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Chapter 7 Being a Good Wife is a Lifetime Career - Husband, Secretary and You

Who is a man's closest friend?It's very simple, naturally it's his female secretary, just like a girl's best friend is her own mother.A competent female secretary should consider the interests of the boss to the greatest extent, must promote the smooth completion of the boss's work, and arrange various trivial matters at the same time.Know what your boss is thinking, and if he is hit, find a solution right away. As small as sharpening pencils, as large as receiving visitors, they are all the work of female secretaries, and they look like brokers.But without the thoughtful service of the female secretary, the giant wheel of business would not run so smoothly.Therefore, a good secretary is also male

important factor for business success.Why do you say that?There is only one reason, a good secretary and a conscientious wife have one goal in common, and that is a man's career.Both men equally wished him great success in his career.If they can overcome their rivalry and work together toward a common goal, they can accelerate success. Unfortunately, however, wives and female secretaries are often at odds.Sometimes jealousy develops in one party, and even worse, two people are jealous of each other's influence at the same time.The female secretary may feel that the wife is nosy; the wife may complain that the husband is dependent on another woman.

Because I am both a wife and a secretary, both perspectives are taken seriously.But my experience shows that the ability to maintain a good relationship is largely determined by the wife's attitude.Because even to keep her job, the secretary wants to get along with everyone. I believe that once wives understand this truth, they will be able to observe some rules and sum up some experience to reduce friction, so as to strengthen the friendly relationship between each other and promote cooperation. don't be suspicious Although the husband is attractive and worthy of pursuit in the eyes of his wife, it does not mean that his female secretary will really pursue him.The female secretary's feelings for the boss are limited to appreciation, and she rarely touches the truth.Due to work, I know many female secretaries, but I have only met one female secretary who really likes to snatch other people's husbands.And according to her personality, the same situation would occur even if she was not a secretary and engaged in other jobs.

The wife should understand that if there is a business problem, the husband will definitely work overtime and think hard at the desk with the female secretary, not the two sneaking off to the nightclub to drink champagne.On the contrary, if the husband is accompanied by a female secretary instead of working alone, he is lucky as a wife, because at the right time, someone will remind him not to forget to eat because of work. don't be jealous of female secretary Due to business needs, girls who work outside need to dress up a little more beautifully. If a wife wants to dress up equally charmingly, there is no problem.In this regard, the wife has more advantages, such as having enough time and money to spend on decoration.Instead of being jealous of the female secretary, it's better to dress up more beautifully and fashionable.

Most normal men prefer a pretty girl to a bland and unattractive secretary.It's natural for anyone to like to work in a glamorous environment, and it's not like a satyr staring out its greedy eyeballs.A beautiful girl is like a bottle of fresh roses, which not only refreshes the office, but also improves the office environment. Some wives think that the work of a female secretary is too easy, and they do nothing every day, and they just need to dress up and sit in the office and talk sweetly to men, and then they can get paid.Feeling very unbalanced about it, very jealous. In fact, many smart girls who work outside look forward to giving up their jobs after marriage and being a wife at home with peace of mind, taking care of the family and raising children.Because it is not easy to be a good secretary. She has to pay the same hard work as a housewife, but she does not get the same return.

Don't force the female secretary Don't ask the female secretary to run errands during lunch time, such as buying newspapers, theater tickets, or other similar miscellaneous things, because the secretary is usually too embarrassed to refuse these orders from the ladies, and has to reluctantly sacrifice herself in a busy day. There is a short break.It's very inappropriate for the ladies to do this. Due to the salary, the female secretary often has to do a lot of personal things for the boss, such as helping the boss choose gifts for the family; booking rooms when traveling; entertaining business clients and so on.However, unless specified otherwise by the boss, their work does not include providing the same services to the boss's wife.

Not to be ridiculed female secretary Although few people still hold the view of "I am a wife, you are a servant", there are still some women who deliberately taunt their husband's female secretary in order to show their status. When such an incident occurs, the female secretary usually behaves better than such a vulgar wife.If a female secretary has strong self-esteem, she also doesn't like excessive intimacy.Therefore, as a wife, you should take the golden and jade words in the Bible as your guide, maintain a correct attitude, put yourself in the other person's shoes, and use good demeanor and self-cultivation to associate with your husband's female secretary.

Thanks to the secretary for her help Although the boss's wife did not ask her for help in private, female secretaries usually did something that was very helpful to them.We all want to hear appreciation and thanks for doing something good for someone else. Miss Marilyn Burke is my husband's secretary.She would book hotel rooms for us when we were going on vacation, book tables for us in advance when we went to restaurants, and book theater tickets for us.Although Marilyn didn't mind doing the work, I got a lot out of it. Female secretaries like to be appreciated as much as we do.Showing our polite appreciation and respect doesn't take a lot of thought, a thank you phone call, a well-chosen gift will do.An important way in which a wife can help her husband is to maintain a good relationship with the female secretary, because she can make the company's business run smoothly.

Mrs. Polank is a friend of mine. Her husband works as the accounting director of a large real estate company.Whenever the husband is in trouble, the female secretary will call: "Mrs. Polank, the tax collectors from the government department have been staying with us during this time. In the next four or five days, we have to sort out the accounts, so Mr. Polank The mental pressure is very high. The only thing I can do is to ask Mr. Blank to finish the sandwich and coffee well, and take a longer break at noon." My friend knew what to do after answering the phone.When Mr. Blanc came home from get off work, she canceled all unnecessary social entertainment, carefully prepared food for her husband, took care of Mr. Blanc patiently, and accompanied him through this hard time.

Such emergencies don't happen all the time, so special care isn't necessary every day.The point is that both my friend and her husband's secretary see them as partners in helping Mr. Polank do things with maximum efficiency.From Mrs. Polank's example, it can be seen that they cooperate very well. Although some wives never had the opportunity to meet their husbands' female secretaries, most of them did.This is when the true attitude of our hearts will be revealed.Remember the following five principles, you can get along happily with your husband's female secretary: 1.Don't be suspicious.

2.Don't be jealous of the beauty, charm and work of the female secretary. 3. Don't force the female secretary to run errands for herself. 4.Absolutely not to be arrogant, mean and taunting the female secretary. 5.Thank the secretary for her extra help.
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