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Chapter 13 Wisdom from Wife - Ten Ways to Lose Your Husband

Recently, I met the industrial relations manager of a certain company at a dinner party.At that time, I was sitting next to him, because the company he was in was the first in the United States, so I asked him, what should wives do if they want to help their husbands succeed? He said: "I think two things are very important for a wife to help her husband succeed in his career. The first is to love him, and the second is to let him go alone. If a smart wife can let her husband work without interference, Then the husband must be able to give full play to Department's ability, and finally towards success.And this lovely wife will also bring her husband a happy and comfortable family life.This no-interruption principle applies to both the wife-husband relationship and the wife-husband's work partner relationship.

He went on to explain: "Some wives like to advise their husbands too much, or interfere too much with their work, thinking that they are their husband's career advisors, often opposing his colleagues, complaining that their husbands work too long, have too many responsibilities, and pay too much. And too little. Nothing is more serious than the way a wife can destroy her husband's hopes of success." Many girls who have just become brides dream that the prince charming in their hearts will rise to the throne of manager as soon as possible.For this reason, they thought of many ways, such as trying to become friends with their husband's colleagues; making many hints and suggestions to their husbands; and making some plans.However, their tactics often had the opposite effect. Instead of being promoted, their husbands lost their jobs.

Here is a real example.Once, a new manager came to our company.This position is very suitable for him, because he is very smart.The strange thing is that his wife went to the office with him every morning, not only personally wrote down the manager's request to the typist, but also changed her husband's entire work plan without authorization.The working environment of the entire office was destroyed.One girl resigned immediately, and everyone else wanted things to turn around.When the new manager had been on the job for three full weeks, the boss called him into the office and said, mildly but firmly, that he could no longer work.So he took his wife away forever.

Do you feel a little overkill?But many more have been fired for more minor reasons.Unwarranted interference from a wife is a very dangerous thing, with more serious consequences than most people realize, even if she has the best intentions.A friend told me that there was a manager in their company who had worked for many years and was valued and had a bright future, but he was forced to resign recently because his wife always interfered with his work. In order to promote her husband to a higher position, his wife devised many schemes against several other managers in the company, whom she took for granted as his rivals.She started spreading rumors everywhere and sowing discord in front of these managers' wives.Her husband, unable to control her secretive actions, did the only thing he could: he quit his proud job.

If you also belong to the wife who manipulates behind the scenes, I will tell you ten methods that are easier.By following these pointers, you can pull your husband off the ladder of success and never climb it up.Not only that, but your husband will lose his job and have a nervous breakdown. 1.Spoil his pretty young secretary every chance she gets, and while she's not chasing your husband like a diamond bum, you can't let her go either.At the same time, let her remember that she is just a servant.Don't worry if she has to resign.Although the loss of a good secretary was a big blow to an enterprising male, there was still a tape recorder to work with.

2.Call your husband anytime, anywhere.Ask him who he's having lunch with, tell him that things are broken again at home, and don't forget to buy things on the list when you get home.When it's time to pay your salary, you must go to the office to find him.It won't take long for his colleagues to find that his work efficiency has dropped rapidly, and at the same time know the real master of your family. 3.None of the wives of the husband's colleagues is a good person, so they should not be treated well.You might as well talk about what the boss and your husband think of her husband, spread some gossip from time to time, and create some troubles.Soon enough, you'll reach your goal and the entire office will split into many factions.

4.Too much work for her husband, too little pay, and no one in the office takes his opinion seriously.When he believes your word, he will feel that his work is exactly what you say.Then go find a more suitable job. 5.Put on the posture of the general manager, constantly pointing him how to improve his work, increase sales performance and how to flatter his boss.He's just an office guy, and you're the real visionary strategist. 6. Live a life of excess income, spending thousands of dollars on extravagant balls, as if your husband has made it.You can't fool anyone by doing this, although you can have a lot of fun doing it.

7.For a long time, he has organized his home like a police station to investigate the problems between the husband and his female secretary, female clients, and colleagues' wives.The ladies work in one room and the men have to work in another office to avoid too much interaction with them. You can't fool yourself by doing this, because you already know that all those women like to seduce men. vixen. 8.Whenever she gets the chance to be with her husband's boss, she makes a feminine gesture.Although the boss did not fire your husband after your hard work, but the boss's wife will find a new boss for your husband in order to give you more opportunities to use your skills.

9.When the company holds a banquet, in order to let everyone know your humor, you might as well drink more wine.Tell me about your husband's hilarity on vacation and how he went to bed in messy pajama bottoms.These things will create endless jokes for everyone, and you will also become the most powerful person in the party.Making fun of your own husband is one of your best tricks. 10.As long as your husband works overtime or travels to work, you must cry and complain, and any other price should be sacrificed for you. Only you are the most important and most worthy of care. As long as you follow the above ten rules, it is guaranteed that your husband will lose his job and the chance of promotion.And you, in the end, will lose your husband.

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