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Chapter 12 second quarter

pins of time 玛丽亚·杜埃尼亚斯 9403Words 2018-03-18
Rosalinda was waiting anxiously in the living room, near the balcony.My two customers greeted each other from a distance, but in very different ways, the English woman absent-minded, the Jewish woman surprised and curious. "I have a problem." Elvira hurried to me as soon as she heard Elvira's voice coming out the door. "Let's hear what you say. Sit down, please." "Give me a drink, please." "Sorry, I only have tea, coffee or plain water here." "Evian?" I shook my head, wondering if there should be a small bar here to help customers cheer up when they need it.

"Never mind." She whispered, sitting down sullenly.I sat across from her, crossed my legs naturally, and waited for her to tell me the reason for this surprise visit.She first took out the cigarette case, lit a cigarette, then threw the cigarette case casually on the sofa, took a deep breath, and found that she forgot to give me one, quickly said sorry, picked up the cigarette case and wanted Make it up for me.I stopped her just in time, no thanks!Another customer will be trying on clothes soon, and I don't want her to smell smoke on my fingers in the privacy of a fitting room.So she closed the cigarette case again, and finally spoke.

"I need a, uh... an evening gown (evening gown), tonight. I have a sudden event tonight, and I have to dress... like a princess." "Like a princess?" "Yes, like a princess. Of course, this is just a metaphor. But I do need a very elegant dress." "Your dress is ready for a second fitting." "Can you finish it today?" "Absolutely impossible!" "Is there no other way?" "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't have anything here that you can put on right away. There are no ready-made clothes. All clothes are made to order."

She took another deep breath, but this time instead of worrying alone, she looked at me steadily through the smoke.The look of a carefree little girl shown a few times ago has disappeared, and at this moment, her eyes reveal a woman who is anxious but unwilling to be easily persuaded. "I needed a solution. When I moved from Tangier to Tetouan, I packed a few boxes and sent some useless stuff to my mother. But I made a mistake, and the evening dress The box, I didn’t expect to send it together. I’m waiting for her to send it back to me. But I just learned that I was invited to a reception tonight, by the German Consul (organized by the German Minister). Uh ...It's the first time (this is the first time), I'm going to a public event, with...with...with someone who is very special to me."

She spoke quickly but cautiously, trying to make me understand what was going on in her half-baked Spanish.It may be because of nervousness, but unlike the previous few meetings, this passage was a bit incoherent, with a lot of Portuguese and her mother tongue mixed in. "Well, it is um, this...well, this is very important, for...for...for him (for...for...for him), for him and for me. I have to be in The group of Germans, among the Germans in Tetouan, made a good impression. So far, Mrs. Langenheim has introduced me to some of them personally, because she herself is... half English( Half British). Uh... but tonight, it's the first time I've been out in public, with that guy, so I need something that's... very, very pretty, um... and..."

I cut her off.She doesn't need to keep putting in so much effort and find out there's no way to get what she wants. "I'm really sorry, I swear, really. I'd love to help you, but there's no way right now. I just told you there's not a single piece of clothing here, and there's nothing I can do in a few hours It will take at least three to four days to finish your clothes." She was silent, stubbing out her cigarette, as if thinking about something.She bit her lip, thought for a few seconds, then raised her eyes to ask a question that made me extremely uncomfortable.

"Or maybe you could lend me one of your evening dresses?" I shook my head slightly, and quickly figured out how to make up a plausible excuse to cover up the sad fact that I didn't have a single evening dress in my closet. "I'm sorry. All my clothes were left in Madrid when the war broke out and there is no possibility of them getting them back. There are only a few home clothes and no evening dresses at all. I rarely socialize here because I My fiancé is in Argentina and I..." She cut me off quickly, letting me breathe a sigh of relief. "I see (I understand)."

