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Chapter 39 Chapter 6 If you want to be happy, don't ignore these

human weakness 卡耐基 1828Words 2018-03-18
Dam Loch married Bray's daughter. (Blay was a great orator in the United States and was once a presidential candidate.) A few years ago, they met at the home of "Enter Carnegie" in Scotland, and they have been living together. live a happy life. What's the secret to their rapport? Mrs. Damloch once said: "When we choose our partners, we must be cautious and careful, and the second is to pay attention to each other's politeness after marriage...Young wives, you might as well treat yourself as gentle and courteous as a guest. husband. Any husband is afraid that his wife will be a cursing shrew.”

Rudeness, rudeness, will destroy the fruits of love. ... I believe that everyone knows this situation, but we are always more polite to a guest than to our own family members. This is obvious. We would never jump in to a guest and say, "My God! You're telling those old cliche stories again!" We would never open someone's mail without their permission.At the same time, we will not pry into other people's privacy and secrets.However, when we find the slightest mistake in our closest and closest family members, we will openly reprimand and insult them. Now to quote Dix again: "That was an astonishing thing, but it's completely true. . . . The people who say those mean, insulting, hurtful things to us are pretty much our own family members."

Resnow said: "Courteousness is a quality of the heart, which can teach people to ignore the broken garden gate and concentrate on the good flowers in the garden." Manners are to our married lives what gasoline is to a car. Holme is considerate and considerate to the family members, and takes every possible care.Even if there are unpleasant things in his heart, he must hide his worries and not show them on his face, but let his family members know. Holm can do that.But what about ordinary people?Ordinary people in the office handle a matter wrongly; or lose a business transaction, criticize a few words to the boss or the manager, and he is eager to rush home to let go of the "worse spirit" he received from the office. Take it out on your family.

The Dutch have a custom of taking off their shoes outside the door before entering a house.We can learn such a lesson from the Dutch, that is, before going home, throw all the unsatisfactory things that happened in the day out of the door, and then go in. James once wrote an article titled "A Certain Kind of Stupidity in Human Beings."In it he wrote: "What this article is about now is the blindness and stupidity of human beings, which troubles and annoys us whenever we encounter animals, or people, who feel differently than we do." We all suffer from blind stupidity!How many men, they will not speak harshly to customers or partners, but they will show their power to their elders without thinking.

If it is for the sake of personal happiness, they should know that marriage is far more important than their career.A person who has a happy marriage is far happier and happier than a lonely genius.The Soviet Russian novelist "Tochenev" is highly admired by the people , but he once said: "I would rather give up my genius and my writings... If somewhere, there is a A woman, she is concerned about whether I can go home early for dinner. " What are the chances of a happy marriage?Ms. Dix said: She thinks that the proportion of failures should be in the majority.But Bobino's opinion is not the case. He said: "A man's chance of success in marriage is more than that of any other career... A man who runs a grocery store has a 70% chance of failure." , but seventy percent of men and women who enter marriage are successful."

On the question of marriage, Ms. Dix made the following conclusion: She said: "Compared with marriage, a person's birth is just a short scene, and as for death, it is even less important. Women have never been able to understand:  …Why don't men see family as a business too and make that business flourish and become a sweet, happy family. Although there are some men who think that marrying a satisfactory wife and having a happy family is more important than obtaining millions of dollars of wealth.But few men in general make the thoughtful, sincere effort to succeed in their marriage.They put the most important things in their lives on opportunities.They think success or failure depends on luck!

Women never understand, why don't the men use a little diplomacy with them?Of course, if they don't use oppressive means to treat them, but use some gentleness, it will be beneficial to them. Every man knows that he can send his wife to do anything, not with a certain purpose... If he knows how to praise his wife a few words, saying that she is a capable housewife, she will be more happy. Do her part and get this done More perfect.If a husband admires the beauty of the suit his wife made last year, she will never plan to order a new Parisian fashion this year. Every man knows that they can kiss their wife's eyes shut until she's blind as a bat; just one passionate kiss on her lips can make her dumb as an oyster.

And every wife knows that her husband knows all this because she has prepared a complete chart for him to follow.However, she didn't know whether she should love him or hate him.Because he would rather spend some money to buy new clothes, new cars, jewelry, etc. for her after quarreling with his wife than to flatter her a little.He is unwilling to satisfy her and treat her according to her desire. " So, if you want to keep your family happy and happy, the sixth rule is: Be polite.
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