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Chapter 4 Chapter Four

narrow gate 安德烈·纪德 6603Words 2018-03-18
In the blink of an eye, it was the New Year's holiday, and this period of time passed quickly. I was still inspired by the conversation with Alyssa last time, and my belief did not waver for a moment.I wrote her a long letter every Sunday, according to the plan I had in mind.On the other days of the week, I avoid my classmates, and I almost only associate with Abel, living in the memory of Alyssa, marking her on the books I love to read, and deciding on my own according to the interests she may have. What to be interested in.She often wrote back to me, but the content of her letters still disturbed me. I can see that her earnest concern for me is mainly to encourage my study, rather than out of the impulse of thought.In my opinion, evaluation, discussion, and criticism are nothing more than a way of expressing thoughts, but on the contrary, she uses all these to cover up her thoughts.Sometimes I even suspect that she treats it as a kind of game...what the hell!I made up my mind not to complain at all, and I did not reveal my uneasiness in the letter.

At the end of December, Abel and I set off again for Le Havre. I got off the train and went straight to Aunt Plantier's, where she happened to be away.No sooner had I been settled in my room, however, than a servant came to announce that she was waiting for me in the drawing-room. My aunt asked a few words about my health, living and studying, and then, driven by family affection and curiosity, asked regardless: "You haven't told me yet, son, were you satisfied during the time you lived in Fengsmar last time? Did your affairs make some progress?" My aunt is simple and straightforward, so I had to suffer.However, I find it a bit abrupt to talk about our feelings in the purest and tenderest language, let alone treat it so simply.Yet her tone of voice was so blunt and affectionate that I would be foolish to be annoyed.However, at the beginning I still had a reaction:

"Didn't you tell me in the spring that the engagement was too early?" "Yes, I know, that's what everyone said at the beginning." She took one of my hands, squeezed it affectionately, and said, "I know, you have to go to school, you have to serve in the military, and you can't get married for several years. Besides, I'm personally not a big fan of procrastinating after an engagement, it's annoying to girls...but sometimes it's quite touching...also, engagement doesn't have to be so formal...it's just Let it be understood—well! Of course, don't make it public—make it understood, don't find them any more. Besides, if you are engaged, you can correspond and keep in touch. In short, if someone comes to propose marriage—this kind of It may happen," she hinted with a proper smile, "then you can tell the other party tactfully... No, don't bother. You know, someone came to propose to Juliet! This winter, she is very attractive. People pay attention. She is still a little young, and she replied in the same way. However, the young man expressed his willingness to wait—to be precise, he is not young anymore...but after all, he is a good friend and a reliable person You'll see him tomorrow—he's coming to see my Christmas tree. Tell me what impression you have of him."

"I'm afraid he's wasting his time in vain, aunt, Juliet has someone else in mind," I said, trying not to say Abel's name at once. "Oh?" Aunt pouted suspiciously, tilted her head to one side, and questioned, "I'm really surprised what you said, why didn't she say anything to me?" I bit my lip so as not to say too much. "Hmph! I'll know in due time...Juliet is not feeling well these days... Besides, it's not about her now...Ah! Alyssa is also very cute... Anyway, yes or no, have you asked her Confession?" The word "confession" disgusts me from the bottom of my heart, and I think it is extremely rude. However, since I asked this question directly, and I would not lie, I had to answer vaguely: "I confess." fever.

"Then what did she say?" I lowered my head, really unwilling to answer, but being helpless, I answered more vaguely: "She refuses to be engaged." "Well, the little girl, she did the right thing!" said the aunt loudly, "You guys have a long time, of course..." "Oh! Auntie, don't talk about it." I said, but I couldn't stop it. "Actually, I'm not surprised that she did this. I've always felt that your cousin is more sensible than you..." I don’t know what happened to me at the time, no doubt my nerves were aroused by such cross-examination. I suddenly felt heartbroken, and like a child, I put my forehead on the knees of my kind aunt and cried bitterly:

"Auntie, no, you don't understand," I said aloud, "she didn't ask me to wait..." "What! She's rejecting you!" she said, very softly, with compassion, and took my head in her hands. "Neither...no, not quite." She shook her head sadly: "Are you worried that she doesn't love you?" "Oh! no, that's not what worries me." "My poor child, if you want me to understand, you must be a little clearer." I am ashamed and remorseful that I should not have appeared so weak-willed.Of course my aunt couldn't figure out why I was so vague.However, if there is any definite motive hidden behind Alyssa's refusal, then my aunt may be able to help me find out if she asks slowly.She offered it quickly.