We spent a few long seconds in silence, one looking at the balcony and the other at the arch between the living room and the hall, hiding our embarrassment.Finally she broke the silence: "I think I must leave now. (I think I must leave)" "Believe me, I'm really sorry. If only there was a little more time..." I didn't finish my sentence, because I suddenly found that no matter how much I tried to save it, it wouldn't help.I tried to change the subject, to reassure her, to stop thinking about the sad reality and the long, depressing night ahead, and undoubtedly with the person she had fallen in love with.I'm still guessing about her life. The woman who was elegant and casual when I met her a few times ago, now has a focused face, packs up her things and walks towards the door.

"Those clothes will be ready for the second try on tomorrow morning, is that okay?" Knowing that it was useless, I was still trying to comfort her. She forced a smile and left without saying a word.I stood alone, motionless, frustrated at my inability to help a customer out of a difficult situation, and felt like a prying eye at the strange way in which Rosalinda's life was slowly sketched out.This woman, a young mother, has traveled the world and lost a suitcase full of evening dresses as casually as she accidentally drops her wallet on a park bench or table in a terrace café in a rush to leave on a rainy evening. .

I leaned out on the balcony behind the shutters and watched her come out into the street and walk unhurriedly to a crimson car parked at the door.I thought maybe someone was waiting for her inside, maybe it was the man she was trying to spend the night with.I couldn't restrain my curiosity, tried hard to see his face, and still sketched out various scenes in my mind.Maybe it was a German guy, and that was why she wanted so much to make a good impression on some Germans.I think he must be young and lively and attractive, and as experienced and determined as she is.But before I could imagine anything more, she had already walked up to the car and opened the right door.I thought the right side was the co-pilot's seat, but was immediately surprised to see that the steering wheel was on the right side, and it seemed that she was driving by herself.There was no one waiting for her in the right-hand drive British car.She ignites the engine and leaves alone, just as she came.There was no man, no dress to wear that evening, and, most likely, no hope of redress all afternoon.

