Home Categories foreign novel The heart is a lonely hunter

Chapter 11 05

"Mick," said the little one, "I see we're going to be drowned." This rain does look lingering, as if it is about to fall into the vicissitudes of life.Mrs. Wells drove them to and from school, and every afternoon they were confined to the front porch or cooped up inside.She and Tiny played craps and spinsters, and played pinball on the living room rug.It's almost Christmas, and the little boy is talking about the little Lord Jesus, and he also hopes that Santa Claus will give him a red bicycle.The rain fell on the window panes, shining silver, the sky and the earth were wet, very cold, and the sky was very gloomy.The river has risen a lot, and some workers have no choice but to move out of their homes.Just when people thought it would rain for ten thousand years, the rain suddenly stopped.One morning, when they woke up, the sun was shining brightly.In the afternoon, it was very warm, as if summer had arrived.Mick came home late from school, and Tiny, Ralph, and Ribs were all on the sidewalk in front of the house.The children looked hot and sticky, and their winter clothes reeked sourly.Xiao Budian held a slingshot and packed a bag of stones.Ralph was sitting in the pram, his hat on one side, looking agitated.Chops holds his new rifle.The sky was extremely blue, as if washed by water.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time, Mick." The little one said, "Where have you been?" She jumped up the front steps three steps at a time, and threw the sweater on the hat rack. "I went to the gym to play the piano." Every afternoon after school, she would play the piano for an hour.The women's basketball team is playing a game in the gymnasium. There are many people and it is noisy.Just today, she was hit in the head twice by a basketball.However, as long as you have the opportunity to sit at the piano, no matter how many times you get hit and get into trouble, it is worth it.She pressed different keys until the tune she wanted was played.It was easier than she thought.After she had played for two or three hours, she found that some of the chords in the bass line matched the main notes she played with her right hand.She can now play almost any piece on the piano from auditory memory.Moreover, she can play new tunes.This is much more interesting than playing other people's music.She moved her fingers and played a wonderful new tune, and every time she felt the most wonderful feeling in the world.

She would love to learn notation.Dolores Brown took music lessons for five years.She saved some from her lunch money and gave Dolores fifty cents a week to teach her music.In this way, she will be hungry all day.Dolores can play many fast-paced pieces, but she doesn't know how to answer the various questions she wants to know.Dolores just taught her basic music knowledge such as different scales, major triads, minor triads, and the length of notes. Mick slammed the kitchen stove door shut. "Only these foods?" "My dear, that's all I can do," said Portia. Only tortillas and margarine.She ate, drank water, and sent the food down.

"Don't be like a starving ghost. No one will snatch it from you." The children are still playing in front of the house.The little one pocketed the slingshot and is now playing with the rifle.Ribs is ten years old, his father died last month, and the gun belongs to his father.Those little kids all loved playing with that gun.Every few minutes, Tiny raised the gun to his shoulder.He aimed the gun, and there was a loud bang. "Don't mess with the trigger." Ribs said, "There are bullets in there." Mick finished his tortillas and wanted to find something to do.Harry Minowitz is sitting on the railing of his front porch reading a newspaper.She was happy to see him.Playfully raising her arms, she called out to him, "Hi!"

She was sorry, after all she and Harry had been good friends not so long ago.They always played with a group of children when they were young, but in the last three years, he went to vocational school and she was still in junior high school.Moreover, he usually does part-time jobs.He grew up seemingly overnight, and was no longer with the little ones, playing in the front and back yards of every house.She could sometimes see him reading the newspaper in his bedroom, and sometimes she could see him undressing late at night.He was exceptionally good in math and history and was the brightest student in the vocational school.Now that she is also in vocational school, they often run into each other on the way home and walk together.They took the same craft class, and at one point the teacher asked them to work together to assemble an engine.He likes reading very much and reads newspapers every day.He thinks about world politics all the time.He spoke slowly, and if he was serious about something, beads of sweat would form on his brow.Now, she annoyed him.

