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Chapter 16 Chapter Fourteen Traveling to Sea

goblin legend ZENK 4095Words 2018-03-11
Exercise can make Master Vader feel very happy. Perhaps because of this, his injuries have obviously healed. When the green dragon began to recover, his interest shifted to the weather and the sea, and I don't care what he likes, as long as he doesn't stare at me with that horrible look, and don't grind his claws to scare me when he has nothing to do.But this seems to be the beginning of my misfortune. "You go and prepare the boat. Then follow me." I walked into his room that day, in good spirits, because the tax man reported that taxes had gone up for the month.I was thinking about how to spend those extra profits, and the words of the green dragon made my eyes widen.

"Didn't you hear my order? Go and prepare the boat." He gave me a hard look, and then buried his head in the chart on the table. "Master...Master...Master." I immediately fell to the ground and covered my stomach with my hands, "My stomach hurts." Oh my god, the boat, although I have never seen that thing, but I know it is used for crossing the sea. Then I have heard many legends about the sea. There are storms a hundred times more terrifying than orcs, and sea monsters comparable to dragons. "Stupid thing!" Master Vader was furious. Before I could react, he had picked me up, and his sharp claws cut my clothes and skin mercilessly. Did everything come out?"

"No, no, master, the meaning of the servant is that although my stomach hurts, I hope to serve you." This last sentence is what I learned from the human businessman. Humans call that flattery. The green dragon's goal is a small island in the north-east, God knows what's on it.I, a king, if I disappear suddenly, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble, but I don’t need to worry about it, Master Vader has thought out everything for me.I, the great goblin living god, will go to a place with miracles to investigate, and I will go alone to keep it secret.As for my country, it is temporarily overseen by Bishop Berry Dracula, a spiritual cult.The potion of immortality had an obvious effect on him, and he has not aged after returning to his appearance in his twenties. He is even more convinced that I am the living god of the goblins.He is absolutely faithful to me.

The journey to the sea made me experience different means of transportation. Sometimes Master Vader turned me into a human and rode in a carriage, and sometimes he turned me into a cargo and rode those flying insects. On some nights, he directly returned to his dragon form and took me Throwing it on my back, that moment reminded me of the goblin dragoons from thousands of years ago. When we got to the beach, I didn't have much time to play on the beach.The most reliable believers of the Earth Spirit Cult have already prepared the boat. From the moment I arrived, I was thrown onto the boat, and then Master Vader started the voyage alone with magical operation.

There is nothing memorable about the voyage, I just remember standing on the front deck, I made sure that the angle of my head was correct, my left foot supported the center of gravity of the whole body strongly, and my right foot stepped on the bow.Facing the undulating sea, I opened my arms and imitated the appearance of human beings and shouted affectionately: "Ah, the sea." Then I saw a wave growing out of the sea, and the shadow of the wave slowly drove away and shone on me. Sunshine on my body, after that I pulled a fish out of my open mouth.The dragon, on the other hand, hugged its belly and beat the deck desperately with one hand.

Since that wave, I've never had any interest in standing on deck.God knows how long it took to sail, and finally the ship stopped.I was so excited after the boat washed up on the beach, I wrote words in the air - hieroglyphic goblin script - and got carried away by the wind.I wrote words on the sand and was carried away by the waves.So I carved words on the stone, and then I was taken away by those guys pretending to be stones. Stone Golem, the name I heard from Master Vader.I was horrified to find myself surrounded by cold, solid arms. Instinct prompted me to give them a hard blow with the wooden club, but after that only the half-trunk remained in my numbed hand.I heard Master Vader calling my name, and at the same time some green air balls flew out of his hands, hitting the stone golems with a hissing sound, and then they melted like cheese thrown into a pot.

