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Chapter 5 fourth quarter

pins of time 玛丽亚·杜埃尼亚斯 9677Words 2018-03-18
It was the noisy noon, customers were coming in and out in the restaurant, the voices of the waiters came one after another, accompanied by chaotic footsteps and conversations in various languages ​​that I could not understand, almost no one noticed my departure.Only Hamid, the little waiter with a baby face but not too young, came to ask me if I could help with the luggage.I didn't answer, just shook my head and refused.When I go out, I take a big stride. My steps are neither firm, nor floating, nor steady. I don’t know where to go, and I don’t worry about where to go.I remember walking the slopes of Via de Portugal, in fragmentary impressions, as though passing a suburban souk, with the noise of stalls, cattle, hawkers, gowns coming and going.I walked aimlessly through the streets and alleys. I was awakened several times by the sound of car horns behind me or the shouts of "Excuse me, Excuse me" from the anxious Moroccan freight forwarder, and leaned against the wall against the side of the road.During this aimless itinerary, I also seem to pass the English Cemetery, the Catholic Church, Siachen Avenue, Marina Avenue, and the Great Mosque.I kept walking for an indeterminate amount of time, without feeling tired or feeling at all, but driven by a strange force, my legs didn't seem to belong to my body.It seems that it can go on like this forever, for hours, days, weeks, years, until the end of time.But I didn't go on because at the shallow beach a taxi pulled up beside me as I passed the Spanish school like a ghost.

"Ma'am, do you want me to take you somewhere?" The taxi driver spoke Spanish mixed with French. I may have nodded, or maybe the luggage in my hand made him think I was going away. "Are you going to the port or the railway station, or are you going to take the bus?" "yes." "Yes? What is it?" "yes." "To the bus station?" I nodded again. It doesn't matter where I go, whether it's a bus stop, a train station, a pier or an abyss.Ramiro had abandoned me and I had nowhere to go, so anywhere was as bad for me, if not worse.

A soft voice tried to wake me up.After working hard for a long time, I finally opened my eyes a crack, and there were two blurry figures beside me, which gradually became clear after a while.A gray-haired man, although his face is still a little blurry, his appearance is vaguely familiar.The other was a nun in a pristine white robe.I tried to figure out where I was, but all I could see was the high ceiling and the beds on either side, the room smelled of medicine, and the windows flooded with daylight.It turned out that this was a hospital.I still remember the first sentence I said: "I want to go home."

"Where is your home? My child." "Madrid." The two figures seemed to exchange glances quickly.The nun took one of my hands and shook gently, "I don't think you can go back for a while." "Why?" I asked. The man replied: "Traffic has been disrupted and the government declared a state of war a few days ago." I did not understand what he meant, and even doubted whether I heard, for I immediately sank into a deep well of weakness, and fell into a coma for several days.The doctor put me in bed after that.Those weeks of being immobilized in Tetouan's civilian hospital gave me time to sort out my emotions a little bit and to reflect on what the events of these months had meant in my life.But this was only done in the last few days, because in the first period, no matter morning or afternoon, early morning or visiting time (although no one ever visited me), even when the nurse came to deliver food, I couldn't eat at all Sometimes, the only thing I can do is cry.Thinking of nothing, not reflecting, not even remembering, just crying.

Many days later, when the tears finally dried up and I couldn't cry anymore, the memories swallowed me inch by inch like a tide.I could even see them chasing me, stalking me, and filing in through the door at the end of the ward.The ward is like a huge ship in the sun, and it is always day.Fresh and uncontrollable memories, some complete and some fragmented, approached me one after another with a sneer, jumped on the mattress, and climbed onto me.They are everywhere, invading my consciousness from my ears, under my fingernails, or through the pores of my skin, tearing me apart mercilessly with images or fragments I would never want to recall again.

