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Chapter 34 Part Six: Seven Ways to Make Your Family Harmonious

human weakness 卡耐基 3627Words 2018-03-18
Napoleon III, Emperor of France, is Napoleon.Nephew of Ponnapad, he and the most beautiful woman in the world, Ichenne Countess Dibba, fell in love...then, they got married.His ministers pointed out that Digo was only the daughter of an insignificant Spanish count.But Napoleon replied: What does it matter? " Yes, her grace, her youth, her allure, her beauty made Napoleon happy.Napoleon declared to the nation in an uproarious speech: "I have chosen a woman whom I love to be my wife, and I do not want to marry a woman whom I have never known." Napoleon and his new wife, they have health, power, prestige, beauty, love, all the conditions for a happy marriage. The holy fire lit by marriage has never been so bright and white-hot as they are.

However, not long after, this blazing and brilliant light gradually cooled down!Finally, it became a pile of dust.Napoleon can make Miss Dibba a queen.But the power of his love and the authority of the king could not stop her from chattering unreasonably to him. Diba was plagued by jealousy, tormented by suspicion, which made her defy his orders and even forbid Napoleon any secrets.She broke into Napoleon's office where state affairs were being dealt with... She destroyed an important meeting between Napoleon and the ministers that was under discussion.She would not allow him to be alone, always afraid that Napoleon would be in love with other women.

She would often go to her sister and complain about her husband.... ...: Complain, cry, chatter!She would break into his study, be furious, and curse... Napoleon owned many rich and splendid official houses, but as the head of a country, he could not find a small room where he could live in peace. Ethany.What did Miss Diba gain from those noises? Here is the answer... I am now excerpting from the famous book "Napoleon and Ijenne Dibba, A Tragic Comedy of an Empire" by "Rhein Hart": "... Later, Napoleon often sneaked out through a small door of the palace at night; covered his eyes with a bonnet, and was followed by a confidant to accompany him to a tryst with a beautiful woman who was expecting him. They might Roaming in the city of Paris, or watching the nightlife that the king doesn't usually see."

In the case of Napoleon, it was Egeny.Miss Diba's legacy.In fact, she occupies the throne of France, and her beauty is overwhelming the country...but as a queen, she has the beauty of the country and the city, but she cannot make love exist in a noisy atmosphere.Ichenne once cried and said, "The thing I feared the most has finally happened to me." upon her?It was her own fault, she found it by herself.The poor woman, it was all her jealousy and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Of all the flames of love devoured by the devil in hell, noise is the most dreadful one, like being bitten by a poisonous snake.

, absolutely hopeless. The wife of the great Russian writer Tolstoy also made such a discovery, but it was too late.When she was dying, she confessed to her daughters, "Your father's death is my fault." Her daughters did not answer, but burst into tears. They knew that their mother was telling the truth...it was their mother who kept complaining and criticizing their father for a long time and died under the circumstances. But Count Tolstoy and his wife, in such favorable circumstances, should be very happy.Tolstoy is one of the most famous novelists in history. His two masterpieces "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" will always shine brightly in the field of literature.

Tolstoy is loved by people, and his admirers even follow him all day long, and quickly write down every word he says.Even if he said something as trivial as "I think I should go to bed!", it was recorded.Now the Soviet Russian government has printed all the words and sentences he has written into books, so that there are one hundred volumes in total. In addition to a good reputation, Tolstoy and his wife had property, status, and children.In the whole world, there is hardly any happy marriage like theirs.... : Their union seemed to be too happy and passionate, so they knelt on the ground and prayed to God, hoping to continue to give them such happiness.

Later, an amazing thing happened, and Tolstoy gradually changed.He became another person, and he felt ashamed of his past works.From then on, he devoted the rest of his life to writing pamphlets promoting peace, ending war, and alleviating poverty. He once repented for himself, when he was young, he committed all kinds of unimaginable crimes and mistakes...even murder....He must truly follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.He gave all the fields to others and lived a poor life himself.He works in the fields, chops wood, hays, makes his own shoes, sweeps his own house, serves his meals out of wooden bowls, and tries to love his enemies as much as possible.

The course of Tolstoy's life should be a tragedy, and the cause of the tragedy was his marriage.His wife loves luxury and vanity, but he despises and despises her.She longs for prominence, fame, and social admiration.However, Tolstoy dismissed these.She wanted money and possessions; he thought wealth and possessions a sin. After so many years, she made noise, abused, and cried, because he insisted on giving up the publishing rights of all his works, and did not charge any royalties or royalties.However, she hoped to get the wealth that came from that side. When he opposed her, she would cry like crazy, fall down and roll on the floor... She had a bottle of opium cream in her hand, and she was going to swallow herself, and at the same time threatened her husband, saying that she was going to jump. well.

