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Chapter 22 Twenty-one, smash the pot

under the dome 斯蒂芬·金 38964Words 2018-03-18
Rose Rose's is closed until five o'clock in the afternoon, and by then Rose intends to serve a light dinner, mostly leftovers.She was making potato salad on the counter and watching the TV when the knock came.The knockers were Jackie Whittington, Ernie Calvert, and Julia Shumway. Rose walked through the deserted restaurant, wiped her hands on her apron, and opened the door.Horace the corgi stepped quickly from Julia's heels, ears pricked up, looking friendly and happy.Rose let them in, and after making sure the closed sign was still in place, re-locked the door. "Thank you," Jackie said.

"Don't say that," Rose replied, "I want to see you anyway." "We're here for that," Jackie said, pointing to the TV. "I was looking for Ernie and I met Julia on the way. She was sitting across from her house, staring at the wreckage." "I'm not in a daze," said Julia. "Horace and I were trying to figure out what we could do to put out a special issue after the town meeting. It wasn't much—two pages, maybe—but still a paper. I was preoccupied with it." Rose glanced back at the TV.On the screen, there is a beautiful young woman who is reporting live. Below her, there is a row of text that reads the pictures provided by ABC TV station earlier today.The sound of an explosion suddenly came, and a fireball burst out of the sky.The reporter was startled, screamed, and turned around immediately.At that time, the camera that was originally facing her quickly panned away to capture the wreckage of the crashing Aer Lingus plane.

"There's not much else to see except the replay of the plane crashing into the dome," Rose said. "If you haven't seen it before, stay and watch it. Jackie, I saw you at about noon today. By Barbie's side - I brought him some sandwiches and they sent me down to the cell in the basement, but Marvin Searles stayed with me the whole time." "You're lucky," Jackie said. "How is he?" Julia asked. "Is he all right?" "Looks like I've had a lot of trouble, but I think it's all right. He said... Maybe I should tell you in private, Jackie."

"Whatever you want to say, you can say it directly in front of Ernie and Julia." Rose thought about it, but only for a moment.If Ernie Calvert and Julia Shumway can't be trusted, no one can be trusted. "He said I should talk to you like we had a fight. He wanted me to make up with you and tell you I'd be fine." Jackie turned to Ernie and Julia as if Rose had asked her a question and was waiting for her to answer it. "Since Barbie says you can, you can," Jackie said.Ernie nodded emphatically. "Honey, we've got a little meeting tonight. The parsonage at the Congo Church. It might be kept a secret—"

"It's not possible, but it must be kept secret." Julia said, "Looking at the current situation in the town, it's better to keep it completely secret." "If it's what I want, I'll join." Rose lowered her voice, "But don't ask Anson. He wears that nasty armband." At this time, the logo of the latest news appeared on the TV screen, and CNN also broadcast music accompanied by the news network played by the electronic keyboard.Now every news related to the dome will be accompanied by this annoying music.Rose had expected Anderson Cooper or her beloved Wolfe Jr. to be at the press conference—they were both at Castle Rock now—and it turned out to be CNN's Pentagon correspondent, Barbara Starr.She's at the Army base in Harlow, with a bunch of tents and trailers in the background.

“This is the second time since the crisis began that the Pentagon named Colonel James O. Press conference. They notified reporters not long ago and said that the announcement will surely inspire thousands of American nationals with loved ones trapped in the town of Chester's Mill. We are told— —” She listened to the message in the headset, “Let’s switch the camera to Colonel Cox first.” The four of them sat on the chairs in front of the counter, watching the scene switch to the big tent.There were about forty reporters sitting in folding chairs, and even more standing in the back, all chattering constantly.A makeshift stage was erected at one end of the tent, on top of which stood a podium with American flags on both sides, and a number of microphones on top of the podium.There is a white screen behind the podium.

"It's pretty professional to get these things ready in such a rush," Ernie said. "Oh, I think it's been planned," Jackie said, recalling her conversation with Cox.We're going to make things less comfortable for Lenny in the best way we can, that's what he said. The curtain on the left side of the tent was opened, and a sturdy gray-haired man quickly walked towards the temporary stage.There were no two-step ladders or wooden boxes next to the stage, but for his shorter stature, it was no problem at all.He hops onto the stage with one foot, without even changing the rhythm of his steps.He was wearing a flat khaki field uniform. If he had been decorated, it was really hard to see where the medal was hung.His shirt had nothing on it except: Colonel James Cox, and he didn't even have a lecture note in hand.The reporters fell silent immediately, and Cox gave them a small smile.

"This guy should have a lot of experience running press conferences," Julia said. "He looks good." "Shh, Julia," said Rose. "Gentlemen and ladies, thank you for coming," Cox said. "I'll be brief and I'll let you ask questions. The situation at Chester's Mill, now known as the 'Dome Incident', remains unchanged. : The entire town continues to be quarantined. We still don't know why or what caused it, and our attempts to breach the barrier have not been successful. Of course, we'll let you know as soon as we have an answer. The best scientists in the United States - and the best scientists in the world - have all joined the investigation. Now, we are considering the feasibility of some options. But please don't rush to ask me about this part, because we still have I can't give you an answer."

The reporters murmured disapprovingly, and Cox let them talk for a while.Below him, the CNN headline reads This time there are still no answers.Cox didn't continue until the voices of the conversation died down. "As you all know, we have established a no-go zone around the dome, initially a mile, then two miles on Sundays, and four miles on Tuesdays. There are many reasons for this, the most important of which is that the dome It is quite dangerous for people with implants such as pacemakers in their bodies. The second reason is that we were worried that the energy source that made the dome might have other adverse effects, and we were not sure at the time. Why."

"Colonel, do you mean radiation?" someone yelled. Cox gave the man a cold look, as if considering whether to reprimand the reporter (Rose was glad to find out that the man was not Little Wolfe, but a half-bald chatterbox from Fox News. ), and then continued. "We now believe that, at least for a short time, there will be no other ill effects there. Therefore, we have chosen Friday, October 27 - the day after tomorrow - as a day to visit the dome." This remark caused a burst of intense inquiries.Cox waited until the reporters had quieted down before picking up a remote from the shelf below the podium and pressing the button on it.A high-resolution photo appeared on the white screen (much clearer than the Google Earth download, Julia thought), of an aerial view of Mill Township, which also included Morton Township to the south. Section with Castle Rock.Cox put down the remote and picked up a laser pointer.

