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Chapter 14 Chapter 12 The game begins

goblin legend ZENK 2644Words 2018-03-11
The games attracted the attention of all kingdoms.Human beings from neighboring countries came here in horse-drawn carriages, and rich people from those distant countries flew from the sky. Now in the sky of the Goblin Kingdom, you can see Airbuses taking off and landing every day—those huge and terrifying Manned flying bugs. The empty houses in Vitina City were full a month ago. In order to cope with the arrival of more humans, we built a row of new houses outside the city. When it comes to money, goblins are more motivated than humans. The competition venue is also built outside the city. You can't expect me to allow them to demolish my property to build the competition venue. Besides, building it outside the city can add a round-trip transportation fee.Because of the theme of peace, the elves came despite the disgust written on their faces; the dwarves came holding their noses and dragging the wine barrels; their brave men.

I remember that when all the events were decided, a Lord of Humanity said impassionedly in the League of Nations: "There is no absolute big country or small country in sports. Regardless of the size of the country, all athletes are at the same starting point." There is nothing wrong with his words, but there is only one question: can all the participants stand on the starting point?It's none of my business, there are always "surprises" after all.Well, yes, accidents, such as the Kingdom of Mia and the Kingdom of Malawi, there are always accidents between the two countries that have just ceased war.

The first Malawi runner to come across by accident, the poor fellow went to the market with four companions, and my goblin patrol found them.The goblin naturally used the goblin's method. No matter what, the big stick and the handle of the spear greeted them before the other party opened their mouths.After a severe beating, goblin patrols arrested them for illegal robbery.Those guys hit so hard it was beyond recognition in human terms, and the poor runners could only grunt anyway. It took less than an hour from the arrest to the moment when the special envoy of the Kingdom of Malawi stormed my palace.Looking at the hopping envoy, I knew what was going on without guessing. The goblin patrol would not do anything without benefits.I didn't say anything, just called the head of the patrol over, and let the two of them talk slowly.

Soon the envoy of the Kingdom of Malawi insisted that it was an accident. He expressed regret for this misfortune, but said that it would not affect the relationship between the two countries, and then left with a smile on his face.However, I know there will be another surprise soon. The second accident happened at night. A large group of drunk Mia Kingdom athletes’ residences caught fire. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Those athletes were disgraced, wearing burnt black and tattered pajamas, and were caught as soon as they ran out. The crime was of course alcohol. Afterwards, a riot broke out and illegal arson.

I'm not worried about killing people. After all, goblin patrols are professional, and the weight of the box determines the degree of accident.After the special envoy of the Kingdom of Mia picked up the wounded team members, he angrily declared that it was just an accident. If there is one, there will be another, and soon there will be more accidents in the whole city, especially among countries with old grievances, such as being hit by a flowerpot, being chased and bitten by a dog, and eating something wrong... Faced with so many accidents, the Commonwealth of Nations had no choice but to intervene, otherwise the sports meeting would not have been held at all.

On May 3, 208, the trumpets for the opening of the Pan-Austrian Peace Games of All Races Prayed for Peace were sounded in the city of Vitina, and white doves symbolizing peace were released. Representatives from various countries gathered together, although many of them The eye circles are black, the cheeks are swollen, and the scars on their bodies are still visible, but their smiles are still so bright. The first event on the first day was horse racing, and no one thought that there would be a small problem in the first event.As we all know, humans in most countries ride horses, in some countries they ride giant insects, orcs ride grunts or wolves, and elves ride unicorns, but what lizard people ride is probably not much. Individuals have seen it.

When those red-skinned guys rode out on the raptor, there was a gasp from the audience.The genie's unicorn just glanced at its opponent, then stood where it was like a king.The sitting wolf of the orc is also a carnivore after all, looking at the opponent of the same attribute with a provocative growl. Human warhorses can't take it anymore, not to mention the oppression they feel in the face of a regal unicorn, the orc wargs around them alone make them feel very threatened.Now there are more velociraptors around, these red-skinned guys are as tall as them, their long necks turn around from time to time, and then their mouths full of sharp teeth come close to their eyes, and their fishy tongues are still in front of them. licked himself.This kind of pressure is too great, even the most obedient military horse refuses to participate in the competition before the start of the competition.

At the beginning of the game, those elegant creatures refused to run, ignored the orders of their masters, and some even retreated instead of advancing, so there was no suspense in the game, and the elf unicorn won the championship without hesitation.However, there was no expected applause in the auditorium, but a burst of laughter.Because a ground picker stopped halfway, in order for his mount to go the whole distance, he had to hang the carrot in front of the donkey. There is always something to show for the winner. We chose olive branches and weaved them into rings as a prize for the first place.Humans say that the olive branch symbolizes peace, but we do it because it doesn't cost money. Anyway, there are olive trees in the manors outside the city.

Then there is the running race, which is better than the legs, and no race can match the lizardmen.Then javelin throwing and hammer throwing are the strengths of the orcs, dwarves, tauren and those ogres, and these monsters leave the audience dumbfounded time and time again. The competition continued to be exciting, and all kinds of cries around the competition venue also came and went.All sales of souvenirs are monopolized by us goblins.Patrols were constantly weaving through the crowd, trying to find unlisted traders who, after a "polite" greeting with their muskets, were happy to accept all of each other's wares.

Everything was perfect at first, but accidents began to appear on the third day.First is the archery arena, which has always been the specialty of elves, but surprisingly, a human won. That human belonged to the Kingdom of Gemis, and after a few rounds, he was left to compete with an elf for the first place. After the elf missed the shot, the human raised an eyebrow at the elf, stepped back gracefully, and followed the bowstring. There was a slight "bang", and an arrow on the target at the limit distance trembled continuously. When all races were exclaiming about this miracle, the envoy of the elf kingdom asked to check the result, and they expressed doubts about the result.Before the human left the field, the high-level elf mage caught him, discovered the magic of clairvoyance from the human's face, and took off the ring used to enhance power on the knuckles.

This was the public use of magic and magic props to cheat. The special envoy of the elf kingdom immediately began to protest, but for the goblin who was the arbiter, it was obviously not as useful as gold coins.Humans are smart, and they made the goblins the chief judges of everything, and they were right. In any case, the winner is not the winner. The goblin who was in charge of the archery judgment easily dismissed the elf's protest on the grounds that the rules did not say that magic items cannot be used.Although the elves endured it, the aftermath of this turmoil has just begun. The fourth day was the swimming competition. The northern countries of the Commonwealth of Nations kept raising prices in an attempt to make this event disappear from the games, but the southern countries paid more.Although there is no river outside the city of Vitina, it is not difficult to find a place to swim. You just need to find an elemental mage and cast a spell to sink a rectangular pit on the ground, and then use magic to get some water to cover the pit. fill up. It was originally thought that this was a project that only humans from the south participated in, but humans from the north also came.In order to protest the unfairness of the competition, the murlocs collectively withdrew from the competition, so that the competition for the first place began among humans.This is also an extremely fierce competition. Looking at the suspended crystals on the northerners, the southerners naturally gritted their teeth, but with the precedent of the archery competition, the southern countries had no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit. But things didn't end there. In the new round of competition, aquatic plants grew on some athletes' tracks.The entangled athletes immediately began to fight back, and the dispute quickly rose from the individual to the group. Then the state began to intervene, and the mages began to try their skills. Soon, huge chaos spread, a large group of people fought together, and the audience in the stands was even more excited. They waved their fists to cheer for the fight below.
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