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Chapter 20 Ten Lessons of a Good Wife - Who Stole the Time

There are only twenty-four hours in a day, have you ever wondered how the busiest women in the country do such a huge amount of work in such a short period of time?Every day, Mrs. Roosevelt's schedule is full-writing, speaking in various places, and trying to improve friendship between countries. Many women who are less than half her age are not up to these heavy tasks, so no one dares to say She is a lazy person.When she was interviewed by me in New York, she immediately flew to another city to attend a Democratic rally.When I asked her how to effectively organize things to get done, her answer was simple and straightforward: "I never waste a moment." Mrs. Roosevelt told me that she rose before dawn and worked until late at night.those reporting

The columns published on the website are all completed in the gap between appointments or meetings. Everyone has twenty-four hours, as does Mrs. Roosevelt.How did we spend it?We don't have time to do things we love; we don't have time to read some good books; we don't have time to study self-study courses; we don't have time to take our children to the zoo; Dr. Paul Popino, author of "How to Create a Married Life", said in his book: "Many housewives feel that doing housework takes up too much time. Women who have this idea should review themselves. If a woman puts her Keep a detailed journal of her schedule during the week and she'll be amazed by the results." You can also try journaling what you do when you're waking and see how it turns out.If you don't lie, you will be surprised to find that there are too many records like this, "From 10:00 to 10:15, I received a call from Ma Bell" "From 1:00 to 2:00 in the afternoon, I chatted with the neighbor next door." "From 8:00 to 3:00 p.m., go shopping with Harriet and have lunch outside." After recording for a week, you will clearly find out how much time you have wasted in your ordinary life.

If you don't know how to plan your time, you should take a "Research on Women's Relationships in Lives" course.One such course is offered at the New York City School of Social Studies, taught by a successful career woman, Miss Alice Rice Cook.At the beginning of the course, each student will be required to make a record sheet, which mainly records the time and work within a week.The purpose of the course is to teach women how to find their right place in society. At a party, I met Miss Cook, who told me: "Students are usually taken aback when they see the record sheet, because it clearly shows that they waste a lot of time doing things that don't make sense, such as rambling. Destination call; things that can be bought at one time have to be bought twice. Then they start to think about how to plan to make their daily life more efficient." She also said: "When I saw my Time and work rosters, and I made up my mind that I must reduce the time I spend reading detective novels, otherwise, I can be sure that I will not be able to complete the things I plan. Of course, this does not mean that no one else can read detective novels."

With so much time we waste every day, waiting for someone's phone call; waiting for the bus and subway; waiting under the air conditioner in the beauty salon, why can't we put it to good use? The late Mr. Harlan F. Stone, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, knew how to use these hours well.Once, he said to a recent college graduate: "There are many important things that can usually be done in fifteen minutes, but people tend to ignore this time and waste it." Mr. Erlan is a "jack of all trades" expert.People often see him reading "Kats Poems" or some professional papers while taking the subway.President Roosevelt always had a book on his desk, and he read it when there was a break between his appointments, sometimes for as little as two or three minutes.His son Serd Roosevelt Jr. once described him: "My father always had a poetry book in his bedroom, and he could recite a poem while he was getting dressed."

In real life, many people are no more busy than the president of the United States, but they often shout "I'm too busy, how can I have time to read!" When I collected materials for this book, many of them were in the air-conditioning of beauty salons I read it under the computer, and the final writing was also completed in the two-hour gap after the children's nap.I also found that if I had a book on my makeup table, I could read it every night while I was putting on my cleanser or makeup. It's so easy to figure out how much time we're "wasting", so learn effective ways to make good use of those gaps in busy schedules.Are you looking to improve your appearance?Always wanted to learn a foreign language and read some good books?Want to write, sing, draw?Want to listen to music or hang out?Take advantage of these gaps and stop saying you don't have time.

The late Frank Gilbreth, a research engineer in power sciences, was the author of the best-selling book "A Dozen Is Cheaper." This wonderful book tells the story of Frank Gilbreth's family.Frank and his wife, Dr. Lillian Gilbreth, have worked hard to bring time-saving and labor-saving methods into the business world and family management.The couple have 12 children in total. From an early age, they cultivated a concept in their children: time is a gift from God, and every minute must be used efficiently.By the time the kids wake up and brush their teeth for school in the morning, they can learn many new words from the posters their fathers put in the bathroom.Time is never wasted in their home.

