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Chapter 32 Chapter Thirty-Two

The world around me blurred and I felt like I was going to faint. "Calle." Shay took my arm and helped me stand up straight. "Did you hear what I said?" "Sacrifice?" I repeated, feeling nothing but a cold black gap in the night, trying to swallow me whole, "Who made you like this?" "Flynn," he said, "she came into my room after you left. Made me unconscious. Ether, I think she used ether." "That's right." A hoarse voice came from behind Shuqian, and after a while, Lana Flynn leaned out half of her body, while the other half of her body was still enveloped in the darkness.A wicked smile appeared on her face, her teeth glowing in the pale moonlight, "Now you've ruined our surprise, Calle. Don't you know that the bride sees you before the killing session?" Is prey a bad omen? Oh wait, Ryan has seen your wedding dress, right? How silly of me."

sacrifice.our sacrifice. "No." With a shudder, I pushed Shay behind me, shielding him with my body. "It couldn't be him. They wouldn't do that." Her smile was like a curved dagger: "Yo, yo. It seems that the situation here is more complicated than I first imagined. What a rare pleasure." Flynn's eyes sparkled with joy as she saw my terrified expression. "I warned you not to get lost, Kahler. Maybe now you'll see the truth. Ryan Neil clearly wants you. If you'll join him in the sacrifice, then he may forgive you mistakes made."

"Are you going to offer a sacrifice?" Shay hurriedly crawled away, staring at Flynn and me, with fear written all over his face, "Are you and Ryan?" "Of course," Flynn said, "otherwise, what is the purpose of organizing this marriage ceremony? You are our entertainment." When I took a step forward towards Shay, he bared his fangs at me. "Stay where you are." "I swear I didn't know." I whispered softly, and the forest began to tell me all kinds of dark secrets, and I couldn't help feeling dizzy.That conversation between my parents, my mother's reticence about our prey, hearing me talk about my pale face when I knew Shay.

"I didn't know it before." I repeated, propping up my hands, kneeling on the ground, dizzy.It's all about Shay.The sacrifice did not wait until some time after the marriage ceremony was completed, but was part of the ceremony.He is our prey. "Be brave, little girl," grumbled Flynn, "you won't have to suffer too long. Be a good girl and go over to the woods. They're waiting for you. I'll soon I'll take Shay there. I'll be right there after Ryan kisses the bride." As soon as she finished speaking, there was a unison howling of the wolves in the air, calling for their alpha.Mother was right—it was impossible for me to misunderstand the meaning of the wolf howls.They are calling me.However, I was not moved by the howling; I was only frightened and murderous.I am no longer one of you.I will not let this happen.

"No!" I gasped, hissed, and struggled to my feet. "Let's get out of here. Now." Shay backed away from me and slumped behind a pine tree.I smelled his wolf form looming, and knew that he was trying his best to suppress the urge to transform, startled and angry. "I would never hurt you," I said, "you must trust me." Please trust me, Shay.You must understand how I feel about you. He glanced hurriedly into the forest, desperately trying to find a route of escape. "Shay, please," I whispered, reaching out to him, "I love you."

He didn't move.I don't know what scares me the most—what I've said, what he might say, or what's going on around us.A minute passed and I couldn't breathe. "I know," he finally said, holding out his hand to me, "let's get out of here." Nurse Flynn's throat burst out, part shout, part hiss, the sound of bones cracking. "You two can't go anywhere." The shadow on her back began to move, and I couldn't help feeling cold on my skin.If she is accompanied by a ghost, then we will have no chance of winning.However, I took a closer look and found that these black shadows moved with her movements, as if they were integrated with her limbs.Just when she took a step to reveal her whole body, her shoulders shivered, and a pair of huge leathery appendages spread around her-wings.

