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Chapter 15 Dostoevsky Chronology

On November 11, 1821, he was born in a family of doctors in Russia. In 1830, epilepsy occurred for the first time. In 1834, he went to Moscow to attend middle school. In 1837, his mother died.Enrolled in the Petersburg Military Engineering School. In 1839, his father died. In 1843, served at the Petersburg Military Engineering School. In 1844, he resigned and began to write full-time. In 1846, his debut novel "The Poor" was published, which caused a sensation in the literary world.Belinsky called it "the first attempt at social fiction". In 1847, he participated in the revolutionary activities of Rashevsky's group.

In 1848, the novella was published. On April 23, 1849, he was arrested for participating in revolutionary activities and was about to execute on November 16.The sentence was commuted to exile in Siberia just before the execution.In Siberia, married the first wife. In 1860, returned to Petersburg. In 1861, the novel "Insulted and Damaged" was published. In 1864, his wife and brother died one after another; he got into a debt dispute; the nonfiction novel was published. In 1866, the novel was published. In 1867, the novel "The Gambler" was published.In the same year, married Anna and settled down from then on.

In 1868, the novel was published. In 1872, the novel was published. In 1880, the first novel was published. In February 1881, died.
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