But the green dragon didn't have time to kill more stone puppets, a ball of fire flew across the air and hit the place where Master Vader was standing, and then a straight pillar of fire rose in front of my eyes.I turned my head and looked in the direction of the fireball, a red dragon!Oh my gosh, another dragon! Sulfur billows from the nostrils of the red dragon, and the topaz-colored narrow pupils stare at us. His body is obviously much larger than that of the green dragon. The airflow from the huge red wings rolls up the sand, and his long neck is S-shaped. Curved, black smoke slowly emerged from his slightly opened mouth.

"Katan! You won't get it." Vader raised his fist. "Vader, I will. The goblin is in my hand." The red dragon proudly sprayed a black puff of smoke from its nose, he waved his hand, and the stone puppet began to lead me back into the forest on the island. If I can't escape, then I always have to do something.I remember some walnuts in my pocket.I always like to eat something when watching the excitement. While staring at the two dragons that are gradually going away, I put a walnut on the head of the stone puppet, and then tapped it with the remaining wooden handle.

I didn't see what it was like when the dragons were fighting. When the sight was blocked by the leaves, I heard the roars and of course the straight pillars of fire. First I ran into a green dragon, then a bone dragon, and now a red dragon. I don't think any goblin has as much luck as I do.I opened my eyes and searched for the available things. I don't want to die here. Even if I can't leave this island, I must at least leave the cold embrace of the stone puppet first.Although we are not good at attacking, but the skill of hiding, there are only a few races that can match us.

The road ahead became more and more difficult, and the stone puppet slowed down.Along the way I kept seeing vines hanging from the branches.We goblins have good brains when we are running for our lives. I tear off what I can, and then wrap them around the stone golem in strips. Soon the guy holding me becomes heavy and slow, and finally it is almost No progress. Those fat vines were stretched like cowhide bands on a slingshot. I looked at the vines wrapped around the stone puppet's neck and head. What would happen if I broke some of the vines wrapped around my body?I took out a small knife, and the sharp knife easily cut the vine in half, and then I swung my arm vigorously, and then I felt my body float up, and the sky curtain made of leaves quickly squeezed into my eyes.The stone puppet hit the ground fiercely on its back, and the hands surrounding me were also loosened.