The Salvador S. Guccetti couple also applied this efficient method to family management.Mr. Salvador is an experienced consultant engineer, and his wife, Dina Gacetti, is also his assistant.In normal times, in addition to taking care of their three sons and taking care of the constant housework, Mrs. Garcetti also worked as a secretary, accountant, personnel manager and research assistant for her husband, as well as in charge of the local club and the fraternity of teachers and parents.She said in a letter to me: "With three lively little men in the family, the huge room and garden need to be tidied up, and she also needs to be the husband's secretary and eyes and ears to find out some articles that may be missed for him. Thinking up some improvement plans, and reminding him of the parties he must attend. In addition to being responsible for club activities, promoting culture, religious social duties, I work twice as much as others. When I warm the children's milk bottles, When I clean up, I think of many ways to increase my work efficiency. When we play games with our children, everyone will have fun. What we advocate is to complete basic tasks in the shortest time possible , so you can have more time to do the things you like.”

“Sometimes, we throw away all the routine and focus on doing one special thing. Because our work schedule is very flexible and not static. We share various perspectives in working together, meeting The desire to expand our horizons, so our lives are full and varied, and we feel very happy.” The Garcettis know how to work and live, and how to coordinate the two to achieve satisfactory results.Their attitude is the right one, the attitude expected of success. Maybe you've discovered that the people who drive the work of the local Red Cross bureau;However, they always seem to have more time than lazy people.Were they two maids, idle women without children, wives who ate breakfast in bed every day and played bridge in the afternoon?That’s not the case, the young women who do the most things have kids and a husband who is trying to get ahead.Not only do they have to do their own jobs well, but they also go to the choir to sing on Sundays.How are they able to accomplish so much?Simply because they organize their own time and chores.Wasting time is worse than wasting money, which can be earned back when lost, while time - the precious gold mine everyone has - can never be recovered.

To help you use your time more effectively, learn the following rules: 1.Keep a real record of how much time you use each day, for at least a week, and check where your time is being wasted. 2.Every week, make a time plan for the next week.Since this method works for the general manager of a large company, it will benefit you and me as well as others.Arrange the time of each work reasonably, so that the nerves will not be tense and the mind will not be confused.Sometimes unexpected events may arise that require you to change your plans.However, if you stick to the work schedule, you will find that as time goes by, you will gain more and more from it.

3.Work out ways to save time and effort.For example, if you go to the grocery store to buy things every day, you can buy them all at once instead of making many trips, which can save a lot of time and is more affordable.Pre-planning a week's menu can not only save a lot of time, but also arrange family meals more reasonably than planning a menu every day. 4.Make good use of your "wasted time" every day.Start a plan right now to do something you never have time to do—worthy things—and only use your leisure time to do it.Try this method and see how it works. 5.Use your time to do twice as much work and be more productive, like Mrs. Garcetti.While she was warming up the baby bottles for the children, she was also planning business activities for her husband; while she was waiting for the meat in the oven to cook, she could handle a lot of documents or draw up plans; while she was taking the children to the park to play , and at the same time can do some darning work, which is two hours' work in one hour.

6.Take advantage of modern time- and effort-saving methods without straining your muscles.Spending an afternoon shopping and buying things that can be mail-ordered or ordered by phone is the most senseless waste of time.All the newspaper adverts, consumer survey ads, and mail-order brochures you pick up from the store are time savers. 7.Being able to shop smart is a skill to learn, and if you learn how to shop smart, you can spend less time shopping.Once you learn this technique, you can put your time and money to good use and get more out of it. 8.Avoid unnecessary interruptions, such as sudden phone calls or doorbells, when you need to focus on your work.So you have to learn to ignore it for a while, which can be done with a little experience.Soon, your friends will also know that you call at a fixed time, and they will admire you more for your efficiency. In the book "How to Make the Most of Twenty-Four Hours" by Arnold Baillett, he sighed like this: "Ah, the time of each day is really a miracle given by God... When you open your eyes in the morning, like By magic, you have twenty-four unused hours in your life! It is yours, your most precious possession." "Who can make full use of these twenty-four hours? A life that is not survival, much less 'dawdling'...Everyone has said to himself in his life: 'If you give me a little more time, I will Must be able to do better?' We'll never get more time." "But we still have — we already have the twenty-four hours that already exist."
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