"Want to know if Harry still has the gold bars," said Chops. "What gold bars?" "In Jewish families, when a boy is born, the family deposits a gold bar in the bank for him. It's the same thing for Jews." "Bah! You misremembered," she said. "You mean the Catholics. The Catholics buy a newborn a pistol. Someday the Catholics will go to war and kill everybody else." "I think nuns are weird." Ribs said, "When I meet nuns on the street, I am very scared." She sat on the steps with her head on her knees.She entered the "back room" at this time.She divides her world into "inside rooms" and "outside rooms".School, family and everyday chores are in the outhouse.Mr. Singer was both inside and out.Foreign countries, projects, and music are all in the back room.The songs she was thinking about were in the back room, and the symphony was also in the back room.When she was alone in the back room, the music she heard after the party that night would ring in her ears.That symphony was like a huge flower, slowly growing and blooming in her heart.Sometimes during the day, or when she first woke up in the morning, the new parts popped up.After that, she would have to come into the back room and listen to the pieces a number of times, trying to merge the parts with what she remembered.The back room is a very private place.She can be in a house full of people and still feel like she's isolated.

Seeing that she was in a trance, Ribs moved his dirty hands to her eyes.She slapped his hand away. "What's a nun?" asked the little one. "It's the ladies who believe in Catholicism." Ribs said, "They believe in Catholicism and wear long black dresses that can cover their heads." She's tired of playing with these kids.She wants to go to the library and look at pictures from National Geographic.From those pictures, she could see all over the world.There are Paris in France, huge glaciers, and wild jungles in Africa. "You boys keep Ralph out of the street," she said.

Tiny Slings a Huge Rifle on His Shoulders. "Bring me back a storybook." The child seemed born to read.He is only in the second grade this year, but he likes to read story books by himself and never asks others to read to him. "What story do you want to see this time?" “Just pick a story about food. I really like a story about a German kid who goes into the forest and finds a house made of all kinds of sweets, and a witch lives in it. I just love that there’s The story of food." "Let me look for it," Mick said. "I'm not interested in candy, though," said the little one. "Look for a story about a barbecue sandwich. If you can't find it, find a story about cowboys."

She was ready to go when she stopped suddenly, staring.The children also stared at them.They all stood still, watching Baby Wilson come down the steps of her house across the street. "Bei Bei is so cute!" Xiao BuDian said softly. Maybe it's because it's been raining for weeks, and the warm sun suddenly appeared, maybe it's because on such an afternoon, the dark winter clothes on them look ugly, anyway, Bei Bei looks like a fairy descended from the earth, and it's also very beautiful. Like a child star in a movie.She was wearing her dress from last year's gala, a pink tutu skirt with a pink corset, pink dance shoes and a pink purse.She has blond hair, which makes her look pink, white, and blond, so petite and so well-groomed that it makes one feel ashamed just to look at her.She walked gracefully across the street without even looking at them.

"Come here," said the little one, "show me your little bag..." Bebe walked past them along the edge of the street, but turned her face the other way.She made up her mind to ignore them. There was a grassy field between the sidewalk and the street. Beibei walked to the edge of the grassy field, stopped for a while, and turned somersaults. "Never mind her," said Ribs. "She just loves to show off. She's going to get candy from Mr. Brannon's cafe. He's her uncle, and she doesn't have to pay for candy." The little one rested the end of the rifle on the ground.The gun was so big and heavy that he couldn't hold it for long.He watched Beibei gradually walk away, while fiddling with his messy bangs. "That little pink bag is so pretty," he said.

