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Chapter 7 Title IV

food on earth 安德烈·纪德 11216Words 2018-03-18
We met that evening in the garden on the Florentine hill (opposite the Fiesole hill). "Unguerre, Idiere, Thitir," said Menalc (Nathanael, now I convey his words to you personally), you don't know, and can't know, burn my youth What a passion.It annoyed me to see the time go by, and I couldn't bear to have to make a choice.In my opinion, choice is not so much a trade-off as a rejection of what I did not choose.I was terrified to discover the narrowness of time, and found that time has only one dimension, not the wide runway I hoped for, but a line on which my various desires are bound to trample each other.That's all I can do; either this or that.I did this, and soon regretted not doing that, and as a result I was at a loss, and often dared not do anything, as if my arms were always open, lest I only grasp one thing in my arms.This led to the great mistake of my life: I could not continue any research without making up my mind to give up many other things.It's too uneconomical to pay such a price to get anything.No matter how I reason and analyze, I can't eliminate my troubles.Step into a market of joy with only a few pennies (by whose blessing?) at your disposal.dominate!To buy means to renounce, forever, everything else, which is in abundance and preferable to any single thing.

"Therefore, I kind of loathe any possession in the world, lest it be the only one from now on." "Commodity! Food! How many new discoveries! Why can't it be enjoyed unanimously? I know that the world's riches are drying up (despite endless substitutes), and I know that I drink this glass of water and give only You have an empty cup, my brother (although the fountain is near). Yet you! You immaterial thoughts! You unfettered ways of life, science, knowledge of God, cups of truth, cannot drink Dry cups, why do you still bargain and refuse to give us a few more drops for our lips? In fact, no matter how thirsty we are, we will never drink you dry; your water overflows after drinking, it is always so cool, and welcomes every new cup. The lips of the past.—Now I understand that each drop of this great fountain is equal, that a small drop will intoxicate, and will reveal to us the whole and whole of God. Yet at this moment, I What is there not to long for? I envy all lifestyles, and when I see others doing anything else, I want to do it myself. I understand, I don’t want to do it, but to do it, because I am very I am less afraid of suffering than tired, and think that suffering and tiredness are the lessons of life. For three weeks I was jealous of Parmenides learning Turkish, and two months later I was jealous of Theodosius who discovered astronomy. The image I sketched was extremely vague and inaccurate.”

"Menalque," said Alcide, "tell us about your life." Menard went on to say: "...I finished my primary education at the age of eighteen. I didn't want to do anything, my heart was not in the mood, my whole body was listless, and my body couldn't stand the restriction, so I just left and wandered aimlessly, wasting my life. I have experienced all the things you know: spring, the smell of the earth, wildflowers in the fields, morning mist on the river, evening mist on the meadows. I have passed through towns and cities without wanting to stay anywhere. I I have often thought that happiness belongs to those who are careless in the world, who are always mobile, wandering about with eternal enthusiasm. I hate home, family, all places where people seek rest, and I hate enduring affection, love. Loyalty, and the fascination with ideas--everything that injures justice. I have often said: We should be ready to accept new things at any time.

"Books point out to us every kind of short-lived freedom, pointing out that the so-called freedom is nothing more than choosing one's slavery status, at least choosing how to be pious. It is like the flower seeds of Compositae, wandering around, looking for fertile soil, so that they can take root and grow. Only when you are fixed can you blossom and bear fruit. However, I have learned in class that reasoning cannot guide human behavior. Every reasoning has a corresponding refutation, and you just need to find it. When I am roaming, I often concentrate on finding refutation. "I live in a marvelous waiting for any future. I know that, as a question faces an answer already there, the desire to enjoy every pleasure precedes it. True pleasure. My pleasure is that every spring makes me thirsty; so, when thirsty in a waterless desert, I am willing to be exposed to the sun to increase my thirst. Evening comes to the magical The oasis, the refreshing feeling, is very different because I look forward to the whole day. In the vast desert, the sun is scorching, the temperature is extremely high, and the air trembles slightly. throbbing, trembling and dying in the distance, yet full of love beneath my feet.