The title at the bottom of the screen now reads Friday will be Dome Visit Day.Julia smiled.Colonel Cox encountered a situation where CNN's typist deserted. "The number of visitors we can handle and accommodate is 1,200," Cox said bluntly. "For this time, we will limit the attendance to close relatives... and hope and pray that there will be no further visits." There is another visit day. The meeting place is here, which is Castle Rock Fairgrounds, and here, Oxford Plains Motor Speedway." He pointed to the location of those two places, "We will arrange twenty-four buses, two There are 12 buses for each location. The buses are provided by the six surrounding campuses. In order to assist this measure, they will suspend classes for one day, so we also express our deepest thanks to them here. The twenty-fifth bus is a special bus for reporters. Stop at Shaner's Fishing Tackle in Morton Town to pick you up." He added coldly, "Since Shaner's Fishing Tackle is also an agent for local liquor, I think most of you know where the location is Here, you are allowed to send an OB truck to follow the bus. I repeat, the total number is one. Please arrange joint reports and other matters by yourself. At the same time, ladies and gentlemen, the eligibility to report to the dome will be determined by lottery. " This remark caused a burst of complaints, but the level of backlash was not very violent. "The reporter's car has forty-eight seats, and there are obviously hundreds of media reporters from all over the world—" "Thousands!" shouted a gray-haired man, prompting a roar of laughter. "Well, I'm glad there are still people who can laugh," said Ernie Calvert gritting his teeth. Cox managed a small smile. "Let me correct that, Mr. Gregory. Seats are assigned by news organization—TV News Network, Reuters, TASS, Associated Press, etc.—and each organization You can choose your own delegates.” "All I can say is, I wish CNN would send little Wolff," Rose said. The reporters chatted excitedly. "Can I continue?" Cox asked. "Those who are texting, please stop." "Oh," said Jackie, "I love tough guys like that." "Do you really want your fellow citizens to remember that you're not here to report? If a mine collapses, after an earthquake, and someone is trapped under a collapsed building, would you do the same?" Everyone fell silent, and the scene was filled with the atmosphere of a fourth-grade classroom where the teacher lost his temper.He's really tough, Julia thought, wishing for a moment that Cox was under the dome too, running everything.But of course, imagination is better than reality. "Ladies and gentlemen, your work serves two purposes: first, to help us spread the message; and second, to ensure that the Visiting Day program runs smoothly." CNN's headline became: Reporters to assist visitors Friday. "The last thing we have to do is to deal with the relatives who flock to western Maine from all over the country. Nearly 10,000 relatives of the people trapped under the dome have gathered in the nearby area. Nearby hotels, The motels and camping areas are overcrowded. We say to our relatives in other areas: 'If you're not in the area, don't come.' because you won't be able to get a visitor pass and you'll be blocked at the checkpoint. Stop first. Checkpoints are here, here, here and here." He pointed to Lewiston, Auburn, North Windham and Conway, New Hampshire. "For relatives in the area, you can go to the open-air market and the racetrack to find the person in charge to register. If you plan to leave immediately, then don't do it. This is not the white discount season of Feilin Department Store, be the first to be the first No, there is no guarantee that you will be eligible. Visiting qualifications will be determined by lottery, and you must register first to be eligible for the lottery. To apply for visiting qualifications, you need to bring two ID cards with photos. We will try our best to have two or two or more relatives have priority, but at the same time, we cannot fully guarantee this. Also hereby warn the public: If anyone shows up at any of the announced bus transfer stops on Friday without a pass, or Anyone with a counterfeit pass—in other words, someone who interferes with operations—will be dealt with legally. Don't test us. “We’ll be open for pick-ups at 8 a.m. on Fridays. If all goes well, you’ll have at least four hours with your loved ones, maybe more. That will reduce that too. The bus leaves the dome at 5:00 p.m.." "Where will the visitors go?" a woman yelled. "I was about to get to this point, Andrea." Cox