"Her mother always said she was a genius." Poor Ribs said, "I thought Beibei could make a movie." It's too late now to watch National Geographic.Dinner is almost ready.Ralph burst into tears and she lifted him out of the pram and put him on the ground.It's December, and for a kid of his age, it's been a long time since last summer.Last summer, the little one went out in that pink party dress and danced in the middle of the road.At first, the kids would gather around to watch her, but soon they got tired of it.Only the little one will still watch her dance outside.He was sitting on the side of the road, and when he saw a car approaching, he yelled to remind her.He has seen Beibei dance in party clothes no less than a hundred times, but three months have passed in the summer, and now, seeing her dance again, he feels very fresh. "I wish I had a party suit too," said Tiny. "What style do you want?" "One that's cool. All kinds of colors, like butterflies. That's what I want for Christmas. And bikes, of course!" "Sissy," Ribs said. Tiny raised his big rifle again, slung it over his shoulder, and took aim at a house across the street. "If I had a party dress, I'd dance around in it. Wear it to school every day." Mick sat on the front step and kept looking at Ralph.The little one is not a sissy like Ribs said.He just likes beautiful things.She can't let the ribs talk nonsense. "One has to work hard to get everything," she said slowly. "And, I've noticed many times that the younger a child is in the family, the better off he is. Younger children tend to be The strongest. I am strong because I have many brothers and sisters above me. As for the little one-he looks weak and likes beautiful things, but he is a very brave person in his bones. If this is the case, then Ralph's going to be a real man when he's old enough to walk about. He's only seventeen months old, but I can see his strength in his face." Ralph looked around, knowing he was being talked about.Ribs sat on the ground, tore off Ralph's hat, and dangled in front of him, teasing him. "Okay," said Mick, "don't make him cry, or I'll make you look good. You'd better watch out." It was quiet all around.The sun was sinking below the roof, and the western sky was a magenta glow.From the next block came the sound of children skating.The little one leaned against a tree, as if dreaming a sweet dream.The aroma of dinner wafts from the room, and it will be time to eat soon. "Listen." Xiao BuDian said suddenly, "Bei Bei is back. She is so beautiful in that pink dress." Beibei walked towards them slowly.She got a box of popcorn candy with a prize, and she is fumbling for the prize in the box.She still walked with a graceful gait, walking lightly, and from the way she looked, she knew that they were all watching her. "Please, Babe—" said Tiny as she walked up to them, "just let me see your pink bag and touch your pink dress." Beibei started humming a little tune, not even listening.She just walked over, didn't meet the little boy's request, but just lowered her head and smiled at him. The little guy still carried the big gun on his shoulders.He let out a loud bang and pretended to shoot.Then, he begged Bei Bei again, his voice was very soft and full of sadness, as if he was calling a kitten. "Please, Bebe, come here, Bebe..." He moved so fast that Mick had no time to stop him.She saw him put his hand on the trigger when the gun let out a terrible crack.Beibei collapsed on the sidewalk as if she had been nailed to the road, unable to move or cry out.Ribs hurriedly raised his arms above his head. Only the little one was still dazed and ignorant of what had happened. "Get up, Baby," he yelled, "I'm not mad at you." All this happens in an instant.The three of them ran to Beibei at the same time.She lay limp on the dirty sidewalk, her skirt covering her head, her pink panties and snow-white calves showing.Her palms were spread out, one holding a prize in candy and the other a small bag.There was blood on her headband and on the top of her head with her blond curls.The bullet hit her head, and she fell face-to-face on the ground. But in the blink of an eye, many things