Home Categories Internet fantasy Legend of Sword and Fairy 1

Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty-Four

Legend of Sword and Fairy 1 管平潮 4495Words 2018-03-11
The ship swayed forward in the sea waves.In such a comfortable rhythm, Xu Changqing told Jing Tian and the others about his experience in the tenth level of swordsmanship.Of course, his exquisite lectures only go up to the level of "Royal Sword" he has mastered.Going up, he can only give a rough idea, not very clear.However, these rumors are already too much for Sedum. Although it seemed calm, Xu Changqing's leisurely words were even more shocking to Sedum than the Siren War!Jing Tian suddenly felt that a door to another world was slowly opening towards him. Seeing such a new world, he also eagerly looks forward to improving his strength like never before!Such thoughts do not arise out of thin air.Jing Tian felt that even if he was not solving problems for his idol, the Shushan faction, he should also consider the safety of himself and those close to him.Sedum felt that he had experienced more major events in just half a month than he had experienced in his entire life; moreover, each of them was so dangerous!He encountered the ferocious monsters in the Thunderbolt Hall, the bloody massacre of Penglai by the evil sword fairy, and just encountered an inexplicable and terrifying attack by the deep sea monsters.These personal experiences are completely different from listening to storytelling and reading ghost stories in the past.In these fierce battles, he witnessed those people encountering enemies that were much stronger than himself, but only slightly touched, there was only one word: "death"!

Sedum certainly didn't want to die.As a well-trained buddy of Yongan, he still has lofty ideals.He wants to open the largest pawnshop in Yuzhou in his lifetime!For this great wish, Jingtian seriously warned himself at this moment: he must diligently study Shushan's mind, must comprehend Feipeng's sword will, and ensure that he will not die before his own shop opens! This night, Xu Changqing also expressed his worries about the siren.He had a serious discussion with Zixuan, trying to figure out the ins and outs of these sea monsters.After some discussion, they felt that what they should be most worried about was not the life-and-death struggle between the two sides.Xu Changqing, who seldom sighed, couldn't help sighing at this moment: "Oh, it seems that the first thing that the Siren tempted Xiaotian was the soul spell."

"Soul spell?" Sedum and Tang Xue were at a loss when they heard this. "Yes! Maybe you think that magic in the world is nothing more than the five elements of 'gold, wood, water, fire, and earth', or the five spirits of 'water, fire, earth, wind and thunder', and then mix the four phenomena of yin and yang to change into ever-changing magic skills. But, you don't know, here In addition to the five elements and five spirits, there is also a very special kind of spell, which is the soul spell. Unlike the five elements and five spirits that drive the power in the world, this soul spell relies on the existence of hundreds of millions of living beings, and can directly attack the souls of living beings. And , The scary thing about this soul spell is not only that it is impossible to guard against, but also that the most intelligent creature is likely to suffer more damage from the soul spell, you can imagine how weird and overbearing this soul spell is."

"Ah! So powerful!" Tang Xuejian covered her mouth and exclaimed.However, she thought about it again, and became a little puzzled, "Brother Xu, isn't your Shushan the ancestor of the world's sect of cultivating immortals? Why haven't I heard that you have soul magic?" "Miss Tang, to tell you the truth, I used to be very confused about this question. Later, I met Zixuan. She knew a thing or two, and she solved my confusion." When Xu Changqing said this, he glanced at Zixuan.Zixuan understood, stroking her braids, and told the boys and girls in front of her: "Because soul magic is too domineering and treacherous, it was naturally banned by the laws of heaven and earth a long time ago. But in the ancient times before that, this Soul spells are not uncommon. Moreover, all soul spells at that time were passed down from the same person."

"Who?!" Jing Tian and Tang Xuejian asked in unison. "It is Shennong, who is ranked among the first ancestors of the Three Emperors!" "Of course, these are all past events. What you are worried about, brother Xu, is that soul spells like this have long since disappeared in the present world. Why did they suddenly appear on these sea monsters again today? Sigh..." The delicate Miao girl sighed, "In troubled times, the demon tower in Shushan Town has just been damaged, and there are strange monsters who are good at bewitching souls in the deep sea. This world may be in disaster..."

"Don't worry too much!" At this time, Xu Changqing said firmly.Although he was indeed worried in his heart, seeing his fiancée so worried, he buried all his worries in his heart.I saw him look as usual, and said very proudly: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to soil. Solve the problems one by one, and there is no obstacle in this world that cannot be overcome. Maybe there are some things that you don't need to worry about, and you can't solve them." " "That's right." Zixuan smiled when she heard the words, and looked at Xu Changqing's confident expression, and all her worries disappeared for no reason.

