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Chapter 19 Ten Lessons of a Good Wife - Home Sweet Home

What kind of atmosphere do you want your husband to feel when he returns home after a hard day's work?What kind of home environment will refresh him so that he can go to work with confidence the next morning? The answers to these questions are more important than you think to make or break your husband's career. Dr. Curry Ford R. Adams has successfully opened a column in "Lady's Home" magazine-"How to Create a Happy Marriage".She said: "In the family, the performance of the wife is decisive for the husband and children. Although the husband and Children have responsibilities too, but the key influence is the environment you create and the attitude you project. "

There are some basic elements that any family needs to have in place so that the husbands can work with maximum efficiency. easy Even if a man loves his job as much as he can, it still creates tension in some way.If these tensions can be eliminated after he goes home, then both his inner emotions and physical functions will be relaxed, and he will devote himself to work with more enthusiasm the next day. Every woman wants to be a good housewife, but sometimes it is too good, and men can't get rest and relaxation at home.There was such a female neighbor when I was young.She stipulated that the children should not bring friends home because they would stain the clean floor; the husband should not smoke at home because it would stain the curtains with smoke; whoever finished a book or newspaper must put it away immediately. back to the original place.This is so common that perhaps this behavior is a symptom of psychosis.The heroine Harriet Clegg in the play "Craig's Wife" is also such a woman. In fact, many women have similarities with her.Harriet Clegg's life is centered on keeping the house absolutely clean, and she can't stand even a misplaced cushion.Friends come over and mess things up, so she doesn't welcome it.And her normal, informal husband is seen by her as an expert at disrupting the ruthless perfection she has carefully created.Due to the universal popularity of the play written by George Carey, it finally won the "Pulitzer Prize" of the year.At the 20th Annual Conference on Christian Family Life in America, Dr. Robert P. Odinwater, professor of psychiatry at American Christian University, gave a talk in which he argued that wives' desire for a spotless home is " The greatest oppression in American culture".

When we see the hard-working living room messed up by the husbands, littered with newspapers, cigarette butts, eyeglass cases, and all sorts of other things.Wives often have the urge to smack him with a blunt instrument.But before calling him heartless, let's not forget that the only place he can recover and relax is at home. comfortable As wives decorate and furnish their homes, they must bear in mind that comfort is what men need most.Things that are attractive to women-delicate tables and chairs, soft woolen fabrics and too many decorations will bore a tired man. What he longs for is a place to rest his feet, put an ashtray, newspaper, and pipe.If you've ever seen a bachelor's room, it's not hard to see how men prefer to be furnished.

Louis C. Pike, our family physician, recently renovated his office with a leather-covered wooden desk, a comfy sofa, a giant copper lamp, and Curtains that droop straight without a trace of creases.This office also belongs to his home.One day, I saw there that some male patients waiting for the doctor were looking at his display with envy.Walter Link, another home-decorating bachelor, bought an ultra-modern apartment in New York City.But he was a geographer for an oil company in New Jersey, and his job required him to wander around remote corners of the world.So he decorated his house with special souvenirs bought back from work, such as hand-woven and dyed cloth from Java, wood carvings from the Congo, and ivory crafts from the East.Now Mr. Link's apartment is a charming place, because it is spacious and comfortable, and at the same time has a great personality.Few women furnish their houses to their liking, and it is no wonder that these men who are eligible to marry are hesitant to marry, preferring to remain bachelors.

When we decorate a room, we usually rarely consider men's requirements for comfort.I once bought some antique, exquisite little porcelain ashtrays in Paris, and placed them in my house, but few of my guests used this delicate French little thing.We have several large glass ashtrays that my husband bought at the thrift store in our house.Every time I have a visitor they use those thrift store products and these ashtrays do their job and my purchases are useless. If your husband regularly destroys your hard-earned home, it could be a sign that there is something wrong with the way you have arranged it.Does he throw newspapers around?Maybe the end table is too small, or it's so full of decorations that he can't find a place to put the newspaper; does he "flick around" the ash that you can't stand?So, buy him a few extra large ashtrays; does he end up resting his feet on your fancy footstool a lot?So, buy him a sturdy, plastic ottoman and place your beloved footstool in the living room.