happened at the same time.Xiao Budian yelled, dropped the gun and ran away.Mick stood there with his face in his hands, and yelled too.Then many people came.Her father was the first to come.He carried Beibei into the house. "She's dead," said Chopbone. "She's been shot through the eye. I can see her face." Mick was walking up and down the sidewalk, and she wanted to ask Babe if she had been beaten to death, but she couldn't say anything because her tongue was so stiff.Mrs. Wilson came running from the beauty salon where she worked.She rushed into the room and quickly came out again.She paced the streets, weeping, pulling the ring off her finger and putting it back on.Soon, the ambulance came, and the doctor went in to check on Beibei.Mick followed the doctor.Bei Bei was lying on the bed in the front hall.The room was as silent as a church. Beibei was lying on the bed, like a delicate little doll.If it weren't for the blood, it wouldn't be obvious that she was injured.The doctor leaned over to examine her head.After the examination, they put Bei Bei on the stretcher.Both Mrs. Wilson and her father got into the ambulance with Babe. The house was still very quiet.Everyone forgets the little one.He also disappeared.An hour passed.Her mother, Hazel, Etta, and all the lodgers were in the front hall waiting for news.Mr Singer stood at the door. After a long time, her father finally came back.He said that Beibei was not dead, but his skull was cracked.He's looking for a little one.It's just that no one knows where he is.It was dark outside.They went to the backyard and the street to look for Tiny, and told Ribs and several other boys to find him separately.Looks like Tiny has run off the street.They thought he was going somewhere, and they told Harry to look for it there. Her father kept walking on the front porch. "I'm never one to hit kids," he kept saying. "I don't think spanking is any good. But don't let me catch that little brat, or I'll beat him up." Mick sat on the railing, looking out at the dark street. "I can take care of the little guy. When he comes back, I'm going to give him some color and see." "It's better for you to find him. You are more likely to find him." As soon as her father finished speaking, she suddenly thought of where the little one had gone.There is a big oak tree in the backyard, and they build a tree house on top of it in the summer.They hung a big box up to the oak tree, and the little one always liked to sit in the tree house by himself.Mick walked away from the front porch where the family and tenants were staying and walked across the path to the backyard. She stood by the trunk for a moment. "Little..." she whispered, "I'm Mick." He didn't answer, but she knew he was in the tree.It was as if she could smell him.She grabbed the lowest branch and slowly climbed up.She is really angry with that child and must teach him a lesson.She climbed up the tree house and said a few more words to him, but there was still no answer.She climbed into the big box, groped around the edges, and finally found him.He was huddled in a corner, his legs shaking.He held his breath until she touched him, and he began to gasp and howl. "I...I didn't intend to hit Beibei. She is so small and cute, I just can't help it, I want to pretend to hit her." Mick sat on the ground of the tree house. "Beibei is dead." She said, "There are many people looking for you now." Xiaobudian stopped crying and didn't say a word. "Do you know what Papa is doing in the house?" She seemed to be able to hear Little Dot pricking up her ears. "Dad is writing to the Warden of Laws, begging him to be nice to you after they take you to Sing Sing." Hearing such words in the dark was too frightening, and she couldn't help trembling.She could feel the little one shaking. "There's a very small electric chair out there that fits your size. When you plug it in, you're going to be burnt, like frying bacon. Then you're going to go to hell." The little one was huddled tightly in a corner, very quiet.She climbed to the edge of the box, ready to climb down. "You'd better stay here. The police are guarding the yard. Maybe I can bring you something