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Chapter 7 Chapter VII

love story 朱川湊人 3058Words 2018-03-18
In the afternoon of the next day, Sanae drove her rented car on a mountain road that she didn't often drive. Although she has a driver's license, she hasn't driven by herself for a long time.I was trembling all the way, and it was hard to get back the feeling.And the mountain road she was driving now made her whole heart rise to her throat.The only good news is that she was the only car on the whole road. It turns out that the road here is so difficult! The last time she came was at night, the surrounding scenery was covered by night, and it was raining, so she couldn't see clearly, so she only knew that she was in the mountain, and didn't pay much attention to other things.

However, once driving by himself, the road twists and turns like a painful rolling snake, with unexpected ups and downs, and from time to time you can see the cliffs on the side of the mountain, which puts a lot of pressure on Sanae, who is a novice driver.Even though she was driving at a slow speed that could stop immediately, her palms were still sweating. It should be here... No, it seems that we have to drive further. Sanae tries to find the house where Lily's funeral was held. Because there is no place where even the bus can go, so I had to drive there by myself.Although she couldn't remember the exact address of the house, the person at the gas station down the mountain told her that there was only one road up the mountain.In other words, the house must be right by the road.

Empty position... Empty position... Empty position... In Sanae's mind, who was struggling with the road in front of her with all her strength, this word repeated itself like a mantra. This company must have some dark secrets. In a short period of time, Sanae's thoughts about the funeral in an empty warehouse have changed drastically, because just a few hours ago, she went to the address written on Urai's business card. The place is on the edge of the residential area of ​​the city, within walking distance from the light rail station.After Sanae arrived there by light rail, she asked several people before she found the address on the business card.

However, in the corner where old and new houses are densely packed, there is no building that looks like a funeral company, and there is only an old toy store. "Excuse me, is this address yours?" Sanae showed Urai's business card to the shopkeeper.The shop owner is a thin old man, and he holds his business card under the lamp with trembling hands. This shop is also old, and there are no popular computer games in it, and there are no assembled robots and clothes-changing dolls produced by big companies. There are only tin dolls and wooden toys. Came through time and space.This must be a store for old toy collectors, but the owner doesn't look like it.

"The address is indeed mine, but I don't know this person." The shop owner took a long time to confirm the information on the business card, and replied with a surprised face. "Is this business card wrongly printed?" Sanae asked the shopkeeper if he had ever heard the name Yashima, and the shopkeeper just shook his head.She thinks of the beautiful corpse photographer, to make sure nothing goes wrong.She asked again: "Then you don't know young Russian women either?" "A long time ago, I saw it when I was in Siberia." The owner of the toy store said with a smile showing his teeth.

What the hell does this happen?Sanae's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably. Is there a problem with the business card?Or was it all a lie from the start?It's hard to imagine that both business cards were printed incorrectly, so the answer is the latter if explained logically. What the head nurse said yesterday began to take on a wonderful sense of reality. Although I don't know what they do, at least one thing is certain, they are not a serious funeral company.If so, you won't be doing such a messy business card. Thinking of this, Lily Xiang's body lying on the bed appeared in front of her eyes, as if she saw the ashes taken out of the incinerator overlapped with the body.

Isn't that the ashes of lily incense?If not, where did Lily Xiang's body go? "Ah, yes!" The owner of the toy house called Sanae who was about to bow her head and leave. "Just now you mentioned the Russians, I remembered. What is the name of that company, and how do you pronounce it?" "The company is called 'kuukula', pronounced 'kuukula'." "Ah, maybe that's where we are." Sanae looked at the toy shop owner, wondering what he was going to say suddenly, the shop owner leisurely raised a hand and picked up a female doll on the shelf next to it, and showed it to Sanae with a smile.

"In Russian, dolls are pronounced 'kuukula'. We sell dolls here." For some reason, when Sanae heard this sentence, she immediately felt that the doll was very weird. Finally, I arrived at the familiar house deep in the forest. Sanae wondered why the house was built deep in the forest since there was only one road?When she got closer, she suddenly realized that there was a private path blocked by an iron chain all the way to the entrance of the house.Only those who come here on business can get a pass. Sanae stopped the car and walked to the entrance of the path.Suspension cables about one meter high are firmly fixed to the iron pillars on both sides, and it seems that there is no way to drive in.

