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Chapter 29 Chapter 6 How to Encourage People to Succeed

human weakness 卡耐基 2229Words 2018-03-18
I knew Barlow very early, he knew the temperament of dogs and horses well, and he devoted his life energy to circus and technical performance troupe.I love watching him train new dogs to do shows.I noticed that when the dog made some progress in his movements, Barlow would pat him, praise him, and give him some meat. That's nothing new.People who train animals have used this technique for centuries. I wonder, when we want to change the will of a human being, why not use techniques like training a dog?Why don't we use meat instead of whips?That is, why not use praise instead of blame?Praising even small improvements encourages others to keep improving.

Warden Lowes discovered that it was effective to appreciate even the tiniest advances of the tough inmates at Star Prison.When I was writing this book, I received a letter from the Warden of Lowes, who said: "I have found that it is better to praise the industriousness of the prisoners in moderation than to punish them severely for their faults. , can get their cooperation more, and can promote their recovery of personality. I've never been in the "star prison" - at least not yet; but I can think of places in my past life where a few words of praise have profoundly changed my entire future... Your life , has the same situation happened?There are countless examples in history about the magical power of praise.

Here is an example: Fifty years ago, there was a ten-year-old child who worked in a factory in Naples. The child had an ideal since he was a child, hoping to become a singer in the future.However, his first teacher gave him a blow.The teacher said, "You can't sing, you have a bad voice, and the sound you make is nothing but bad." But the child's mother, a poor peasant woman, put her arms around her child and praised him... She told her son that he could sing and that she could already see that he was improving.The mother went to work barefoot in order to save money to pay for her son's music classes.The farm mother encouraged her son, praised her son, and finally changed the child's life.You may have heard the name of this child, he is an outstanding contemporary singer "Karosa".

Many years ago, there was a young man in London who longed to be a writer himself.But all his encounters were counterproductive, and everything seemed to be against him... The school education he received was less than four years, and his father was imprisoned because he could not pay his debts, which made this young man feel hungry. .Finally, he got a job...his job was pasting labels on ink bottles in a rat-infested warehouse. At night he lived in a small darkroom on the top of the building with two other dirty urchins from the slums of London.His confidence in writing is weak!When he finished his first manuscript, he was afraid that people would laugh at him, so he had to quietly put the manuscript into the mailbox at night.He wrote and submitted manuscripts one after another, but the manuscripts he sent were rejected and returned one after another.

However, a great day came, and one of his manuscripts was accepted.In fact, he didn't even get a shilling in royalties.But the editor who accepted his manuscript praised his work, and the young man was very happy. Weeping, he walked aimlessly on the street. The praise and recognition he received as a result of the publication of a manuscript changed his life's career.Had it not been for that encouragement, the young man might have spent his entire life working in that rat-infested warehouse.The young man's name, as you may know, is the great British writer "Dickens". That was fifty years ago. There was a young man who worked in a shop. He got up at five o'clock every morning to clean the shop and worked hard for fourteen hours a day.After two years of this, the young man couldn't stand it anymore.One morning, unable to wait for breakfast, he walked fifteen miles to talk to his housekeeper mother.

He wept and begged his mother like crazy, and swore he would never return to work in that shop; if he had to stay in the shop any longer, he would kill himself.He wrote a long, tragic letter to his old headmaster.Said he was broken hearted and didn't want to live anymore... His old principal gave him some compliments, said he was a bright young man and should find a job better suited to him, and offered him a faculty position . That approval changed the young man's future and left an indelible impression on the history of English literature.Because the young man has since then completed seventy-seven books and earned more than one million yuan with his pen... Maybe you know who he is, he is the British historian Wells."

In 1922, there was a young man in California who found it very difficult to take care of his wife.On Sundays, he went to the church choir to sing; occasionally he sang for other people at their weddings, and he could earn five dollars.His life was so poor that he couldn't afford to live in the city, so he rented a dilapidated house in a vineyard in the countryside, and the monthly rent was only twelve yuan and fifty cents. Although the rent of the house he lived in was very cheap, it was still unaffordable, which made him owe ten months' rent. Under the persecution of circumstances, he picked grapes for the landlord to pay back the rent.He later told me that at that time, when he had no choice but to have nothing to eat, he used grapes to fill his stomach.

Disappointed, he almost wanted to give up his hobby of singing and sell trucks to make a living.At this moment, his friend Hughes praised him, and Hughes said to him: "Your voice has the potential to develop, you should go to New York to learn to sing." The young man told me recently that it was that little compliment, that slight encouragement, that was the turning point in his life's career.So he borrowed 2,500 yuan from a friend and went to the east to learn singing.You may also have heard his name, he is a famous singer, called "Tie Bei De". Speaking of how to change a person's will, if we inspire the people we contact and let them know the wealth hidden in them, then what we will do is not just changing their will...but changing their life's destiny!

Is this too much?Now let's look at the famous words left by the late famous professor of Harvard University and the most prestigious psychologist and philosopher in the United States "William James": "Compared with what we should achieve, we are only half awake. We are only using a small part of our physical and mental resources. It can also be said that everyone lives like this, far away. Within the limits of what he should be; he has powers of every kind, but he is wont to use them." Yes, as mentioned earlier, we have all kinds of potential abilities, but we are used to not using them.This potential ability, one of which is to praise and motivate others, let them know the magical effect of this potential ability.

Therefore, to change a man's will; without offending, or arousing repugnance, the sixth rule is: Celebrate the tiniest of improvements, and every one of them.
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