In the course of their lives, there was one event, which I think is the most tragic scene in history.I have already said that their initial marriage was very happy, but after forty-eight years, he could not bear to see his wife again. On a certain night, this old and sad wife, longing for love, knelt before her husband and begged him to recite the most beautiful love poems he wrote for her fifty years ago.When he read about those beautiful, sweet days, now a lost memory, they both burst into tears... How different the reality of life is from the lost memory Finally, when he was eighty-two years old, Tolstoy could no longer bear the pain of his family's torment, and on a snowy night in October 1910, he escaped from his wife The door of the house... fled to the severe cold and darkness, but I didn't know where to go.

Eleven days later, Tolstoy fell ill with pneumonia and collapsed in a station. His dying request was not to allow his wife son to see him. This is the price Madame Tolstoy pays for complaining, rowdyness, and hysteria. Maybe people think that she is noisy in several places, which is not too much!Yes, we can admit that, but that's not what we're talking about.And most importantly, did that chatter help her in some way?Or did things get worse? "I think I'm really out of my mind!" Mrs. Tolstoy realized it was too late. The greatest tragedy in Lincoln's life was also his marriage.Please note that it was not his assassination, but his marriage.When Boss shot at him, he didn't feel he was hurt... because he lived in pain almost every day.

Hatton, his legal colleague, described Lincoln's life in his twenty-three years as "in the misery caused by the unhappiness of his marriage." "Unhappy marriage"?For almost a quarter of a century, Mrs. Lincoln was chattering, wearying Lincoln's life. She is always complaining, always criticizing her husband, and she thinks nothing about her husband Lincoln is right.She complained to her husband that there was no flexibility in his steps, and his movements were not refined at all. She even made fun of him by pretending to be his husband. She kept nagging him to change the way he walked. She didn't like to see his big ears, which were at right angles to his head... She even pointed out that her husband's nose was not straight, and pointed out how ugly his lips were... his hands and feet were too big, but his head was so small.She also said that her husband was like a consumptive man. Lincoln and his wife were opposites in every way... in upbringing, environment, temperament, interests... also in intelligence and appearance... They were often irritated and hostile to each other. The late Senator "Bifritz" was an authority on Lincoln's biography.He wrote: Mrs. Lincoln's shrill voice can be heard across a street.She roared continuously, and all those who lived nearby could hear her.Her anger is often vented in ways other than words, and it is not easy to describe her angry expression. " Here is an example: the Lincolns, shortly after their marriage, lived with Mrs. Ollie--the widow of a doctor in Springfield, who had to be lodged, perhaps, to supplement the family's income. One morning, when Lincoln and his wife were having breakfast, for some unknown reason, Lincoln aroused his wife's rage. In her rage, Mrs. Lincoln picked up a cup of hot coffee and splashed it on her husband's face...she was Doing so in front of many residents. Lincoln sat there holding his breath without saying a word, when Mrs. Ollie came over and wiped the coffee off Lincoln's face and clothes with a towel. Mrs. Lincoln's jealousy has almost reached an unbelievable degree. She is so fierce and fierce... Just read a few paragraphs of the pathetic and shameful things she did in front of everyone, and it will be read seventy-five years later. When it comes to these things, it will be surprising.She ended up going nuts--if we're going to be honest about her, it's that she's always been a little neurotic. Did all the shouting, scolding, and chatter change Lincoln?On the other hand, yes.That did change Lincoln's attitude toward her, it made him regret his unhappy marriage, and it made him avoid seeing her as much as possible. There were eleven lawyers in Springfield, and they couldn't all squeeze together to make a living.So they used to ride horses and go to other places with Judge Davis who was in the court at that time-so they could find some jobs in the courts of the towns in the Eighth Judicial District. The other lawyers, everyone wants to go back to Springfield for the weekend, go back and spend the weekend with their families.But if Lincoln didn't go back to Springfield, he was afraid of going home. For three months in spring and three months in autumn, he would rather stay in his hometown than go near Springfield. He does this every year.It is not a comfortable thing to stay in a small hotel in the town!But Lincoln would rather live there alone than go home and listen to his wife's chatter. This is what happened to Mrs. Lincoln, Queen Icheny, and Mrs. Tolstoy after they quarreled with their husbands.What they get is the ending of a tragic scene in the course of life.They destroyed everything they cherished, and their love. "Heimberger", who has worked in New York's family court for eleven years, has reviewed thousands of "abandonment" cases.He has this opinion on this aspect, he said: One of the main reasons why men leave the family is because their wives are noisy and chattering.The Boston Post once reported such a section: "Many wives, in succession, digging in the mud again and again, have completed their marriage grave." So, if you want to keep your family happy and happy, the first rule is: Don't chatter.
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