picked up the controller and zoomed in on Route 119.Jackie knew that place well; it was around there that she bumped her head into the damn dome and hurt her nose.She could see the Densmore farmhouse, the outbuildings, and the roof of the milking factory. "There's a flea market on the Morton side of the dome." Cox dragged the map over with the remote control. "The bus will drop visitors off there and walk to the dome. There are enough There is a space for people to gather. At the same time, all aircraft debris in the area has also been cleared." "Will visitors be allowed to touch the dome directly?" the reporter asked. Cox looked at the camera again, speaking directly to the audience in front of the TV.Rose could imagine that those in the audience—who might be in front of the TV in bars and motels, or listening to the radio in their cars—must be feeling that mixture of hope and fear at the moment.She felt that both of these feelings were very strong. "The distance between the visitor and the dome is two yards," Cox said. "We consider that to be a safe distance, but again, we can't make any guarantees about it. People with electronic implants must stay away from the dome. You are on your own; we cannot check everyone's chest for pacemaker scars. Visitors must also keep all electronic devices Stay on the bus, including iPods, mobile phones and smart phones, and other electronic devices. Journalists' microphones and cameras must also be kept at a certain distance. We reserve close contact spaces for visitors, between them and loved ones, No one is allowed to approach the interview. Everyone, as long as you are willing to help, then this plan can be carried out smoothly. If it is in the style of his lines, then it is: Please help us get it done together." He put down the remote control, "Now I will answer a few questions, but the number of questions is rather limited. Mr. Brizer." Rose's face lit up.She raised her coffee cup and greeted the TV screen. "Little Wolfe, you look so good! You can lie in my bed and eat cookies anytime you want." "Colonel Cox, are you going to have the town hall officials join in and hold a separate press conference? As far as we understand, the second public affairs executive, James Rennie, is the de facto administrator of the town of Mill. How is this going to happen?" What's going on?" "We are working in that direction and may invite Mr. Rennie, or another official from the town, to attend. As long as everything goes according to plan, I believe it will happen soon." The reporters applauded appreciatively at the statement.Unless they can dig up news of high-profile politicians sleeping with high-class prostitutes, nothing beats their liking for press conferences. "Ideally, we'd have that press conference on the road," Cox said. "Whoever the town speaker is, it's going to be on their side, and ladies and gentlemen are on our side." side." There was another burst of warm applause.They also love the visual possibilities. Cox pointed to a reporter. "Mr. Holt." NBC's Lester Holt stood up and asked, "What are the odds that Mr. Rennie will be at the press conference? I ask because reports have indicated that, according to the Maine attorney general, his Some of the finances are sourced and are under certain criminal investigations." "I've heard what the reports say," Cox said. "I'm not going to comment on that, but Mr. Rennie might want to." He paused, the smile fading a bit. "I'd love to hear his opinion, too." "Colonel Cox, this is Rita Bradford of CBS. I would like to ask if Dale Barbara, the interim administrator you have appointed, is really in prison for the murder? Are Chester's Mill Police really Do you think he's a serial killer?" The reporters all fell silent and looked at the stage intently.Even the four people sitting at the counter in Qiangwei Rose restaurant are the same. "It's true," Cox said.The reporters began to discuss in low voices. "However, we cannot substantiate their allegations or investigative actions, whether there is any evidence to rely on. There is no doubt that the information we currently have is the same as ladies and gentlemen, all obtained through discussions on the phone and on the Internet. Dale Barbara is a decorated soldier with no previous arrest record. I have known him for many years and am willing to vouch for him to the President. As far as I know, I have no reason to say that I am here Part of it was wrong." “Colonel, I’m Ray Sularez from PBS. Do you think their charges against Lieutenant Barbara — now Colonel Barbara — were politically motivated? Is