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Chapter 33 The Fifth Miraculous Letter

human weakness 卡耐基 4214Words 2018-03-18
I bet I know what you're thinking right now, you're probably saying to yourself, "'Letters That Work Miracles'!It's ridiculous, that's a drug advertisement selling dog skin plaster! " I don't blame you if you have such thoughts.If I had picked up a book like this fifteen years ago, I would have thought the same way.Do you feel suspicious?Well, I like people who are "skeptical", I lived in Missouri until I was twenty years old... I like people who "do not believe".It seems that the progress of human thinking comes from doubts, questions, and challenges.

We should be honest, is it accurate to use a title like "Letters That Worked Miracles"? Well, frankly, that's not accurate. Honestly, the title understates the truth!The letters published here, and the results it has obtained, have been criticized as being twice as effective as miracles.Who made this assertion?That was "Tank" . . . He was one of the most famous salesmen in the United States, former sales director of Minwell & Co., now advertising director of Beede & Co., and president of the National Advertising Federation. Mr. Tank said that the total number of inquiries he sent to agents in the past received responses to less than 8 percent of the letters sent.If there are 15% replies, he thinks it is very good.He also told me that if the reply rate reached 20%, it would be a miracle.

But there is a letter from Tank, that is, the one disclosed in this article. Its ratio has reached 42.5%, which means it is twice as good as the "miracle".Don't you laugh, this letter is not a joke, nor is it an accident. Many other letters have also achieved the same effect. How did he do that?Here's what Tank himself said: "After I joined Mr. Carnegie's workshop, the effectiveness of my letters increased immediately. I knew that the methods I had used in the past were all wrong. I tried every principle in this book, and the letters I sent increased by five percent Hundred to eight hundred effects."

Here is the original letter... The tone and meaning of this letter make people willing to do something for the sender, and make the other party feel self-respecting and noble. My comments are in parentheses. "Dear Mr. Black: I don't know if you are willing to help me solve a little problem? (Let's get this out of the way first... Ask a lumber dealer in Arizona who suddenly receives a letter from a senior clerk at the Minville Company in New York; and the letter begins by saying that the New York clerk , asking the other person to help him solve a problem. We can imagine the lumber merchant in Arizona saying to himself:

"Okay! If the gentleman in New York is really in trouble, he's in the right place. I'm always willing to help people. I'll see what trouble he's in.") Last year, I convinced our company that the increase in sales by various lumber agents was due to the effect of our "Minville Company" conducting direct communications. Recently, I have sent out 1,600 inquiry letters from various merchants. What makes me excited is that I have received hundreds of replies from them, which means that they agree that this cooperation has a significant effect. So we've come up with a new direct communication program that you'll love too.

However, this morning, the general manager of our company discussed with me the report on the plan implemented last year, and asked me about the situation in terms of turnover, how many transactions have been made?So, I must ask you to help me to get this information. ("Please help me to obtain this information" is a good phrase, the New York businessman spoke the truth, and he gave an agent as far away as Arizona, honest and sincere attention. But what needs to be noticed is: Tank didn't say a word about how much his company valued. However, he let the other party know immediately how much he needed the other party's gift and help.

Tank also admitted to the other party that he desperately needed the other party's help; otherwise, he would not be able to make a satisfactory report to the general manager.The businessman from Arizona, also of ordinary human nature, certainly liked to hear it. ) What I ask for your help is: 1. On the postcard attached to the letter, please tell me that some of the businesses you closed last year were successful by direct communication.2. Please tell me the total amount of those transactions.I would be very grateful if you would send me a reply.I cherish the information you provided and thank you for your kindness.

Tan Yiqi, director of sales department It's a simple letter, isn't it?But it can work miracles... because asking the other person for help makes the other person feel self-respect and self-respect. That psychology works whether you're selling sponge roofing material or traveling Europe in a Ford. Now here is such an example: Karou and I once went on a car trip to the interior of France and suddenly got lost.We pulled over the "classic car" and asked the local villagers how we could drive to a big town. The effect of asking for directions is like passing through an electric current... These people wear wooden shoes, thinking that all Americans are rich, and cars are rarely seen in that area.An American who drives a car around France must be a millionaire, maybe a cousin of the car king "Ford".

But there are things they know that we don't know.We are richer than them, but we give them a sense of self-respect by taking off our hats and asking them for directions respectfully and politely.Immediately they began talking, and one of them seemed to think that this was a rare opportunity to silence the people around him. He wanted to be alone to enjoy the pleasure of pointing out that we had lost our way. You might as well try it yourself!The next time you go to a strange place, stop someone who seems to be lower than you in terms of economic and social class.Ask him: "I wonder if you will help me solve a little problem, please tell me how to get to such-and-such road, such-and-such lane, please?"

Franklin used this method to turn an enemy into a lifelong friend.When Franklin was young, he invested all his savings in a small printing factory.He managed to get himself elected secretary of the Philadelphia Assembly, which would enable him to enter into the public printing business.That position is very beneficial to him, and he hopes to achieve this goal.However, there was a big obstacle in front of him. There was one of the richest and most powerful people in the parliament who disliked Franklin very much. Not only did he not like it, but he also publicly slandered Franklin in his speeches.