Shay's eyeballs nearly bulged. "What are you doing—" I fell to the ground and turned into an angry white wolf, circling around the banshee in front of me.She laughed and flicked her wrist.A long leather whip appeared out of nowhere and hovered around her hand.The whole whipline waved as if it were made of shadow rather than leather. The whip came towards me with a snap, and I jumped.The whip hit my side and I howled.The physical pain that the whip caused me was far less than the hopelessness that this whip brought to me. I was paralyzed by the vision that Ryan was attacking Shay.I heard myself scream and Ephran laugh.Emotions of embarrassment unleashed from the wounds of the whip lingered on my mind like tar.She laughed again, her narrowed eyes turned to Shay.

"I may not kill you without permission, Thion, but we can still play games." She threw her head back and I growled a warning.A burst of flames erupted from her ass, and Shay rolled out of the way, and the flames immediately charred the tree where he had been standing. My eyes were fixed on the whip and its dark halo.I crouched down and rushed towards her.My jaws clamped tightly around her wrist, crushing her bones, and she screamed in pain.I jerked to one side and ripped her hand from her arm.Blood splattered all over the ground.I danced around her, her flames hot on my heels, and I smelled my own scorched fur.Flynn screamed in a language I had never heard before, and I was grateful for the deafening howls that pierced the air; if it weren't for the masking of these voices, the sound of our fight would surely have sent Guardians and Directors to death. brought directly to us.

I snarled at Shay again, wishing I could yell at him.Why didn't he change into wolf form?I need helpers to help me win this battle. Shay locked his eyes on the severed hand that came out of my mouth.He rushed forward and grabbed the long shadow whip.With a wave of his hand, the long whip rope circled in the air, and then lashed Flynn's chest.She screamed again.She turned to face her unexpected attacker, eyes wide. His calm, determined stare seemed to throw her off her feet more than his command of the stolen weapon.The whip twirled, first retracted towards him, and then flew out again, this time wrapping around her forearm, right above her severed limb that was still bleeding.Screaming at the top of her lungs, she clutched at the coil of the whip that was wrapped around her bicep like a leech.

Shay gritted his teeth and yanked his whip back, causing Flynn to lose his balance and fall to the ground.I lunged at her.I dug my fangs into her neck, tearing the tender flesh.There was a brief gurgle in her throat, a puff of smoke exhaled from her open mouth, and she stopped moving.I backed away and returned to human form. Shay stood without a word, staring at the corpse in front of him.I hurried to him and grabbed his arm. "How are you?" He nodded. "What the hell is she?" "She's a banshee, but unlike your uncle's statues, she's a real banshee. She's a creature of the underworld, and the executives can summon a banshee like a ghost. However, the banshee and the male eagle Much closer to humans—we'll be able to eradicate them." I glanced at Flynn's still body. "That's obvious."

I shuddered with disgust. "They feed on emotions; that's why she's been so eager to stoke our emotions. I should have known that." Shay unwound the tangled whip from her arm. "Then what do ghosts feed on?" "Pain," I replied, glancing at the whip in his hand, "Raiders of the Lost Ark, eh?" He smiled, nodded, and rewound the whip. "A good example. Take this whip; I think it might come in handy." I stroked his face, relieved to see he was unharmed. "Why didn't you change your shape just now?" "I thought I couldn't do this," he said. "Didn't realize I needed to point out to you that if a fire-breathing vixen attacks us, you'll be able to transform." I punched him in the arm. "Got it, fire-breathing shrews need Shay the wolf boy." He flicked the whip at me. "Anyway, I'm better with a whip than with my fangs." "That's right." The guardian was still looking up to the sky and screaming at the moon.How long will they howl before they start looking for me? "We have to get out of here now. Before they realize something's wrong." "But, it's impossible for us to run past them, right? Even in wolf form?" He followed my gaze to the flickering torch light. "We'll just have to give it a shot," I said, and started to turn and walk away. "Wait." Shay grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. "Karler, you know that, right?" "Know what?" I asked, his blurred eyes made me intoxicated. "I love you too." Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes.I turned into a wolf, licked Shay's fingers again, and sprinted off into the woods.
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