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Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

Julia liked tall men with strong hands and sad eyes.Hugh first encountered her at a party at a New York residence.A few days later, she ran into her again by chance at Phil's, and she asked him if he wanted to see the blockbuster avant-garde play "Ingenious Gimmicks." She had two tickets, and she and her mother were supposed to go to see together But her mother had to go to Washington for legal matters (which had to do with divorce proceedings, Hugh guessed right): would he go with her?Artistically speaking, "avant-garde" almost synonymous with pandering to some kind of bold and uncultured fashion, so when the curtain opened, a naked hermit sat on a cracked toilet in the center of the empty stage , Hugh was not surprised, but overjoyed.Julia giggled, ready to have a good night.Her childlike hand accidentally touched Hugh's knee, and he was moved, and timidly took hers with his own.She was born with a baby face, squint eyes, topaz-like beaded earlobes, a slender figure, an orange top and a black skirt, slender limbs, and exotic smooth hair falling flat on her forehead, which is wonderful in the eyes of men. Indescribable, delightful.Another conjecture almost as amused Hugh: Although Mr. R once bragged to an interviewer that he was blessed with considerable psychic powers, he was bound to have a jealous moment in his Swiss residence at this very moment. painful experience.

Rumors had previously circulated that the play might be banned after its opening night.There were some rough young demonstrators who protested against this possibility and forced the show to stop, but they actually supported the show.After several small explosive devices used for the festival were detonated, the hall was filled with irritating smoke, and the snake-like pink and green toilet paper burst into flames, and all people in the theater were evacuated.Julia said she was devastated and thirsty.A famous bar adjoining the theater was full, and our Person, "in the light of an Edenically simplistic morality," as R writes in another work, took the girl back to his lodgings.He foolishly feared—he couldn't help spilling a few drops of semen in the taxi because the kiss was so passionate—that he would frustrate Julia's eager anticipation; At the beginning of a disastrous marriage, she was seduced and raped by R.

Hugh rented a bachelor flat on East Sixty-fifth Street that his company had found for him.Those rooms happen to be where Julia went to visit one of her best young boyfriends a few years ago.She was very reserved and said nothing, but the death of the young man in a distant war had a huge impact on her. His image was always coming and going in and out of the bathroom, or playing with the things in the refrigerator, Either weirdly interfered with the little things she was doing so that she wouldn't let Hugh unzip her clothes, refuse to make love to him.Of course, after a short period of time, she gave in and helped the big Hugh clumsily make love to herself.However, as soon as the routine routine of twitching and wheezing and heart palpitations was completed, Hugh walked away to drink water in a forced gentlemanly manner, and the image of Jimmy Major with bronze complexion and fair buttocks immediately replaced the emaciated one in front of her eyes. Person.She noticed that, looking from the bed, the bathroom mirror reflected the still lifes—oranges in a wooden bowl—exactly as they had been arranged in those brief happy days when Jim was here; Voracious consumers of this century-old fruit.She was saddened when she looked around and realized that this phantom image turned out to be a reflection of the folds of bright clothing she had thrown on the back of the chair.

She canceled her next tryst at the last minute and was soon to leave for Europe.In Person's mind, there was little left of their affair except a faint smear of lipstick on a tissue--except for the romantic feeling of a lover who had once embraced a great writer.However, time will add to this one-night stand, and it will have a new flavor when recalled. What we now see is fragments of a postage stamp and an empty wine bottle.A lot of construction is going on.
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