"Every day, every moment, I am absorbed in the pursuit of a more direct approach to the natural world. I have a rare gift of not being too tied up. The memory of the past has no influence on me other than to make my life meaningful. This unity, like that mysterious thread, which connects Theseus to his past loves, does not prevent him from seeing new sights. Even if the thread is broken later... miraculous resurrection! Every day As soon as I set out on the road in the morning, I often taste the feeling of new life, and the warmth of the new feeling.—'The poet's gift,' I cried, 'you are born with endless encounters.'—I welcome everywhere, my soul It's an inn at a crossroads, and anyone who wants to come in can come in. I have become very soft and amiable, I have mobilized all my senses to prepare for the reception, I am concentrating, and I can listen to everything. I can catch every movement, every reaction, and I no longer see anything as a bad thing, or rather, I have nothing against it. Besides, I soon noticed that my love of beauty is extremely strong. Less based on abhorrence of ugliness.

"I hate the feeling of boredom, knowing that it is caused by boredom. I advocate the pursuit of variety. I live in no place, sometimes I sleep in the field, sometimes I sleep in the field. I see the morning light among the rows of wheat Floating, the birds wake up in the beech forest. In the morning, I wash my face with the dew on the grass, and then let the morning sun dry the clothes wet with the night dew. One day, I saw the farmer singing loudly, driving the heavy oxen Carts to transport the harvested grain home. Who says there is a more beautiful rural scene than this! "Sometimes I'm so happy that I really want to talk to someone about why the happiness is always in my heart.

"In the evening, I was in a strange village, observing families who worked separately during the day and reunited at night. The father came home from a tiring day, and the children were out of school. The door opened for a while, welcoming light, warmth and laughter, and then Shut up for the night. Nothing that strays can get in, stay out in the bleak night wind.--Family, I hate! Closed nest, closed door, afraid to share the possession of happiness! Sometimes, I hide in the night , peeping through a window, and observing the habits of the family for a long time. The father sat by the lamp, the mother was sewing, the grandfather's seat was vacant, and a child was studying beside the father.—I felt a strong desire to hate You can't take that kid homeless.

"The next day, I saw the boy coming out of school again; on the third day, I spoke to him. After four days, he dropped everything and went with me. The gorgeous scenery made him understand that the wilderness is open to him. So I taught him again, making his soul more fond of wandering, and in the end he became happy, and finally even left me to experience loneliness by himself. "Alone, I taste the ecstasy of pride. I love to get up before dawn, to call the sun in a hilltop pasture, the lark's song is my whimsical wings, and the morning dew is my morning bath. I'm too fond of dieting, eating Rarely, and the result is always light-headed, totally tipsy. I've drank many kinds of wine, but I know none that give me the groggy feeling of hunger, whirling early in the morning, Before the sun came out, I lay down in the haystack and slept.

"I carry bread with me, but sometimes I eat it when I'm hungry and semi-conscious; so I perceive nature more normally, and find it easier to penetrate my body and mind: things come and go, and I open up all my senses to receive, All visitors are guests. "At last my soul is full of passion, and in solitude it is more violent; and by evening it wears me out. I bear it with pride, but Hilaire cannot but be missed; he the year before So I advised me to change my temper, otherwise I would be too out of gregarious. "I often chat with him in the evening. He is also a poet, and he knows the harmony of all things. Every phenomenon in nature becomes a clear language that allows us to understand its reasons. For example: from the posture of flying to the He can tell what kind of insect it is, what kind of bird it is by its song, and what a woman looks like by the footprints it leaves on the sand. He also longs for adventure, and the power of this desire makes him omnipotent. Fear. Yes, adolescence of our souls, there is no glory like yours! We imagine, we dream of everything, and in vain we try to suppress our desires. Every thought of us is a passion, and perception of things is a kind of passion to us. Strange thrills. We spend our youthful splendor, looking forward to a bright future, not feeling how long the road to the future is, just striding forward, chewing the wildflowers on the hedges, and filling our mouths with a whiff of Sweet taste and bitter aftertaste.