This matter is very dangerous to Franklin.So, Franklin was determined to make that man like him! But how would he proceed?That's a difficult question...is he doing something good for the man?No, that would arouse the other party's suspicion, and maybe even despise Franklin! Franklin was smart and capable, he would never do this, he did the exact opposite, he asked the enemy to do him a favor. Franklin borrowed ten dollars from that man?No, it wasn't... What Franklin wanted from the man was something that would touch his vanity, something that would please him.It was a clever way of saying that Franklin admired his intelligence and achievements. This is a story Franklin wrote himself. "I heard that there was a rare book in his library. I wrote a letter to him, expressing my hope to see the book in his collection. I asked him to lend me a few days to read, and he quickly asked someone to deliver the book I wanted. A week later, I returned it to him as scheduled, and at the same time attached a letter expressing my gratitude for his help . A few days later, when we met, he spoke to me -- which never happened before -- and was very polite, and from that moment on, he offered to help me with anything, and we became very close Good friend until the time of his death. " It has been more than a hundred years since Franklin died, but the psychology he applied, the psychology of asking for help, is still valued. Example: There is a student in my workshop named "Amsel" who uses this kind of psychology with great results.Amsel had been peddling plumbing and heating supplies for years; he racked his brains to make a deal with a plumber in Brooklyn. This plumbing technician had a big business and a very good reputation, but Amsel was hit from the very beginning.This plumber, was a rough man, a brutish, brusque character.He was sitting on an office desk and chair, with a thick cigar in his mouth, and every time he saw Amsel, he would say: "I don't want anything today, don't waste my time, you can go!" Then one day, Amsel tried a new method, which won him a friend and many contracts. Amsel's company plans to buy a house in Queens Village on Long Island and open a branch.The house happened to be next door to that of the plumber, so he knew it well.So, when he went to see the technician this time, he said like this: "Mr. X, today I am not here to discuss business with you. I just want to ask you for a small favor. If it is convenient for you, it will only take a minute." enough time." The plumber, with a thick cigar in his mouth, said, "Well, all right. What do you have to say? Say it!" Amsel said: "My company wants to open a branch in Queen's Village. I believe you know the situation here better than anyone else, so I'm here to ask for your opinion... :, Do you think this is a very good idea?" good plan..." This is something that has never happened before!Over the years, a plumbing technician yelled at the salesman, which gave him a sense of nobility. But now, a salesman from a big company came to ask him for his advice. He pulled a chair, pointed to it and said, "Sit down." This time, he spent an hour telling me in detail about the situation of the lead industry in Queen's Village. Not only did he agree to open a branch here, but he also planned for me the procedures for purchasing real estate, purchasing goods, and starting a business.He directs the business direction of a major lead company..... and in that respect he acquires a sense of nobility.He became very friendly in both public and private matters, and also told Amsel about troubles and conflicts in his family. Amsel said: "I walked away that night not only with a large order contract in my pocket, but also with the foundation of a solid business friendship. I am now with this man who used to bark and growl at me, Playing golf together, that attitude has completely changed because I asked him to help him with something that made him feel important." Let's look at another letter from Tank, and see how he uses this "do me a favor" psychology cleverly. A few years ago, Mr. Tank was very distressed by the lack of letters from merchants, contractors, and architects answering his inquiries At that time, he often received less than 1% of the letters he sent to architects and engineers.He thinks that 2% of the replies is not bad, if it is 3%, it will be even better.How about ten percent?That would be a miracle. But the following letter had almost 50% effect...that is to say, it was more than five times what he considered a miracle.What kind of replies were those?Two or three pages filled with friendly suggestions and cooperative replies. Here is the original letter, you have to pay attention to the psychology he used, and the wording skills in some places... This letter is roughly the same as the last one. When you read this letter, pay attention between the lines, and try to analyze the psychological feelings of the recipient to find out why it has an effect five times higher than a miracle. "Dear Mr. She: I don't know if you are willing to help me solve a little difficulty? A year ago, I suggested to our company that what architects need most is a catalog - listing all the building materials of the company in detail and explaining its use. Now enclosing a copy, this is the first service provided by our company. It's just that there are not many books in stock at present, and our company does not object to my suggestion of reprinting, but it needs to have sufficient materials to prove that the reprinted book can complete a satisfactory task. Therefore, I hope to get your help in this matter, and I invite you and other forty-nine architects across the country to be my judges. In order not to cause you too much trouble, I am attaching a few short questions to the letter. I am very grateful if you are given an answer;It’s just that I dare not force you on this matter, but as far as I am concerned, whether to stop republishing this catalog depends entirely on your experience and suggestions. In any case, you can be sure that I appreciate your cooperation, thank you. Sincerely, Tank An important warning needs to be made here.... I know from experience that some people who read this letter will mechanically use this psychology.We need to try our best to arouse the self-esteem of the other party, but we should not use flattery or hypocrisy. If we mislead this starting point, it will never be effective. It must be remembered: each of us hopes to be appreciated and valued by others...even in spite of everything to achieve this purpose.However, no one will accept insincere, false flattery. I would like to say it again: the principles told in this book must come from the heart to be effective.I don't want people to deceive others with subtle deceptions; what I'm talking about is a new way of life.
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