it possible that James Renney deliberately put him in the Prison, in order to take away the command that the President has appointed him?" That’s the theme of the second half of this extravagant show, and it dawns on Julia that Cox is using the media to portray us as victims of a tyrannical regime.She admired that. "Mr. Sularez, if you have the opportunity to ask Commissioner Renney in person on Friday, remember to ask him this question." Cox's tone was coldly calm, "Gentlemen and ladies, this is the end of question time. " He strode away as quickly as he entered, and he was gone before the reporters even had time to call out any more questions. "My God," Ernie murmured. "That's right," Jackie said. Rose turned off the TV, looking refreshed and alive. "When do we have a meeting to discuss? I won't be troubled by Colonel Cox's speech, but it will definitely make Barbie's situation worse." Barbie didn't know about Cox's press conference until a flushed Manuel Otague came downstairs and told him.Ortag, originally employed by Alden Dunsmore, now wears a blue work shirt with what looks like a homemade police badge on his chest.In addition, he also wore two belts, and a . 45 pistol hung from the second belt that was loose at the hip, giving him the appearance of a gunslinger.Barbie knew him as a mild-mannered fellow with thinning hair and sunburnt skin who liked to order breakfast at dinnertime—pancakes, bacon, and eggs sunny side up—and talk about cattle.His favorite breed was the cross-banded Grove, but he had never been able to persuade Mr. Densmore to buy it.Although he has a South American surname, he is a standard northerner with a Yankee sense of humor.Barbie had always liked him. However, standing in front of him at this moment is another Mainu, a stranger who has lost his sense of humor.He brought the latest news, much of it, by shouting at the bars, with a lot of slobber.The anger on his expression was almost like radiating rays. "They didn't mention that poor girl had your badge in her hand at all, not a damn word! That bastard in the waterproof pants was trying to set up old James Rennie. He's been around since it happened On his own to hold this town together! On his own! Overcoming it!" "Take it easy, Manuel," Barbie said. "Call me Officer Otago, you bastard!" "Okay, Officer Otag." Barbie sat on the bed, thinking that Otag would probably pull that old .45 Schofield out of its holster by now and shoot him. "I'm here and Lenny's out there, so you don't have to worry about him. I bet it'll be all right." "Shut up!" Manuel screamed. "We're all in! All under the fucking dome! Alden's done nothing but drink, the kid who's still alive can't eat, and Dan Mrs. Small was crying because of Rory. Jack Evans blew his own brains out, you know? Those soldiers say those nasty things because they can't think of anything but slander What better thing to do. It's all lies and fabricated stories so you can instigate that supermarket riot and burn down our newspaper! You must think there's nothing Miss Shumway can do about it Reveal your true colors!" Barbie remained silent throughout.He believes that as long as he utters any words of defense, the other party will make up his mind to shoot. "That's how they deal with all the nasty politicians," Manuel said. "They don't want a Christian to lead us, but a serial killer and a rapist — or rape and murder — to lead us? Dirty." Manuel drew his gun and pointed it at him through the bars.To Barbie, the loophole looked as huge as the tunnel entrance. "If you leave this cell before the dome disappears," Manuel continued, "then I will kill you with my own hands immediately. I will be the first person in line to kill you. In the current mill town Look, I bet the line must be pretty long." Barbie still didn't say a word, thinking that death would come at any moment, and didn't even dare to breathe. It felt like Rose Dunchel's toasted sandwich was rushing back to his throat, choking him like that. "We're trying to survive, and what they're doing is smearing the people who kept this town out of chaos." He suddenly holstered the big pistol, "Fuck you, you ain't worth it .” He turned and strode up the stairs, looking downcast. Barbie leaned back against the wall, letting out a breath, her brow beaded with sweat.His hand was still trembling as he reached out to wipe off the sweat. No sooner had Romeo Poppy's van turned into the driveway of the McClatchy house than Claire, crying, rushed out of the house. "Mom!" shouted Joe, and was out of the car before Romeo had even come to a