I couldn't get rid of the troubles caused by the meeting just now, so I started to pack the things that Rosalinda had touched since she came.Arrange the ashtray, blow off the ash that fell on the coffee table, straighten the corner of the rug with your toes, pat the cushions that were leaned on just now, and put away Elvira Cohen when I was trying on clothes. Magazines in the living room.I close a copy of Harper's Bazaar, which is flipped to the page for Helena's lipstick ad.Just as I was about to close the spring collection of "Madame Figaro," the models on that page gave me a feeling of déjà vu.Like a flock of birds flying over suddenly, countless memories flooded my mind at once.Almost subconsciously, without thinking about it, I called out for Hamila.Hamila came galloping like a gust of wind. "Run to Frau Langenheim's house and tell her to find Ms. Fox, and ask her to come to me immediately, and say it's a matter of urgency." "The designer of this costume, my dear Miss Ignorance, is Mariano Fortuny Imadraso, son of the great Mariano Fortuny, the elder Fortuny, so to speak The best painter of the 19th century after Ya. He is amazing and has a long history with Morocco. He came here during the war in Africa and was fascinated by the colorful colors and exoticism of this land. After him It is reflected in many works. In fact, one of his most famous masterpieces is "The Battle of Tetouan". If the old Fortuny is a respected painter, his son is a real genius. He also Paints, and stage designs for theatrical productions from his studio in Venice. In addition, he is a photographer, inventor, scholar of traditional crafts, and designer of fabrics and fashions, such as the fabulous 'Delphis' , is the dress that you, a little tailor, just copied and developed, and it is also one of his most successful works." Felix was nestled on the sofa, holding the magazine in his hand, and it was the photo that triggered my thousands of memories.And I, sitting motionless on the sofa, listened.The intense work all afternoon made me exhausted, and I almost didn't even have the strength to hold the needle at night.I just told Felix what happened this afternoon.It all started when my customer Rosalinda returned to the boutique.She slammed on the brakes and all the neighbors leaned over to watch, thinking something was going on.Then she ran upstairs all the way, and the sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the corridor.I opened the door and waited for her. When we met, I put forward my idea before I even had time to say hello. "We're trying to hurry up and do a 'Delphis' gown, you know what I'm talking about?" "A Fortuny Delphis gown?" She couldn't believe her ears. "A fake Delphis." "Do you think that is possible?" We stared at each other for a while.There seemed to be hope in her eyes again.And mine, I don't know.Maybe it was a look that was determined and fearless, eager to express itself, to make a contribution at that critical moment.Maybe there was a tinge of fear of failure lurking deep inside, but I did my best to hide it from her. "I've done it before, and I think we can do it." I showed her the pre-picked fabrics.A large piece of smooth gray-blue silk, which Candelaria recently exchanged from somewhere and by some means.Of course, I didn't mention the origin of the fabric. "What time is the banquet you are going to attend tonight?" "Eight o'clock." I looked at my watch. "Well, I'll tell you what we're going to do next. It's almost one o'clock. I have a customer coming in for a fitting in less than ten minutes. When she's gone I'll wet the fabric and let it dry , it's about four or five hours, it's like six o'clock in the afternoon. Then I have about an hour and a half to sew, though just some of the easiest straight stitches, and I have all your measurements and don't need you Try it on again. Even so, I need a little time in case there are adjustments and finishing details. So it's almost a deadline. Where do you live? Sorry for the inappropriate question, but I absolutely Not out of curiosity..." "In Via Palmeiras." I should have thought earlier that most of the best houses in Tetouan are there.It was a remote and secluded area in the south of the city, very close to the park, almost at the foot of the majestic Gerges Mountain, with huge houses surrounded by gardens.Further south is the large vegetable garden and sugarcane fields. "Then it will be almost impossible for me to deliver the clothes to your house on time." She looked at me as if asking what to do. "You've got to come here and change," I said, "you'd better be there around seven-thirty, put on your makeup, do your hair, put on your evening shoes, put on your jewellery, and get everything ready anyway. I suggest that you don’t wear too many accessories, and the colors are not too bright, this dress does not need too much embellishment, the simpler the dress, the more elegant it will look. Do you understand me?” She totally understands.Not only did he understand, but he also breathed a sigh of relief, and left with a thousand thanks.Half an hour later, with Hamila's help, I tackled the out-of-the-box, albeit somewhat intimidating task given my limited independent sewing experience.But I know exactly what I'm doing because I've been involved in the same work in Ms. Manuela's boutique.We once did a dress like this for a client named Elena Balea, who was unique and financially unstable.In her spare time, she would order