Gradually, the army of memories that kept pouring towards me became less noisy, quieter and sharper.The excruciating pain after I calmed down made me think about it all, to find a reason for everything that had happened in the past eight months.This is the most painful stage, tormented, tormented, and painful. Although I don't know how long it lasted, I remember clearly that it was the visit of an unexpected guest that brought this tormented time to an abrupt end. Until then, I've spent time with groups of maternity mothers, charity carers and white-painted metal beds.Doctors in white coats will come to round the ward every day, and family members of other hospitalized women will come to visit at specific times. They whisper, caress newborn babies, and sigh to comfort miscarriage patients, such as me.In this unaccompanied city, I don't even know anyone.No one will come to visit, and of course I didn't expect it.I don't even know why I came to this strange place, and staying among these strangers, I only have messy and sporadic memories of when I first arrived in my mind, with deep anxiety and uneasiness sandwiched between them.For so many days, my thoughts have been entangled, and I can only remember the occasional nun, and the urgent and somewhat fearful desire: to return to Madrid as soon as possible.

Until that morning, my loneliness was unexpectedly broken.Under the guidance of the white and bloated Sister Wilders, the man appeared again. He seemed to have said something about a war many days ago. "Son, someone is here to see you," said the nun.Her voice is as clear as a silver bell, but I can discern a trace of worry from it.When the unexpected guest introduced herself, I understood where her concern came from. "Greetings, madam, I am Claudio Vazquez, Chief of the Police Department of Tetouan," greeted the stranger, "or should I call you Miss?". His hair was almost white, he wore a light summer suit, his face was sunburned, and his dark eyes were very bright, shrewd and witty.I was still in a daze at the time, and couldn't tell whether he was an old man who was still agile, or he was a young man with premature hair.Of course, these are not important, what is important is that I need to know why he is looking for me.Sister Wilders asked him to sit on a chair by the wall, but he moved the chair directly to the right side of my hospital bed, then took off his hat and sat down, smiling and asking the nun to leave, polite and unquestionable .

The wide windows of the ward filled the room with sunlight.In the garden outside the window, palm trees and blue gums are blown by the breeze.The sky was blindingly blue.It's a great summer for anyone who doesn't need to be bedridden in a hospital or face an unfamiliar policeman.The two beds next to me were empty, as are most beds in the hospital, with spotlessly clean sheets.The nun left, displeased at not being able to witness the ensuing conversation.In the distance, there were two or three patients resting quietly, and a young nun was mopping the floor silently at the other end of the ward.I could barely support my upper body, and the sheet on my body was covered up to my chest, revealing only two increasingly thin arms and bony shoulders, my hair was combed sideways into a black braid, and my thin cheeks were dull and dull. The sudden blow crushed it.

"The nun told me you're doing better, so I think it's time we talked, what do you think?" I could only nod, because I couldn't figure out what he wanted to talk to me, and I couldn't understand why the misfortune and confusion I encountered had something to do with the police.Then the sheriff took a notebook from his coat pocket and opened it.But it seems that he should have read it, because he didn't need to rummage, and went directly to the page he was looking for, which recorded information about me. "Okay. First I want to ask you a few questions, all you have to say is yes or no. You are Sheila Siroja Mardin, born in Madrid on June 25, 1911, aren't you?"

His words were very polite, but the questions were direct and interrogative.Considering my current situation, he didn't speak to me in the tone of an interrogator, but he didn't completely cover up the meaning.I confirmed the accuracy of the information with a positive expression. "Did you come to Tetouan from Tangier last month, the fifteenth of July?" Again I say yes. "Did you stay at the Tanger Continental Hotel from March 23rd?" affim. "You arrived in Tangier with..." He glanced at the notebook, "Ramiro Olivas Gallor, a Spanish Victorian born on October 20, 1901 Three days."