complete stop.The others got off afterward. "Mom, what happened?" "It's okay," Claire sobbed, grabbing him into her arms. "We're going to have a visiting day! It's Friday! I think we might meet your daddy, Joe!" Xiao Qiao let out a cheer, and hugged her around.Benny hugging Nolly... Rusty noticed that the cheeky brat took the opportunity to sneak a kiss on her. "Romeo, drive me to the hospital," Rusty said.Rusty also waved goodbye to Claire and the kids as they backed up in the driveway.He was glad to get out of here without having to talk to Mrs. McCleitch, whose mother's instincts were powerful. "Could you do me a favor and try speaking English instead of that caricature shit French accent you're used to?" "Some people are just uneducated," said Romeo, "and are always envious of those who can." "Well, but your mother is also a countryman who wears rain boots." "That's true, but she only wears them when it's raining." Rusty's phone chimed in again, this time a text message.He opened the top cover of the phone and read the content of the text message: I will meet you at the pastor's dormitory of the Congo Church at 9:30 in the evening, see you soon.Jackie Whittington. "Romeo," he said, covering the phone. "Assuming I survive the Lennies, would you consider going to a meeting with me tonight?" Ginny met him in the hospital lobby. “Today is Lenny Day at Katherine Russell Hospital,” she said, without seeming upset by the incident. "Thurston Marshall has been taking care of them both. Rusty, the man is a godsend. He obviously doesn't like Jen - he and Frank beat him up at Chester Pond - but Still showing a completely professional attitude. This guy is a bit of a waste teaching in the English department of the university-he should be in this line of work." She lowered her voice, "He is better than me, and far better than Crampton." "Where is he now?" "Going back to where he lives, visiting his young girlfriend and the kids they're taking care of. He seems to really care about those two kids." "Oh my God, Ginny is in love," Rusty said with a laugh. "Be less boring." She glared at him. "Which two wards are the Lennies in?" "Little James is in ward 7, and the old one is in ward 19. The old one came in with that Thipperdeau guy, but he must have sent Thipperdeau on errands again, because when he went to see James, it was I went alone." She smiled mockingly, "He didn't stay long, and he was busy talking on his mobile phone most of the time. Although the child regained his senses, he sat still from the beginning to the end. Henry Mo It wasn't like that when Leeson brought him in." "Where is Lao Zhan's arrhythmia? How is the situation now?" "Thurston stabilized him." It's just for the time being, Rusty thought, not in a bad mood, and when Fanning's medicine wears off, his rotten heart will start dancing again. "Go and see the kid first," Ginny said.There were only the two of them in the hall, but she still lowered her voice, "I don't like him, never did. It's just that now I feel sorry for him. I don't think he has much time left." "Did Thurston tell Lenny about Jen's condition?" "That said, it could have been a serious matter after all. He obviously didn't think it was as important as the calls he was making, though. Someone might have told him about Friday Visitation Day. Lenny was pretty pissed about it." Rusty remembered the block on Black Ridge.The thin thing was nothing more than a cuboid less than fifty inches in size, but he couldn't lift it, or even move it a little.At the same time, he remembered those laughing leather heads that he had glimpsed for a moment. "Some people just don't welcome visitors," he said. "How do you feel, Jen?" "It's okay. Much better." His voice was listless, and he sat by the window in a hospital gown.The sun shone relentlessly on his haggard face, making him look like an overworked forty-year-old man. "Tell me what happened before you passed out." "I was going to school, and I ended up at Angie's first. I tried to make her reconcile with Frank, who doesn't really talk very well." Rusty was debating whether to ask Jen if he knew Frank and Angie were dead, then decided not to--so what?So he asked, "You're going to school? What about the dome?" "Oh, yes." The same listless, indifferent voice. "I've forgotten it all." "Son, how old are you?" "twenty one?" "What's your mother's name?" Xiao Zhan thought for a while. "Jason Giambi," he answered at last, and then laughed shrilly, but even the laugh was listless, and the haggard look on his face never changed. "When did the dome appear?" "Saturday." "How