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Chapter 30 Chapter 7 Give the dog a good name

human weakness 卡耐基 1553Words 2018-03-18
My friend Mrs. Ginder, who lives in Brisdale Road, New York, has just hired a maid and told her to come to work next Monday.Mrs. Qin De called the maid's former mistress, and the wife said that the maid was not good.When the maid came to work, Mrs. Ginder said: "Nellie, the day before yesterday I called the wife you used to work in. She said that you were honest and reliable, could cook and take care of the children, but she said that you were usually very casual and couldn't keep the room clean. I believe what she said is groundless, you are very neatly dressed, anyone can see that... I can bet that you tidy up your room, it must be as tidy and clean as your own.I also believe that we will get along well. "

Yes, they got on very well indeed, and Nelly had to have her reputation in order, so what Mrs. Ginder said, she really did.She cleaned up the house, and she would rather spend more time and work harder than spoil Mrs. Ginder's good impression of her. Hua Kelun, the general manager of the Baldwin Railway Locomotive Factory, said something like this: ordinary people will be willing to accept guidance, if you have his respect and respect for a certain ability of him. " We can also say that if you want to improve a person's shortcomings in a certain aspect, you have to show that he already has advantages in this aspect.Shakespeare said:

"If you don't have a virtue, assume you have it." Good is to "assume" the other person has the virtue you want to inspire, give him a good reputation to show, he will do his best, and he doesn't want to make you feel Disappointed. In her book "My Life with Maeterlinck," Reblick recounts the astonishing transformation of a lowly Belgian maid. She wrote: "There is a maid in the restaurant next door who brings me food every day. Her name is Mary the Dishwasher. Because when she started working, she was an assistant in the kitchen. Her appearance is so real. Weird pair of cross-eyed, two crooked legs, body so thin that there is no flesh, and the spirit is listless and confused.

One day, when she brought me a plate of noodles, I said to her frankly, "Mary, don't you know that you have inner wealth?" Mary usually seems to have the habit of restraining her feelings. She is afraid of causing some disaster, so she dare not act like she likes it a little. of. .She didn't suspect anything, didn't ask any more questions, she just went back to the kitchen, ruminating over what I had said, convinced she wasn't kidding her. From that day on she seemed to have thought of it herself; and a miraculous change had taken place in her humble mind.She believed herself to be an invisible treasure; she began to pay attention to grooming her face and body.Her withered youth gradually overflowed with a youthful breath.

Two months later, when I was leaving the place, she suddenly told me that she was going to marry the cook's nephew.She told me quietly: "I'm going to be someone's wife!" .She thanked me and I just used this short sentence to change ruined her life. " Reblick gave "Mary the Dishwasher" a wonderful honor, and that honor changed her life. The same method was used when Rishner wanted to influence the behavior of American soldiers in France.General Hubbard, one of the most popular American generals, once told Listner that, in his opinion, the two million American soldiers in France were the most ideal and tidy army he had ever come across.

Is this excessive praise?Maybe yes.But let's see how Lishina applies it! "I never forgot to tell the soldiers what General Hubbard said, and I didn't doubt the truth of it, and even if it wasn't true, the soldiers would know what General Hubbard said, and they would Try to get to that level." There is an old saying: "If you don't give a dog a nice name, you might as well strangle it." Almost including the rich, the poor, beggars, and thieves, everyone is willing to do their best to maintain the reputation of "honesty" bestowed on him by others.

Los, the warden of Star Prison, said: "If you have to deal with a thief, a liar, there's only one way to subdue him, and that's to treat him like an honest, respectable gentleman, assuming he's a decent gentleman. He'll be flattered, he'll be very Proud to think someone trusted him." That sentence is so important, so good!Let us say it again: "If you have to deal with a thief, a liar, there's only one way to subdue him, and that's to treat him like an honest, decent gentleman, assuming he's a decent gentleman. He'll be flattered, he'll be proud Think someone trusts him."

So, if you want to influence a man's behavior without arousing his resentment, remember the seventh rule, which is: Give someone a good name and let him go to save it.
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