After talking about the topic, everyone dispersed, and Sedum also lay down to rest. "Are you still dreaming today?" Thinking about this question, Sedum came to a grassland where the sun was setting. "Xi Yao...why are you here too?" In a trance, Jing Tian found that there was a girl standing side by side with him on the green spring grass.Turning his head, he saw that it was the beautiful and beautiful goddess Xi Yao. Today's Xi Yao is wearing a flowing white dress, light blue cloud patterns and flowers and algae are lightly embroidered on the skirt, which looks faintly radiant in the sunlight.This time Sedum saw it very clearly, this Xi Yao had a beautiful and tall figure, wearing this white dress with fluttering sleeves and standing on the green green plain, she looked extraordinarily graceful and vivid.

He was fascinated, but Xi Yao was a little anxious. "Fei Peng, haven't you already promised me? Don't go back on your word!" "What did I promise you?" "Fei Peng, don't you really remember?" Xi Yao looked surprised, "Today your good brother Chong Lou is about to go on a long journey to practice in the 'Poison Miasma Spring'. You told me to come see him off, I ...I happen to be fine today, so you promised to come and see me off together." "That's it!" After hearing Xi Yao's words, Sedum suddenly realized.At this moment, he seemed to remember a lot of things at once, and blurted out: "Yeah! How could I have forgotten, that kid in Chonglou refused to listen to his persuasion, and went to the most poisonous 'poison miasma spring' in Jiushenquan to practice Sigh, if I had known this, I would not have told him that the poisonous miasma spring was taken over by the beast Qiongqi!...Xi Yao?"

Jing Tian was talking vigorously, but suddenly found that the girl in front of her quietly lowered her head at this moment.He didn't understand at first, but when he turned his head and looked around, he knew the reason.It turned out that not far from where he and Xi Yao were standing was a winding path in the grassland.At this moment, there are often all kinds of people, gods and beasts passing by, so whenever they see this side, they can't help but stare deeply at the peerless appearance of the girl in white clothes.The eyes of the men are full of eagerness and admiration, while the eyes of the women are full of comparison and envy.

"Hehe... Pearl of the Protoss..." Jing Tian searched through the memory of "Fei Peng" and found another title of Xi Yao.Looking at the shy girl Shale, Sedum suddenly remembered something. "Xi Yao, are your injuries healed?" "Yeah... Fei Peng, I always feel that you are acting weird today..." "Really... Don't say it, just now someone said I'm a weirdo!" Sedum scratched her head, and some memories began to overlap. "However, speaking of it, Xi Yao, how did you recover from such a serious injury?" "Oh... Fei Peng, you're pretty bad too..." Xi Yao blushed even more, and she said shyly, "You deliberately mentioned this today to ask Xi Yao to read you again, okay? Fei Peng, don't worry—"