long ago?" Xiao Zhan frowned. "A week?" he said at last, and then, "Two weeks? It must have been a while." He finally turned his head towards Rusty, his eyes sparkling with the sedative that Thurston Marshall had administered to him. "Did Barbie send you here to ask me these questions? He killed 'em, you know." He nodded. "We found his militia." Pause. "Military badge." "Barbie didn't send me for anything," Rusty said. "He's still in jail." "He's going to hell soon," said Jr. dryly, with a flat, straightforward tone. "We'll try him and sentence him to death. That's what my dad said. There's no death penalty in Maine, but he says it's war time. Egg salad is too high in calories." "That's true," Rusty said.He was carrying a stethoscope, arm blood pressure monitor, and ophthalmoscope, and now he was putting the blood pressure monitor armband on Xiao Zhan's hand. "Xiao Zhan, can you name the last three presidents?" "Of course. Bush, Push and Tash." He laughed maniacally, but his face remained expressionless. Little Zhan's blood pressure was 147/120, which made Rusty mentally prepared for the situation to deteriorate. "Do you remember who came in to heal you before me?" "Yeah. The old guy Frank and I met before we found the two kids at Chester Pond. I hope they're all right. They're lovely." "Do you remember their names?" "Aiden and Alice Appleton. We went to a nightclub together and the redhead girl jerked me off under the table, figured I'd deal with it first so she'd get it later." Pause, "Deal. " "Hmm." Rusty inspected with an ophthalmoscope.Xiao Zhan's right eye is fine, but the optic disc in his left eye is swollen, which is papilledema.In later-stage brain tumors, this is a common symptom and is always accompanied by swelling. "See anything green? Tough guy?" "No." Rusty put down the eyepiece and raised his index finger in front of Xiao Zhan, "I want you to touch my finger with your finger first, and then touch your own nose." Little Zhan did so.Rusty started to move his fingers back and forth slowly: "Again." For the first time, Xiao Zhan managed to touch the moving finger, and then touched his nose.Only the next time, his finger hit his cheek instead of touching it.For the third time, he didn't even touch his fingers, and finally touched his right eyebrow. "Whoa. Do it again? I could do it all day long." Rusty pushed back his chair and stood up: "I'll get Ginny Tomlinson to write a prescription for you." "Once I get my prescription signed, can I go home? I mean go home." "Xiao Zhan, you have to stay with us here overnight, and you need to continue to observe." "But I'm fine, aren't I? I've had a headache once before—I mean the one that really hurts so hard I can't see—but it's fine now. I'm fine, right?" "I can't be sure of anything right now," Rusty said. "I'll have to talk to Thurston Marshall first and get some data." "Dude, that guy's not a doctor. He's an English teacher." "Perhaps. But as far as I know, he treats you better than you and Frank treat him." Xiao Zhan waved his hand as if to dismiss him: "We're just playing around. Besides, we're just trying to scare him, aren't we?" "I won't argue with you on this point. As for now, Xiao Zhan, try to relax as much as possible. How about watching TV?" Xiao Zhan thought for a while, then asked: "What's for dinner?" In this case, the only way Rusty could think of to reduce the swelling was to inject mannitol directly into Jen Lennie Jr.'s brain.He took the medical record and walked out the door, and saw a note attached to it. The handwriting was something he had never seen before, and he kept marking it in circles: Rusty had written the dose on it.Ginny was right: Thurston Marshall was good. The door of Lao Zhan's room was open, but the ward was empty.Rusty heard a man's voice in the place where the late Doctor Hasker loved to nap.Rusty walked towards the lounge, forgetting to get Lao Zhan's medical records first.This negligence will make him regret it later. Lao Zhan sat by the window neatly dressed, with his mobile phone next to his ear, completely ignoring the forbidden mobile phone sign on the wall next to him.Rusty Ke believes that he can order Lao Zhan to hang up the phone, which will make him feel extremely happy.To use this method as the beginning of helping him check his body and discussing things may not be considered far-sighted, but Rusty wants to do it anyway.He just started to walk forward, then stopped, and his whole body became cold. A vivid memory popped up in his mind: he couldn't sleep, got up to eat a piece of cranberry orange juice bread made by Linda, and heard Audrey moaning softly in the daughters' room.He went downstairs to check on the sisters, sitting next to Janelle's bed, under a poster of her guardian angel, Hannah Montana. Why did I suddenly think of this now?Why didn't he remember it when he talked with Lao Zhan in his study? Because I didn't know about the murder at the time, and I could only think about the propane problem.