"Listen," she continued, "Alyssa is coming to help me put up the Christmas tree tomorrow morning, and I'll find out what's going on in no time, and I'll tell you over lunch. I'm sure you'll understand There is nothing to be alarmed about.” I went to Brooklyn's for dinner.Juliet was indeed ill for a few days, and it seemed to me that her appearance had changed.Her eyes were slightly fierce, almost cold, and the difference from her sister was even greater than before.Neither of the sisters and I had the opportunity to talk alone that evening, nor did I have the slightest desire to.My uncle looked tired again, so I left shortly after dinner.

The Christmas tree arranged by Aunt Plantier attracts a large group of children and relatives and friends every year.The Christmas tree is placed in the hall facing the stairs, and the hall is connected to the front hall, the living room, and the winter greenhouse with a glass door with a dining table.The Christmas tree is not yet decorated.On Christmas morning, the day after I arrived, Alyssa showed up early, as my aunt said, to help hang ornaments, lights, fruit, candy, and toys on the tree.I'd be more than happy to be busy with her, but I had to leave my aunt to talk to her alone, so I went out without seeing her, and savored my uneasiness all morning.

I first went to Uncle Bucklin's to see Juliet, but when I heard that Abel was one step ahead of me and was by her side, I immediately withdrew so as not to interrupt a crucial conversation.I wandered the quays and the streets, and did not return until lunch time. "Stupid boy!" cried my aunt, when she saw me come back, "how can I spoil my life like this! Nothing you said to me this morning made sense. . . . I beat around the bush, and simply dismissed Miss Ashbuton, who worked so hard to help us, and when it was just Alyssa and I, I asked her directly why she was not engaged this summer. You probably thought she would be embarrassed to ask?— She didn't look flustered at all, and answered me very calmly that she didn't want to marry before her sister. If you had asked me straight to the point, she would have answered you as she would have given me. That's a big deal You're asking for trouble, aren't you? See, my boy, there's nothing like telling the truth... Poor Alyssa, who also told me about her father, and said she couldn't leave her alone... Well! We We talked a lot. This girl is very sensible. She also told me that she is still not sure that she is the right girl for you. I am afraid that she is too old. I hope you can find someone of Juliet's age..."

My aunt was still talking, but I had already stopped listening.Only one circumstance mattered to me: Alyssa's refusal to marry before her sister. --Hey!Isn't there still Abel!This pretentious guy, what he said really made sense: kill two birds with one stone, solve two marriages at the same time... As soon as the matter was revealed, it was so simple. I was very excited when I heard it, but I tried to hide it as much as possible, only revealing a kind of joy that seemed very natural to her, and what made her happy was that this joy seemed to be given by her.Just after lunch, I can't remember what excuse I made, and I left her again and went to Abel.