"Sometimes I pass through Paris and go back to the house where I spent my studious childhood, staying for a few days or a few hours. The house is silent, there is no woman to take care of it, and the clothes are scattered on the tables and chairs. I carry Lights, checked the rooms one by one, did not want to open the shutters that had been closed for many years, and did not want to draw the curtains that smelled of camphor. The air in the room was stagnant and had a musty smell. Only my bedroom was habitable. The darkest and most silent place, the books on the bookshelves and desks still maintain the original arrangement. Sometimes I open a book and sit in front of the lamp to read—even though it is daytime, I still have to turn on the lamp—I am happy to forget the time; I also turned on the grand piano and searched for the rhythm of old songs from my memory. I only remembered sporadic fragments, so I stopped to avoid being too sad. The next day, I left Paris and wandered far away.

"I was born with a heart. This love is like a liquid that sprinkles in all directions. I feel that any kind of happiness is not my own. I have to share it with the people I meet. When I enjoy it alone, it is also because I am too proud. "Some people accuse me of being selfish, and I accuse them of being stupid. My original intention is to never love anyone, man or woman, but I love friendship, family and love. My love is only giving, not giving to a person to take away Another's. Likewise, I do not wish to monopolize anyone's body or mind; here too, as in nature, I wander about and stay nowhere. Any preference seems to me unjust; I Give yourself to everyone, never to anyone. "In every city I recall a scene of orgies. I have attended several masquerade balls in Venice, and tasted the joys of love in a boat. Accompanied by a little orchestra of violins and flutes, That boat followed other boats, full of young women and men. We sailed towards the Lido, to meet the dawn there. However, when the sun rose, the music had stopped, and we were all asleep. Even the false joy gave I love this weariness we leave behind, even this dizziness when we wake up feeling that our joy has faded. I go ashore in the big ship to other ports, and go ashore with the sailors, and walk into the dark streets, thinking I began to blame myself for not having this desire to experience the only temptation. So, near those low-level bars, I left the sailors and went back to the quiet pier alone. I calmed down at night and thought of those In the small street, in my reverie, I seem to hear the strange and exciting noise coming from there. I prefer the treasures in the fields. "However, at the age of twenty-five, I understood, or I was convinced, that I had finally grown up to choose a new way of life; this change was not because I was tired of traveling, but because I was in the middle of nowhere. Distress caused by an overinflated self-esteem. "'Why?' I asked them. 'Why do you still want me to travel? Of course I know the wildflowers on the roadside are blooming again, but those flowers are waiting for you now. The bees only collect honey for a while, and then they brew Honey.’——I returned to the abandoned former residence, removed the clothes from the furniture, opened the windows, and used the savings I saved during the wandering to buy many curios, vases and other fragile knick-knacks, Rare books, especially with the knowledge of painting, I bought some paintings at a very low price. For fifteen years, I saved like a miser, spared no effort to enrich myself, diligently taught myself, mastered several ancient languages, read many books, and Learn to play a variety of musical instruments. Every day, every hour, must be spent on fruitful studies, especially love to delve into history and biology, and also familiar with the literature of various countries. I have made many friends, besides, I have a broad mind and a noble background I don't allow me to avoid it, I value friendship more than anything else, but I don't attach myself to it. "At the age of fifty, I saw my opportunity and sold everything. With my solid taste and knowledge of