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Chapter 10 chapter Ten

Despite the smug assessments he made about himself, he took some action.He has written her a note from the old Welses Palace, and in a few minutes he will be here for cocktails with our most important author whose best work you do not like.Will you allow me to visit you, say on Wednesday, the 4th please?For by that time I shall be staying at your Ascot Hotel in Werther, where, I hear, there is excellent skiing even in summer.On the other hand, the main purpose of my stay here is to find out when the old bastard is going to finish his present book.Strange to say, when I think about it now, it was not until the day before yesterday that I felt strongly that I should at least see this great man in person.

The impact of recent developments has far exceeded Personn's expectations.When he peered through a window in the foyer and watched him get out of the car, his nervous system was free from the chaos of loud fame and irritating screams, and he was completely absorbed in the sun-filled atmosphere. The girl in the car with her thighs exposed.But R's appearance was quite spectacular-the handsome coachman supported the fat old man from one side, the black-bearded secretary supported him from the other side, and the two uniformed waiters of the hotel tried to imitate how to do it on the porch steps. Help him.Mr. R, a former journalist, noticed that Mr. R, in a pair of smooth, soft dark cocoa boots, a lemon shirt with a lilac scarf, and a crumpled gray coat, seemed to have no character—at least in one That's how it looks to the average American.Hello Person!They sat down in the lounge near the bar.

The appearance and speech of these two characters add to the unreal quality of the whole event.With his clay make-up, false smile and Mr. Tamworth's bandit beard, the important man is staging a rawly written scene for an invisible audience; Person is a false puppet , Trying to avoid watching this scene, it seems that he and his chair are constantly being turned by Holmes' invisible landlady.This was true no matter how he sat or looked in any direction during the brief, trance-like interview.Compared with the real Almanda, this scene is indeed fake, it is just a wax figure.Almanda's image has been engraved in his psychic eyes, radiant on different levels, throughout the performance, sometimes upside down, sometimes looming on the edge of his vision, but always there, always real And exciting.Compared with the bursts of fake smiles in this false bar at this moment, the mutual greetings and politeness between him and her are real and brilliant.

"Whew, your body does look great." After ordering a drink, Hugh lied passionately. Baron R has vulgar facial features, sallow complexion, uneven nose, large pores, thick eyebrows that indicate aggressiveness, confident gaze, bulldog mouth, and a mouth full of bad teeth.The sleazy creativity that characterizes his writing so prominently also shows up in his prepared speeches, when he says that his body is far from being "great" and that he feels more More and more like the movie star Rubenson, who played the old gangster in a number of films shot in Florida.But in fact there is no such actor.

"Anyway—how's your health?" Hugh asked, hitting his weak point. "To make a long story short," replied Mr. R (with an infuriating way of speaking, not only with a tendency to flaunt overused clichés, but also in self-righteous English with a strong foreign accent and often getting it wrong), " I don't feel very well, you know, it's winter. My liver, you know, is a bit against me." He took a long sip of the whiskey, rinsed it in a way Personn had never seen before, and very slowly put the glass back on the low table.At this time, only the two of them were alone, and they could only keep silent with wine in their mouths.He swallowed the wine and spoke in his second English style, solemn and memorable in its character:

"Insomnia and her sister's nocturia afflicted me, of course, but otherwise I was as strong as a stamp. I reckon you must have never met Mr. Tamworth before. This is Perry Sen, formerly pronounced Parson; this is Tamworth: something like an English blotch." "No," said Hugh, "it's not Parsons, it's Petersons." "Okay, kid. How's that Phil?" They comment briefly on the energy, charm, and acuity of R's publisher. "It's just that the books he's asking me to write aren't the right ones. What he's asking for is..." He murmured the titles of some novels written by a competitor, also published by Phil—"he What he wanted was The Dude, but he would have accepted it as The Slender Whore, and what I could offer him was not Telala, but the first volume of my Variety of Metaphors, which was the last volume. A tedious volume.”

"I can assure you that he is eagerly awaiting your manuscript, and has been impatiently waiting. By the way..." By the way, OK!There should be a rhetorical term for that illogical twist.By the way, through a black fabric, a strange landscape is revealed.BTW, I'm going crazy if I don't get her. "...By the way, I met someone yesterday who just met your stepdaughter..." "Former stepdaughter," corrected Mr. R. "Long time gone. I hope it stays the way it is. Same drink, boy." (This was addressed to the bartender.) "It was a remarkable scene. This is the young woman, looking at..."

"I'm sorry," said the secretary enthusiastically, folding up a note he had just scribbled, and handing it to Hugh. "Mr. R hates being mentioned about Miss Moore and her mother." I don't blame him.But where is Hugh's famous quick-wittedness?Indiscreet Hugh knew all too well what was going on, from Phil, not from Julia, who was not pure, but she was a little girl of few words. This part is about our translucency, it's pretty boring, but we have to do our own reporting. With the help of a hired stalker, Mr. R finally discovered one day that his wife, Marion, was having an affair with Christian Pines, the man who directed "The Golden Window" Based on our author's best novel), the famous filmmaker's son. Mr. R welcomes the event, for he is courting Julia Moore, his eighteen-year-old step-daughter, and now he has a good idea of ​​the future; If the desire is not satisfied, there will be new plans.Not long afterward, however, he learned from the same detective that the handsome young man, the frog-faced dandy Pines, was their mother and daughter's lover, and had spent two summers in his service in Gavariva, California. Pass.Right now, the detective is lying dying in a hot, dirty hospital in Taiwan.Pines was also dying soon.Therefore, this separation caused more pain than R expected.Throughout this whole process, our Person, in his deliberate way (despite the fact that he is half an inch taller than the big R), happens to be timidly coping with a small part of the complication.

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