也因为贾奈尔说那些话的时候并非癫痫发作,而只是快速动眼期的梦话而已。 他有一颗黄金做的棒球,爸爸。那是颗坏棒球。 就算昨晚在葬仪社时,这段记忆也并未浮现。这是唯一一次,就发生在已有些太迟的时候。 不过想一想这代表了什么:或许,黑岭上那东西不只会散发环状辐射,还会散发出别的东西。就先把那东西称为“引发预知能力”吧,毕竟这事根本没有名称可以形容。但不管怎么称呼,这状况都的确存在。要是贾奈尔说中了镀金棒球的事,每个孩子提及的那些疑似万圣节大灾难的预言也有可能成真。不过那真的是确切日期吗?会不会有可能提前? 生锈克倾向于后者。对于生活在小城镇里的孩子而言,总会对不给糖就捣蛋的游戏无比期待,所以万圣节等于早就到了。 “我不管你要干吗,斯图亚特。”老詹说。 三毫克的烦宁似乎没让他说话变得客气点,口气就跟平常一样暴躁无比。“你跟福纳德给我过去,带着罗杰一起……啊?什么?”他听了一会儿,“这应该不用我说。你到底有没有看他妈的电视?要是他顶撞你的话,你就——” 他抬起头,看见生锈克就在门口。由于发现有人偷听,老詹脸上瞬间闪过一个惊恐的表情,接着思考起可能被听见了多少对话内容。 “斯图亚特,这里有别人在。我再打给你,等我打给你的时候,你最好给我一个我想听见的答案。” 他没说再见便挂掉电话,把手机朝生锈克递去,朝生锈克露齿微笑:“我知道,我知道。我太不守规矩了,不过镇上的公事可等不得。”他叹了口气,“想当个大家信赖的人可不容易,尤其身体不舒服的时候更难。” “一定很难。”生锈克同意道。 “上帝保佑我。你想听听我的生活哲学吗,兄弟?” In no mood. "certainly." “当上帝关起一扇门,他也同时为你打开了一扇窗。” “你真这么认为?” “我知道事情真的就是这样。有一件事我一直谨记在心。当你为了自己想要的东西而祈祷,上帝只会充耳不闻。但当你为了你需要的东西祈祷,上帝则会全心倾听。” “嗯哼。”生锈克走进休息室。墙壁上的电视转到了CNN新闻台,声音却调至了静音。屏幕里,播报员后方有张静止不动的詹姆斯·伦尼委员相片。相片是黑白的,看起来很不讨喜,里头老詹伸出一支手指,上唇微微扬起,看起来不像微笑,而是凶狠非常的冷笑。下方的标题写着:穹顶镇是毒品天堂?画面切换到老詹·伦尼二手车行的广告,这系列烦人的广告,最后总会以其中一名销售员(老詹·伦尼从不曾亲自上场)用尖叫的方式说出台词收尾:“你有车开,全因跟老詹做了交易!” 老詹朝电视比了一下,露出苦笑:“你看芭芭拉外面那些朋友是怎么对付我的?嗯,还真是不意外啊。基督来救赎人类时,人类让他背着十字架,上了髑髅山,就这么让他死在鲜血与尘土中。” 生锈克在心中想着,这已经不是第一次证明烦宁是种奇怪的镇定剂了。他不确定酒里头是否存在真理,但烦宁里肯定不少。只要你给病人烦宁——尤其是通过静脉注射——通常就能听见他们如何看待自己的真心话。 生锈克拉过一把椅子,准备好听诊器:“把你的衬衫拉起来。”老詹放下手机好拉起衬衫,这时生锈克把手机拿走,放进胸前的口袋。“我就先拿走了,可以吗?我会放在大厅柜台那里。那里是可以讲手机的区域。这样或许不太方便,但也不错了。” 他认为老詹会提出抗议,或许还会动怒,但他却没表示什么,只是就这么露出他那像是弥勒佛的肥肚子,还有那对又大又软的胸部。生锈克往前倾身,用听诊器听了一会儿。情况比他预期中好。他原本预期会听见每分钟心跳一百一十下的速率,外加中度心室早期收缩的状况,并因此感到窃喜;然而,老詹的心脏却是稳定的每分钟九十下,完全没有漏拍的情况。 “感觉好多了。”老詹说,“那一定是压力引起的。我一直处于可怕的压力中。我得在这里休息一两个小时——你注意到这窗口可以看见整个镇中心吗,老兄?——还要再去探望小詹一次。之后,我会视自己的状况决定——” “这不只是压力造成的。你超重了,而且非常明显。” 老詹露出上排牙齿,给了他一个虚伪的笑容:“老兄,我一直不断地处理生意与整个小镇的运作事宜——附带一提,还全都做得很好。所以,也没剩多少时间可以分给跑步机和楼梯机这类健身器材。” “你已经患有PAT两年了,伦尼。那是阵发性室上性心动过速的意思。” “我知道那是什么意思。我去查过医学新闻,上面说健康的人通常都会有——” “朗·哈斯克医生清清楚楚地告诉你要控制体重,用药物控制心律不齐的问题,要是药物治疗的效果不理想,就要考虑动手术,从根本上解决问题。” 老詹看起来像个不开心的孩子,被人囚禁在高脚椅上头。“上帝说不要那么做!上帝叫我不要装心脏起搏器!上帝是对的!公爵帕金斯就装了心脏起搏器,你看看他发生了什么事!” “是啊,就更别说他的遗孀了。”生锈克轻轻说,“她也同样不幸。她肯定是在错误的时间出现在了错误的地点里。” 老詹凝视着他,那双像是猪猡的眼睛思考着什么,接着又抬头看向天花板。“又有灯光了,不是吗?我把你要的丙烷给了你,但有的人就是不懂得如何感激。当然啦,像我这种位置的人也早就习惯了。” “明天晚上,我们的燃料就会又用完了。” 老詹摇摇头:“明天晚上,你会拿到足够的丙烷,如果有需要的话,数量还会多到足以让这里一路用到圣诞节。由于你客气有礼,加上又是个万能的好人,这是我对你的承诺。” “你把本来是我的东西还给我,还要我感激?恕难从命。” “喔,所以你现在把自己跟医院画上等号了?”老詹哼了一声。 “为什么不?你都把自己视为基督了。我们先回到你的健康问题上头吧,好吗?” 老詹一脸厌恶地甩了一下自己那手指粗肥的巨手。 “烦宁没办法医好你。要是你就这么离开,可能到了下午五点就会再度发作,说不定心血管还会完全堵住。往好的一面想,你可以在你的救世主让全镇陷入一片漆黑前,就已经先见到他了。” “你有什么建议吗?”伦尼冷静地说,再度恢复了沉着。 “我可以给你一种药,至少在短期内,或许可以让你不会有问题。” “什么药?” “不过是有代价的。” “我知道,”老詹轻声说,“从你到我办公室要东要西的那一天起,我就知道你是芭芭拉那边的人了。” 之前生锈克唯一要求的只有丙烷而已,但他没理会这点。“你怎么知道芭芭拉那边有人?当时连谋杀案都还没被发现,你怎么会知道他那边有人?” 老詹的双眼闪烁着光芒,既像觉得有趣,也像疯狂无比,或是两者根本兼而有之。“我自有方法,老兄。所以代价是什么?你要我用什么交换心脏病的药?”在生锈克回答前,他又说,“让我猜猜。你想要我放芭芭拉出来,对不对?” “错了。他走出外头只要一分钟,整个小镇的人就会对他处以私刑。” 老詹笑了:“有时你还挺聪明的。” “我要你下台。桑德斯也是。让安德莉娅·格林奈尔掌管一切,茱莉亚·沙姆韦负责辅佐,直到安德莉娅完全戒除药瘾为止。” 老詹这回大笑起来,用力拍了自己大腿几下。 “我还以为寇克斯已经够糟了——他想让那个大胸部辅佐安德莉娅——但你错得更离谱。沙姆韦!她跟巫婆没两样,还就连自己手上纸袋里的东西都管不好!” “我知道是你杀了科金斯。” 他原本没打算说这件事,但在他忍下来前,就这么说出口了。这又有什么害处?反正这里只有他们两个人而已,除非你要把墙上电视中正在低头读稿的CNN播报员约翰·罗伯兹也算进去。 再说,这么做的结果是值得的。这是自从他真正接受穹顶存在的现实后,第一次看到老詹大受冲击的模样。老詹试着想没有任何表情,却没能成功。 “你疯了。” “你知道我没有。昨天晚上,我去了鲍伊葬仪社,帮四桩谋杀案的受害者全验了尸。” “你没权利这么做!你不是病理学家!甚至连他妈的医生也不是!” “放轻松,伦尼。数到十。想想你的心脏。”生锈克停了一会儿,“应该说操你妈的心脏才对。你留下了一堆烂摊子,再加上你现在所做的事,我操你妈的心脏。科金斯的脸部跟头部全都留下了伤痕,非常罕见的伤痕,不过很容易认得出来。那是缝线的痕迹。我毫不怀疑那伤痕跟我在你办公桌上看见的那颗棒球纪念品会完全吻合。” “这并不代表什么。”但伦尼瞥了一眼开放式厕所的门口。 “这代表了很多事。尤其只要你一想到其他尸体也同样被放在那里,就更是如此了。对我来说,这代表杀科金斯的凶手跟杀害其他人的凶手是同一个。我想凶手就是你。也可能是你跟小詹。你们父子俩组了一个双打队伍?是这样吗?” “我不想再听你这些胡言乱语!”他想站起来,但被生锈克推了一把,又再度坐下。要这么做容易得很。 “别乱动!”伦尼大喊,“甜煞的别乱动!” 生锈克说:“你为什么要杀他?他威胁要公开你贩毒的事?他也有份?” “别乱动!”就算生锈克已坐了回去,伦尼还是重复着说。他没想到——这时还没想到——伦尼或许不是在跟他说话。 “我可以保密,”生锈克说,“也可以给你一些比烦宁对PAT更有效果的药。代价是你得下台。在明晚的大会上,你得宣布辞职——由于健康因素——并且支持安德莉娅。这样你还可以走得像个英雄。” 他完全无法拒绝,生锈克这么认为;这个人已经被逼到墙角了。 伦尼再度转向开放式厕所的门,开口说:“现在你们可以出来了。” 卡特·席柏杜与弗莱德·丹顿从厕所里走了出来。他们一直躲在里面——就这么竖耳听着。 “真该死。”斯图亚特·鲍伊说。 他和弟弟在葬仪社楼下的工作室里。斯图亚特原本正在帮爱丽塔·康伯斯,也就是磨坊镇最新的自杀者及鲍伊葬仪社最新的客户,处理化妆工作。“该死王八蛋那个操他妈的猴崽子。” 他把手机放在柜台上,从身上那件绿色橡胶围裙前的大口袋里拿出一包花生酱口味的乐事饼干。斯图亚特心烦时总会吃这个,吃东西的模样也总是邋遢无比(“刚刚是猪在这里吃东西吗?”他父亲在年轻时的斯图亚特离开餐桌时,总会这么说)。乐事饼干的碎片落在爱丽塔仰着的脸上,模样与安详相差甚远;要是她以为喝下酸性清洁剂是种快速又无痛的逃离穹顶的方式,那她显然是上了大当。那该死的东西就这么一路腐蚀到胃,接着又穿到背部。 “怎么了?”福纳德问。 “为什么我会跟他妈的伦尼牵扯在一起?” “为了钱?” “现在钱有什么用?”斯图亚特大骂,“我要钱干吗?去波比百货店他妈的疯狂购物?这还真他妈能满足我!” 他用力打开那老寡妇的嘴,把剩下的乐事饼干塞了进去:“拿去吃,臭婊子,他妈的点心时间到了。” 斯图亚特一把抓起手机,按下“通讯簿”的按钮,从中选出一个号码。