each item, I sold for a good price on each item and made a profit in two days. A lot of money. I put money in the bank to ensure long-term expenses. Everything is sold, and nothing personal is left in the world. Not a single thought of the past is left. "I said to Milty, who often accompanied me on my walks in the fields: 'If you put your whole heart into this charming morning, this mist, this light, this fresh air, and your pulse of life, you will get You know how much more fun it is. You think you're enjoying it, but the best part of your life is locked away, snatched from your wife, your children, your books and your studies, and stolen from God. "'Do you think you can experience life directly, fully, and intensely at this very moment, without forgetting what lies beyond it? You are bound by the habits of your life, living in the past and the future, and cannot feel it instinctively. What, Milty, what are we to exist in this instant of life; the whole past is lost in this instant before anything future comes. Instant! You will see, Milty, what power the existence of an instant has! Because every moment of our lives is irreplaceable. I hope that sometimes you can focus on the moment, Mirty, if you will, and you can do this, and stop thinking about your wife and children in this moment, then you You face God alone in the world. However, you can’t forget them, and you always carry all your past, all your love, and all your concerns in the world, as if you are afraid of losing them. As for me, I am everything Love, which is always waiting for me, will give me a new surprise; this love, which I have always known, but would not recognize on another occasion. You know, Mirty, God appears in various forms, and concentrates on one form, And if you fall in love, you will be fascinated. Your love is too single-minded. It makes me uncomfortable to watch. I hope you can spread out. Outside every door you close, there is God standing. No matter what form God appears , are all to be cherished, and all things are in the form of God. ". . . and after getting a fortune from the sale, I first fitted out a boat, and took three friends, a crew, and four midshipmen to sea. I fell in love with the worst-looking of them all. Still, though His touch was very gentle, but I still prefer to watch the rough waves. In the evening, we sailed into the magical harbor, sometimes having fun all night, and leaving before dawn. I knew a wonderful firework woman in Venice. She enjoyed herself for three nights; just because she was so beautiful, and I was by her side, I threw away my other love affairs. My boat was sold to her, or given to her. "I lived for several months in a luxurious villa on the shores of Lake Como. I invited the most elegant musicians, and beautiful women who were good at talking and prudent. In the evening, we talked and listened to wonderful music, and then we went down a few steps to the ground. The marble steps that have been wetted by the night dew, boarded the boat and wandered, we fell asleep in love with the rhythmic and quiet oars, and sometimes fell asleep on the way home, only to wake up suddenly when the boat touched the shore, nestled in my arms Idoina quietly stepped onto the stone steps on the bank. "The next year, I went to Ventay and lived in a large garden. I invited three poets to live with me. They sang of my hospitality, and they also sang of the pond with fish and weeds, the avenue of poplars, the solitary oak, The bushes of hazel, and the handsome layout of the garden. When the autumn came, I had the great trees brought down in the garden, and deliberately left my dwelling in a desert. The garden was unrecognizable, and a large group of us wandered in it. Walking on the tree-lined road overgrown with wild grass, no matter where you go, you can hear the sound of logging axes. The branches lying on the road often catch your clothes. The felled trees show colorful autumn colors, which are so gorgeous. I don't want any other scene, but I can see my old age from the autumn scenery. "Afterwards, I lived for a while in a cabin in the Haute-Alpes, and then went to Malta, where I