The goddess who was acting like a baby just now said solemnly: "You have worked so hard to win Qingjin Bidi, Yuanqiu Zinai, Baishuiling clams, and Batian Chishui for me, and restore my soul that is about to return to heaven and earth. Such a virtue of rebirth, Xi Yao will never forget until she dies!" A girl who is so soft and beautiful, when she talks about something with such a solemn face, she has a biting heroism.This appearance and expression fell in Sedum's eyes, and it had a special and touching taste. While he was in a trance, he suddenly heard someone say loudly: "Fei Peng, Xi Yao, have you come early?" Jing Tian looked back and saw that it was the juvenile version of Zhonglou.At this moment, Chonglou was dressed in a black outfit, with Flame Wave Blades pinned to the left and right sides of his waist; a bright red cloak was draped over his shoulders, fluttering and fluttering in the wilderness wind. Seeing Chonglou, Sedum's brain seemed to suddenly become flexible.Fei Peng's memories flooded his mind like sea water, and he suddenly understood everything. "Chonglou," the "Flying Peng" blended with Sedum said with a serious face, "Go to the Poison Miasma Spring, be careful. That Qiongqi is a demon, not an ordinary beast." "Of course, thanks for the reminder." Although Chong Lou had already shown some signs of a stern character at this time, and he was cold-headed and cold-faced to people, but he was very moved when he heard the fist-punch meaning in Fei Peng's words.He cupped his fists, and although there were two people standing opposite him, he only looked at Fei Peng, and said in a deep voice, "Go to the poisonous miasma here, and make sure you are safe. Before parting, I have a message for you—don't let the woman be annihilated!" Ambition blunts minions; when I return, the two of us will fight again!" "Do not worry!" Seeing Chonglou's serious appearance, Sedum's soul took the initiative in his body again.He couldn't help taking a few steps forward, and punched Chonglou on the shoulder.Seeing his punch, Chong Lou instinctively wanted to dodge, but hesitated for a moment, and still held his ground.So Jing Tian punched on the shoulder, causing his body to sway twice, and finally stabilized. After punching Chong Lou, Jing Tian smiled and said: "Go, go, don't get complacent too early. Don't think that after this practice, you can beat me in martial arts. Who doesn't know, now I am The first person in the protoss force!" "Hmph... I'm an orc." Throwing down this sentence coldly, Chonglou turned around to leave.However, he suddenly hesitated for a rare moment, and stopped again.He stared at Sedum seriously. "Really don't be lazy. Martial arts must always be prepared. Last time, you dragged me to see the scene of Galolan flowers falling from the cliff of the sky, saying that it contains the truth of heaven and earth-I was deceived, you know it clearly It was laziness that escaped a contest." "Heh..." Jing Tian felt that the muscles on his face were a little distorted, he knew without looking in the mirror that he must have a wicked smile on his face now, "Brother Chonglou, don't you think that is beautiful?" "Beautiful? Unremarkable!" Chonglou was a little annoyed, "If I say, the most beautiful thing in the world is the brilliance when your Zhaodan Sword and my Flame Wave Blade hit each other hard!" "Boring guy." Sedum was a little depressed, imitating Chonglou's tone, "If I say, the most beautiful girl in this world is the girl beside me right now!" Xi Yao was listening to the conversation between the two quietly; Jing Tian's sudden compliment made her startled for a moment, and then she couldn't help laughing, her cheeks were still a little hot. "Chonglou, I didn't lie to you." After laughing, Sedum became serious, "Galoran flower, the flower of dreams, blooms once every ten thousand years, and only grows on the cliff of the sky. The appearance of falling on the high cliff does contain the truth of heaven and earth. My understanding is: if we have never fallen downward, we don’t know how to soar upward.” "Heretics!" "However... I seem to have heard someone say your words?" The appearance of Chonglou suddenly appeared a little confused, and at this moment, his originally very vivid and vivid image suddenly became blurred and fluctuated; In the pond, a stone was suddenly thrown into it. When the surface of the pond in the dreamland returned to tranquility, everything became "real" again, and suddenly Sedum and Chonglou fell silent. It wasn't until many years later that Jing realized how important this conversation was to himself and Chong Lou. "I'm leaving. Farewell!" Relatively speechless, Chong Lou turned around and wanted to leave. "Wait!" Sedum, who had regained consciousness, suddenly remembered something again, "I have found out that Qiongqi, who occupied the poisonous miasma spring, has subdued a new group of demons, and they are the mermaids. These mermaids Monsters, all of them have fish faces, are fierce by nature, and are good at bewitching, I fear that you will suffer in their hands. Here, this is for you—” As he was speaking, as soon as Sedum stretched out his hand, a cyan orb that shone with brilliance suddenly appeared in his hand.This orb is about the size of a fist, emitting faint blue brilliance from time to time.The orb itself is crystal clear, deep and distant in color, if you look closely, if there are winds and clouds lingering in it, it seems that there is another world with no end in sight. What surprised Jing Tian even more was that there was a strong whirlwind circling around the cyan orb, so that when he held it in his hand, he didn't bother to fiddle with it, and the orb spun rapidly and non-stop! Jingtian was still thinking about where this orb came from, but he said: "Chonglou, this 'Qingqiong Fengshen Orb' is my magic weapon for self-protection. I have learned that this bead is good at defeating green fish. You demon, take it with you, this trip should go smoothly!" At this moment, although Jing Tian spoke generously, he felt very painful in his heart.The real Sedum cried out in the reflection of Fei Peng's soul: "Don't!! Are you crazy?! This bead is a treasure as soon as it hears the name, even if you get it from Yong'an and the price is severely suppressed, it must be worth three thousand taels of silver! Are you just giving it to him for nothing? He, he is a rich man who treats a sword like a penny, what is missing from you, a small pearl that is not as big as a watermelon?!" With a scream in his heart, Jing Tian tried to retract his palm.But he found that at this moment, he couldn't control his actions!All he can do now is to stare at the orb intently, and pray to the various gods and Buddhas in his heart, praying that Chonglou's family will be well educated and not randomly accept expensive gifts from others. "it is good!" Just one word, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, hit Sedum's heart to the bottom of the valley! "damn it!" Under his grief-stricken gaze, Chonglou just walked over and took the Qingqiong Fengshen Orb cleanly and neatly under his nose. Watching the treasure fall into the hands of others, at this moment, the future boss of the pawnshop only feels his heart is bleeding! "Bastard!" The feeling of heartache actually made him feel so sad that he wanted to cry.He cursed fiercely in his heart. "You bastard! Not even a thank you!" Perhaps feeling the pain in his heart, Xi Yao, who had been watching quietly, leaned over just right.She quietly stretched out a bare hand that looked like Xiangxue, gently wrapped his arms around him, and then leaned her whole delicate body on his body tenderly. Only the comfort of the "Pearl of the Protoss" can slightly relieve the three-point pain in Jingtian's heart. Seeing the tenderness and sweetness of the two of them, Chonglou nodded slightly, turned around, and walked to that distant place without hesitation. At this time, it was the setting sun that was cold, and the wild grass and roads were lost; under the afterglow of the setting sun and in the mighty evening wind, the back of that cold man traveling alone seemed a bit lonely. exactly:
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