luxurious fashions in the finest fabrics.But unlike other women in the same situation around them, those people make up all kinds of excuses when the financial situation is bad, such as travel, important events or illness, to hide their inability to order new clothes.But she never hides it like this.Even when her husband's business was down, Elena Balea never stopped visiting our boutique.Every time I come here, I don't mind laughing at myself about my bad luck, and then the two of Ms. Manuela cleverly transform the old clothes into the latest fashions, changing a few cuts, adding some embellishments or at the very least. Reassemble where visible.She even chooses cheaper fabrics and relatively simple handwork wisely, so that she can get the most benefit at the least cost without compromising her beauty in any way. "Hunger inspires," she always said with a smile.My mother, Ms. Manuela, and I couldn't believe our eyes when she came to the store one day to order one of the most outlandish pieces of fashion. "I'd like a copy of this," she said, pulling out what looked like a bundle of bright red fabric rolled into a tube from a small box.Seeing our surprised expressions, she laughed. "This, ladies, is called 'Delphis' and is a one-of-a-kind gown. It is the work of the artist Fortuny, made in Venice, and is only available in the most exclusive stores in some of the largest cities in Europe. See here What a color, how finely the pleats. The manufacture of this gown is a designer's secret and of course not to be revealed. And I, dear Ms. Manuela, I want one. Of course, an imitation. " She pinched one end of the cloth between her fingers, and as if by magic, what appeared before us was a smooth red silk dress, luxurious, dazzling, floor-length, with impeccable drooping curves, and a rounded flared hem .We generally call this kind of closing and swinging "wheel shape".This is a long robe with extremely fine vertical pleats all over the body.Classical, simple and refined.It's been four or five years since this happened, but I still keep the whole process of making it intact in my mind, because I was also actively involved in all steps back then.From Hélène Balea to Rosalinda Fox, the production technique is the same, the only problem is that we have such a tight schedule and we have to seize every second.Hamila has been helping me with all her might, using a pot of water to boil and pouring it into the tub, then putting the cloth in the scalding water and letting it fully soak, I burned my hands doing this.The bathroom was suddenly filled with steam, and we watched the experiment nervously, with sweat rolling down our foreheads, and the mirror was blurred, and we couldn't even see people.After a while I thought I could take the fabric out, as it had turned so dark it was almost unrecognizable.We poured out the water, held one end each, and twisted it with all our strength.During the wringing process, I also slapped it from different directions from time to time, just like the countless times I slapped the sheets in La Luneta's apartment before, until all the moisture was wrung out, and then I put it in the sun to dry.Instead of having it fully unfolded, quite the contrary, our aim is to twist it as much as possible during the drying process, so that it will retain all the wrinkles after drying.We put this twisted piece of fabric into a big tub, and we lifted it up to the roof deck, and again we grabbed each end, pushing in opposite directions, until it twisted like a thick rope, and finally it became a huge elastic band.Then lay a large towel on the ground, and place the fabric in a snake shape on top.It was this crumpled piece of cloth, which in a few hours would be turned into a gown for my British guest to wear for the first time in public, arm in arm with the mysterious man in her life. While the cloth was drying on the deck, the two of us went home and filled the small stove with coals and fired it to maximum power until the kitchen reached the temperature of a small boiler room.Once the room had become steamy and the sun was less intense, we went back to the roof deck to retrieve the fabric.Spread a large towel on the hot kitchen hob and place the still-pressed fabric in a circle on top.I turn it over every ten minutes to ensure even heating, and of course, never unfold it from beginning to end.Taking the leftover scraps, I made a simple and straight silk belt with three layers of interlining, taking advantage of the gap in and out of the kitchen. At five o'clock, I took the wrinkled fabric off the hob and brought it to the workshop.The thing looked like a warm pig's blood sausage.No one can imagine what it will look like an hour from now. I spread it out on the cutting table, carefully unrolling the roll piece by piece.We all watched nervously until a piece of wrinkled silk miraculously appeared in front of us, shining brightly.Hamila was stunned.With neither the equipment nor the technology, we couldn't do permanent creases like Fortuny's masterpiece, but at least we could keep a similar effect for one night, a very special night for a certain woman, She has to dress like a princess.I unfolded the fabric in one piece, let it cool slowly, then cut it into four pieces to measure for Rosalinda and made a tube-hugging gown that she would wear like a second skin fit.I sewed a neat neckline first, then the cuffs.There was no time to add more decorations, and after about an hour, the fake Delphis