lived in a white house, near the fragrant woods of the old town, where the lemons were as sweet and sour as oranges; Roaming through the Dalmatian islands in a carriage; and now this garden, on the hill of Florence, facing the hill of Sophie, to which I invite you to a party this evening. "Please don't insist that my happiness is pure chance: I have many opportunities, but I don't take advantage of them. And don't think that my happiness is made by wealth: know that my heart has no ties in the world. Hanging, always having nothing, I can die without regret. My happiness is based on unrestrained enthusiasm. I worship wildly, and pass through everything without distinction." The huge platform we landed on can be ascended by a spiral staircase. It overlooks the whole city, like a giant ship moored above the dense branches and leaves, and sometimes it seems to be sailing to the city.This summer, after the hustle and bustle of the market subsided, I often boarded the upper deck of this imaginary ship to savor the tranquility of meditation at night.Noisy and silent, rising up without fail, just like the surging waves, rolling in, the high waves spread out and hit the wall.However, I climbed higher and higher, and the waves could no longer hit.At the very top of the platform, there was only the rustling of leaves and the longing call of the night. Green oaks and tall laurel trees lined both sides of the avenue, towering into the sky, reaching to the edge of the terrace; .I just sat down on the protruding part, thinking for a moment that I was sailing on a boat.Over the dark hills on the other side of the city, the sky was golden: thin branches stretched from my platform into the glorious sunset, and almost bare branches rushed into the night.There seemed to be a haze of smoke in the city, as reflective dust rose and floated over the brightly lit squares.In this hot and blurred night, sometimes a firework is set off from nowhere, like a shout, roaring into the sky, drawing a semicircle, and then scattered down with a mysterious explosion.I love this kind of fireworks, especially this kind. I saw the pale yellow sparks spread out freely and slowly landed. Looking at the wonderful stars, I really thought it was just like this. It is amazing that it still covers the sky... Then, gradually, I recognized the constellation to which each star belongs, so I was fascinated by it for a long time. "I can't help myself, I'm always at the mercy of events," Joseph added. "It deserves it!" said Menalc. "I still like to think of it this way: what doesn't exist is what couldn't exist." That night they sang the fruit.Menalc, Alcide and a few people party.Eras sang the pomegranate ballad in public: Undoubtedly, three pomegranate seeds are enough to recall Proserpina's past.Perhaps you will search long and long for the happiness that is impossible for the soul.The pleasures of the body and the pleasures of the senses are not to be condemned by others, but I dare not comment on the pain of the pleasures of the body and the senses.Dear philosopher Didier, I really admire you, you firmly believe in your own thoughts, and think that spiritual happiness is better than all happiness, but this kind of love is not available to everyone.Of course I love you too, terrified of the soul, joy of the heart, joy of the spirit, and lust of the flesh I want to sing about you.Pleasures of the flesh are tender as grass, and charming as hedge-flowers, but wither or mow sooner than pasture, and sooner than the quick-witted spunflower.Sight—the sense that frustrates us most, we regret what we cannot touch.It is easy for our minds to grasp ideas, but it is difficult for our hands to grasp coveted things.O Nathaniel!May it be touch that you long for, and do not seek to possess something more perfect.The sweetest pleasure of my senses is thirst quenched.Undoubtedly, how pleasant is the sunrise in the field, how pleasant is the morning mist, how pleasant is the sun, how pleasant is the wet ground under bare feet, how pleasant is the beach wet with waves; and strange lips kissed in the dark ...but fruit, Nathaniel, fruit, what shall I