"Hmph! What did I tell you!" cried he, embracing me, as soon as he heard of my joy, "I can already announce to you, my brother, that this morning I and Juliet The conversation was almost decisive, though we pretty much only talked about you. However, she seemed a little tired and fidgety... I was afraid that I would get too excited by talking too much, and I was afraid that I would get too excited by talking too long. There is You tell me this, and it's done! Boy, I'm going to jump on my cane and hat, and you'll stay with me all the way to Bucklin's house, so that I won't let me fly on the way Get up—I feel lighter than Euphorion... When Juliet learns that Alyssa won't say yes to you only because of her, when I propose marriage at once... Ah, my friend, my father's figure is already in front of my eyes. Tonight , standing in front of the Christmas tree, praising God and weeping tears of happiness, and stretching out his hands in blessing over the heads of the two kneeling betrothed couples. Miss Ashburton would turn into a sigh, and so would Aunt Plantier. Turn to tears, and the brightly lit Christmas tree will sing to the glory of God, clapping like the biblical mountains." Only when it gets dark can the lights on the Christmas tree be lit, and children and relatives and friends reunite around the Christmas tree.After I broke up with Abel, I had nothing to do, only feeling bewildered and restless.To pass the time of waiting, I ran to the cliffs of Saint-Arès, got lost, and when I got back to Aunt Plantier's, the festivities had already begun some time ago. As soon as I entered the hall, I saw Alyssa, who seemed to be waiting for me, and came up to me when she saw me.She wore a light-coloured blouse with an open collar, and around her neck was a little old-fashioned amethyst crucifix that belonged to my mother and that I had given her as a keepsake, but she had never seen her wear it.Her face was tired and miserable, and it made me sick to see her. "Why did you come back so late?" She said in a depressed tone, "I was going to talk to you." "I got lost on the cliff... Why, you're not feeling well... Oh! Alyssa, what's the matter?" She stood in front of me, her lips trembling, unable to speak for a moment.I was so terrified that I didn't dare to ask her.She put her hands on my neck, as if to draw my face closer, presumably to talk to me.But unfortunately, a few guests came in at this time, she couldn't help but get discouraged, and her hands dropped again... "Too late," she murmured.Then, seeing my eyes welling up with tears, she answered my questioning gaze with this coaxing explanation, as if that was enough to calm me down: "No... don't worry, I just have a headache, these children are too noisy... I have to hide here... Now, it's time for me to go back to them." After that, she left suddenly.Someone came in again and separated me from her.I was going to look for her in the living room, but I saw her at the other end, leading a group of children around to play games.Between me and her, I recognized a few people, and I had to be entangled with them to get past them. After some pleasantries, I felt that I couldn't do it. Maybe I would sneak under the wall... Try it. When I passed the big glass door of the conservatory, I suddenly felt someone grab my arm.It was Juliet, who was half hidden in the doorway and covered herself with a curtain. "Let's go to the greenhouse." She said hurriedly, "I have to talk to you, you go where you are, and I'll find you there." Then, she half opened the door, paused for a while, and then slipped into the greenhouse. What's the matter?I would have liked to meet Abel again.What did he say?What did you do? ... I went back to the foyer to have a look, then went into the conservatory, and saw Juliet waiting for me. Juliet's face was flushed, her brows were furrowed, and her eyes showed a cold and painful expression. Her eyes were shining brightly, as if she had a high fever, and her voice seemed to become stiff and tense.She was very excited, and she looked extremely beautiful. Although I was preoccupied, I couldn't help being surprised and even a little embarrassed to see her so beautiful.There were only two of us in the room. "Has Alyssa talked to you?" she asked me at once. "I didn't say a few words. I came back too late." "Did you know she wanted me to get married first?" "understood." She looked at me intently: "Then do you know who she asked me to marry?" I froze there without answering. "Marry you!" she cried. "It's just ridiculous!" "Isn't it!" Her tone contained both despair and complacency.She straightened herself up, or rather, leaned back her entire body... "I know what to do in the future." She added vaguely, then opened the door of the greenhouse, and closed the door firmly as soon as she went out. In my head and heart, everything was shaken.I feel blood hitting my temples.In the extreme panic, there was only one thought: to find Abel, maybe he could explain to me why the sisters spoke so strangely... But I dared not go back to the living room, for fear that I was so flustered that anyone could tell.So I went outside.The chill in the garden calmed me down.I stayed in the garden for a while, night fell, the sea fog covered the city, the trees were bare, the earth and the sky looked infinitely bleak... At this time, singing began, it must be the chorus of children around the Christmas tree.I went into the hall and saw that the doors to the living room and the vestibule were all open.The living room was empty, except that my aunt was half-hidden behind the piano, talking to Juliet, and all the guests were crowded around the Christmas tree in the front hall.After the children sang the hymns, all were silent, and Reverend Vautier, standing in front of the Christmas tree, began to preach.He never misses an opportunity to do what he calls "sowing good seed."The light and heat made me feel uncomfortable, and I wanted to go outside, but suddenly I saw Abel standing by the door.He had probably been there for a while.He looked at me with hostility, and when our eyes met he shrugged.I walk over to him. "Fool!" he whispered, and then, suddenly, "Hey! Come on! Let's get out, I'm tired of hearing this preaching!" As soon as we went out, he saw that I didn't speak, but just looked at him uneasily, and