to eat in a few days." Mick leaned against the trunk of the oak tree.This time, the little one has learned a lesson.She always had a way of subduing him, she knew the kid better than anyone.A year or two ago, he always liked to hide behind a bush to pee and masturbate for a while.She soon discovered his habit.Every time, she would fix him severely, and after three days, he never dared to do so again.Later, he peed differently from other children, always putting his hands behind his back.She had always looked after the little one, and always kept him under control.After a while, she went to the tree house to bring him back.After this incident, he would never want to touch a gun again in his life. The house remained silent.The tenants were all sitting on the front porch, neither talking nor shaking their chairs.Her parents are in the lobby.Her father walked around drinking beer straight from the bottle.Beibei will definitely get better, so it can be seen that he is not worried about her.Everyone doesn't seem to be in a hurry for the little one.So, there must be something else going on. "Little brat!" said Etta. "What's the matter, it makes me ashamed to go out." Hazel said. Etta and Hazel went to the main room and closed the door.Bill was in his room at the back.She didn't want to talk to them anyway.She stood in the vestibule, thinking about it to herself. Her father stopped suddenly. "That kid did it on purpose," he said. "It doesn't look like that kid was fiddling with a rifle and it went off. Everyone who saw it said he was aiming at her." "I just want to know when Mrs. Wilson will come to settle accounts with us," her mother said. "We will definitely have a hard time by then." "I'm not having a good time." The sun was setting, the night was dark, and it was as cold as November again.Instead of staying on the front porch, everyone took their seats in the living room, but no fire was lit.Mick's sweater was still hanging on the hat rack, and she put it on and stood with her shoulders hunched to keep warm.She thought of Tiny still sitting in the cold and dark treehouse and believed her words.But she was sure he deserved it.He almost beat Beibei to death. "Mick, can't you think of where the little one might have gone?" her father asked. "I think he's down the street." His father walked up and down with an empty wine bottle.Looking at the way he walked, he looked like a blind man, with sweat all over his face. "The poor boy's afraid to go home. I'd feel better if I could find him. I've never slapped a little one. He shouldn't be afraid of me." She would wait an hour and a half before going to him.By that time, he will definitely feel guilty for what he did.She can always control the little one and teach him a lesson. After a while, there was a commotion in the house.Her father called the hospital again to inquire about Bebe's condition, and a few minutes later Mrs. Wilson called and said she wanted to talk to them and would come to her house. Her father was still walking around the hall like a blind man.He drank three more bottles of beer. "After such a incident, she must sue us and make us lose a lot of money. All she can get is this house. Of course, the loan must be paid off first. Looking at the current situation, we are not The law turned defeat into victory.” Mick suddenly thought of something.Maybe they would actually take Tiny to court and send him to a children's prison.Maybe Mrs. Wilson would send him to a juvenile reformatory.They might really be bad for the little ones.She wanted to go to the treehouse right away, sit with him, and tell him not to worry.Xiaobudian has always been so thin, small, but very smart.If anyone dared to take that child away from home, she would fight them desperately.She wanted to kiss him and bite him again, because she had loved him so much. But she can't leave.Mrs. Wilson was coming in a few minutes, and she had to keep track of what was going on.After that, she ran to tell Xiaobudian that she was just lying to him just now.He asked for it this time, and he will definitely learn a real lesson. A cheap taxi pulls up to the sidewalk.Everyone was waiting on the front porch, silent and scared.Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Brannon got out of the taxi together.As they walked up the steps, she could hear his father gritting his teeth nervously.They went into the hall, she was far behind, just standing in the doorway.Etta, Hazel, Bill, and the lodgers did not enter the hall. "I've come to talk to you about it," said Mrs. Wilson. The vestibule looked shabby and dirty, and she saw Mr. Brannon surveying the room.Broken gelatin dolls, beads, and Ralph's rags littered the floor.There was beer on her father's workbench, and the pillows on his parents' bed were gray. Mrs. Wilson now took the wedding ring off her finger, now put it on again.Mr. Brannon was calm beside her.He sat there with his legs crossed.His chin was livid and black, like a villain in a movie.He had always resented her.He always spoke in a rough voice to her, never to others.Is it because last time she and Xiao Budian snuck a pack of chewing gum from his counter, but he saw through it?She hated him to death. "I think it's fair to say," said Mrs. Wilson, "that your boy shot my darling in the head on purpose." Mick walked to the center of the room. "No, he didn't," she said. "I was there. Kid just aimed the gun at me and Ralph, and he aimed at other things. He just happened to aim at Babe with a slip of his finger. I was at the scene." Mr. Brannon rubbed his nose and looked at her sadly.She was pretty sure she hated him. "I understand how you feel, so let's get to the point now." Mick's mother jingled a bunch of keys, and her father sat still, his large hands dangling above his knees. "Little one didn't mean to," Mick said, "he just..." Mrs. Wilson played with the ring. "Not much to say. I knew all about the situation. I could take you to court and make you hand over all the money." There was no expression on her father's face. "I'll tell you," he said, "we don't have much money to pay you. All we have is..." "Listen to me." Mrs. Wilson said, "I don't bring a lawyer to sue you now. Bartholomew and I, Mr. Brannon, have discussed it when we came here. An agreement was reached. First of all, I want to settle this matter fairly and honestly. Second, Beibei is still very young, and I don’t want to drag her into a big lawsuit.” There was no sound in the room, and everyone in the room sat stiffly in their chairs.Only Mr. Brannon smiled at Mick, but she squinted at him, not at all polite. Mrs. Wilson was nervous, and she lit a cigarette with trembling hands. "I didn't intend to sue you. I just wanted to settle this matter fairly. Beibei suffered and cried all the time. Later, they fed her medicine and she finally fell asleep. Me, it wasn't I want you to pay for this. No matter how much money you give, it can’t cover her suffering. This incident also ruined her career and our plans, and I don’t want you to pay for it. She will wear The bandages won't be removed for months. She won't be able to dance at social gatherings, and maybe a small patch of her head will go bald and lose her hair." Mrs. Wilson and her father looked at each other as if in a hypnotic state.Then Mrs. Wilson fumbled in her handbag and produced a piece of paper. "You just need to compensate us for the actual expenses. Including the single room fee and private nursing fee for Beibei's hospitalization, as well as the operation fee and the doctor's consultation fee. By the way, this is the only time, I hope to pay off the consultation fee immediately. They I also shaved off Beibei's hair. I used to take her to Atlanta to have her hair permed. You have to pay me for the perm. In this way, when her hair grows out, I can take her to have her permed again. .And her clothing expenses and other small money. I will list and record these items. I have been as fair and candid as possible, and I will give you a total cost when the time comes, and you must compensate accordingly." Her mother smoothed her skirt over her knees and took a sharp breath. "I'd say the children's ward is better than a private room. When Mick got pneumonia..." "I said, we're going to live in a single room." Mr. Brannon stretched out his white, stubby hands, which