I nodded again, but this time lowered my gaze.It's the first time I've heard his name since I left.Sergeant Bathgaiss didn't seem to notice my emotion, or he did, but didn't want to show it.He continued the questioning. "You two have left an unpaid bill for three thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine francs at the Hotel Continental." I didn't answer, just turned my head to the other side, not wanting to meet his gaze. "Look at me," he said. I ignored him. "Look at me," he repeated, calmly, not more firmly or kindly, not harsher, in exactly the same tone.He waited patiently until I finally resigned and looked at him again, I didn't answer the question.He asked again: "Do you know that there is an unpaid bill for three thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine francs at the Hotel Continental?" "I think I know." I finally answered in a breathless voice, then looked away again, turned my head the other way, and started to cry. "Look at me." He asked a third time. He waited for a while, and finally realized that I was unwilling, or simply didn't have enough strength and courage to face him.So I heard him get up from his chair and walk around the foot of the bed to the other side of the bed.He met my gaze and sat down on the bed next to him, the smooth sheets were pressed into many creases.He stared firmly into my eyes. "I'm trying to help you, ma'am. Or should I call you miss, but it's all the same to me," he said firmly. "You've got yourself into a huge mess, though I'm sure it wasn't your intention. .I want to know what happened, but I need your help. If you don't cooperate with me, I can't help you. Do you understand?" It was very difficult for me to confess my confession. "Okay, then don't cry, let's continue." I wiped my tears with the sheets.Mr. Sheriff gave me a few seconds to calm down.As soon as I noticed that my choking was not so bad, I continued with his work. "Is it okay?" "Okay." I muttered. "You see, the manager of the Continental Hotel sued you for leaving the hotel without paying a large bill, and that's not all. Unfortunately, you have a much bigger problem. We also have a lawsuit from Origa, accusing you of fraud gave them twenty-four thousand eight hundred and ninety pesetas." "But I, I..." He made a gesture to stop me from pleading, because he had more news to tell me. "There is also a warrant for you because you have stolen a lot of valuable jewels from a house in Madrid." "I didn't...but..." I was so shocked to hear the news that I completely lost my ability to think and started talking incoherently.The sheriff sitting across from me seemed to understand my confusion and tried to calm me down. "I know, I know. Don't get excited, don't try too hard. I've seen all the papers in your luggage, so I can pretty much guess what happened. I also found your husband's A letter, perhaps from your boyfriend, or lover, whatever it is, is that Olympus, and a certificate of gift of jewels to you, and a notarial deed stating that the previous owner of those jewels was yours Father." I don't recall ever having these documents with me.In fact, since Ramiro took care of the jewels, I have no idea where they are.If they were indeed in my luggage, I must have snatched them inadvertently in my haste to leave the Continental.I was relieved to think that these things might save me. "Ask him, ask my father," I begged. "He's in Madrid. His name is Gonzalo Alvarado, and he lives in Via Ermería, 19." "We have no way to find him. The communication with the inland here has basically been cut off. Madrid is very chaotic now. Many people's whereabouts are unknown. Some have been arrested, some have fled, some are fleeing, and some are hiding. Others are dead. Besides, your case is more complicated, because this accusation comes from Mr. Alvarado's son Enrique, I think that is the name, your half-brother, right?" He looked down at the record in his hand, "That's right, Enrique Alvarado. It seems that a few months ago, a servant told him that you had visited. When you came out, you looked flustered and carried several package. They speculate that the package contained the jewels, and that Mr. Alvarado Sr. may have been the victim of a fraud, or was coerced by some kind of external force. In short, the situation is very bad, but these documents should prove that you have no crime." From his coat pocket he took out the papers my father had handed me when we met a few months earlier. "You're lucky. Olympus didn't take these pieces of paper with him along with the jewels and cash. Maybe he thinks it's a kind of compensation. He can destroy them and cut off your escape. Maybe it's because He was in too much of a hurry to do that. Maybe you should thank him for those things that kept you out of jail," he said sarcastically.But he blinked again immediately, as if he wanted to take back the last sentence. "I'm sorry, no offense intended. But I don't think in your present state you would be grateful for such a villain who got you into this situation." Instead of responding to his apology, I weakly asked another question: "Where is he now?" "Olybus? We don't know exactly where he is. It could be in Brazil, it could be in Buenos Aires, it could be in Montevideo. He was on board an Argentine ocean liner, but the The ship will call at several ports. And it seems that he did not go alone, there were three people who escaped with him, a Russian, a Polish and an Italian." "Then you