said, "Idiot! Actually, she loves you, idiot! Couldn't you have told me earlier?" I was stunned and couldn't believe it. "Impossible, can't it! You can't even detect her feelings yourself!" He grabbed my arm and shook it violently.He gritted his teeth and spoke with a sibilant trill. "Abel, please." I let him drag me on in strides. I didn't say anything for a long time, and finally said in a trembling voice, "Don't get so angry, just tell me what's going on. I don't know wow." When I came under a street lamp, he suddenly pulled me to a stop and stared at my face.Then he jerked me together again, put his head on my shoulder, and whimpered and muttered, "I'm sorry! Me too, a fool. Poor man, I'm no better than you, and I don't see it." After the tears, he seemed calmer.He raised his head and walked forward again, saying at the same time: "What's the matter? . It's too excited, I thought it was me who caused it, but it's actually just because of talking about you." "Didn't you understand at the time?..." "No, I just don't understand. But now, no matter how small the signs are, they are all clear..." "Are you sure you're not mistaken?" "Mistake! Oh! only the blind, my dear, cannot fail to see that it is you that she loves." "Then Alyssa..." "Alyssa sacrificed herself. She stumbled upon the secret and wanted to make way for her sister. Here, boy! It's not difficult to understand... I'll have to talk to Juliet then, but I just said Two sentences, to be precise, as soon as she understood what I meant, she got up from the couch we were sitting on and said 'I've expected it' several times in a row, but the tone of her voice showed that she hadn't expected it at all..." "Hey! You can't be kidding!" "Why do you say that? I find this incident very funny... She rushed into my sister's room. There was a noise in the room, and I couldn't help but panic when I heard it. I wanted to see Juliet again, but after a while, I didn't It was Alyssa who came out. She put on her hat, looked awkward when she saw me, said a quick hello, and walked by . . . that's all." "You never saw Juliet again?" Abel hesitated for a moment before saying: "Yes. After Alyssa left, I opened the door and went in. I saw Juliet standing in front of the fireplace, her elbows resting on the marble mantelpiece, her chin resting on her hands, looking in the mirror motionless. She heard me go in. , without looking back, just stomped his feet and shouted: 'Oh! Don't bother me!' The tone was very blunt, and I couldn't say anything more and left. That's all." "And now?" "Oh! Just to tell you, I feel better... Now? Tell you, you have to try to heal Juliet's love wounds. Before that, Alyssa will not come back to you, otherwise I don't understand she." We walked in silence for a long time. "Go back!" he said at last. "The guests are gone now. I'm afraid my father is waiting for me." We went back and saw that all the people in the living room had left, the presents on the Christmas tree in the front hall were all taken away, the lights were almost all extinguished, and only my aunt, her two children, and Uncle Bucklin were left. , Miss Ashbuton, my two cousins, and a rather ridiculous figure whom I had seen talking at length with my aunt, but who I now recognized as the suitor Juliet had spoken of.He was taller, stronger and more ruddy than any of us, but he was almost bald on the top of his head.He was clearly from another class, another class, another race, and seemed to feel alien among us.He grabbed a large gray mustache and twisted it back and forth nervously.The hall light was out, but the door was open, so we both slipped back in without anyone noticing.I felt anxious for a while, and had a terrible premonition. "Stop!" said Abel, taking my arm at the same time. At this moment, we see the stranger approach Juliet and take her hand; while Juliet does not turn her head to look at him, but the hand is held by others without resistance.My heart suddenly sank into the night. "Hey, Abel, what's going on?" I muttered, as if I didn't understand, or hoped to understand, wrong. "It goes without saying! The little girl wants to elevate her status." He said, with a hiss in his words, "She will not be willing to be inferior to her sister. The angels must be applauding in the sky!" Miss Ashburton and her aunt surrounded Juliet, the uncle went to kiss the little daughter, and the Reverend Vautier stepped forward... I took a step forward, and as soon as Alyssa saw me, she ran over, trembling. said: "Jerome, it's not going to happen. Juliet doesn't love him! She told me this morning. Try to stop her, Jerome! Oh! What's going to happen to her? . . . " She fell on my shoulder and begged, absolutely in agony.As long as it can alleviate her panic, I will risk my life. Suddenly, there was a shout from the Christmas tree, and then there was confusion... We ran to see Juliet unconscious in my aunt's arms.Everyone gathered around to look at her, but I could hardly see her, only the messy hair seemed to be pulling back her pale face.Her body was twitching, obviously not an ordinary fainting. "Hey! It's all right, all right!" cried my aunt, to reassure my uncle.The Reverend Vautier pointed to the sky with his index finger, and was already comforting him.The aunt said again: "It's all right! Nothing at all. It's just that I'm too excited and my nerves are too tense for a while. Mr. Tessier, if you have strength, help me, and we will carry her into my room and put her in my room." Put it on the bed... put it on my bed..." Then, she whispered something in the eldest son's ear, and saw that he went out immediately, he must have called for a doctor. The aunt and the suitor carried Juliet's shoulders half-up in their arms.Alyssa hugged her sister's feet affectionately.Abel stepped forward to support her head that was about to fall back - I saw him brush her messy hair and bend down to kiss. I stopped at the door of the room.Everyone put Juliet on the bed.Alyssa said something to M. Tessier and Abel, which I did not hear.She sent them to the door and begged us to let her sister rest and have her and my aunt look after her... Abel grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.We both walked in the dark for a long time, disheartened and aimless.
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