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Chapter 21 020

419 威尔·弗格森 707Words 2018-03-18
There's a reason people call us wizards.This is alchemy, not science.IT officers know this -- intuitively.He sailed by both magic and science, both intuition and technology.Now he is advancing into the depths of memory. The memory is supposed to be a storage box, but the officer has the magician's key, which can open the box.That way those messages float to the surface like ghosts.One email after another.Residual image.traces in ethernet. He had already caught some shadows with a net and dragged them across the water.He smiled with satisfaction. SUBJECT: Henry Curtis's attention is urgently needed, please do not refuse!

Reception time: September 12, 23:42 Hello sir!I wish you good health in Africa with a warm heart.Please forgive me for interrupting you as there is an urgent matter to attend to.While you must have been shocked to receive this email, I beg you to read it carefully, as the decisions you make will have a major impact on a young lady's future and well-being. Sir, I am writing to you on behalf of Miss Sandra, daughter of the late Dr. Atta.Dr. Atta is Director and Chairman of the Contract Awards Committee of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.As you probably already know, Dr. Atta tragically died in a helicopter crash.The reasons behind the crash are doubtful.Miss Sandra's uncle promises to look after her, but is himself persecuted by state-backed criminals.He is the CEO of the Niger Delta Development Authority.The bureau and the National Petroleum Council have joined forces to ensure crude oil exports to OPEC and other ports.

As one might imagine, with her father and uncle murdered and her mother dying of a heart attack, Miss Sandra inherited a large fortune.But her current situation is very dangerous.Although Miss Sandra is only 20 years old and has outstanding looks, she can't find a person she likes, because in order to avoid the persecution of the enemy, she has to live in hiding. She asked me to get in touch with you, Mr. Henry Curtis, for help.She cannot turn to the police, who are also involved in this brutal conspiracy.She begs you to save her from despair.
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