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Chapter 38 Chapter 5 Things That Are Specially Meaningful to Women

human weakness 卡耐基 1106Words 2018-03-18
Flowers have been the language of love since ancient times.In fact, it doesn't need to cost much, especially during the flower season, you can find flower sellers at street corners and intersections in spring.However, is there a husband who never forgets to bring a bouquet of flowers home to his wife?You may think that they are as expensive as orchids, or is it because you regard them as fairy grass in the fairyland, so you don't need to pay such a price and bring them back to your wife? Why did you have to wait until your wife was sick enough to enter the hospital before sending her a bouquet of flowers?Why don't you bring her some roses when you come home from get off work tomorrow afternoon?If you want, give it a try and see how it works!

"Cohen" was the busiest man on Broadway, and he used to call his mother twice a day until her old man passed away.Do you think that every time Cohen calls his mother, he has some important news to tell the old man?No, it is not. Pay attention to the meaning of small places: to the person you love, it means that you often miss her and you hope she is happy.And her joy and happiness will make you feel the same way. Women will attach great importance to birthdays, or any anniversaries!What is the reason?That should be a mysterious mystery in women's psychology! Most men forget all the days that should be remembered, but there are a few "days" that must never be forgotten, like that day in 19XX, which was his wife's birthday... That day in 1990 was the day he married his wife.If you can't remember it all, most importantly, don't forget your wife's birthday.

A Chicago judge named "Sebas" has handled 40,000 cases arising from marital disputes, and mediated 2,000 couples at the same time.He once said: "A trivial matter can become the source of unhappiness in marriage... Take a very simple matter, if a wife waves to her husband who goes to work every morning, saying "goodbye" !", you will avoid a lot of danger of hitting the rocks of divorce. " The lives of Bronin and his wife are probably the most sung in history.They always pay attention to the details of each other, and the subtle consideration for each other makes their love eternal.Bronin was very considerate to his sick wife.Her wife once wrote to her sister, "I'm starting to wonder if I'm as happy as an angel."

There are some men who underestimate the trivial things that happen every day between husband and wife. If they go on like this for a long time, they will ignore the existence of these facts, and unfortunate consequences will happen. "Lenno" is the most convenient and simple place to handle divorce cases in the United States.The court sits six times a week, adjudicating a divorce case every ten minutes on average.How many marriages do you think have really hit the rocks of divorce and almost become a tragedy?Dare I say, those are very few. If you are interested in sitting in Lenno court every day, listening to the spouses give their reasons for divorce, you will

You will know that love is "going to the little things". Now you write these few words down, stick them in your hat, or on the mirror, so that you can see them every day, these few words are I can only pass this road once, so any kindness I can do for others, let me do it now!Do not delay, do not ignore, for I will not pass here again. " So, if you want to keep your family happy and happy, the fifth rule is: Pay attention to the trivial and subtle small places at any time.
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