“要是他没接的话,”他说——或许是对着福纳德说,但更有可能是对着自己说,“我就要亲自过去,把他找出来,抓一只他的鸡塞进他那他妈的屁——” 但罗杰·基连接了电话,人就在该死的鸡舍里。 斯图亚特可以听见鸡的叫声,还能听见鸡舍的广播传出曼托瓦尼指挥的小提琴音乐。要是在鸡舍的是孩子,背景乐则会变成金属摇滚。 "Hey?" “罗杰,我是斯图亚特。还醒着吧,兄弟?” “清醒得很。”罗杰说,这可能代表他已经吸了些冰毒,不过谁鸟他啊。 “下山到镇上一趟。跟我还有福纳德在车辆调度场碰面。我们得开两辆大货车——有起重机的那种——去WCIK电台一趟。所有丙烷都得搬回镇上。我们没办法一天完成,不过老詹说事情总需要有个开始。明天我会再找六七个我们信得过的人——要是老詹愿意腾出人手,那就从他该死的私人军队里挑几个——一口气搞定这件事。” “唉,斯图亚特,不行啦——我还得喂鸡啊!家里的孩子全都去当警察了!” 这代表你只想坐在你那间小办公室里,斯图亚特想着,一面吸冰毒,一面听鸟音乐,然后用电脑看一些蕾丝边打炮的小电影。他不晓得怎么会有人在浓得受不了的鸡屎味里还会想做那档子事,但罗杰·基连显然就行。 “这可不是在找志愿者,我的兄弟。我接到命令,然后又来命令你。我给你半小时。要是你看见你家随便哪个孩子在街上闲晃,就把他们一起拉来。” 他在罗杰再度发起牢骚前就把电话挂上,站在原地不动好一会儿,气得七窍生烟。这个星期三,他在这世上最不想做的事,就是花费力气把那些丙烷槽搬到卡车上……但如今这却成了他非做不可的事。Ok.那就去做吧。 他一把拉起水槽里的水管,塞到爱丽塔·康伯斯的假牙间,打开水龙头。那是条高压水管,因此使尸体开始在桌上弹跳起来。“帮你把饼干冲下去,老奶奶,”他咆哮着说,“免得你被噎着了。” “住手!”福纳德大喊,“这样会从她背后的洞喷——” Too late. 老詹看着生锈克,露出一个看,我逮到你了吧的微笑,接着转向卡特与弗莱德·丹顿:“你们两个听见艾佛瑞特先生威胁我了吗?” “我们听得一清二楚。”弗莱德说。 “你们听见他威胁我,说要是我不下台的话,就要扣留救命用的药物了吗?” “听见了。卡特说,”轻蔑地看了生锈克一眼。 生锈克纳闷自己怎么会蠢到这种地步。 这会是漫长的一天——得牢牢记住这点。 “他拿来威胁我的药可能叫做维尔宁,就是那个长头发的家伙帮我静脉注射的那种。”老詹又露出他的小牙齿,展现另一个让人不舒服的微笑。 维尔宁。这是生锈克第一次暗骂自己没从病房门上的插槽拿起老詹的病历先确认,也不会是最后一次。 “你们觉得是什么罪名?”老詹问,“恐吓罪?” “当然。还有勒索罪。”弗莱德说。 “真该死,这根本就是谋杀未遂。”卡特说。 “你们认为是谁派他这么做的?” “芭比。”卡特说,朝生锈克的嘴巴狠狠打去一拳。生锈克措手不及,甚至还来不及抵挡,便向后倒去,撞上其中一张椅子,侧身倒在地上,嘴巴流出了血。 “这是因为你拒捕,”老詹这么说,“不过这样还不够。把他压在地上,伙计。我要他被压在地上。” 生锈克试着想逃,但人还没离开椅子旁,就被卡特抓住一只手臂,整个人转了一圈。弗莱德在他大腿后方踢了一脚,接着卡特又把他推回去。 就像校园里的孩子,生锈克倒下来时,心里这么想着。 卡特跪在他身旁。生锈克挥出一拳,朝卡特的左脸颊打去。卡特不耐烦地把他的手拨开,就像把什么讨厌的东西甩开似的。没多久后,他坐在生锈克的胸口上,笑嘻嘻地低头看着他。对,就跟在校园一样,只是没有老师前来阻止。 他把头转向伦尼,伦尼现在已经站了起来。 “你不会想这么做的。”他喘着气,心脏被沉沉压住。 他几乎没办法吸入足够的空气以供给心脏。席柏杜太重了。弗莱德·丹顿就跪在他们身旁。在生锈克眼中,他看起来就像是摔跤比赛里的裁判。 “但我就是要这么做,艾佛瑞特。”老詹说,“事实上,上帝保佑你,我还已经这么做了。弗莱德,把我的手机拿出来,就在他胸前口袋里,我可不希望到时候被弄坏了。他妈的这个家伙偷走了我的手机,等你到局里时,可以把这点追加在记录上。” “其他人也知道,”生锈克说。他从未感觉如此无助,如此愚蠢。他告诫自己早该知道过度低估詹姆斯·伦尼对一切毫无帮助。“其他人也知道你干了什么好事。” “也许吧,”老詹说,“不过他们是什么人?就是戴尔·芭芭拉的其他朋友而已。也就是引发食物暴动、烧毁报社的那些人。他们甚至还弄出了穹顶!我从一开始就相信这是政府的实验,我就是这么想的。不过,我们可不是箱子里的小白鼠,对吗?卡特,你说我们是吗?” "no." “弗莱德,你还在等什么?” 弗莱德听着老詹的话,直到现在才露出一个恍然大悟的神情。他从生锈克胸前拿出老詹的手机,把手机扔到其中一张沙发上。接着,他回头转向生锈克:“你们计划多久了?你们从什么时候开始锁定我们,派人潜入镇上,好摸清我们的状况?” “弗莱德,听听你自己在说些什么,”生锈克说。他从牙缝里挤出这句话。天啊,席柏杜实在太重了。 “这简直就是疯了,完全没有道理可言。难道你看不出——” “把他的手压在地上,”老詹说,“左手。” 弗莱德听令行事。生锈克试图反击,但席柏杜压住了他的手臂,使他根本无力反抗。 “很遗憾我得这么做,兄弟,但镇上的人都得了解,我们得在恐怖主义的威胁下试图控制局势。” 伦尼大可对自己得做的任何事表示遗憾,不过就在他把鞋跟——还有全身两百三十磅的重量——踩在生锈克握紧的左手上时,生锈克从次席公共事务行政委员的华达呢长裤正面,看出了他另一个不同的动机。他这么做不仅是理智思考后的结果,同时还享受得很。 脚跟压了上去,左右扭转:用力、再用力、使劲全力。老詹的脸皱成一团,双眼下方渗出汗水,舌头自齿间吐了出来。 不能叫,生锈克想着,叫声会把吉妮引来,害她被卷进这摊浑水里。再说,他就是想听你哀嚎,别让他得逞。 然而,当他听见老詹脚下传来第一声骨头折断的声音时,还是忍不住叫了出来。 又一声骨头折断的声音。接着是第三声。 老詹往后退去,一脸满足的模样:“把他拉起来,带去牢房里。让他好好探望一下朋友。” 弗莱德检查生锈克肿起来的手,其中有三根手指已严重弯曲。“断啰。”他心满意足地说。 吉妮出现在休息室门口,双眼睁得老大:“我的老天爷啊,你们这是在干吗?” “我们因恐吓、勒索与谋杀未遂这些罪名逮捕这个混蛋,”弗莱德·丹顿在卡特把生锈克拉起来时这么说,“事情还不只这样。他拒捕,而我们制服了他。女士,请你让让。” “你们疯了!”吉妮大喊,“生锈克,你的手!” “我没事。打给琳达。告诉她这些恶棍——” 他没能把话说下去。卡特抓住他的脖子,把他的头往下压去,推着他走出门外。卡特在他耳旁低声说:“要是我能确定那个老家伙懂的医学知识比你多,就会亲手宰了你。” 所有的变化全发生在四天之内,卡特抓着他的脖子,以惊人的力道强压他沿走廊前进,使他身体几乎快弯成两半时,生锈克难以置信地这么想着。他的左手已不复原形,在手腕下方变成一大块厚厚肿起的东西。才四天就变成这样了。 他感到好奇,那几个皮革头——不管他们究竟是什么——是否会十分享受这场表演。 傍晚时,琳达找到了磨坊镇的图书馆员。莉萨那时正骑着自行车沿117号公路回镇上。她说,她一直在找穹顶附近的哨兵聊天,想收集更多有关探访日的消息。 “他们不允许和镇民闲谈,不过有些人还是会。”她说,“尤其你把上衣最上面三颗扣子解开后更容易。这么做似乎真的能打开沟通之门。至少对陆军那些家伙来说是这样。至于海军陆战队的话……我想就算我把衣服全部脱光,跳起玛卡莲娜舞,他们也照样不会说出半个字。那些男孩似乎对性感这种事免疫。”她笑了,“当然,我也不是凯特·温斯莱特。” “你听到任何有趣的八卦了吗?” “没,”莉萨跨在自行车上,看着驾驶座车窗里的琳达。“他们什么也不知道。不过他们很关心我们,让我挺感动的。他们听说了很多关于我们的传言。其中还有一个人问我,说我们这边是不是真的有一百多个人自杀。” “你能上车跟我聊一下吗?” 莉萨笑得更开了:“我被逮捕了吗?” “有件事想跟你谈谈。” 莉萨把自行车支撑架踢下来,移开琳达夹罚单用的写字板与已经派不上用场的测速枪,坐进车内。琳达告诉她秘密潜入葬仪社的行动与他们发现的事,接着又说了在牧师宿舍开会讨论的事情。莉萨的反应直接、激烈。 “我一定会去——休想把我排除在外。” 无线电发出噪声,斯泰西的声音传来:“四号警车,四号警车,嘶、嘶、嘶。” 琳达抓起通话器。她想到的不是生锈克,而是两个女儿。“这里是四号警车,斯泰西,请说。” 斯泰西·莫金说的话,让琳达从不安变成了极度恐惧。“我有个坏消息得告诉你,琳达。我想叫你振作一点,不过就这种事而言,这么说恐怕也于事无补。生锈克被逮捕了。” “什么?”琳达几乎尖叫着说,不过这话只有莉萨听见,因为她没按下通话器一侧的通话键。 “跟芭比一样,他们把他关进楼下的鸡舍。他没事,不过有只手好像断了——他一直把手抱在胸前,整个手掌都肿了起来。”她放低声音,“他们说会这样是因为他拒捕。完毕。” 这回琳达记得要按下通话键了:“我马上过去。告诉他我在路上。完毕。” “我没办法,”斯泰西说,“除了被列在特殊名单上的警员,其他人不准下去……我没在名单上。有一连串的指控罪名,包括意图谋杀与谋杀共犯。别急着回来。他们不会允许你见他的,所以你停下手边的事也没意义——” 琳达连按了三次通话键:嘶、嘶、嘶。接着说:“我一定会见到他的。” But she didn't.彼得·兰道夫警长因为午睡而恢复了精神,在警察局阶梯的最上方碰见了她,并告诉她说,他得收回琳达的警徽与枪。由于她是生锈克的妻子,所以同样是预谋推翻镇公所管理人员与煽动群众的嫌犯。 好啊,她想这么告诉他,那就把我抓起来,把我跟我丈夫一起关到楼下。但她随即想起两个女儿,她们现在与玛塔在一起,正等着她过去接她们,告诉她今天在学校发生了什么事。她也想到今晚牧师宿舍的那场会议。要是她被关在牢房里,可就无法出席了。现在,那场会议比先前更为重要。 因为,要是他们明晚想劫狱救出一名囚犯,那么干吗不干脆一次救两个人呢? “告诉他我爱他。”琳达说,松开腰带,把上头的枪套解了下来。反正她也不在乎自己有没有枪。在学校路口保护小孩过马路,叫中学学生把他们的香烟丢掉,不准说脏话……原本就是她更擅长的事。 “我会转告的,艾佛瑞特太太。” “会有人去看看他的手吗?我听说他的手好像断了。” 兰道夫皱起眉头:“谁说的?” “我不知道是谁打给我的,他没报上名字。我想是我们的人吧,117号公路那里的信号不是很好。” 兰道夫想了一会儿,决定不予追究。“生锈克的手没事。”他说,“你已经不能用'我们的人'这种说法了。回家吧。我敢说我们之后还会找你问一些问题。” 她觉得自己就快哭了,同时努力忍着。“我该怎么告诉我的女儿?我要告诉她们,她们的爸爸被关进了监狱里?你知道生锈克是个好人,你知道的。天啊,他就是去年医好你胆囊的那个人啊!” “我帮不上什么忙,艾佛瑞特太太。”兰道夫说——他似乎已经把叫她琳达的那些过往抛到了脑后。“不过我建议你别告诉她们,说她们的爸爸与戴尔·芭芭拉共谋杀害了布兰达·帕金斯
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