say?You haven't tasted the fruit yet, Nathanael, and that's what disappoints me so much.The flesh is tender and juicy, as delicious as bloody flesh, and as red as a bleeding wound.The fruit does not claim to be particularly thirst-quenching, Nathanael, and is served only in wire baskets for human consumption.Just tasteless, a bit off-putting, different from any fruit in the world, a bit like ripe guava, as if overripe; after eating, there is a sour taste in the mouth, to get rid of the sourness, you should eat another one; only suck the juice Only when you think about the boring moment can you appreciate the delicious pleasure; thinking about the boringness makes you feel even more disgusting, and this moment is especially ecstasy; the fruit in the basket is eaten quickly, and only the last one is left, and everyone can't bear to share it.well!Who can tell, Nathaniel, how unbearable the bitterness is on the lips?No amount of water can wash it clean.We wanted to eat this fruit again, and our whole heart felt anxious.I searched the market for three days in a row, but unfortunately the season has passed.Nathanael, where, in wandering, do we find new fruits that arouse our desire again?We tasted some fruits on the platform, facing the sea and the setting sun; some fruits were put into ice cream with a little liqueur and sugar.Some fruits have to be picked from the trees, and the private orchard is surrounded by walls. It is the season of fruit ripening in summer, and you can taste it while enjoying the shade.We can also set up a few small tables. We climbed on the branches and shook them a few times. The fruits fell around us one after another, and the fruit flies flew away in shock.Pick up the fallen fruit and put it in a big bowl, we salivate when we smell the aroma.Some peels can stain the lips, and only the thirsty will eat some.We often find it on the side of the gravel road, the fruit is shining in the leaves, and the thorns will be cut by the hands when picking it, and it does not quench the thirst very much after eating.Some can be used to make candied fruit, which simply needs to be dried in the sun.Some of them still retain their sour taste through winter, and they can knock your teeth down after a few bites.Some even in summer, the pulp is always cool.People often go to small hotels and just squat on straw mats to try something new.When some fruits are no longer available, I feel thirsty just thinking about it.Nathanael, would you like me to tell you about pomegranates?In this oriental bazaar, they are sold for a few pennies.The reed mats piled up suddenly collapsed, and a lot of dust rolled down, and naked children looted them.The pomegranate juice was sour, like unripe raspberries.The pomegranate flower is made of wax, and the flower color is also like the fruit color.The hidden treasure, the compartment of the honeycomb, built in a pentagonal shape, has a strong fragrance.The peel cracked, the seeds fell off, the blood-red seeds fell into the blue cup, and the golden juice flowed into the colored glaze dish.Simiana, sing praises to the fig, for the fig hides love in its heart.So she said: I come to sing, figs hide love in their hearts.The wedding is held in the secret room, and the petals are tightly closed; the fragrance of the flowers does not overflow, and the deliciousness does not expand, and the fragrance of all the flowers becomes delicious.Unpretentious flowers, sweet and delicious fruit, and fruit is ripe flower.She said: I praised the figs, you should also praise the flowers. "Well," replied Eras, "we haven't sung all the flowers and fruits yet." Poet's gift: the gift of expressive emotion. (In my opinion, the value of a flower lies in its fruit.) You haven't talked about plums yet.The sloe on the hedge, sweet as honey in the snow.The hawthorn will be rotten and eaten.Big chestnuts with the color of dead leaves are delicious when they are cracked on the fire. "I remember one day, I braved the severe cold and went up the mountain to pick lingonberries from the snow." "I don't like snow," said Lothair. "It is a mysterious substance that has not yet taken root in the