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Chapter 2 Chapter two

past and present 毛姆 1351Words 2018-03-18
The horses were already at the gate.One was for Machiavelli, the other two were for the accompanying servants.Piero left his pony in the care of one of the servants, and followed his uncle into the house.Machiavelli was waiting for them, already impatient.He greeted them both briefly. "Now let's go," he said. Marietta was in tears.She was a young woman, not particularly attractive.But Machiavelli did not marry her for her beauty.He married her just this year, because it was time for him to marry too, and she came from a famous family and brought him a dowry, a dowry for a man of Machiavelli's stature. And for someone with an income it's pretty good.

"Don't be sad, my dear," he said, "you know I'm only going away for a short time." "But you shouldn't go," she sobbed, and then she turned to Piaggio. "He's not fit for the journey, he's sick." "Niccolò, what's wrong with you?" Biagio asked. "Old problem. The stomach is not normal. There is no good way." He held Marietta in his arms. "Goodbye, dear." "You must write to me often." "I must write often," he said with a smile. When he smiled the sneer that had always been on his face was gone, and there was something touching in his expression that made you understand why Marietta loved him so much.He kissed her and patted her cheek.

"Don't worry, dear. Piaggio will take care of you." After Piero entered the room, he just stood by the door.No one noticed him.Although his uncle was Machiavelli's closest friend, Piero rarely saw Machiavelli and had only spoken to him before that.Piero seized the opportunity to take a good look at the man who was to be his master from now on.Machiavelli was of average height, but because he was very thin, he appeared taller than he really was.He had a small head, black hair, cut very short, and what appeared to be a black velvet hat.His small black eyes rolled constantly, his nose was long, his lips were thin, and when he shut his mouth tightly shut, his mouth became a mocking line.His complexion was sallow, and when quiet he expressed an expression of alertness, quick-wittedness, sternness, and indifference.Obviously, this isn't someone you can play tricks with.

Perhaps Machiavelli noticed Piero's unnatural gaze, and he gave Piero a quick, questioning look. "Is this Pierrot?" he asked Piaggio. "His mother wants you to discipline him and make sure he doesn't cause trouble." Machiavelli smiled slightly. "By observing the unfortunate results of my errors, he will no doubt realize that good conduct and industry are the broad road to success in this world and happiness in heaven." They set off.They rode along the cobbled paths to the gate of the city.When they were on the road, let the horses trot.They still had a long way to go, so the horses had to take it easy.Machiavelli and Piero walked side by side in front, followed by the two servants.All four were armed.Although Florence and the surrounding city-states were at peace, the countryside was not.There was no telling when marauding soldiers would be encountered, and at that point the pass that the traveler carried would not be of much help.Machiavelli said little.Although Piero was not naturally shy, he was still a little afraid of Machiavelli's stern and gloomy face and tightly locked eyebrows, and he thought it would be better to wait for Machiavelli to speak first.That morning, although there was some autumnal coolness, it was not bad.Pierrot was also in high spirits.For Pierrot, it was a great thing to be able to embark on such a journey of adventure, but it was very difficult to hold back his words when his whole body was filled with excitement.He had a hundred questions for Machiavelli, but they just rode along.Soon, the sun came out, and the sun was shining warmly on my body.Machiavelli said not a word.From time to time, he raised his hand to signal everyone to dismount and walk, so that the horses could have a rest.

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