dress was complete.It's a hastily made home version of the revolutionary Delphis in haute couture.Although it is just a copy, it is enough to impress everyone. In half an hour, my customers will be wearing it and wearing it. When the doorbell rang, I was gesturing the effect of the belt on the clothes.It was then that I realized how embarrassing my image was.We've turned the room into a steamer to dry the clothes, and the waterfall of sweat has ruined my makeup and messed up my hair.The heat, the labor of twisting the fabric, the running up and down between the house and the roof terrace, and the intense sewing afterwards had left me as disheveled and disheveled as if I had just been run over by a cavalry regiment.When Hamila ran to answer the door, I hurried back to my room, hurriedly dressed, combed my hair, and touched up my makeup.The work I have worked so hard to create is so beautiful, my image must not let it down. I went out to meet Rosalinda, thinking she would be waiting for me in the living room.But when I walked by the studio, she was standing in front of a model wearing her dress.She turned her back to me, I couldn't see her expression, I just stood at the door and simply asked: "Do you like it?" She turned around immediately, but didn't answer me, but walked briskly to my side, grabbed one of my hands, and shook it hard. "Thank you, thank you, I really don't know how to thank you!" She wore her hair in a low bun, and her natural curls were more pronounced than usual.Only light makeup on the eyes and cheekbones, but the lipstick on the lips is very gorgeous.The stilettos made her stand nearly a palm higher than usual.All the jewelry on the whole body is a pair of Japanese gold earrings, shining, very long and beautiful.There is a sweet perfume smell on the body.She took off her civilian clothes, and I helped her put on the brand new dress together.The irregular folds of the long skirt glowed with blue luster, undulating with the bumps of her body, it was very sexy, and it just rightly highlighted her slender frame and delicate body parts, revealing her beautiful curves, quite elegant and luxurious .I tied her a wide belt and tied a knot in the back.Then observe the shocking effect in the mirror, speechless. "Wait a minute, don't move," I said. I ran down the corridor to call Hamila, and let her into the studio.Seeing Rosalinda in a dress, she covered her mouth and almost exclaimed in surprise and envy. "Turn around and let her take a good look. She's got a lot of credit for this. I couldn't have done it without her." Rosalinda thanked Hamila with a smile, and spun around in circles with light grace.The little Moore girl looked at her a little shyly, full of joy. "Okay, let's get on the road now, it will be eight o'clock in less than ten minutes." Hamila and I stood on the balcony hand in hand and watched her leave in silence, almost hiding in a corner so that no one in the street could see.Night has fallen.I looked down, thinking I'd see her little red car again, but this time it was a big one, shiny black and full of majesty, and there were some small flags on the front of the car, because it was too far away and it was dark , the color of the flag cannot be identified.When the figure in blue silk appeared at the door, the headlights turned on immediately, and a man in uniform got off the passenger seat and quickly opened the rear door.He waited respectfully at the door of the car until she came gracefully to the street and walked to the car with graceful steps.She walked unhurriedly, as if showing off her dress with pride and confidence.I didn't get to see if anyone else was in the back seat because the man in uniform closed the door and hurried back to his seat as soon as she got in.The car moved, sped through the night, with a woman of dreams in the most phony gown the fake couture house had ever seen. The next day, life returned to normal.There was a knock on the door in the afternoon.I find it very strange because there is no appointment with anyone at this time.It was Felix.He stepped in without a word, and closed the door behind him.I was amazed by his behavior, he usually doesn't show up at my house before midnight.As soon as he got away from his mother's suspicious gaze behind the cat's eyes, he told me in a mocking tone, "Now we're settled, you're going to do big business." "Why do you say that?" I asked strangely. "Because of that great lady I just met at the door." "You mean Rosalinda Fox? She came to try it on. And she sent me a bouquet of flowers this morning as a thank you. I just helped her out yesterday." "No way! The blond thin woman I saw just now is that Miss Delphis?" "It's her." He paused for a few seconds, as if he was pondering what he heard, and then continued jokingly: "Hell, this is so funny. You have the ability to help a very, very, very special lady with a difficult problem." "What's special?" "Extraordinary, dear, exceptional is that your customer is probably the most powerful and omnipotent woman in the whole of the Spanish Reserve at the moment. Of course, besides her own clothes, she has to come to you to make clothes, my Imitate the Queen!" "I don't understand, Felix." "Don't tell me you don't know who this Rosalinda Fox is, and you spent all afternoon trying to make her a dress yesterday!" "Isn't it just an Englishman who spends most of his time in India and has a five-year-old son." "She has another lover." "A German?" "No no no." "Not