earth. I hate the blinding white light of snow, which drowns the scene. Snow is so cold, Denial of life. I also know that snow covers and protects life, but life cannot be revived until the snow melts. Therefore, I would like the snow to be gray, dirty, half-melted, and water the plants almost like rain. " "Don't say that, the snow is also beautiful." Urk said, "The snow only changes into a sad face when it melts because of excessive love. You like love so much that you want the snow to be in a half-melted state." .Actually, the snow is very beautiful when it is in high spirits." "Let's stop arguing," said Iras, "I say: Excellent! Don't you say: Terrible!" We each sang in ballad that night.Molibe sang one of the most famous lover's songs: Suleika!For you, I shut up and stopped drinking the wine that the cupbearer poured for me.Bow Abdi, I watered the phlox in Grenada for you in Grenada.Balki, you came from the South Province to ask me to solve riddles, but I became Suleiman.Tamar, I am your brother Amnon, whose soul was broken because I could not possess you.Bert Sabbe, I was chasing a golden dove to the highest terrace of my palace, and suddenly I saw you about to take a bath, and came down naked, I am the David who made your husband kill himself for me.Shunamm beauty, I sing for you, it sounds like a religious hymn.Fornarina, I cry out in your arms, making love in your arms. Zobeyd, I am the slave you met that morning; when I was walking in the street leading to the square with an empty basket on my head, and you told me to follow you and fill a basket of citrons, Lemons, cucumbers, assorted spices and sweets.When I saw that you liked me, I shouted to you that I was tired, so you let me stay with my two younger sisters and three monk princes.We each took turns telling our own stories and listening to others tell them.When it was my turn, I said: "Zobeid, before I met you, my life had no story, how can I have one now? Aren't you the whole life of me?" ——The Slave with the Basket said Here, I ate the honey fruit. (I remember when I was a child, I was craving the candied fruit mentioned in . Then I ate candied fruit made with rose juice, and I heard friends talk about candied lychees.) Ariadne, I am the traveler Theseus abandoned you to Bacchus to continue my journey.Eurydice, my beauty, I'm your Orpheus, I'm so anxious to keep you with me, just because I look back, I cast you into hell.Then Maupusus also sang a real estate song, and when the river began to rise, some fled to the hills, and some thought: The mud will make the fields rich; others thought: This time they are bankrupt; Say nothing, think nothing.The river had risen so high that in some places trees were still visible, in others the roofs of houses, bell towers, high walls and distant mountains were visible, in others nothing could be seen.Some farmers drove their flocks up the hills, others carried their children into the boats; others took with them gold jewellery, food, securities, and all that produced wealth.There are also some peasants who don’t take anything with them, escape to the boat and cross the ocean, only to wake up and find that they are in strange places, some go to China, some go to Peru, and some never wake up again.Then Guzman sang a sickness waltz, only the last verse is recorded here... In Damiat, I had a fever.In Singapore, I had white and purple herpes all over my body.In Firelands, all my teeth fell out.On the Congo River, a crocodile bit off my foot.In India, I got a kind of malaise, the skin of my whole body was green and transparent, and my eyes seemed to be enlarged, full of sadness. I live in a brightly lit city, where crimes of all kinds are committed every night; however, there are always galleys floating on the sea not far from the port without full convict oarsmen.One morning I went out to sea in a boat, and the Governor put to my command forty oarsmen.We sailed for four days and three nights, and forty oarsmen exhausted my astonishing strength.The tiresome monotony of their paddling, churning up the endless waves, drained their merry energies.However, their images have become