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Chapter 37 Chapter 4 The Ways to Make People Happy

human weakness 卡耐基 1709Words 2018-03-18
"Bobbino", director of the "Family Relationship Research Society" in Los Angeles, made this statement: "Most men, when they seek a wife, are not looking for an experienced and talented woman. They are looking for a beautiful woman who will flatter his vanity and satisfy his sense of superiority. So there is such a situation.... !When an unmarried woman who works as a manager, when she is invited by a man to have a meal together, the female manager is at the table, she will naturally bring out the profound knowledge she has learned in the highest institution.After the meal, the female manager would insist on paying the meal bill. As a result, she would eat alone in the future.

On the other hand, when a female typist who has never been to an institution of higher learning is invited to dinner by a man, she will look at her male companion enthusiastically and say with a look of admiration, "Really, I like it so much." Listen... tell me something about yourself..." The result?This man will tell others, "She's not exactly beautiful, but I've never met a better talker than her." Men should appreciate women's facial modifications, and their beautiful and lovely clothing, but men forget it.If they pay a little attention, they will know how much women attach importance to clothing.If there is a man and a woman who meet another couple on the street, the women seem to seldom notice the man coming across, but they always seem to be used to paying attention to how the woman opposite is dressed.

A few years ago, my grandmother passed away at the age of ninety-eight. Not long before she died, we showed her a long-ago photograph of herself: . …her presbyopic eyes couldn't see very well, and the only question she asked was, "What kind of clothes was I wearing then?" Let us imagine a bedridden old lady whose memory has prevented her from recognizing her own daughter, but who wants to know what she is wearing in this old photograph.When the old grandmother asked that question, I was at her bedside, which left a deep, deep impression on my mind. When you read these lines, men, you may not remember what kind of coat you were wearing five years ago, what kind of shirt... In fact, men don't have the slightest intention to remember it .However, for women, it is different!

I once excerpted a story that I believed could not happen in fact, but there is a truth in it, so I want to tell this story again. This is a stupid and ridiculous story: There was a farmer's woman, after a tiring day of work, when she was about to eat, she put down a large pile of grass in front of the male workers.Those male workers asked her if she was crazy?The woman replied, "Oh! How would I know that you would notice this? I have been cooking for you for more than twenty years. In such a long time, I have never heard a word that made me I know that what you eat is not grass."

In Moscow and St. Petersburg during the Russian Empire, the pampered nobles paid great attention to politeness, which seemed to have become a habit of those nobles.When they have eaten a table of delicious dishes, they must ask the host to call the chef to the restaurant outside to accept their compliments. Why not try this same method on your wife?When she cooked a plate of chicken, it was delicious You tell her how well she cooks this dish so that you can eat it very palatably!Let her know that you appreciate it and that you're not eating grass.As Genn often said, "Give this little lady a good hug."

When you do this, don't be afraid to let your wife know how important she is to your happiness.Disraeli was a great politician of great disrepute in England, but, as we have seen, he was not ashamed. It is well known... - I have had a lot of help from my wife. " One day while I was looking through a magazine, I came across an interview with Eddie Conte, a famous Hollywood movie star.It reads like this: "Of all the people in the world, my wife has helped me the most. She was a childhood friend of mine since I was a child, guiding me and encouraging me to keep going. After we got married, she saved every dollar, invested it and reinvested it, and built up a fortune for me.Now we have five lovely children...she has forever furnished me with a lovely sweet home and if I have achieved anything it is all due to my great mother. "

In Hollywood, marriage is a risky business.Even London, Lautz, and the insurance companies were unwilling to take the bet.The Baxters were one of the few notable happy marriages... Mrs. Baxter, formerly known as "Berley Sun," gave up a promising stage career to marry.But her sacrifice did not impair their happiness. Baxter put it this way: "Although she lost countless applause and praise on the stage. But now, I am by her side anytime, anywhere, and she can hear my heartfelt praise at any time. If a wife wants to find happiness and pleasure from her husband, she can find it in his appreciation and love.If that kind of appreciation and love is sincere, that is where his happiness lies. "

You get it! So, one of the most important rules if you want to keep your family happy and happy. ...is the fourth rule, which is: Give sincere appreciation.
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