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Chapter 15 Wisdom from Wife - She Seduces Me So I Eat It

According to the research of relevant experts, the number of men who die around the age of fifty is 70%-80% more than that of women.Now, do you know how to murder your husband without a trace?Just keep letting him eat fat-rich, high-starch foods, and his body weight exceeds the standard by 15%-25%.Then you can sit back and imagine that you will be a beautiful and charming widow, which will soon become a reality. Unfortunately, experts believe that a large part of the husband's premature death is caused by the wife.e.g. ruiz ai du Dr. Pauline published an article "Don't Murder Your Husband" in "Human Life".He said: "I have been in charge of statistics for a life insurance company. The result I have obtained for forty years is that most men die before reaching the age limit. If their wives can take care of their husbands more responsibly, these men may survive. longer.” Dr. Du Bolin has carefully studied the relationship between obesity and mortality, so he has a high authority on this issue.

Modern Woman once published the article "Why Husbands Die So Young" by Dr. Herbert Bernack, an attending physician for metabolic diseases, at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City.He said: "Now there is an ability to prolong the lives of husbands, as long as you master it, you can do it, of course, if you really want to keep your husband healthy. Those coolies who are often half-starved are more likely than your overweight husband." Live longer." "Obesity is one of the biggest problems in public health," Dr. Norman Jolliffe, author of "How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off," said at a medical conference in Cleveland, Ohio.At a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in St. Louis, a doctor from Clayton University said: "Although the war has ceased, more people are dying at the table than at the gun."

It can be seen that the wife has an unshirkable responsibility for the size of the husband's waist.The quality of a wife's food is often directly proportional to the husband's waistline, because the food a man eats is made by his wife.How is it possible for a husband to say "no" when his wife brings out those delicately prepared desserts?Even Adam would defend himself: "The temptation is too great for me to resist." As men get older, the amount of physical activity will decrease, and the amount of food they need should also decrease accordingly.But on the contrary, they ate more.The wife's duty is to help her husband develop good eating habits in advance-try to eat foods with low calories and high energy.If you don't know the answer, ask your doctor.He will be more than happy to tell you how to arrange your diet so that your husband will be in better spirits and lose weight.

Dr. Virginia Whitehead, a nutrition expert of the Flour Association, believes that the most effective way to lose weight is to eat less fatty foods, distribute three meals a day on average, and eat the same amount of things according to physical needs.Moreover, each of our meals should include plant protein and animal protein food. Take care of your husband and don't get up in a hurry when the alarm clock rings; don't carry your briefcase and go downstairs to eat breakfast; when you eat breakfast at home, don't worry about running out of time.But that sad scenario—the morning sprint—happens in most families.Based on this reality, Dr. Loporter Sallig, director of neurology at the Baltimore Institute of Neuropsychiatry, issued a serious warning: "For men living in urban areas, the common scene is: to catch up Take the special car at 7:50, rush out the door before eating breakfast; then work until noon, casually eat a 15-minute box lunch at a fast food restaurant, and even eat fast food while having a meeting.” She suggested: The wife should go to bed early. Get up at one o'clock and let your husband eat a nutritious breakfast without rushing.

My friend Mrs. Clarke Brison took this advice and put it into action.The final result made her very satisfied.Mr. Brison served as the Chief Financial Officer and Deputy General Manager of the best real estate agency in New York - Pease and Elliman Company.There are so many jobs in the company that Mr. Brison often takes the materials home for processing.But he found himself too tired to finish all the work in the evening.Whenever this happens, Mrs. Brison recommends going to bed earlier at night and getting up an hour earlier the next day.The couple both found the arrangement to be reasonable, so they did it every day, even when Mr. Brison had no official business to attend to.

Mrs Brison said: "The hour in the morning is something we enjoy. First, we'll have a big, unhurried breakfast, and then Clark will go to work, if he has a job. The morning time, both There is no phone, no one rings the doorbell, and there is no sound to disturb. When he is not working, he will read a book, draw a picture or do housework to relax. Sometimes, we will go to the garden together to enjoy the fresh air. Since every morning enjoys Quiet and comfortable life, so we all feel that no matter what happens, it can be resolved. But people who sleep late should not try this method, we go to bed early every day."

If you also belong to the family who go to work in a hurry, you might as well try this method, maybe this "one-hour plan" will be of great benefit to you, and you will no longer feel so nervous at the beginning of work every day.If you follow the principles below, your husband will live a longer and healthier life.First of all, ask the insurance company for a reference table of weight and life expectancy, which any insurance company will provide.See if your husband is over 10% heavier.If he is already overweight, ask the doctor to prescribe a diet chart right away.Remember, your husband's weight is just as important as your own, and both need to be carefully maintained.However, don't let him lose weight indiscriminately, or just take the weight loss drugs in the advertisement.No matter what kind of weight loss method is adopted, it must be operated under the guidance of a doctor.In order to cooperate with the doctor's weight loss prescription, try to make the food that my husband eats exquisite and delicious, with good color, fragrance and taste.Don't always say helplessly, "For your body, let's do it!"

The best way to cure diseases is still prevention, and we must insist on accompanying my husband to receive medical, dental and ophthalmological health checkups every year.Many people suffering from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer can be detected early, treated in time, and will not die.According to statistics from the American Diabetes Association, there are at least three million people with diabetes in the United States, but more than one million people don't know they have diabetes. In real life, there are many people who know how to take good care of their cars, but don't know how to treat themselves, which is very sad.Therefore, as a wife, you must let your husband go to the hospital for regular health checkups.Also be careful not to overwork your husband.Although ambition will lead him to success, it can also easily lead him to premature death, so that he cannot enjoy life.If the promotion brings unbearable pressure, you should do your best to persuade him to give up the position.

Dr. Norman Winson Peale, a missionary of the Markle Church in New York, said in a speech in Naples, Indiana: "The pace of life in modern Americans is tense and unsettling. Let them be at peace after listening to the sermon. It is also very difficult to fall asleep. It can be said that this generation of Americans is the most neurotic generation in history." Sometimes, the wife's attitude may affect the husband's requirements for himself, and even play a decisive role.If making a lot of money must be at the price of early death, you should stop your husband's behavior as soon as possible; if his ambition is too big, you should tell him to be content and happy, and let him be satisfied with his current achievements.

give your husband plenty of rest Resting before you get tired is the best way to combat fatigue.For example, when the US army is marching, soldiers will be forced to rest for ten minutes every hour.If your husband can come back to lunch every day, let him lie down and rest for ten to fifteen minutes after the meal, or let him take a short nap before dinner, which will at least add a few years to his life-a short relaxation can be unexpected Effect.Novelist Somersey Maugham, who takes a fifteen-minute break after lunch every day, is still full of energy in her seventies. Winston Churchill also rested an hour or two after lunch; Julian Detmon took a long nap every day at noon and was still active in his eighties in his family in Tarrytown, New York Nursery.Naps keep my life in tune like violin music, Mr Detmon said.

happy family life For men, a nagging wife not only hinders their success, but also threatens their health, because she makes husbands depressed and unable to focus on work and life.A depressed or grumpy man, when his inner depression accumulates to a certain extent, is prone to inappropriate reflexes.For example, being hit by a car suddenly; colliding with others on the road; having a fight in the company, if he is a worker, he may suddenly become overeating.Dr. Harry Goode of Cornell University said: "When people want to relieve stress and depression, they usually go to eat a big meal." Whether the wife likes it or not, it is her duty to pay attention to her husband's physical condition.Because the main meaning of our life is to enjoy life as much as possible, and to do this, we must have a healthy body. "You are in charge of my body" is the theme song of every married man.
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