I didn't have to stand up at all, but rushed into the bushes on all hands and knees, and crawled desperately forward.The thorns and hard branches of those plants caused me great pain. Thinking about it, I didn’t feel any pain at all a few years ago. Maybe life was too good. In human terms, my skin now is delicate, ruddy, Shiny. Now that I think about it, I must have been teased, and I must have been teased by the gods in the sky.They make up a story like a storyteller, and then they decide what happens to the people in the story.Whatever I intend to do, the outcome is for those gods who are no different from the authors.Those damn authors first got me out of the stone golem, then led me into a ruined temple, and finally summoned the two dragons. I hate the gods, I hate the storytellers, I hate the authors who play us. The so-called temple ruins are nothing more than a pile of low stones, occasionally a few pillars stand there, and the flat ground has long been overgrown with weeds.I looked at the place where I was standing in amazement, not quite understanding how such a place existed in the jungle.But this surprise only lasted for a short while, and goblins are always happy. I tried my best to turn over stones and push aside clumps of weeds, trying to get something from the ruins. God knows what's going on, maybe I stepped on something, I saw a square stone platform not far away slowly emerging from the ground, and the soft light kept flickering.The light is golden yellow, absolutely pure golden yellow, goblins will not mistake the color of gold coins.But Master Vader said afterwards that it was white light. Another trick, another trick of God. Anyway the light made me swallow, I was so absorbed by it, I walked towards it so ecstatically that my big watchful ears didn't notice the sound of the wind, the wind blowing up as the dragon landed.I walked up to the stone platform and slapped it awkwardly, eager to open the glowing mezzanine.A slate shattered without warning, and a huge crystal ball appeared in front of my eyes, but I paid more attention to the bottom of the crystal ball—a supporting plate inlaid with gems and gold. "Goblin, give me that crystal ball!" The voice of the red dragon rang in my ears, I hugged the crystal ball tightly and turned around, he was looking at me from the edge of the ruins, his topaz-colored pupils were full of some kind of longing. "I swear on the honor of the Dragon Clan, as long as you give me the crystal, I will leave immediately, and I will never touch a single hair of yours." "No, you lied to me." I huddled behind the stone platform, showing half of my head, and responded in a crying voice, "You know goblins don't have hair." "Well, I swear on the honor of the Dragon Clan, as long as you give me the crystal, I will leave immediately, and I will never touch you." "Are you sure you're not going to set fire to me? Are you not going to knock down a tree and use it on me? You're not going to..." "Okay, okay. I swear on the honor of the dragon clan, as long as you give me the crystal, I will leave immediately. Of course, I will not burn you with fire, and I will not knock down a tree and use it to smash you. I will never kill you, and I will never kill you." I won’t hurt you in other ways.” The red dragon began to get impatient, he raised his head from time to time to look around in vigilance, and thicker and thicker black smoke came out of his nostrils. I stood up and made a move to roll the crystal ball. At this time, I saw the red dragon opened its mouth and eyes wide, with a look of horror on its face, and waved its hands again and again, "No, no, no, put Bring it here, I have already promised not to hurt you, even if I want to hurt you, I can't do it, dragons can't enter this ruin. Look!" After speaking, he stretched out his claws into the ruins, and then seemed to touch What, a burst of blinding blue light appeared, and then the paw bounced back with a "snap", "This place is bound by divine power, and the rules set by God are: only those who once rode on the back of a dragon and were called by humans Only goblins who are dragon slayers can enter. It is almost impossible to meet this condition, God knows where Vader found you, God knows how you did it, anyway, you, goblin, you meet these conditions." I thought about it, if I give him this ball, Master Vader will not let me go.If I don't give it to him, I can't leave here. There are stones and inedible grass everywhere. I will starve to death here.Since you can't see Master Vader now, give the item to the red dragon as soon as possible, and then say that the red dragon took it away.Well, what can a goblin do against a dragon? What a strange rule, recalling the red dragon's resentful expression, I can't help but wonder, will that dragon also hate the god who is no different from the author?God makes such a weird rule, and then finds a way to break it, what a boring guy. The red dragon flapped its wings immediately after getting the crystal, and I ran back to the stone platform quickly, I was still thinking about the supporting plate inlaid with gems and gold.When I tried to stuff the tray into my arms, I accidentally found a box.I opened the box carefully. There were no gold coins or gems in the box, just a golden goo. I reached out and stirred it, then put it in my mouth and tasted it.Bah, expired food is really bad.At this time, a loud scream took my attention away from eating, and the two dragons were entangled in the air.The red dragon flew away crookedly after screaming, while the green dragon fell directly from the sky. I closed the box and ran from the ruins to the place where the green dragon fell to the ground. At that time, my heart was extremely flustered, and I made the most devout prayer in my life.Yes, I pray for that green dragon in my heart.I pray to all the gods to keep him safe, I have never been so worried about anyone since I was born. Master Vader can't die, now that there is no threat from the red dragon, if he dies, whoever drives the boat back for me. Of course, everything is as I wish, just like those pulp novels in the world, the protagonist will never die, they are lucky to get home, but they always have to go through hardships.The damn author caused the green dragon to break an arm, and my trip home was delayed. That pallet that made me drool calmed the green dragon's anger, and he was ecstatic to see the writing on it.As for the box, I dropped it on the boat on my way to Master Vader, I've got to keep something private for myself.But somehow, when we left the island, the box was empty. When the ship docked at the mainland's harbor, Master Vader discovered that I was carrying a strange box. He frowned and warned me that taking things from the island would cause disaster.If you want to connect this with the unclear and anticlimactic war that followed, I think I can only say one sentence in a human voice-"God damn author."
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