won't go find him? Won't you follow his leads and arrest him?" "I'm afraid not. There's almost nothing wrong with him, except for an unpaid bill, which he shares with you. Provided, of course, that you don't charge him with taking your money and jewels. But to be honest, I I don't think it's worth it for you. Although in fact these things are indeed yours, their origin is not very clear, and you are getting involved in lawsuits because of them. Besides, I think it will be difficult for us to find his whereabouts again. Such a person generally They are very clever and cunning. They are supernatural, and they know how to evaporate from the world, and then be reborn in the most unsuspecting way in another part of the earth." "But we are about to start a new life, a new business, but we are still waiting for the other party's confirmation." I stammered. "You're in the business of teaching people to type?" He took out an envelope from his pocket again, "I'm afraid it has long been impossible, because you have not been authorized. The directors of the Pittman Academy in Argentina have no interest in expanding their business across the Atlantic." , and gave a negative answer as early as April." He saw my blank face, "Olympus never told you, did he?" I remembered that I went to the front desk every day to ask , eagerly awaiting that letter back that I thought would change my life.And Ramiro, for months, never mentioned to me the reply he received!The thought of wanting to continue to protect him began to slowly dissolve and evaporate... Holding on to the last ray of hope, I said with the last bit of strength left: "But he loves me..." The sheriff smiled, a bitter, sympathetic smile. "That's what people like him say. You see, miss, don't lie to yourself. People like Olybus love only themselves. They are sometimes loving, generous, and charming. But When it comes to a critical moment, the only thing you care about is your own interests. Seeing that the situation is not good, you immediately withdraw, and you will do anything to avoid being caught. You are the biggest victim this time, and it is indeed very unfortunate. I don't doubt he ever loved you but when he saw a better future, you became his burden and he didn't want to be burdened by you anymore. So he dumped you and didn't waste any more time. You didn't Nothing wrong, but this is the way it is, and there is nothing we can do to change what has happened." I don't want to hear him go on and on about how hypocritical Ramiro's love is because he can't take the pain.I prefer to get back to the actual topic. "What about Hollywood? What do I have to do with them?" He took a deep breath and exhaled forcefully, as if he was determined to mention something that made him very unhappy. "This matter is even more troublesome. At present, there is no clear evidence to prove that you are innocent, although I personally believe that this is your husband or your boyfriend, anyway, it is a trick by the director Olympus. Currently the official The claim is this: You are the legal representative of a company, and your company purchased a batch of typewriters from Hollande, but absconded without payment." "It's Ramiro who wants to start a company in my name, but I don't know... I don't know about it... I don't know..." "I think so too. You don't know what he did under your guise. Let me tell you what I guessed. You already know the official version. If I'm wrong Please feel free to correct me. It was your father who gave you some money and some jewelry in the first place, right?" I nodded. "Then, Olympus offered to start a company in your name, and keep the cash and jewelry in the public safe where he works. Right?" I nodded again. "Good. But he didn't. Or rather, he did, but he didn't simply save it in your name. He used the money in the name of Siroga Machinery Import-Export Co., Ltd. In name, I purchased a batch of typewriters from my own company. Of course, you are the legal representative of this import and export company. He paid on time for the first purchase, so Hollander had no suspicion at all. For the second purchase, the amount was more Great, the transaction is still smooth, and the payment is on time. Olympus resold these machines, of course I don’t know who they sold them to and how. So far, judging from the company’s book situation, everything is fine problem, and Olympus was also profitable. Didn't spend a penny of his own, but made a good deal. Then, within a few weeks, he ordered a large batch of machines again in your name, which is Of course, the second Olympia company thought it was another big business delivered to your door. But for this order, your company did not pay the full amount directly, but only paid the down payment. Since you already have a certain reputation in Olympia, No one doubted this, and they felt that the remaining payment would be made up within the agreed time limit. But the problem was that this part of the payment never arrived. Olympus resold the machine again, and after making a profit from it, it took You absconded with the money. Not only did he keep his own money, but he made a huge profit from reselling the machine and defaulting on the payment. It was a huge blow, yes, although some people may have started to suspect by then. , I guess you were also in a hurry when you left Madrid, right?" At this moment, like lightning, I remembered that March morning, when I returned home from Plaza de la Saleza, Ramiro was so