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Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

past and present 毛姆 2539Words 2018-03-18
Things have come a long way since then.On receiving reports of the rebellion in Urbino, the duke sent two Spanish generals, Don Hugo da Moncada and Don Miguel da Colera, to suppress the rebellion.These two made the headquarters of their troops at Pugolla and Fosson Brown, and plundered the surrounding area.They captured the town and massacred most of its inhabitants.In Fosson Brown, women threw themselves and their children into the river to escape the brutality of the soldiers.The duke summoned Machiavelli to describe these victories with perfect humor. "It seems that the weather is not very favorable for these rebels." He said with a sneer.

The duke had just received a message that, as soon as the Pope's envoy to Perugia arrived in Perugia, Orsini ran to meet him.Orsini assured him that he would be loyal to the Pope, and asked the Pope to forgive him for his previous actions.Machiavelli remembered what Ferinelli had told him about Vitellozzo. "It's really hard to understand what they're doing..." he said. "My lord clerk, please use your brains. It can only mean that they are not ready, and they want to buy some time by pretending that it is still possible to make peace with me." A few days later Vitellozzo took Urbino.The Duke then summoned Machiavelli again.Machiavelli expected to meet a duke distraught by the bad news, but he didn't even mention it.

"As usual, I would like to discuss with you a matter of concern to your government and our mutual interests," he said. "I have received a letter from someone I sent to Siena." He began to read aloud.The letter was from Chivalier Orsini.Chivalier, an illegitimate son of the noble and powerful Orsini family, was now serving the duke.He negotiated with the leaders of the conspiracy, and they expressed their willingness to reconcile with the duke, and said that if the duke could abandon the plan to attack Bologna and focus on the territory of Florence instead, they would be willing to reunite. He surrendered to the Duke and sent troops to assist the Duke in attacking Florence.

"Look how much I trust you." He added after reading the letter, "I have sincere trust in your government. Correspondingly, your government should also trust and rely on me more and change its previous attitude. .They can rest assured that I will not let them down." Machiavelli wondered how much of this statement could be believed.The Ursini, the sworn enemy of Florence, welcomed any chance of restoring the Medici in exile.If they made such a proposal to the Duke, it is indeed not impossible from a rational point of view.Machiavelli suspects that the duke did not take Orsini's advice mainly out of fear of offending the French.Now he revealed this inside story to Machiavelli in order to make the ruling group feel that he owed him favors and should consider re-signing an employment agreement with him.Not long ago, the Duke used force to coerce the ruling group to sign this agreement. However, after the crisis was resolved, the ruling group withdrew the order.This repetition greatly annoyed the Duke.A mercenary agreement is a time-bound agreement to hire a mercenary leader.According to the agreement, and the result of bargaining between the two parties, the Duke will receive a salary.This money he used to pay the salaries of his men, and the rest went to himself, and this money, which fell into his own pocket, was also very considerable.

Two days later the rebels attacked and routed the army led by two of the duke's Spanish generals.Don Hugo da Moncada was captured, and Don Miguel da Colella wounded and fled to the fortress of Fossón Bran.This is not a simple setback, this is a disaster.But the news was silenced at Imola.The reason is, as Machiavelli reported to the Consulate, that nothing at the Duke's court is revealed unless it is intended to be known.But Machiavelli had his own way of discovering what he wanted to know.When he heard of certain circumstances, he went to the palace and asked to see the duke. Machiavelli entered the drawing-room with great curiosity.He wanted to see what was going on with the Duke, who had so far been confident and calm.The current situation is simply one step away from total destruction.He couldn't be ignorant, he couldn't expect his enemies to show mercy to him.But he was calm, even a little happy.He speaks of the rebels in a contemptuous tone.

"I don't want to brag," he said, "but I expect that whatever comes out will prove what they're made of, and what I'm made of. I'm very proud of all of them." Got it, all of them. And I don't like them at all, Vitellozzo has a reputation, but I can tell you, I've never seen him do a thing that takes guts. His excuse is he has a Syphilis. The truth is, he can do nothing but harass and pillage undefended areas, and prey on those who have no courage to stand against him. He is an unreliable friend and a capricious enemy." Machiavelli couldn't help respecting this man who faced destruction but still had an unyielding fighting spirit.His situation is hopeless.Bentivorius, with the vassals of Bologna, pressed against his northern frontier, and Vitellozzo and Orsini would surely advance from the south to the north.He was attacked by superior forces on the north and south fronts, and he could not escape the fate of being completely annihilated.Duke Valentino was never a friend of the Florentine Republic, and his decline and death would remove a great threat to the Republic.But in Machiavelli's subconscious, contrary to his own will, there was a faint hope--but only a little--that the Duke could break free from his present predicament.

"I have received a letter from France," the duke said after a pause. "I understand from the letter that the King of France has instructed your government to provide me with all the assistance I need." "I have not heard of it," said Machiavelli. "Yes, what you say is true. You should write a letter to your superiors and tell them to send me ten squadrons of cavalry, and you may add that I am ready to establish a A firm and permanent alliance, by which they may expect to enjoy all the advantages that my aid and good fortune can bring." "I will do as Your Excellency tells you."

The Duke was not alone in the house.With him was Agapito da Amalia, bishop of Elna, his cousin, and a secretary.There was an eerie silence in the room.The Duke gazed thoughtfully at the Florentine envoy before him.Such silence and staring eyes would make a man more nervous than Machiavelli uncomfortable.Even Machiavelli had to call upon his self-control to keep his composure. "I have received reports from various sources," the duke said at last, "that your government is instigating the lords of Bologna to declare war on me. Get more favorable terms when negotiating with me."

Machiavelli did his best to smile, to imbue his usually indifferent, sometimes stern face with the utmost kindness. "I don't believe any of that, sir," he replied. "The letters I have received from the Consulate have never lacked expressions of goodwill towards the Pope and yourself." "I don't believe those reports either. But well-intentioned releases are only more convincing when they are accompanied by real action." "I am sure our government will do everything in its power to show our sincerity." "If it was as wise as it was procrastinating, I'm sure it would."

Machiavelli shuddered.In his whole life, he had never heard such cruelty and ferocity in a person's voice.
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