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Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty-Three

Stop whining; you're eighteen and still acting like a little kid. Although there was a tinge of mockery in my complaint, there was real annoyance in it.The undivided attention required to hunt makes my nerves tense. It's not my fault.His pathetic answer echoed back into my mind.I never had a long tail before.I don't know what to do with it.This tail is really driving me crazy. I stopped at the top of the ridge and scanned the expanse of grass before us.I spotted a small herd of deer grazing not more than half a mile from us, upwind and completely unaware of our presence, their brown coats turning lime-gray in the moonlight.

If you really want to be so micro, you must find a solution.My impatient thoughts raced toward him. He jogged to my side, squatted down, stuck out his tongue, and grinned.I'll be fine. Let us wait and see.I lifted my nose and mouth and smelled the air again.Do you remember what I taught you to draw?A deer is not the same as a herd of rabbits.When attacking, we need to work together to take down a deer. This tawny wolf is densely furred with shiny gold stripes.It pawed at the snow, clearly annoyed by my aggressive tone.Well, I know.I'll snap its hamstrings and you rip its throat. That's right.My eyes shifted to the herd of deer.The fawn on the far right.We're going to drive it away from the herd and hunt it down.

He took a step forward and made his own assessment.This deer is too skinny, isn't it? It's just the two of us here, Shay.We don't need to start with a deer or deer.We just ate that rabbit, how hungry are you? He gave me a reproachful look.As long as you don't mean to accuse me of not being able to take down a buck, I don't care. I shook my ears angrily.This isn't a competition; we're just looking for something greedy. Grinning his teeth, he circled around me playfully.If this isn't a contest, then why are you picking on my werewolf skills? I'm not nitpicking, I'm imparting skills.I turned my head and watched him circle slowly around me.

Miss Culler, can you give me a gold star every now and then?He suddenly rushed forward and bit my shoulder lightly. Shut up.I yelled at him, but he jumped out of my reach. He looked up at me with shock and sadness in his eyes. I sniffed the air contemptuously.You are unreasonable. Well, you like me the way you do.He stretches his front legs. I was about to show my teeth at him, but then my efforts quickly turned into a grin.let's goLet's go hunt Bambi. I can hear his arrogant laugh in my head.You should know you just mixed up the Disney metaphors, right?Disney metaphor.Wow, Caller, I feel so sad for you now.

I turned around and started walking quietly down the hill along the ridgeline.Shay followed me closely; he followed carefully the footprints of my quiet steps as we weaved through the trees.We sneaked closer to the shadow-dappled pine forest that surrounded the small valley.Still ignorant of our existence, the herd of deer was digging through the snowdrifts with their hooves, looking for kibble buried in the snow. Are you ready?I didn't look back at Shay, I just passed my thoughts on to him. Always be ready. I jumped out of the woods.The frightened deer herd scattered and fled.I locked on to the fawn and drove it away from its companions.I bit the panicked animal, causing it to scuttle to the right.Shay swooped in from behind me.With a sudden burst of acceleration, he charged into the air, sinking his fangs into the fawn's hamstring.The deer neighed and swayed.Crimson blood was splashed on the snow, and the fawn struggled in vain, continuing to flee with its torn wounds.It was so focused on running away from the golden-brown wolf that it didn't see me rush past.My sharp teeth tore the fawn's throat, and it neighed again, falling into a pool of blood.The hot copper-colored liquid poured into my mouth, and I bit down more and more fiercely with my jaws.The fawn shuddered and fell to the ground, dying.

Shay galloped up to the corpse, wagging his tail. Well done.I still have the fawn's warm blood in my mouth; my stomach growls.I glanced at Shay. Lady first.He bowed his head respectfully. I stick out my tongue, and tear open the body.Shay squatted down on the other side of the deer carcass and began to tear off the warm meat. After a while he licked his mouth. It tastes great. Does it taste better than rabbit?I tore another piece of venison with great gulps. Shay looked up for a moment, his ears bouncing back and forth.Better than dinner and a movie.He grinned at me, baring his teeth, and went on to gobble down chunks of venison.

He flinched a bit when I first suggested we go hunting together.However, as I expected, after killing a rabbit, he realized that it is in the nature of wolves to kill for food and devour raw meat. After we both had our stomachs full, I looked around.The light of dawn has spread over the entire valley, and the last trace of night is slightly pink. We should consider going back.I circled anxiously around the shattered corpse. I think it's too late now.Shay got up. It was early to be exact; the sun would rise in a few hours.Let's get back to your truck. Shay reverted back to human form when we were still a long way from the start.His decision to transform took me by surprise, but I followed suit and returned to human form.Our wolf form protects us from the elements better than human skin and clothing can.I frowned at him as a icy wind blew through my shirt, wrapping my jacket tightly around myself.

"What's the matter?" "I was thinking." He zipped his jacket up and down, visibly agitated, "Heidi. We've got to figure out what it is." I looked into his pocket, where the strange object was stuffed. "The library is not safe. The Seekers were apparently watching us before the ambush." I shuddered and rubbed my arms quickly. "I'm sorry, I know it's cold right now," he said, seeing me shivering, his green eyes darkened and guarded, "but I had to see your face. I still Not very comfortable with wolf body language."

"Why do you have to see my facial expression?" I started walking towards him, but stopped when I saw him back away. "Because you're not going to like this plan, and I have to know if you're going to attack me. So I can get away." I laughed out loud, but he had a serious expression on his face. "Do you think I'm going to attack you?" I eyed him curiously. He took a slow breath. "We need to do some research, right?" I grimaced and nodded. "However, we can't go to the public library, and we can't go to our school library..."

"That's right." He had a thoughtful expression on his face, and my interest was even stronger. Shay stepped back as far away from me as possible, but where I could hear him without shouting at me. "This plan must be extraordinary," I muttered. "Promise me to hear my whole idea before you lose your temper." His eyes flicked to the trail leading to the parking lot, as if to gauge how long it would take to run back to his truck. time. I pouted my lips and said with a grin, "I promise you." "Excellent." His tone was dubious. "How would you like it if we could get all the information about the executives from the original sources?"

"Original source?" "Their books." I frowned. "I don't understand you." He straightened his shoulders. "We need to use the library at Rowan Manor." At this moment, it is no longer the cold wind that makes me tremble all over. "Please tell me you're joking." "You know I'm not joking." "I won't go to Rowan Village." "Why not?" "I can't believe you're suggesting that." He approached me slowly. "Listen, Caller. My uncle travels a lot; he's never home. We won't get caught, and we need the information in the library. I think, "The War of All Against All" Won't be the only book he doesn't want us to see." "That's why we can't go out there and peek around, it's too dangerous," I retort. "Bosque didn't know I could pick the lock on the library," he said. "I'm always home alone. The cleaners only come in on Tuesdays and Sundays every week. We don't go there on Tuesdays." , you have to go on patrol anyway on Sunday. On other days, no one will know that we are there to study data." "I have no idea--" "Logan said you should hang out with me more, right?" Shay interjected. "Yes, but..." "It would be more suspicious if I never invited you over to my house, don't you think?" "Maybe." I frowned. He grinned. "Sure." "You're not going to let it go, are you?" "Won't." I sigh. "Have you decided?" he asked. "I guess I'll get the list out," I said, "Looks like I'll have to add another infraction to it." "This is my girl." "alpha." "whatever."
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