German?" "No, dear. You're totally mistaken." "How did you know?" He had a smirk on his face. "Because all Tetouan knows. Her lover is another." "Who?" "An important person." "Who the hell?" I was so curious that I couldn't help tugging on his sleeve. He smirked again, covered his mouth exaggeratedly, as if he was going to tell me a shocking secret, then leaned close to my ear and whispered: "That friend of yours is the lover of the Governor of the Spanish Reserve." "What? Sheriff Bathgas?" I couldn't believe my ears. My guess made him laugh, and he patiently explained: "No, little fool, no. Claudio Vazquez is the chief of police, and he's only in charge of policing the place, with his mob. I don't believe he has time for extramarital affairs or regular female friends, And be able to buy her a villa with a swimming pool on Palmeiras Avenue. Your customer, dear, her lover is Colonel Juan Luis Begber, Governor of the Spanish Reserve in Morocco, Chief of the Army General. To put it more clearly, he is Jia Ren, the highest leader in military affairs and administration in the Fourth Squad Reserve." "Are you telling the truth?" I asked quietly. "If I lie to you, I will let my mother live to be eighty years old! No one knows when they got married, because she has only been in Tetouan for a month. But this month is enough to make the whole world We all know who she is and what their relationship is. He was appointed governor a while ago, although he has held actual power since the beginning of the war. It is said that Franco is very satisfied with him, because he keeps recruiting, Send the Moorish soldiers here to the Spanish front." Although I have imagined her life countless times in my mind, I never thought that Rosalinda fell in love with a colonel of the National Army. "What does this person look like?" My curious tone made him laugh again. "Begbel, you don't know him? But he has indeed come out less recently, and he is probably locked in the Governor's Mansion all day. But before, when he was a representative of indigenous affairs, we could meet him on the street anytime and anywhere He is not very conspicuous, just an ordinary officer, more serious, rarely participates in social activities, is almost alone all the time, rarely attends banquets in places such as Epika, National Hotel or Ivory Party, and is not like other people Playing cards all day long, for example, the calm Colonel Sanes was still giving orders in the casino on the day of the riot. In short, this Bergbel is a somewhat withdrawn and cautious guy." "Is it attractive?" "It's not attractive to me at all, of course. But it is attractive to you women. Women are elusive." "Describe it to me." "Tall, thin, serious. Dark-skinned, bald. With round glasses, a moustache, and somewhat bookish. Although he has a high position and the current situation is chaotic, he has always been a commoner. Dress up, always in a very dull dark suit." "Married?" "Maybe, although it seems that he has been living alone. But many soldiers don't take their families with them, which is normal." "how old?" "Enough to be her father." "Unbelievable!" He laughed again. "Look at you, if you work less and go out more, you might run into him someday, and you can see for yourself if I'm right. He walks sometimes, but There are always two bodyguards by his side. It is said that he is very knowledgeable, can speak several languages, and has lived abroad for many years. Although judging from his current position, he is with the National Salvationists, and Tetouan is already a citizen The world of the army, but he had nothing to do with them at the beginning. Maybe your customer met him abroad, see if she will tell you this in the future, you have to tell me when the time comes, and you too Know that I like these love affairs romances and all that. Well, that's it, I have to go, I have to take the old hag to the movies. There are two movies in the afternoon, "Sister Saint-Supisius" and " Miserable Mr. Haramachi, I've had it this afternoon. I haven't imported a decent film in over a year because of the damn war. How I want to hear a new American song. You Remember Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Top Hat?' I just got an invitation through them ail, your presence is requested this evening, it's formal, to phat, white tie and tails... (I just got an invitation to you tonight. It's a dress ball, top hat, white bow tie, tuxedo...)'" He hummed and left, closing the door.This time it wasn't his mother, but me, hiding in the doorway and looking out through the peephole.I saw that he was still humming, and he took out a bunch of keys from his pocket with a clanging sound, found the one for the door and stuffed it into the lock.When his figure disappeared, I went back to the studio and picked up the needle and thread again, still dubious about the words I heard just now.I tried to calm down and work for a while, but found that I really couldn't go on.I don't know if it's because I don't have the mood or the strength, or maybe I have neither the mood nor the strength.Thinking of the overloaded workload of the previous day, I decided to take a vacation for myself this afternoon.I wanted to go to a movie like Felix and his mother did, and really should relax.Although I thought so in my heart, when I went out, my steps unconsciously walked in the opposite direction, and finally came to Plaza de España.
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