nervous, he hurriedly took out clothes from the closet and stuffed them into the suitcase, and forced I bid farewell as hastily as he did, without delay for a second.Thinking of all this, I reconfirmed the Sheriff's speculation.He continued: "That's it, the perfect plan. Olybus not only took your money, but used it to make more money for himself. There is no doubt that he is a very smart man." My eyes filled with tears again. "Stop, stop, please don't cry. It's too late to regret now, crying is useless. You see, all this actually happened because the current situation is not good and it is too complicated." I swallowed hard, finally held back my tears, and started talking. "Because of the war you mentioned that day?" "It is still unknown whether war will break out. The current situation is very delicate and complicated. Half of Spain is in the hands of the National Army, and half is under the control of the government. The situation is very chaotic and the information is not smooth. It is no longer possible to get news from there .In short, a total disaster." "What about here? How's the situation?" "It's been quiet, but the last few weeks have been a mess. This is where the riots started, don't you know? That's where the troops defected. General Franco set off from Morocco and led the rebellion. The first few days There were some bombings, the Air Force of the Republic attacked the Governor's Palace in order to quell the rebellion, but they were unlucky and missed the target. A Fokker fighter wounded many civilians, killed a Moorish child, and destroyed a Mosques, for which many Muslims believed that the military operation was aimed at them, automatically sided with the National Army. Those who supported the Republic against the National Army had been arrested or shot, European prisons were full, and it is said that a Imprisonment ground. The nearby Sania Ramel Airport fell, and the Spanish reserve in Morocco fell. At present, the entire North Africa has been controlled by the uprising National Army, and the situation has basically calmed down. It is Yibi who is making trouble Leah Peninsula." He wiped his eyes with the thumb and forefinger of his left hand, then moved his palm up and stroked his eyebrows, his forehead, the roots of his hair, the top of his head, the back of his head, and all the way to his neck.He whispered, as if talking to himself: "Look, see if things can be resolved at once." I roused him from his contemplation, for I could no longer restrain my eagerness: "But, can I go, or can't?" My question snapped him back to reality.He said emphatically: "No, absolutely not. You can't go anywhere, especially not back to Madrid. At the moment Madrid is still controlled by the government, and the citizens are ready to do everything in their power to resist." "But I have to go back." I insisted without confidence, "There is my mother and my home..." He tried to control his emotions and not let himself lose patience.Although he didn't want to provoke me in view of my current physical condition, my insistence made him more and more unhappy.Under other circumstances, he probably would not have been so polite to me a long time ago. "Look, I don't know which side you are supporting, defending the government or supporting the National Army." His tone became peaceful again, and he fully recovered his previous state after a brief gaffe, perhaps caused by the chaos of the previous days The nervousness made him a little tired. "I'll tell you the truth, since I've had to witness so much these past few weeks, it doesn't really matter to me which side you're on, I don't even want to know. I'm just doing my job and trying to keep the Politics aside. There are plenty of people in charge of this, of course it's unfortunate. But luck is an ironic thing, unbelievable, but once it hits you it's not yours. In Tetouan , in the center of the riot, you can rest assured that no one will care about your alleged illegal lawsuits except me. These lawsuits are troublesome enough, and under normal circumstances, they are enough to put you in prison for a long time." I tried to protest, tense and full of panic.But he held up his hand to stop me, and continued: "I think in Madrid, except for politically related cases and some extreme serious cases, most of the police and judicial work has been paralyzed. They are busy fighting the war." , I don't think anyone would go to Morocco to track down a fraudster who was sued by a typewriter company and a thief who was accused by his own brother of stealing his father's property. A few weeks ago, these were serious cases, but today, with them Your lawsuit pales in comparison to the problems facing you." "You mean..." I asked hesitantly. "What you should do now is stay here and don't go anywhere. Don't make any attempt to leave Tetouan, honestly, don't get me in trouble. My job is to be responsible for the supervision and security of the Spanish reserve. , I don't think you pose any threat in this regard. But, just in case, I don't want you out of my sight. Don't take these words as advice or advice, they are legal orders. You It can be considered a special kind of arrest. I will not put you in prison, nor will I confine you to a residence, so you have a certain freedom of movement. But you must never leave the city without my permission. understand?" "When?" I didn't confirm his request.Staying alone indefinitely in a completely unfamiliar city seemed to me at the time the