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Chapter 87 Chapter Eleven

Anatole lives in Moscow.His father sent him here from Petersburg, where he was spending more than twenty thousand rubles a year, and his father had to pay off his debts for the same amount. The father told his son that he would pay half of his debts for him for the last time, but on one condition that he would go to Moscow to serve as adjutant-in-chief to the commander-in-chief—a position he had secured for him, and that he should make a good relationship in Moscow. Dear.He also instructed his son to pursue Princess Maria and Julie. Anatole agreed, and came to Moscow to live with Pierre.At first Pierre was reluctant to receive Anatole, but he got used to it, sometimes drinking with him and sending him money in the name of a loan.

Shinhsing was right that when Anatole arrived in Moscow, the ladies of Moscow were fascinated, especially because he ignored them, preferring to find gypsy women and French actresses instead of their leading actors. Miss Qiao Zi has a particularly close relationship.He never missed the drinking parties of the Dolokhovs and other Moscow dandies, drank all night long and drank more than anyone else.He attends all high society evenings and dances.Legend has it that he had affairs with several Moscow ladies; he often flirted with women at balls.But he never courted girls, especially ugly rich ones, mainly because he had married two years ago.No one knew about it except a few close friends, but two years ago, when Anatole's regiment was stationed in Poland, a Polish landowner who was not well off forced Anatole to marry his daughter.

Anatole soon abandoned his wife, but he promised his father-in-law a sum of money as a condition of his posing as a bachelor. Anatole was always content with his situation and had no complaints about himself or anyone else.He was instinctively convinced that he must live like this, and that he had never done anything wrong in his life.He never considered how his actions affected others, or what consequences they might have.Ducks, he believed, were born to swim only in water, and he was born to spend thirty thousand rubles a year and occupy important positions in high society.He was so convinced of this, and so were others, that he refused neither a position in society nor a loan of money.He borrowed money from everyone, and always never paid back.

He is not a gambler, at least he never wants to win money, even willing to lose money.He does not advocate vanity.He didn't care what people thought of him.People can't even accuse him of coveting fame.He made his father angry several times by self-destructing his career, and he laughed at all positions of honor.He is not stingy, and he is responsive to everyone.His only passion was pleasure-seeking and womanizing, and he did not think there was anything ungodly about that.As for the effect of satisfying his own inclinations on others, he never thought about it, so he thought himself a man beyond reproach, sincerely despised all villains and villains, and held his head high with peace of mind.

These prodigal sons, these male Magdalenes, they too, like the female Magdalenes, thought themselves innocent and hoped for absolution. "'Her many sins are forgiven, for she loves much'; many his sins are forgiven, for he has much joy." Dolokhov returned to Moscow this year after exile and adventures in Persia, where he lived a luxurious life of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and flirted with Anatole, his old colleague in Petersburg, and used him to achieve his own goals. Anatole really liked Dolokhov because he was smart and bold.Dolokhov used Anatole's reputation, status and connections to seduce rich children to gamble.He was using Anatole without him noticing, and with pleasure.In addition to this use, Dolokhov felt that controlling others was a pleasure, a habit, and a need in itself.

Natasha made a strong impression on Anatole.After returning from the theatre, at dinner, he commented on the beauty of her arms, shoulders, legs, and hair in front of Dolokhov with an expert voice, and expressed his determination to court her.As to the result of the pursuit, Anatole did not think about it, nor could he know, any more than he could know the result of any of his actions. "She is very pretty, but we are not worthy, brother," Dolokhov told him. "I asked my sister to invite her to dinner," said Anatole, "will you?" "You'd better wait until she's married..."

"You know," said Anatole, "I like girls, and she's going to lose my head all at once." "You've had a bad time with girls," said Dolokhov, who knew of Anatole's marriage. , "You have to be careful!" "Oh, you won't suffer twice in a row! What do you think?" Anatole said with a smirk.
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