were at the same height as if they were on scales. "Perhaps in a day or two, Beibei can move into the double children's ward." Mrs. Wilson was unmoved and said: "Can't you hear what I said? It was your child who shot and wounded my Beibei. Of course she deserves the best care until she gets better." "You're right," said her father. "God knows my family is really poor, but I'll get it all together if I sell everything. I know you don't have the lion's mouth, and I'm so grateful to you. We'll Do your best." She would have liked to stay and see what else they had to say, but she missed the little one.When she thought of him still sitting alone in the dark and cold tree house, thinking about the situation of being locked up in Xinxin Prison, she felt uneasy.She walked out of the room and down the hall to the back door.It was windy and the yard was dark except for the yellow light from the square kitchen window.Looking back, she saw Portia sitting quietly at the table, holding her face in her long and slender hands.The yard looked very desolate, the wind was blowing, and the wind sounded like howling in the darkness, and the black shadows flickered quickly, which was very intrusive. She was standing under the big oak tree.No sooner had she climbed the first branch than she realized a terrifying reality.She suddenly felt that the little boy had disappeared.She called his name, but got no answer.She climbed up as quickly and lightly as a cat. "Answer me! Little one!" She didn't check inside the box, she knew he wasn't there.But she got into the box to make sure, and touched every corner.The kid ran away.He must have left as soon as she left.He must have run far away now, this kid is very smart, it is impossible to guess where he went. She climbed down from the tree and ran to the front porch.Mrs. Wilson was about to leave when people came to see her off and came up to the front steps. "Daddy!" she said, "we've got to figure something out or it's over for little one. The kid's gone. I'm 100 percent sure he's off our block. We all have to go find it." No one knew where to look or how to start looking.His father walked up and down the street, checking all the alleys.Mr. Brannon called a cheap taxi for Mrs. Wilson, and stayed to help find someone.Mr. Singer sat on the porch rail, alone remaining calm.They were all waiting for Mick to figure out where to find Tiny.It's a pity that the town is so big, and the child is extremely smart, she couldn't think of what to do for a while. Maybe he went to Portia's house in the Sugar Mountains.She went back to the kitchen to find Portia still sitting at the table, her face in her hands. "It suddenly occurred to me that he might have gone to your house. Hurry up and help us find him." "Why didn't I think of that! I bet my little one is freaking out and staying at my house all the time." Mr. Brannon borrowed a car.He, Mr. Singer and Mick's father, together with her and Portia, got into the car together with five people.She is the only one who knows how the little one feels.Only she knew that he ran away from home to save his own life. Portia's house was pitch black, with only the dappled moonlight shining on the ground.As soon as they entered the house, they knew that both rooms were empty.Portia lit the oil lamp in the front room.The room smelled of Negroes, there were pictures cut out of magazines on the walls, lace tablecloths on the tables, lace pillows on the beds.Tiny is not here. "He's been here," said Portia suddenly. "I can see someone has been here." Mr. Singer found a pencil and a piece of paper on the table.He took a quick look, and then they all looked at the paper.The handwriting was round but messy, and the bright kid only misspelled one word.The note reads: They stood in a circle, surprised and bewildered.Her father peered out the door, picking his nose worriedly with his thumb.They were all ready to get in the car and head for the highway leading south. "Wait," Mick said. "Although the little one is only seven years old, he has a very good brain. If he wants to escape, it is impossible to tell us the destination. His talk about Florida is just a