worst of all options. "Until Spain is basically stable, it depends on its final outcome. I will decide at that time. Now I have neither time nor method to deal with your case. And the problem you need to solve is the debt owed by the Hotel Tanger .” "But I have no money now..." I said, and I was about to cry again. "I know, I have checked your luggage carefully, and I have confirmed that you have nothing but messy clothes and some papers. But at present, you are the only suspect we can find. In this case, you and O Libas is at the same disadvantage. Now that we can't find him, you will have to take full responsibility for the case. And I'm afraid I can't excuse you, because the Tangiers know that you are in my hands, and they are completely can find you." "But he took all my money..." I broke down in tears again. "I know this too, please don't cry anymore, can you? In the letter he left you, he has openly admitted how shameless he is, and it also shows that he wants to put you in a difficult situation and make it difficult for you to move. He took All your possessions were taken, and you were left with a child, but as soon as you got to Tetouan, your child was lost before you even got off the bus." My face was full of bewilderment, tears mixed with pain and frustration, so he had to explain this. "You don't remember? I picked you up at the bus station. We got a phone call from the Tangier police to inform you that you were going to Tetouan. It is said that one of the hotel waiters reported your hasty departure to the manager. , he felt that the situation at that time was very strange and worthy of vigilance. After finding that the building was empty and owed a huge amount of rent, they called the police. The police found the taxi driver who took you to the bus station in Valencia, and had to I know you are on the bus to Tetouan. Under normal circumstances I would have sent someone to wait for you there, but the situation is chaotic and I would rather intervene in person to avoid any accident or misfortune. I decided to go to the bus in person. I'll wait for you at the station. You fainted as soon as you got off the bus, and I sent you here." Some vague memories gradually emerged in my mind.That bus stop with suffocating heat seems to be called Valenciana.The shouting in the carriages, the baskets containing live chickens, the crowd of passengers, Moors and Spaniards, sweating and emitting an unbearable smell.Then I suddenly felt wet and sticky between my thighs.When I arrived in Tetouan and was about to get out of the car, I felt extremely weak again. There was something warm flowing down my thighs, and I was shocked and frightened.Just as he was about to set his foot on the ground of this strange city, he heard a man wearing a big-brimmed hat with half of his face covered by the brim asking, "Are you Sheila Siroga? I'm a policeman, please follow me." I'll go!" At that moment, a burst of exhaustion swept over me, my mind began to go numb, my legs could no longer support my body, and I lost consciousness.Today, a few weeks later, I face this man again, and I still don't know whether he is the executioner who pushed me to the execution ground or my savior. "Sister Wilders was in charge of keeping me informed of your recovery. I tried to come to you a few days ago to see what was going on, but they never allowed me to, saying that you were still severely anemic and had some other symptoms. But anyway you look It's much better, so they allowed me to visit today, and I think you will be released from the hospital in a few days." "Then...then where am I going?" My anxiety was comparable to my fear.I felt incapable of facing the unknown reality alone.I've never done anything alone in my life, I've always had someone guiding me, first my mother, then Ignacio, then Ramiro.I simply couldn't live without a strong hand to hold me tight, someone to help me make choices, someone around to trust and depend on. "I'm trying to settle this matter," he said, "and I'll find you a place to stay. Don't think it's easy. But don't worry, I've got nothing to say about your past. There are some missing information that needs to be added. If you feel strong, I will come back to you tomorrow, please describe the whole incident in detail, and we will see if there are any details that can help us solve your husband or your boyfriend's complaint. Your endless troubles." "My husband, my boyfriend, or whoever I am, is the scum." I took the rebuttal and made a sarcastic grimace, weak and bitter. "Are you married?" he asked. I shook my head. "It's a good thing for you." He quickly concluded, and then looked at his watch again, "Okay, I don't want to make you too tired." He stood up as he said, "I think today's The content is enough. I will come back tomorrow, the time is uncertain, and then we will continue." I watched him carefully as he walked towards the door of the ward.He walked quickly, with a firm, rhythmic gait, and it seemed that he was a man who never wanted to waste time.When I get well, sooner or later it will become clear whether he really believes that I am innocent, or if he just wants to get rid of me and the trouble that fell from the sky at the most inopportune time with me as soon as possible.I didn't have the energy to think anymore, I was exhausted from the long conversations and the excessive scares, and I just wanted to sleep and forget about it all.
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