cheek. "I've been looking for you." Two drops, three drops, tears kept falling on Li Hua's chest.Ah, really.At some point, Zuo Yuan burst into tears. "Why did you die? Who killed you?" Li Hua frowned slightly, then smiled and comforted him: "Don't pursue it anymore... This is the ending I want." "What do you want? Did you want to die at the beginning?"

"It's not that I want to die... This street is a carnival paradise. No matter what time it is, people will come to the carnival. So I like it here. My favorite is this street." "Well, that's true, this street is really nice." "You think so too, right? I am Her Royal Highness the Queen on this road." "Queen... Your Highness?" Sahara felt something touch him on his back. Looking back, I saw the orange balloons, like puppies, brushing past his body in turn, feeling like sheets of paper passing over his skin. "You come too? It's really great here!"

Zuo Yuan was confused by what she said. At this moment, a violent pleasure surged up from his waist, and the ecstasy-like pleasure seemed to sweep away both the brain and the heart. "I want to be with you." After Sahara panted and responded, Rika's slender hands immediately stretched out to his chest. "Your suffering will be over soon." Li Hua's fingertips pointed at Zuo Yuan's chest, Linglong's fingers seemed to penetrate into the sand, and invaded his body without any resistance. The cold palm covered Zuo Yuan's heart. The instant intense pleasure made Sahara almost arch his back.

"What's wrong with you? Sahara!" The shrill cry brought Alice back to her senses.Seeing Sahara, who was pressing on her stomach and having difficulty breathing, she hurriedly stood up. Zuo Yuan fell on the bed without saying a word, Li Hua had already disappeared without a trace, and the balloons also retreated away. "No, you have to hold on!" Panicked, Alice grabbed Sahara tightly and shook his body wildly.Zuo Yuan couldn't bear the severe pain in his chest, and fell off the bed. "What's wrong with you?" After Zuo Yuan was in extreme pain, he slowly felt like a deflated ball again, and suddenly felt much more relaxed.

He could only see the carpet and the legs of the sofa, not to mention moving his fingers, he couldn't even move his eyes. "Sawara! Sahara!!" The voice of Alice shouting at him seemed far away.The only thing in my head was the patter of raindrops on the asphalt. Alice put Zuo Yuan down and turned around the room with a mournful face.She kept muttering something, but Zuo Yuan couldn't hear anything. Finally, she grabbed the clothes from the basket in front of the bathroom and threw them on quickly, as if she had never considered calling the front desk or an ambulance in the first place. Dressing haphazardly, Alice grabbed her belongings and prepared to leave.Suddenly remembered something, turned back to the room, and took out his cell phone from Zuo Yuan's coat pocket.She might think that as long as this is taken away, no one will know about their relationship. Alice put Sahara's mobile phone in her bag, looked back for one last time, and left the room. The surroundings gradually darkened, and the faces of his wife and children flashed in Zuo Yuan's mind. I see. However, before the memory faded, it was not the thoughts of his family that came to his heart. Elaine - finally remembered. That's the name of the heroine in the movie "The Graduate," for which Simon and Garfunkel produced the music.Catherine Ross plays the heroine, and the last black-and-white image of her fleeing from the wedding ceremony with Dustin Hoffman's young Benjamin comes to Sawara's mind. You are so stupid, Li Hua. Have you been on this road, waiting for Benjamin who will take you away? You are really, really stupid. This is "Back Shadow Street". Sawara is also wandering around Myama-cho today. Sometimes he sat in front of the hotel, sometimes he entered the building, but most of the time he was wandering in the alleys. No one can see him.If anyone saw him, it was raining.On rainy days when the sun is not out during the day, it seems that he can see his hazy shadow with the naked eye. From time to time, he came across something similar to himself, but no one would talk to them, they would just lower their eyebrows in shame and pass by.No matter what you become, the iron on this road remains the same. He has seen Li Hua several times.As she said at the beginning, she is the queen of the road.There are always many balloons around you, like a parade. If she had seen Sahara first, she would have approached him immediately.Even though she knew that in this state, they couldn't touch each other, she would still stretch out her arms and try to hug herself. At that time, Zuo Yuan would feel extremely sad, the days of life and beauty in the past were no longer a luxury, and he missed the days when his body was still alive. No more carnivals. What saddens him the most is not that he is no longer human, but that he has lost Carnival forever. Maybe one day he will be like Lihua, attaching to other people's body to feel the pleasure of the flesh.Only relying on such expectations, Zuo Yuan also wandered on this street today.He himself didn't know if such a day would really happen. Occasionally, this kind of sadness also has moments of being healed. Usually when the sun goes down—thousands of balloons will float and meet on this road at the same time.Those balloons are erratic like fireflies, not only seeming to praise the freedom without a body, but also lamenting the unfreedom of losing a body... Human eyes cannot see it.People bowed their heads and walked under the balloon unconsciously. Zuo Yuan never joined the group of balloons, he must not have fully accepted himself now.Until one day he slowly forgets the memory of his own body, he will also become a member of the dancing balloons. Now, that's fine. For now, just be a bystander. Countless balloons are like smiling bubbles, flying staggered on this road-it's really unparalleled beauty!
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