Give him a permanent place for pipes, cameras, collectibles, and newspapers, and don't let him just keep these and other clutter in a corner of the attic. If a man feels comfortable at home, he will not think of going anywhere else. orderly and clean If this is the situation in the home - meals are rarely served on time; the dishes in the morning are not washed in the sink by dinner time; Go to the stadium, bar or even a brothel.For most men, they would rather live in a tidy thatched house than in a beautiful house that is messy.There is almost no way to tolerate other people's untidyness except that you can tolerate your own messiness.

My husband told me that he once went to a beautiful girl's apartment to find her, and was discouraged from proposing because he saw that her room was in an unspeakable mess, as if it had just been ransacked. What was mentioned above is the situation of long-term unorganization.When we happen to have some unusual problem to fix, any cultured husband can forgive the slip up, and as long as it doesn't happen too often, he'll fix it for us and happily clean up. Days of eating leftovers. Pleasant and peaceful atmosphere Fuxing magazine once conducted a survey on the life of employees for some companies. At that time, a general manager said to them: "We can control the working environment of employees, but when he returns home, these controls fail." The atmosphere is controlled by the wife.How your husband performs in his career is closely related to the family environment you create.

Wives often don't want their husbands to be physically and mentally occupied with work, but at the same time want them to work hard and perform at their best.If we create a happy and peaceful family atmosphere, we can let him achieve his wishes in both areas. Dr. Paul Popino, president of the Family Relations Association of Los Angeles, said: "Life in modern society, no matter what the situation must be competed with rivals, is not as relaxing as a picnic. When the get off work bell rings, he He began to yearn for peace, comfort, and concern... The home should be a place where a man takes refuge, allowing him to escape from the troubles of business for a while and enjoy it fully.

"People in the company will only try to find out his mistakes. But there is an angel in the family who can find the beauty in him. These angels will not bother Mr. with her own affairs, nor will they cause him any trouble She can soothe his spirits, restore his energy, put him in a good mood, and make him go out the next morning full of energy and spirits. A wife who can create this atmosphere in her home can be said to know herself very well. Duty, fully fulfilled the obligation of being a wife!" Efforts should be made to make the husband feel that in this family, he is the king, not the bumbling saboteur in the kingdom of delicate women.When the home needs to be redecorated, or a new piece of furniture is needed, you should discuss it with him and get his consent, not just hand him the payment slip.If your husband wants to cook for himself, you might as well let him perform freely on Sunday night, even if he will leave a mountain of pots and pans for you to clean; if your husband wants to buy a rocking chair, you should give up your favorite classic sofa.Maybe you think it's unfair, but in the end you will find that his love for this family is growing.A man cares about family as much as you do, because he needs to feel that he is not complete without this family.Moreover, if he can participate in the decision-making power of more things, he will feel that the meaning of family is very great.

There is a girl who is very good at decorating the best house with very little money. She decorates the room with soft and sweet colors and handicrafts that break at the touch of a touch, exuding a taste of exquisite chic, charming, and almost perfect.But her husband, a thick-browed, thick-haired, tall, heavy-smoking, manly man, felt very uncomfortable in this completely feminine environment.Whenever his friends and colleagues came to visit, he always treated them to a cabin in the forest, or a fishing trip by the sea, although he loved his wife very much.The girl kept complaining about the situation, but she still refused to change her decorating style for her husband.

We should remember that the real purpose of doing housework is for the husband we love the most, to create a loving, peaceful and comfortable island for him, not to keep the house spotless.In order to make your husband a happy person, please remember the following basic principles: 1.Make your home neat and orderly. 2.Make home easy. 3.Make your home comfortable. 4.Fill your home with laughter. 5.What makes a home a couple, not just one person.
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