blindfold." "Blindfolding?" her father said. "Yes. There are only two places Tiny is familiar with. One is Florida and the other is Atlanta. Me, Tiny and Ralph have been on that road to Atlanta many times. He knows the way, he must be going there He's always talking about things he's going to do when he gets a chance to go to Atlanta." They left the house and got into the car again.Just as she was about to get into the backseat, Portia squeezed her elbow. "Do you know what the little one did?" she said softly. "The little one took my gold earrings from my dressing table at home. Don't tell anyone about it. I don't think my little one would do anything to me." do such a thing." Mr. Brannon started the car.The car drove slowly, heading for the Atlanta Highway. Along the way, they all kept an eye out for the little ones on the street. The little one is indeed a cruel and despicable person.His behavior today is extremely abnormal.Before this incident, he had been a quiet kid who had never done anything bad.He was always ashamed and nervous when he hurt someone.Then why did he do these things today? They drove slowly along the road leading to Atlanta.They drove past the last houses and out into the dark fields and woods.They stopped often to ask if anyone had seen the little one. "Ever seen a little boy with bare feet and corduroy shorts?" Except they'd all driven ten miles and no one had seen him.The wind was blowing in through the open car window, and it was chilly, and it was already late at night. They drove on for a while, then returned to town.Her father and Mr. Brannon tried to ask the second graders, but she insisted they turn the car around and continue on Highway Atlanta.She always remembered what she said to scare the little one.What Beibei is dead, he will be sent to Xinxin Prison, his father asked Warden Rolls to intercede, and there is an electric chair that fits his size in any prison, he will go to hell when he dies.It was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers, those words were indeed terrifying. They drove very slowly, and when they were half a mile out of town, she saw the little one.In the headlights of the car, he could just see him right in front of them.It's ridiculous.He was walking on the edge of the road, and he held out his thumb, wanting a ride.Portia's meat cleaver was pinned to his belt, and the road was wide and dark, making him so small that he looked five years old instead of seven. They pulled over and he ran over to get in.他看不清车里的人,他此刻眯着眼,他玩弹珠瞄准时就是这个样子。她父亲一把揪住他的衣领。他猛打猛踢,想要挣脱开。跟着,他一下子抽出了切肉刀。他们的父亲及时把刀从他手里夺了过来。他挣扎着,如同困在陷阱里的小老虎,但到最后,他们还是把他弄上了车。在回家的路上,他们的父亲一直抱着他,小不点僵硬地坐着,身体直挺。 他们连拉带拽地将他弄进屋中,邻居和房客们都出来看热闹。他们将他拖进前厅,他立即缩进房间一角,紧紧攥着拳头,眯起眼睛看着每个人,像是已经准备好和所有人战斗。 他自打进屋之后就没说话,过了一会儿,他忽然喊道:“那事是米克做的!跟我没关系!都是米克做的!” 小不点从没像现在这样大呼小叫。他脖子上的血管突起,拳头和小石头一样坚硬。 “你们抓不住我!没人能抓住我!”他仍在大喊。 米克使劲儿摇晃他的肩膀。她告诉他,她刚才说的那些话都是胡编的。他终于明白了她的话,却没有安静下来。看起来没什么能阻止他喊叫。 “我恨你们每一个人!我恨死你们了!” 他们都站在他周围。布兰农先生揉着鼻子,低头盯着地面,最后轻轻地离开了。辛格先生似乎是唯一了解一切的人。或许这是因为他听不到小不点的可怕叫声。他的表情依然平静无波,而且,每次小不点看看他,似乎都平静了一些。辛格先生是个与众不同的人,在现在这样的时刻,若是其他人能让他来处理,结果肯定更好。他为人通情达理,知道普通人不知道的事。他只是看着小不点,过了一会儿,那孩子安静下来,他们的父亲把他带到床上。 他趴在床上号啕大哭。他哭得很厉害,久久不止,浑身都哆嗦起来。他整整哭了一个钟头,他们家的人分住在三个房间,全被他搅得睡不着。比尔到客厅的沙发上睡,米克去和小不点睡在一张床上。他打死也不让她摸他,更不让她依偎在他身边。他又哭了一个钟头,还不住地打嗝,最后总算是睡着了。 她很久都没有睡着。屋里很黑,她紧紧搂着他,把他抱在怀里。她抚弄着他的全身,亲吻了他身上的每一处地方。他的身体是那么柔软,个头小小的,周身散发着男孩子的气味和眼泪味。她既想着小不点,也想着音乐。为了他,她什么都愿意做。她再也不会打他,也不会取笑他了。一整夜,她都是搂着他睡觉的。天亮了,她醒过来,却发现他不见了。 只是,那天晚上之后,她压根儿就没有机会取笑他了,她是如此,其他人也是如此。那孩子开枪打了贝贝后,就再也不是从前的小不点了。他变成了闷葫芦,再也不与任何人一起玩。大多数时候,他只是独自坐在后院或储煤小屋中。Christmas is approaching day by day.她真的很想要一架钢琴,只是自然不会把这个心愿说出来。她告诉大家她想要一块米老鼠手表。她问小不点想要圣诞老人送给他什么,他说他什么都不想要。他把弹珠和折叠刀藏起来,不允许任何人碰他的故事书。 那个晚上之后,别人不再管他叫小不点。他们街区里大一点的孩子开始叫他贝贝杀手凯利。只是他不爱搭理人,似乎并没有什么事能叫他不痛快。家人则开始叫他的真名乔治。一开始,米克总是情不自禁地叫他小不点,不愿意叫别的名字。但说来也怪,一个礼拜过后,她跟其他人一样,也习惯叫他乔治了。但乔治完全是另一个孩子了,他独来独往,显得很老成,没人知道他在想什么,就连她也猜不透他的心思。 平安夜,她和他一起睡。他躺在黑暗中,一句话也不说。“你别再怪里怪气的了。”她对他说,“我们来聊聊智者吧,你知道吗,在荷兰,孩子们不挂袜子,他们只会拿出木鞋。” 乔治没有回答。He fell asleep. 她凌晨四点就起床了,叫醒了家里人。他们的父亲在前厅生了火,又让他们去圣诞树边拆礼物。乔治得到了一套印第安服饰,拉尔夫得到了一个橡胶娃娃。其他人的礼物都是衣服。她在她的圣诞袜里找米老鼠手表,却没有找到。她的礼物是一双棕色牛津鞋和一盒樱桃味糖果。天还黑着,她和乔治就走到人行道上,敲开巴西果吃,放炮竹,吃光了两层一盒的樱桃糖果。到了天亮的时候,他们都吃得有些腻,也玩累了。她躺在沙发上,闭上眼,进入了里屋。
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