beautiful, each with a contemplative look, and their memories of the past are passing on the boundless sea.In the evening we drove into a city criss-crossed by canals, a city of gold or gray, be it taupe or gold, called Amsterdam or Venice. In the evening, the sunny day had just ended, and the sky had not yet completely darkened. In the garden at the foot of Mount Fessol, Simiana, Titil, Menalque, Nathanael, Helen, Alcide and Gathering with several other friends.Those gardens are located between the city of Florence and the Fissol Hill, where Pamphel and Fiameda sang as early as the time of Boccaccio. The weather was hot, we ate snacks on the platform, and then came down to walk on the green road in the garden, sang for a while, and then wandered under the laurel and oak trees, preparing to lie down on the grass with a clear spring shaded by the green oak trees On the bed, take a long rest to eliminate the fatigue of the day. I went from one group to another and heard only a few words, but all were talking about love. "As long as the lust is happy, it is worth experiencing." Eliphas said. "However, not all are suitable for everyone, and there should always be a choice." A little further off, Terence narrates to Feder and Bashir: "I once loved a Kabir girl. She was dark, her body was just ripe, perfect, and in the most delicate and obsessive affections, she maintained a bewildering dignity. She was my trouble in the day and my night. joy." Simiana and Eras both said: "That's a small fruit that people often eat." Eras sang: We had a few small encounters, like eating little sour fruits on the side of the road, and wished we could have dessert. We sat down on the lawn next to the spring. ... A nightingale sang nearby, and I was distracted for a while from what they were saying, and now I heard Eras say: "...each of my senses has its own desires. Every time I go back to my heart, I always find that the table is full of servants and servants, leaving no place for me. The VIP table is occupied by thirst, and other desires are not. They all fought for that seat, and the whole table was in a turmoil. However, all desires joined forces to deal with me. One by one, they were all drunk. To go outside. I have to come out and pick grapes for my desire elsewhere." "Desire! good desire, I will bring you the crushed grapes, and fill your great cup again, but let me return to my dwellings, and when you sleep drunk, let me wear Crowned with wisteria and ivy, to cover this sad brow of mine." I was drunk myself and could no longer hear other conversations.Sometimes, the night birds stop singing, and the night looks extraordinarily quiet, as if staring at the night sky alone.Sometimes, I seem to hear people's laughter everywhere, intermingled with the conversation of our group.Those voices said: With each other, we have also experienced the troubles of the soul. All kinds of desires do not allow us to calm down and work. ... All my desires are thirsty this summer. It was like crossing the desert, but I refused to drink, knowing that if I drank too much, I would fall ill. (有的葡萄串上遗忘在安睡,有的葡萄串上蜜蜂在采蜜,还有的葡萄串上仿佛留住了阳光。)每天夜晚有一种欲望坐在我床头。次日黎明我发现它还没有走。它在那儿守护我整整一通宵。我走啊走,想把我的欲念拖疲劳,不料仅仅把我的肉体累坏了。现在,克勒奥达利兹则唱起:我的一切欲望圆舞曲不知昨夜做了什么梦,醒来我的欲望就渴得不行,睡梦中它们似乎穿越了沙漠。在欲念和烦恼之间,总徘徊着我们的不安。欲念啊!你们就不会厌倦?oh!oh!来了这小小的欢乐,转瞬间就会过去!well!well!我知道如何延续我的痛苦,可是我的欢乐,却不知道如何驯服。我的不安在欲念和烦恼之间徘徊。在我看来,全人类就像个病人,在床上辗转反侧,想休息却怎么也无法入睡。我们的欲望穿越了许多世界,却从来没有得到餍足。又渴望休憩又渴望欢乐,大自然也挣扎得好苦。我们在空荡荡的房间,忧伤地高声呼喊。我们登上塔楼,只见到茫茫黑夜。我们沿着干裂的堤岸,哀号呼叫跟母狗一般。 我们在奥雷斯山上,像狮子一样怒吼;我们在盐湖岸边,像骆驼一样吃灰色藻类,吮吸空心茎中的汁液,只因沙漠里异常缺水。 我们像海燕,飞渡了无处觅食的重洋。我们像蝗虫,为了果腹就一扫而光。我们像海藻,随着阵阵风暴到处飘荡。我们像雪花,任凭狂风卷得漫天飞扬。 oh!一死倒好,以求永远安息!但愿我的欲望终于衰竭,不再层出不穷地转生!欲望!我拖着你到处流浪;在田野里我让你凄惶,到了大都市我把你灌醉,把你灌得烂醉,却没有给你解渴;我让你沐浴在月色中,带你漫步,带你乘船在波浪上摇荡,好让你进入水上的梦乡……欲望!欲望!我拿你怎么办?你究竟要干什么?难道你就不会厌倦吗? 月亮从橡树枝叶间露出来,像往常一样,毫无变化,但是很美。现在,他们扎成几堆聊天,我只能零星听见几句。他们好像七嘴八舌,都在谈论爱情,根本不在乎有没有人听。 不久,谈话冷淡下来,而此刻,月亮隐没在橡树的繁枝密叶后面,大家挨着躺在叶子上,听着几个男女的喋喋不休,但听不明白谈话的内容了,继而,那谈话声更加细微,传到我们耳畔,就混同青苔上溪流的潺潺声了。 西米阿娜忽然站起来,用常青藤做了一个花冠,我闻到撕破绿叶的清香。海伦解开长发,一直垂到长裙上。拉舍尔去采湿青苔,用来润润眼睛好睡觉。 连月光也消失了。我躺着不动,只觉心醉神迷,乃至有点感伤。我没有一起谈论爱情,但等天一亮就走,再去漫游。我头脑倦怠,早就想睡了。我睡了几个小时,天刚亮就上路了。
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