Sanae had no choice but to park the car on the side of the road and step over the suspension cable. Was the road really that narrow?As Sanae walked towards the house, she tripped several times on the gravel that lay on the ground. "Hey?" Sanae couldn't help shouting when she saw the parking lot where she came last time after walking for about two minutes. A familiar silver-gray car was parked in the corner of the parking lot. She approached the car and looked suspiciously at the driver's seat.That's right, this is Haruki's car. Why is he here?Isn't Haruki on a business trip?He can't be here.

"welcome." A man's voice suddenly sounded from behind.Sanae shrank her neck in fright, and turned her head tremblingly, only to see that Yashima was smiling and appeared at the entrance where Lily Xiang's body was escorted last time.He still had a neat suit, but his tie was not black, but a fashionable style with a burgundy background and silver stripes. "Have you received the photo yet?" "I received it last night... because the filming was so good, I want to come and thank you in person." "You are very kind." Perhaps accepting Sanae's excuse of quick wit, Yashima approached with a smile on his face.

"What a coincidence, your friend is here too. The gate has been locked today, please follow me this way." As always, Yashima was polite and led Sanae into the side door. As expected, Haruki was also here. The friend Yashima mentioned was probably Haruki.He is supposed to be on a business trip, why did he appear here, what is he doing here? "This way, please." After entering the side door, Yashima opened the nearby brown door and gestured toward the inside.There should be the hall where Lily Xiang took photos and held the funeral, but the lights were not turned on, and the room was pitch black.Just a few steps in, there was a "bang" from behind, and the door was closed. Suddenly, there was a strong light in front of him. "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Miss Sanae." A familiar female voice came from nowhere—it was Urai.Sanae wanted to try to confirm her position, but the light was too strong to raise her head. "Please don't shine the light on me...why are you doing that?" "Ah, I'm so sorry. Since the room is too dark, I thought I should light up your side anyway." Different from the steady and elegant tone when we met before, her tone was a little stronger. "Invite Miss Sanae over here." As soon as the words fell, Sanae's hands were grabbed, and Yashima and the young man had already walked behind her at some point. Sanae couldn't help but screamed. "Oh, it's so loud. However, this room is completely soundproof, so calling it like this will only make your throat hurt. Even if the sound can be heard, it's a barren mountain outside, and no one will hear it." Sanae couldn't comprehend what was happening to her at all. She tried to escape, but her arms were firmly held by two men, and she couldn't move. "Haruki, save me!" Sensing her own danger, Sanae screamed with all her strength. She suddenly thought that Qingji should be in this house. Although this room is completely soundproof, he might be able to hear him in the same house. A muffled laugh came from the darkness, intertwined with her shouts.Yashima, who grabbed her wrist, couldn't help but muffled laughter. "Your friend is very busy now, you'd better not disturb him." Pu Jing said with a smile. "Yashima, show Sanae-san what her friend is up to." Before she finished speaking, Sanae was forcefully turned around.At the same time, a small TV lit up in the darkness, as if Yashima was operating the remote control. "Come on, enjoy it." A room appeared on the TV, a monotonous room with only one big bed. "No!" Sanae turned her face away without thinking, because on that bed, a naked man and woman were making out. "You'd better see clearly." Saying that, Yashima pointed the remote control at the TV, and the ugly picture on the TV was immediately magnified. On the unresponsive woman, the young man was shaking his body frantically.Sanae was thankful that the stereo was off. If there was one, she would have heard the man's heavy breathing and the bed creaking vaguely. "This is what happened on the second floor. But your friend would never dream that he would be secretly photographed." friend?Hearing this, she noticed that the naked man turned out to be Qing Ji.Although he was attracted by the ferocious beast-like action before, and didn't realize who he was at all, it was undoubtedly Qing Ji. The shocking fact left her unresponsive, as if a giant fist had been thrust into her throat, choking her breath. "He's been in that room for two full days, and he's been very affectionate." Urai's ridicule sounded from behind. "However, there is no way to do this. Apart from us, there is no place that can satisfy his needs in this regard." Sanae screamed again.In the next moment, everything in her mind was burned out, and there was nothing left. What Qingji was violating was Lily Fragrance. No, to be precise, it is Lily Xiang's body.Haruki is having sex with Yurika's dead body.
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