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Chapter 26 Chapter Twenty Six

past and present 毛姆 2239Words 2018-03-18
Two days later he arrived at the Cessna.The Duke's artillery was approaching the city.His army is strong and strong, and he also has a lot of money in his hands.It was clear that something was being planned, but no one knew what, and despite all the hectic activity, there was a dead silence in the air that precedes an earthquake.So people are fidgeting, but they don't know why.Suddenly, without any warning, the ground under people's feet began to tremble, and the house shook, and the shaking sound shook people's eardrums.Machiavelli twice asked to see the Duke.The Duke thanked him for the courtesy, but sent word that if he needed to see Machiavelli he would call for him.Machiavelli was also unable to obtain any information from the duke's staff.They repeated that the Duke would not reveal his thoughts until he was ready to act, and what he would do depended upon the demands of the situation.It was clear that their plans for the duke were as much in the dark as anyone else's.Machiavelli was ill, aching all over, and spent all his money.He wrote to the Florentine Consulate requesting his recall and a new ambassador with greater powers.The new ambassador's authority should be able to exceed the mandate that the Consulate was willing to give Machiavelli.

Machiavelli had been in the Cessna less than a week before something unexpected happened.One morning he was on his way to the palace where the duke lived, and he found all the generals of France there.They were all very angry and excited.It seemed that they had suddenly received orders from the duke to withdraw their troops to France within two days.They were outraged by the sudden dismissal.Machiavelli racked his brains and could not think why the Duke made this move.His friends at the Duke's inner court confided to him that the Duke could no longer tolerate the Frenchmen.They cause far more trouble than they're worth.But to send away such an important part of the armed forces, and the remaining troops will not be able to compete with those of the mercenary generals, it seems a huge mistake.Moreover, the troops of Orsini, Vitellozzo, Oliveiroto da Fermo and others had just rebelled against the Duke not long ago, and only recently surrendered to the Duke reluctantly, so the Duke must be very dissatisfied with them. would be too trusting.Is it possible that the Duke is now so confident that he wants to show the King of France that he can do without his help?

A few days after the departure of the French troops, another incident occurred.This incident is of great interest to a scholar of humanity and politics like Machiavelli.Ramilo de Roelca, who had always been loyal to the duke, was called to the Cessna, an excellent soldier and able administrator.He had been governor of Romania for some time.But his cruelty and treachery caused people's hatred and fear.Finally, when the people could bear all this no longer, they sent deputies to the Duke to complain.So when Ramiro arrived, he was arrested and thrown into prison. Piero woke Machiavelli early on Christmas morning.

"Go to the square, my lord, and you will find a scene worth seeing," said he.His young eyes sparkled with excitement. "What happened?" "I'm not going to tell you. There were a lot of people in the square and everyone was in shock." It didn't take Machiavelli long to get dressed.It has been snowing for the past few days, and the weather is very cold in the morning.Above the square, on a mat spread out in the snow, lay the decapitated body of Ramilo de Roelca.The body was formally dressed, decorated with various medals, ribbons and other decorations.The hands are still gloved.Not far away stood a pillar with his head stuck in it.Machiavelli turned away from this horrific scene and walked slowly back to his lodging.

"What do you think of it, my lord?" asked Pierrot. "This man is the Duke's most valiant general. Others say that the Duke trusts and relies on this man far more than others." Machiavelli shrugged his shoulders. "The duke is happy to do this. It shows that he is able to bring his men up and down on their merits. I reckon the duke finds this man useless, so he's happy to show it through judicial means. Fairness means that he always has the interests of the people at heart." It was widely believed that Ramiro was Lucrezia Borgia's lover, but on the other hand, it was known that you would be in danger if you were the husband or lover of Cesare Borgia's sister.He loves her very much.Her first husband, Giovanni Sforza, was nearly murdered, only to take his life by running off in haste after Lucrezia warned him that the duke had ordered his life.He mounted a steed and galloped like hell until he reached the territory of Pizarro before he was out of danger.When the Duke of Gandía's body was fished out of the Tiber, it was reported to have nine wounds and is believed to have been on the Duke's order.The reason was that this person also fell in love with Lucrezia.Pedro Calderón, who came from Spain and became the Pope's steward, was also killed by Cesare's order "for violating the honor of Madame Lucrezia".It is said that she was pregnant with his child at the time.Her second husband, Duke Alfonso of Piselli, was similarly unlucky.One day after a year of marriage, when he was only nineteen years old, as he was leaving the Vatican, a group of armed men attacked him, badly wounded him, and carried him to the Pope's residence, where he struggled. a month.Finally, according to John Bouchard's records, he decided not to suffer from those wounds, and was strangled in bed an hour after sunset.Alfonso of Biseri was the handsomest man in Rome, and Lucrezia should never, never should have loved him more.No one doubted that he died of the jealousy of Cesare Borgia.

Machiavelli had a good memory.He had not forgotten what the duke had said to him at Imola.Paglo Orsini had complained to the duke about Ramiro's tyrannical behavior, and the duke promised to grant his request.It was absolutely impossible for him to care so much about the complaints of a man he despised like Paglow.But is it possible that he tried to dispel the doubts of the generals who once rebelled against him and now surrendered by executing Ramiro?If, in order to satisfy the wishes of one of them, he was willing to sacrifice one of his most capable and most trusted assistants, why should they not believe in his sincerity?Machiavelli laughed heartily.It was the duke's favorite thing to do.On the one hand, he appeased the angry people in Romania, and on the other hand, he convinced his seemingly allies but enemies to believe his sincerity. Finally, he avenged his personal revenge and severely taught a man who had won Lukele The person Zia favors.

"Anyway," he said cheerfully to Pierrot, "our good duke has done nothing wrong for the people. Let us find a place to have a drink and cool off."
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